PC World Plus! (NZ) 2001 May
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Text File
648 lines
<%@ LANGUAGE="vbscript" %>
' Microsoft Visual InterDev - Data Form Wizard
' Form Page
' (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' This file is an Active Server Page that contains the form view of a Data Form.
' It requires Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 and can be displayed
' using any browser that supports tables. You can edit this file to further
' customize the form view.
' Modes: The form mode can be controlled by passing the following
' name/value pairs using POST or GET:
' FormMode=Edit
' FormMode=Filter
' FormMode=New
' Tips: - If a field contains a URL to an image and has a name that
' begins with "img_" (case-insensitive), the image will be
' displayed using the IMG tag.
' - If a field contains a URL and has a name that begins with
' "url_" (case-insensitive), a jump will be displayed using the
' Anchor tag.
Dim strPagingMove
Dim strFormMode
Dim strDFName
strDFName = "rsCorpAdminIEGroup"
'---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ----
Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004
Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008
Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020
'---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
Const adBoolean = 11
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Const adLongVarWChar = 203
Const adBinary = 128
Const adVarBinary = 204
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adWVarChar = 202
Const adBSTR = 8
Const adChar = 129
Const adWChar = 130
'---- Other Values ----
Const dfMaxSize = 100
' Purpose: Substitutes Empty for Null and trims leading/trailing spaces
' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
' Returns: The processed value
Function ConvertNull(varTemp)
If IsNull(varTemp) Then
ConvertNull = ""
ConvertNull = Trim(varTemp)
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Embeds bracketing quotes around the string
' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
' Returns: The processed value
Function QuotedString(varTemp)
If IsNull(varTemp) Then
QuotedString = Chr(34) & Chr(34)
QuotedString = Chr(34) & CStr(varTemp) & Chr(34)
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Tests string to see if it is a URL by looking for protocol
' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
' Returns: True - if is URL, False if not
Function IsURL(varTemp)
IsURL = True
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 6)) = "HTTP:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 6)) = "FILE:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 8)) = "MAILTO:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 5)) = "FTP:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 8)) = "GOPHER:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 6)) = "NEWS:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 7)) = "HTTPS:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 8)) = "TELNET:/" Then Exit Function
If UCase(Left(Trim(varTemp), 6)) = "NNTP:/" Then Exit Function
IsURL = False
End Function
' Purpose: Tests whether the field in the recordset is updatable
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' Returns: True if updatable, False if not
Function CanUpdateField(strFieldName)
Dim intUpdatable
intUpdatable = (adFldUpdatable Or adFldUnknownUpdatable)
CanUpdateField = True
If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And intUpdatable) = False Then
CanUpdateField = False
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Handles the display of a field from a recordset depending
' on its data type, attributes, and the current mode.
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' That strFormMode is initialized
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' strLabel - the label to display
' blnIdentity - identity field flag
' avarLookup - array of lookup values
Sub ShowField(strFieldName, strLabel, blnIdentity, avarLookup)
Dim blnFieldRequired
Dim intMaxSize
Dim intInputSize
Dim strOption1State
Dim strOption2State
Dim strFieldValue
Dim nPos
strFieldValue = ""
Do While nPos > 0
strFieldName= Mid (strFieldName, nPos+1)
' If not in Edit form mode then set value to empty so doesn't display
strFieldValue = ""
If strFormMode = "Edit" Then strFieldValue = RTrim(rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName))
' See if the field is required by checking the attributes
blnFieldRequired = False
If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And adFldIsNullable) = 0 Then
blnFieldRequired = True
End If
' Set values for the MaxLength and Size attributes
intMaxSize = dfMaxSize
intInputSize = rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).DefinedSize + 2
If strFormMode <> "Filter" Then intMaxSize = intInputSize - 2
' Write the field label and start the value cell
Response.Write "<TR VALIGN=TOP>"
Response.Write "<TD HEIGHT=25 ALIGN=Left NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=-1><B> " & strLabel & "</B></FONT></TD>"
Response.Write "<TD WIDTH=100% ><FONT SIZE=-1>"
' If the field is not updatable, then handle
