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- WS_FTP Pro for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (X86 Version)
- Version 6.51 Release Notes for the following applications
- WS_FTP Pro "classic" user interface
- WS_FTP Pro Explorer interface
- WS_FTP Find Utility
- WS_FTP Scripting Utility
- WS_FTP Synchronize Utility
- WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement
- WS_FTP Queueing Utility
- WS_FTP Browser Integration
- Ipswitch, Inc.
- http://www.ipswitch.com
- In This File
- ============
- - What's new in 6.5
- - Installation (All Applications)
- - Installed Files
- - Uninstalling (All Applications)
- - Removing WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer)
- - Year 2000 Compliance
- - WS_FTP Pro Classic and Explorer (Description, New Features,
- Bug Fixes and Enhancements, Known Problems)
- - Updates to the User's Guide (Classic and Explorer)
- - WS_FTP Find Utility (Description, Known Problems)
- - WS_FTP Scripting Utility (Description, Known Problems)
- - WS_FTP Synchronize Utility (Description, Known Problems)
- - WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement (Description, Known Problems)
- - WS_FTP Queueing Utility
- - WS_FTP Browser Integration
- - For More Information
- - Version 6.51 changes
- What's New in 6.5
- ==================
- New Properties site properties sheet in classic, explorer and ftpfind.
- New Queuing utility.
- New Connection Dialog that incorporates the site properties with the selection tree.
- New Browser helper for ftp URLs.
- Multiple firewall support (classic & explorer)
- Installation (All Applications)
- ====================================
- If you purchased WS_FTP Pro online, install it by double-
- clicking the file you downloaded, accepting the defaults,
- and following the prompts on your screen.
- To install WS_FTP Pro from a cd:
- - Insert the WS_FTP Pro cd into a cd drive.
- - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later,
- click the Start button and select Run. If you are running
- Windows NT 3.51, select Run from the File menu.
- - Enter the drive letter followed by install.exe.
- For example, a:install.exe.
- - Choose WS_FTP Pro Installation, when asked.
- - Follow the instructions on your screen.
- Installed Files
- ===============
- WS_FTP Pro classic:
- - antiviru.ini, archives.ini, games.ini, hardware.ini,
- ipswitch.ini, onlinese.ini, software.ini, usgovern.ini -
- folders containing pre-configured FTP sites
- - complete.wav, connect.wav, error.wav - sound files to signal
- WS_FTP Pro events
- - ftp95pro.exe - executable for classic interface
- - ftplink.exe - WS_FTP Icon Placement utility
- - ftppro32.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - ftppro32.dll - dynamic link library for classic interface
- - ftppro32.hlp - Online Help topics
- - ftpstub.dll - dynamic link library
- - remove32.exe - executable file for removing WS_FTP
- - WhatsNew.txt - Release Notes for all applications
- - WS_FTP.ini - initialization file
- WS_FTP Pro Explorer: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - WS_FTP Pro Explorer - icon for the Explorer interface
- - ftpproex.dll - dynamic link library extending the
- capabilities of Windows Explorer
- - nsftpch.dll - dynamic link library supporting ftpproex.dll
- - nsftp.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - nsftp.hlp - Online Help topics
- WS_FTP Find Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - ftpfind.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - ftpfind.exe - executable file for Find
- - ftpfind.hlp - Online Help topics
- WS_FTP Scripting Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - ftpscrpt.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - ftpscrpt.exe - executable file for Scripting
- - ftpscrpt.hlp - Online Help topics
- WS_FTP Synchronize Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - ftpsync.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - ftpsync.exe - executable file for Synchronize
- - ftpsync.hlp - Online Help topics
- - syncdll.dll - dynamic link library for Synchronize
- WS_FTP Icon Placement - all files are installed with the
- WS_FTP Pro Classic
- WS_FTP Queueing Utiltity: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - ftpqueue.exe - executable file for managing queue'd scripts
- - ftpsched.exe - schedule service for executing queue'd scripts
- - ftpqueue.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help
- - ftpqueue.hlp - Online Help topics
- WS_FTP Browser Integration: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus
- - wsbho2k0.dll - Dll to access WS_FTP from a Web browser
- - ftpurl.exe - executable for parsing URLs for ftp operations.
- Uninstalling (All Applications)
- ===============================
- The uninstall function removes all files associated with
- WS_FTP Pro from your PC, including your configured sites.
- It also removes the WS_FTP Pro Explorer icon from your desktop.
- To uninstall WS_FTP Pro, you can use the Uninstall application
- that is installed when you install the product. To do so, click
- the Start button, select WS_FTP Pro, and then select Uninstall
- WS_FTP Pro.
- To uninstall WS_FTP Pro using the original disk:
- - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later, click the
- Start button and select Run. If you are running Windows NT 3.51,
- select Run from the File menu.
- - Enter the appropriate drive letter (and path) followed by
- install.exe. For example, a:install.exe.
- - Choose Uninstall WS_FTP Pro, when asked.
- - Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Removing WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer)
- ================================================
- The WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement utility is used to Remove/Install
- WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer) from/to
- My Computer and/or Desktop.
- To remove or install WS_FTP Pro icons:
- - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later, click the
- Start button and select Programs then select WS_FTP Pro then select
- WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement.
- - Check the appropriate options and then click the OK button.
- Note that if you don't place the WS_FTP Pro Explorer
- icon either on the desktop or in My Computer, you will
- not be able to run the Explorer interface even if you
- have installed it.
- Year 2000 Compliance
- ====================
- WS_FTP Pro is Year 2000 compliant, meaning that neither performance
- nor functionality are affected by dates prior to, during, and after
- the year 2000. For more detailed information see the following pages
- on our web site: www.ipswitch.com/support/year2000.html.
