ocr: Add/Remove Programs Properties 2x Instal/Uninstall Windows Setup Startup Disk Toinstall a new progrom fromatioppydisk orCD-ROM drive. click Instal Instoll. The following sotwore cant be automabcally removedby Windows. Toremove a program or to modityits installed components, selectitfrom the listand clickAdd/Remove: Intemet Explorer 302 IntemetMail and News 1.0 MicrosonAciveMove MictosonAcivexComtidl Ped MicrosoniNerMeeting Microsott Omce Protessional Microson Publisher 97 Netscooe Novgotor Gold Oldy Windows 3x4 ondMS-DOS: - system files Paint Shop Pro 4.12: Shorewore Add/Bemove. OK Cancel éppi ...