' it like an Identity column and exit
If Not CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
' Special handling if Binary
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
Response.Write "[Binary]"
Case Else
Select Case strFormMode
Case "Edit"
Response.Write ConvertNull(strFieldValue)
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
Case "New"
Response.Write "[AutoNumber]"
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
Case "Filter"
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " SIZE=" & intInputSize
Response.Write " MAXLENGTH=" & intMaxSize
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
End Select
End Select
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
Exit Sub
End If
' Handle lookups using a select and options
If Not IsNull(avarLookup) Then
Response.Write "<SELECT NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & ">"
' Add blank entry if not required or in filter mode
If Not blnFieldRequired Or strFormMode = "Filter" Then
If (strFormMode = "Filter" Or strFormMode = "New") Then
Response.Write "<OPTION SELECTED>"
Response.Write "<OPTION>"
End If
End If
' Loop thru the rows in the array
For intRow = 0 to UBound(avarLookup, 2)
Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & QuotedString(avarLookup(0, intRow))
If strFormMode = "Edit" Then
If ConvertNull(avarLookup(0, intRow)) = ConvertNull(strFieldValue) Then
Response.Write " SELECTED"
End If
End If
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write ConvertNull(avarLookup(1, intRow))
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
If blnFieldRequired And strFormMode = "New" Then
Response.Write " Required"
End If
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
Exit Sub
End If
' Evaluate data type and handle appropriately
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBoolean, adUnsignedTinyInt 'Boolean
If strFormMode = "Filter" Then
strOption1State = " >True"
strOption2State = " >False"
Select Case strFieldValue
Case "True", "1", "-1"
strOption1State = " CHECKED>True"
strOption2State = " >False"
Case "False", "0"
strOption1State = " >True"
strOption2State = " CHECKED>False"
Case Else
strOption1State = " >True"
strOption2State = " >False"
End Select
End If
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Radio VALUE=1 NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & strOption1State
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Radio VALUE=0 NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & strOption2State
If strFormMode = "Filter" Then
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Radio NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & " CHECKED>Neither"
End If
Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
Response.Write "[Binary]"
Case adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar 'Memo
Response.Write "<TEXTAREA NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & " ROWS=3 COLS=80>"
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(ConvertNull(strFieldValue))
Response.Write "</TEXTAREA>"
Case Else
Dim nType
If (nType <> adVarChar) and (nType <> adWVarChar) and (nType <> adBSTR) and (nType <> adChar) and (nType <> adWChar) Then
intInputSize = (intInputSize-2)*3+2
If strFormMode <> "Filter" Then intMaxSize = intInputSize - 2
End If
If blnIdentity Then
Select Case strFormMode
Case "Edit"
Response.Write ConvertNull(strFieldValue)
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
Case "New"
Response.Write "[AutoNumber]"
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
Case "Filter"
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName) & " SIZE=" & tInputSize
Response.Write " MAXLENGTH=" & tMaxSize & " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
End Select
If intInputSize > 80 Then intInputSize = 80
Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME=" & QuotedString(strFieldName)
Response.Write " SIZE=" & intInputSize
Response.Write " MAXLENGTH=" & intMaxSize
Response.Write " VALUE=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & " >"
' Check for special field types
Select Case UCase(Left(rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Name, 4))
Case "IMG_"
If strFieldValue <> "" Then
Response.Write "<BR><BR><IMG SRC=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & "><BR> <BR>"
End If
Case "URL_"
If strFieldValue <> "" Then
Response.Write " <A HREF=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & ">"
Response.Write "Go"
Response.Write "</A>"
End If
Case Else
If IsURL(strFieldValue) Then
Response.Write " <A HREF=" & QuotedString(strFieldValue) & ">"
Response.Write "Go"
Response.Write "</A>"
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
If blnFieldRequired And strFormMode = "New" Then
Response.Write " Required"
End If
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
End Sub
strFormMode = "Edit" ' Initalize the default
If Not IsEmpty(Request("FormMode")) Then strFormMode = Request("FormMode")
If Not IsEmpty(Request("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PagingMove")) Then
strPagingMove = Trim(Request("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PagingMove"))
