PC World Plus! (NZ) 2001 May
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728 lines
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
' Microsoft Visual InterDev - Data Form Wizard
' Action Page
' (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' This file is an Active Server Page that contains the server script that
' handles filter, update, insert, and delete commands from the form view of a
' Data Form. It can also echo back confirmation of database operations and
' report errors. Some commands are passed through and redirected. Microsoft
' Internet Information Server 3.0 is required.
Dim strDFName
Dim strErrorAdditionalInfo
strDFName = "rsCorpAdminIEGroup"
'---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ----
Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004
Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008
Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020
'---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----
Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const adOpenKeyset = 1
Const adOpenDynamic = 2
Const adOpenStatic = 3
'---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
Const adBoolean = 11
Const adDate = 7
Const adDBDate = 133
Const adDBTimeStamp = 135
Const adBSTR = 8
Const adChar = 129
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Const adWChar = 130
Const adVarWChar = 202
Const adLongVarWChar = 203
Const adBinary = 128
Const adVarBinary = 204
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
'---- Error Values ----
Const errInvalidPrefix = 20001 'Invalid wildcard prefix
Const errInvalidOperator = 20002 'Invalid filtering operator
Const errInvalidOperatorUse = 20003 'Invalid use of LIKE operator
Const errNotEditable = 20011 'Field not editable
Const errValueRequired = 20012 'Value required
' Purpose: Substitutes Null for Empty
' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
' Returns: The processed value
Function RestoreNull(varTemp)
If Trim(varTemp) = "" Then
RestoreNull = Null
RestoreNull = varTemp
End If
End Function
Sub RaiseError(intErrorValue, strFieldName)
Dim strMsg
Select Case intErrorValue
Case errInvalidPrefix
strMsg = "Wildcard characters * and % can only be used at the end of the criteria"
Case errInvalidOperator
strMsg = "Invalid filtering operators - use <= or >= instead."
Case errInvalidOperatorUse
strMsg = "The 'Like' operator can only be used with strings."
Case errNotEditable
strMsg = strFieldName & " field is not editable."
Case errValueRequired
strMsg = "A value is required for " & strFieldName & "."
End Select
Err.Raise intErrorValue, "DataForm", strMsg
End Sub
' Purpose: Converts to subtype of string - handles Null cases
' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
' Returns: The processed value
Function ConvertToString(varTemp)
If IsNull(varTemp) Then
ConvertToString = Null
ConvertToString = CStr(varTemp)
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Tests to equality while dealing with Null values
' Inputs: varTemp1 - the first value
' varTemp2 - the second value
' Returns: True if equal, False if not
Function IsEqual(ByVal varTemp1, ByVal varTemp2)
IsEqual = False
If IsNull(varTemp1) And IsNull(varTemp2) Then
IsEqual = True
If IsNull(varTemp1) Then Exit Function
If IsNull(varTemp2) Then Exit Function
End If
If varTemp1 = varTemp2 Then IsEqual = True
End Function
' Purpose: Tests whether the field in the recordset is required
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' Returns: True if updatable, False if not
Function IsRequiredField(strFieldName)
IsRequiredField = False
If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And adFldIsNullable) = 0 Then
IsRequiredField = True
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Tests whether the field in the recordset is updatable
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not updatable
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' Returns: True if updatable, False if not
Function CanUpdateField(strFieldName)
Dim intUpdatable
intUpdatable = (adFldUpdatable Or adFldUnknownUpdatable)
CanUpdateField = True
If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And intUpdatable) = False Then
CanUpdateField = False
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Insert operation - updates a recordset field with a new value
' during an insert operation.
