ocr: W Hicrosolt Wond - Thin Woek 74:93 aDX Be Eot Vew nsert Fomat Tools Table Wndon deb Netwndon Devious Window ex - - - * Dea - sEA a 100% - orma IresNeH smas 16 - - - - : - - - . l - - - : EGEE 2. Ar D! L - - What's: new? Just about everyttung it seems. Starting with our move to the new sitein. June, to the new meru in the lunchroom. We're on the move and we're growing fast. Alan Johnson, our CEO, said this week, "The changes we've made in the past six months arc so sweeping, it has left many ofus with questions. That's why we're going to regroup and slow the changes down for the next few months ...