End If
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Microsoft Data Form, IEAK CorpAdmin Form">
<TITLE>IEAK CorpAdmin Form</TITLE>
<!--------------------------- Formatting Section ------------------------------>
<BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="./Stylesheets/Grid/Style2.css">
<BODY BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Background/Back2.jpg" BGCOLOR=White>
<!---------------------------- Lookups Section -------------------------------->
<!---------------------------- Heading Section -------------------------------->
<% Response.Write "<FORM ACTION=""CorpAdminAction.asp"" METHOD=""POST"">" %>
<TH NOWRAP BGCOLOR=Silver BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Navigation/Nav1.jpg">
<FONT SIZE=6> IEAK CorpAdmin </FONT>
<TD ALIGN=Right BGCOLOR=Silver VALIGN=MIDDLE WIDTH=100% BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Navigation/Nav1.jpg">
If strFormMode = "Form View" then strFormMode = "Edit"
Select Case strFormMode
Case "Edit"
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE="Update">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE="Delete">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE="Filter">
<% If Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") <> "" Then %>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE="All Records">
<% End If %>
<% Case "Filter" %>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE=" Apply ">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE=" Cancel ">
<% Case "New" %>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE=" Insert ">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE=" Cancel ">
<% End Select %>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="DataAction" VALUE="List View">
If Not IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status")) And Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status") <>"" Then
Response.Write Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status")
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status") = ""
Select Case strFormMode
Case "Edit"
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter")) Then
Response.Write "Current Filter: None"
If Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") <> "" Then
Response.Write "Current Filter: " & Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay")
Response.Write "Current Filter: None"
End If
End If
Case "Filter"
Response.Write "Status: Ready for filter criteria"
Case "New"
Response.Write "Status: Ready for new record"
End Select
End If
<!----------------------------- Form Section ---------------------------------->
<!--METADATA TYPE="DesignerControl" startspan
<OBJECT ID="rsCorpAdminIEGroup" WIDTH=151 HEIGHT=24
<PARAM NAME="BarAlignment" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="PageSize" VALUE="1">
<PARAM Name="RangeType" Value="1">
<PARAM Name="DataConnection" Value="DataConn">
<PARAM Name="CommandType" Value="0">
<PARAM Name="CommandText" Value="SELECT `GroupID`, `GroupName`, `INSFile` FROM `IEGroup`">
<PARAM Name="CursorType" Value="1">
<PARAM Name="LockType" Value="3">
<PARAM Name="CacheRecordset" Value="1">
fHideNavBar = False
fHideNumber = False
fHideRequery = False
fHideRule = False
stQueryString = ""
fEmptyRecordset = False
fFirstPass = True
fNeedRecordset = False
fNoRecordset = False
tBarAlignment = "Left"
tHeaderName = "rsCorpAdminIEGroup"
tPageSize = 1
tPagingMove = ""
tRangeType = "Form"
tRecordsProcessed = 0
tPrevAbsolutePage = 0
intCurPos = 0
intNewPos = 0
fSupportsBookmarks = True
fMoveAbsolute = False
If Not IsEmpty(Request("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PagingMove")) Then
tPagingMove = Trim(Request("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PagingMove"))
End If
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
fNeedRecordset = True
If Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset") Is Nothing Then
fNeedRecordset = True
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
End If
End If
If fNeedRecordset Then
Set DataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DataConn.ConnectionTimeout = Session("DataConn_ConnectionTimeout")
DataConn.CommandTimeout = Session("DataConn_CommandTimeout")
DataConn.Open Session("DataConn_ConnectionString"), Session("DataConn_RuntimeUserName"), Session("DataConn_RuntimePassword")
Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT `GroupID`, `GroupName`, `INSFile` FROM `IEGroup`"
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = DataConn
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Open cmdTemp, , 1, 3
End If
On Error Resume Next
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF And rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then fEmptyRecordset = True
On Error Goto 0
If Err Then fEmptyRecordset = True
If fNeedRecordset Then
Set Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset") = rsCorpAdminIEGroup
End If
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.PageSize = tPageSize
fSupportsBookmarks = rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Supports(8192)