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not set but is required
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' Returns: True if successful, False if not
Function InsertField(strFieldName)
InsertField = True
If IsEmpty(Request(strFieldName)) Then Exit Function
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
Case Else
If CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
If IsRequiredField(strFieldName) And IsNull(RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
RaiseError errValueRequired, strFieldName
InsertField = False
Exit Function
End If
rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName) = RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))
End If
End Select
End Function
' Purpose: Update operation - updates a recordset field with a new value
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not set but is required
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' Returns: True if successful, False if not
Function UpdateField(strFieldName)
UpdateField = True
If IsEmpty(Request(strFieldName)) Then Exit Function
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
Case Else
' Only update if the value has changed
If Not IsEqual(ConvertToString(rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName)), RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
If CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
If IsRequiredField(strFieldName) And IsNull(RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
RaiseError errValueRequired, strFieldName
UpdateField = False
Exit Function
End If
rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName) = RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))
RaiseError errNotEditable, strFieldName
UpdateField = False
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
' Purpose: Criteria handler for a field in the recordset. Determines
' correct delimiter based on data type
' Effects: Appends to strWhere and strWhereDisplay variables
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' avarLookup - lookup array - null if none
Sub FilterField(ByVal strFieldName, avarLookup)
Dim strFieldDelimiter
Dim strDisplayValue
Dim strValue
Dim intRow
strValue = Request(strFieldName)
strDisplayValue = Request(strFieldName)
' If empty then exit right away
If Request(strFieldName) = "" Then Exit Sub
' Concatenate the And boolean operator
If strWhere <> "" Then strWhere = strWhere & " And"
If strWhereDisplay <> "" Then strWhereDisplay = strWhereDisplay & " And"
' If lookup field, then use lookup value for display
If Not IsNull(avarLookup) Then
For intRow = 0 to UBound(avarLookup, 2)
If CStr(avarLookup(0, intRow)) = Request(strFieldName) Then
strDisplayValue = avarLookup(1, intRow)
Exit For
End If
End If
' Set delimiter based on data type
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBSTR, adChar, adWChar, adVarChar, adVarWChar 'string types
strFieldDelimiter = "'"
Case adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar 'long string types
strFieldDelimiter = "'"
Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTimeStamp 'date types
strFieldDelimiter = "#"
Case Else
strFieldDelimiter = ""
End Select
' Modifies script level variables
strWhere = strWhere & " " & PrepFilterItem(strFieldName, strValue, strFieldDelimiter)
strWhereDisplay = strWhereDisplay & " " & PrepFilterItem(strFieldName, strDisplayValue, strFieldDelimiter)
End Sub
' Purpose: Constructs a name/value pair for a where clause
' Effects: Sets Err object if the criteria is invalid
' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
' strCriteria - the criteria to use
' strDelimiter - the proper delimiter to use
' Returns: The name/value pair as a string
Function PrepFilterItem(ByVal strFieldName, ByVal strCriteria, ByVal strDelimiter)
Dim strOperator
Dim intEndOfWord
Dim strWord
' Char, VarChar, and LongVarChar must be single quote delimited.
' Dates are pound sign delimited.
' Numerics should not be delimited.
' String to Date conversion rules are same as VBA.
' Only support for ANDing.
' Support the LIKE operator but only with * or % as suffix.
strCriteria = Trim(strCriteria) 'remove leading/trailing spaces
strOperator = "=" 'sets default
strValue = strCriteria 'sets default
' Get first word and look for operator
intEndOfWord = InStr(strCriteria, " ")
If intEndOfWord Then
strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, intEndOfWord - 1))
' See if the word is an operator
Select Case strWord
Case "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "<>", "LIKE"
strOperator = strWord
strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, intEndOfWord + 1))
Case "=<", "=>"
RaiseError errInvalidOperator, strFieldName
End Select
strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, 2))
Select Case strWord
Case "<=", ">=", "<>"
strOperator = strWord
strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, 3))
Case "=<", "=>"
RaiseError errInvalidOperator, strFieldName
Case Else
strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, 1))
Select Case strWord
Case "=", "<", ">"
strOperator = strWord
strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, 2))
End Select
End Select
End If
' Make sure LIKE is only used with strings
If strOperator = "LIKE" and strDelimiter <> "'" Then
RaiseError errInvalidOperatorUse, strFieldName
End If
' Strip any extraneous delimiters because we add them anyway
' Single Quote
If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(39) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(39) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
' Double Quote - just in case
If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(34) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(34) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
' Pound sign - dates
If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(35) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(35) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
' Check for leading wildcards
If Left(strValue, 1) = "*" Or Left(strValue, 1) = "%" Then
RaiseError errInvalidPrefix, strFieldName
End If
PrepFilterItem = "[" & strFieldName & "]" & " " & strOperator & " " & strDelimiter & strValue & strDelimiter
End Function
' Purpose: Display field involved in a database operation for feedback.
' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
' Inputs: strFieldLabel - the label to be used for the field
' strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
Sub FeedbackField(strFieldLabel, strFieldName, avarLookup)
Dim strBool
Dim intRow
Response.Write "<TR VALIGN=TOP>"
Response.Write "<TD ALIGN=Left><FONT SIZE=-1><B> " & strFieldLabel & "</B></FONT></TD>"
Response.Write "<TD BGCOLOR=White WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left><FONT SIZE=-1>"
' Test for lookup
If Not IsNull(avarLookup) Then
For intRow = 0 to UBound(avarLookup, 2)
If CStr(avarLookup(0, intRow)) = Request(strFieldName) Then
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(avarLookup(1, intRow))
Exit For
End If
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
Exit Sub
End If
' Test for empty
If Request(strFieldName) = "" Then
Response.Write " "
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
Exit Sub
End If
' Test the data types and display appropriately
Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
Case adBoolean, adUnsignedTinyInt 'Boolean
strBool = ""
If Request(strFieldName) <> 0 Then
strBool = "True"
strBool = "False"
End If
Response.Write strBool
Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
Response.Write "[Binary]"
Case adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar 'Memo
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request(strFieldName))
Case Else
If Not CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
Response.Write "[AutoNumber]"
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request(strFieldName))
End If
End Select
Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
End Sub
If Not IsEmpty(Request("DataAction")) Then
strDataAction = Trim(Request("DataAction"))
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
End If
' Action handler
Select Case strDataAction
Case "List View"
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminList.asp"
Case "Cancel"
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
Case "Filter"
On Error Resume Next
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=" & strDataAction
Case "New"
On Error Resume Next
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=" & strDataAction
Case "Find"
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize") = 1 'So we don't do standard page conversion
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = CLng(Request("Bookmark"))
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
Case "All Records"
On Error Resume Next
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
Case "Apply"
On Error Resume Next
' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
End If
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
strWhere = ""
strWhereDisplay = ""
FilterField "GroupID", Null
FilterField "GroupName", Null
FilterField "INSFile", Null
' Filter the recordset
If strWhere <> "" Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = strWhere
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = strWhereDisplay
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
End If
' Jump back to the form
If Err.Number = 0 Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
Case "Insert"
On Error Resume Next
' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
End If
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
If Not InsertField("GroupID") Then Exit Do
If Not InsertField("GroupName") Then Exit Do
If Not InsertField("INSFile") Then Exit Do
Exit Do
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CancelUpdate
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage")) Or Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 0 Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
End If
' Requery static cursor so inserted record is visible
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CursorType = adOpenStatic Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status") = "Record has been inserted"
End If
Case "Update"
On Error Resume Next
' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
End If
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF and rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
If Not UpdateField("GroupID") Then Exit Do
If Not UpdateField("GroupName") Then Exit Do
If Not UpdateField("INSFile") Then Exit Do
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Update
Exit Do
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CancelUpdate
End If
Case "Delete"
On Error Resume Next
' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
End If
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF and rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
' Proceed if no error
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' Requery static cursor so deleted record is removed
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CursorType = adOpenStatic Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
' Move off deleted rec
' If at EOF then jump back one and adjust AbsolutePage
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then
Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1
If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF And rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
End If
End If
End Select
'<!----------------------------- Error Handler --------------------------------->
If Err Then %>
' Add additional error information to clarify specific errors
Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147467259
strErrorAdditionalInfo = " This may be caused by an attempt to update a non-primary table in a view."
Case Else
strErrorAdditionalInfo = ""
End Select
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Microsoft Data Form, IEAK CorpAdmin Form">
<TITLE>IEAK CorpAdmin Form</TITLE>
<BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="./Stylesheets/Grid/Style2.css">
<BODY BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Background/Back2.jpg" BGCOLOR=White>
<TH COLSPAN=2 NOWRAP ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Navigation/Nav1.jpg">
<FONT SIZE=6> Message: </FONT>
Select Case strDataAction
Case "Insert"
Response.Write("Unable to insert the record into IEGroup.")
Case "Update"
Response.Write("Unable to post the updated record to IEGroup.")
Case "Delete"
Response.Write("Unable to delete the record from IEGroup.")
End Select
<TD ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Item</B></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Description</B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Source:</B></FONT></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Err.Source %></TD>
<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Error Number:</B></FONT></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Err.Number %></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Description:</B></FONT></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Server.HTMLEncode(Err.Description & strErrorAdditionalInfo) %></FONT></TD>
<% Response.Write "<FORM ACTION=""CorpAdminForm.asp"" METHOD=""POST"">" %>
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="FormMode" VALUE="Edit">
To return to the form view with the previously entered
information intact, use your browsers "back" button
<% Else %>
<!-- Action feedback -->
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Microsoft DataForm, IEAK CorpAdmin Form">
<TITLE>IEAK CorpAdmin Form</TITLE>
<BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="./Stylesheets/Grid/Style2.css">
<BODY BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Background/Back2.jpg" BGCOLOR=White>
<FONT SIZE=6> Feedback: </FONT>
Select Case strDataAction
Case "Insert"
Response.Write("The following record has been inserted into CorpAdminIEGroup.")
Case "Update"
Response.Write("The following updated record has been posted to CorpAdminIEGroup.")
Case "Delete"
Response.Write("The following record has been deleted from CorpAdminIEGroup.")
End Select
<TD ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Field</B></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Value</B></FONT></TD>
FeedbackField "GroupID", "GroupID", Null
FeedbackField "GroupName", "GroupName", Null
FeedbackField "INSFile", "INSFile", Null
<% Response.Write "<FORM ACTION=""CorpAdminForm.asp"" METHOD=""POST"">" %>
<% If strDataAction = "Insert" Then %>
<% Else %>
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="FormMode" VALUE="Edit">
<% End If %>
End If
Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Nothing