- WS_FTP Pro Classic and Explorer
- ===============================
- Description
- -----------
- WS_FTP Professional is a Windows-based file transfer client
- application that transfers files between a userÆs local PC and
- another, remote computer system connected via a modem and telephone
- lines or by a local-area network. With WS_FTP Pro, users can connect
- to any remote system that has a valid Internet address and an FTP
- server program, browse through directories and files, and transfer
- files between the two systems. In addition, users can create, change,
- and remove directories and view, execute, rename, or delete files.
- WS_FTP Pro complies with the Windows sockets (Winsock) standard,
- allowing you to transfer files between a wide variety of systems,
- including Windows, OS/2, and UNIX systems.
- WS_FTP Pro is shipped with two user interfaces: the "classic" which
- looks like a standard Windows application, and the Explorer with a
- user interface that is fully integrated into the Windows Explorer.
- New Features
- ------------
- - New easier to use graphical interface for connecting/managing
- sites (Classic and Explorer)
- - Multiple Firewall support (Classic and Explorer)
- Known Problems (WS_FTP Pro Classic)
- -----------------------------------
- - None at this time.
- Known Problems (WS_FTP Pro Explorer)
- ------------------------------------
- -Paste menu option may not be available when using
- Edit->Copy and Edit->Paste on early versions of Windows 95.
- To work around this problem: open a local folder, select a
- file and press CTRL-C, then select a remote file. This only
- needs to be done once after starting Windows.
- -If IE 4.x is installed with the Active Desktop,
- opening windows does not honor the "open in new window"
- Explorer->View option and will always open in the same window.
- Hold the SHIFT key down and open the folder.
- -On permission errors, you see an error screen that has
- a Continue and Cancel button; both buttons do the same thing.
- Explanation: Only happens if there are no more actions,
- otherwise Continue behaves differently than Cancel.
- -Occasionally, a file listing may duplicate or a change
- that you made may not seem to have taken affect. If this
- occurs, select a file or folder in the display and press F5.
- -If a site is selected in the tree and you disconnect
- from it, double clicking on the site does not re-establish
- a connection. Solution: Press F5.
- -There is no method within the FTP protocol to set up one port
- for a proxy/firewall and a different port for the FTP site.
- Whatever is set for the firewall is what will be used.
- -Opening the LogWnd and doing a Save, at the same time as a
- download is happening, seems to hang the application.
- -When trying to transfer entire directory structures, WS_FTP
- aborts when it encounters a link in a UNIX directory. The actual
- site is ftp.cdrom.com, and the link is:
- /pub/linux/redhat/redhat-5.1/i386/misc/src/trees/initrd/linuxrc.
- It appears that the link is broken. In any case, there is no
- workaround, and one must fall back to manual methods.
- Updates to the User's Guide (Classic and Explorer)
- ==================================================
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Find Utility
- ===================
- Description
- -----------
- The WS_FTP Find Utility lets users search an FTP site for files
- that match the userÆs criteria. This is especially useful for
- anyone who is looking for one file on a large, complex FTP site.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Scripting Utility
- ========================
- Description
- -----------
- - The WS_FTP Scripting Utility automates the transfer and
- management of files through FTP commands such as open, get,
- and put. For example, you can create a script that instructs
- WS_FTP Pro to upload certain files, and then use a scheduling
- program to run the script at the same time each day or week.
- - Script lines that start with ';' are comments and are ignored by
- the command processor.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Synchronize Utility
- ==========================
- Description
- -----------
- - The WS_FTP Synchronize Utility is designed to allow you to
- "mirror" folders and directories between your PC and a remote FTP
- server. It lets you keep remote sites up-to-date by automatically
- uploading files which have changed, while deleting files that have
- been removed from the master directory. This is especially useful
- for quickly and efficiently updating live web sites from an
- authoring site, or for mirroring FTP servers.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement
- =========================
- Description
- -----------
- - The WS_FTP Icon Placement utility is used to place or remove
- icons for WS_FTP Pro (Classic and Explorer) to or from
- My Computer and/or Windows Desktop.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Queueing Utility
- ========================
- Description
- -----------
- - The WS_FTP Queuing Utility is designed to work with the scripting
- utility and schedule scripts to be executed at a later time with out
- user intervention. The interface allows you to drag files from other
- WS_FTP interfaces and web ftp URLs, drop on them on the Queue list
- to automatically create a script to download the droped file and let
- you schedule it for later execution.
- Known Problems
- ---------------
- - None at this time.
- WS_FTP Browser Integration
- ==========================
- Description
- -----------
- - The browser Integration Utility will intercept ftp URLs accessed via
- your browser and use WS_FTP Pro technology to complete the file transfer.
- For more information...
- =======================
- On Classic and Explorer
- - Download the WS_FTP Pro User's Guide (.pdf file) from the Ipswitch
- Web site: http://www.ipswitch.com/downloads/manuals.html
- - Note: You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the .pdf file.
- You can also download the Acrobat Reader from the same
- location on our Web site.
- On Classic, Explorer, Find, Scripting, Synchronize, see online Help.
- On WS_FTP Server, a separately purchased product, see the Ipswitch
- Product Catalog or visit our web site.
- On WS_FTP Pro Development Kit, a separately purchased product, see
- the Ipswitch Product Catalog or visit our web site.
- Version 6.51 changes
- ====================
- Classic, Explorer and FtpFind
- - Will no longer create links to temporary files.
- This caused explorer to not transfer the file at all.