If Not IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter")) And Not fEmptyRecordset Then
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Filter = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter")
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF And rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then fEmptyRecordset = True
End If
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize")) Then Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize") = tPageSize
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage")) Then Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
If Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize") <> tPageSize Then
tCurRec = ((Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1) * Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize")) + 1
tNewPage = Int(tCurRec / tPageSize)
If tCurRec Mod tPageSize <> 0 Then
tNewPage = tNewPage + 1
End If
If tNewPage = 0 Then tNewPage = 1
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize") = tPageSize
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = tNewPage
End If
If fEmptyRecordset Then
fHideNavBar = True
fHideRule = True
tPrevAbsolutePage = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage")
Select Case tPagingMove
Case ""
fMoveAbsolute = True
Case "Requery"
fMoveAbsolute = True
Case "<<"
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
Case "<"
If Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") > 1 Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1
End If
Case ">"
If Not rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") + 1
End If
Case ">>"
If fSupportsBookmarks Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = rsCorpAdminIEGroup.PageCount
End If
End Select
If fSupportsBookmarks Then
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.AbsolutePage = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage")
If fNeedRecordset Or fMoveAbsolute Or rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Move (Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1) * tPageSize
intCurPos = ((tPrevAbsolutePage - 1) * tPageSize) + tPageSize
intNewPos = ((Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1) * tPageSize) + 1
rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Move intNewPos - intCurPos
End If
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.MoveNext
End If
If Not rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then Exit Do
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1
End If
If fEmptyRecordset Then Exit Do
If tRecordsProcessed = tPageSize Then Exit Do
If Not fFirstPass Then
fFirstPass = False
End If
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then Exit Do
tRecordsProcessed = tRecordsProcessed + 1
<!--METADATA TYPE="DesignerControl" endspan-->
If strFormMode = "Edit" Then
Response.Write "<P>"
ShowField "GroupID", "GroupID", True, Null
ShowField "GroupName", "GroupName", False, Null
ShowField "INSFile", "INSFile", False, Null
Response.Write "</TABLE>"
Response.Write "</FORM></P>"
stQueryString = "?FormMode=Edit"
fHideNavBar = False
fHideRule = True
fHideNavBar = True
fHideRule = True
End If
<!--METADATA TYPE="DesignerControl" startspan
<OBJECT ID="DataRangeFtr1" WIDTH=151 HEIGHT=24
If tRangeType = "Table" Then Response.Write "</TABLE>"
If tPageSize > 0 Then
If Not fHideRule Then Response.Write "<HR>"
If Not fHideNavBar Then
<TD WIDTH=100% >
<P ALIGN=<%= tBarAlignment %> >
<FORM <%= "ACTION=""" & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") & stQueryString & """" %> METHOD="POST">
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="<%= tHeaderName & "_PagingMove" %>" VALUE=" << ">
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="<%= tHeaderName & "_PagingMove" %>" VALUE=" < ">
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="<%= tHeaderName & "_PagingMove" %>" VALUE=" > ">
<% If fSupportsBookmarks Then %>
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="<%= tHeaderName & "_PagingMove" %>" VALUE=" >> ">
<% End If %>
<% If Not fHideRequery Then %>
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="<% =tHeaderName & "_PagingMove" %>" VALUE=" Requery ">
<% End If %>
If Not fHideNumber Then
If tPageSize > 1 Then
Response.Write "<NOBR>Page: " & Session(tHeaderName & "_AbsolutePage") & "</NOBR>"
Response.Write "<NOBR>Record: " & Session(tHeaderName & "_AbsolutePage") & "</NOBR>"
End If
End If
End If
End If
<!--METADATA TYPE="DesignerControl" endspan-->
If strFormMode <> "Edit" Then
Response.Write "<P>"
ShowField "GroupID", "GroupID", True, Null
ShowField "GroupName", "GroupName", False, Null
ShowField "INSFile", "INSFile", False, Null
Response.Write "</TABLE>"
Response.Write "</FORM></P>"
End If
<!---------------------------- Footer Section --------------------------------->
' Display a message if there are no records to show
If strFormMode = "Edit" And fEmptyRecordset Then
Response.Write "<p align=left>No Records Available</p>"
End If
' TEMP: This is here until we get a drop of the data range that has
' the CacheRecordset property
If fNeedRecordset Then
Set Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset") = rsCorpAdminIEGroup
End If