home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
- <%
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Microsoft Visual InterDev - Data Form Wizard
- '
- ' Action Page
- '
- ' (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- '
- ' This file is an Active Server Page that contains the server script that
- ' handles filter, update, insert, and delete commands from the form view of a
- ' Data Form. It can also echo back confirmation of database operations and
- ' report errors. Some commands are passed through and redirected. Microsoft
- ' Internet Information Server 3.0 is required.
- '
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dim strDFName
- Dim strErrorAdditionalInfo
- strDFName = "rsCorpAdminIEGroup"
- %>
- '---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ----
- Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004
- Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008
- Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020
- '---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----
- Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
- Const adOpenKeyset = 1
- Const adOpenDynamic = 2
- Const adOpenStatic = 3
- '---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
- Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
- Const adBoolean = 11
- Const adDate = 7
- Const adDBDate = 133
- Const adDBTimeStamp = 135
- Const adBSTR = 8
- Const adChar = 129
- Const adVarChar = 200
- Const adLongVarChar = 201
- Const adWChar = 130
- Const adVarWChar = 202
- Const adLongVarWChar = 203
- Const adBinary = 128
- Const adVarBinary = 204
- Const adLongVarBinary = 205
- '---- Error Values ----
- Const errInvalidPrefix = 20001 'Invalid wildcard prefix
- Const errInvalidOperator = 20002 'Invalid filtering operator
- Const errInvalidOperatorUse = 20003 'Invalid use of LIKE operator
- Const errNotEditable = 20011 'Field not editable
- Const errValueRequired = 20012 'Value required
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Substitutes Null for Empty
- ' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
- ' Returns: The processed value
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function RestoreNull(varTemp)
- If Trim(varTemp) = "" Then
- RestoreNull = Null
- Else
- RestoreNull = varTemp
- End If
- End Function
- Sub RaiseError(intErrorValue, strFieldName)
- Dim strMsg
- Select Case intErrorValue
- Case errInvalidPrefix
- strMsg = "Wildcard characters * and % can only be used at the end of the criteria"
- Case errInvalidOperator
- strMsg = "Invalid filtering operators - use <= or >= instead."
- Case errInvalidOperatorUse
- strMsg = "The 'Like' operator can only be used with strings."
- Case errNotEditable
- strMsg = strFieldName & " field is not editable."
- Case errValueRequired
- strMsg = "A value is required for " & strFieldName & "."
- End Select
- Err.Raise intErrorValue, "DataForm", strMsg
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Converts to subtype of string - handles Null cases
- ' Inputs: varTemp - the target value
- ' Returns: The processed value
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function ConvertToString(varTemp)
- If IsNull(varTemp) Then
- ConvertToString = Null
- Else
- ConvertToString = CStr(varTemp)
- End If
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Tests to equality while dealing with Null values
- ' Inputs: varTemp1 - the first value
- ' varTemp2 - the second value
- ' Returns: True if equal, False if not
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function IsEqual(ByVal varTemp1, ByVal varTemp2)
- IsEqual = False
- If IsNull(varTemp1) And IsNull(varTemp2) Then
- IsEqual = True
- Else
- If IsNull(varTemp1) Then Exit Function
- If IsNull(varTemp2) Then Exit Function
- End If
- If varTemp1 = varTemp2 Then IsEqual = True
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Tests whether the field in the recordset is required
- ' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' Returns: True if updatable, False if not
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function IsRequiredField(strFieldName)
- IsRequiredField = False
- If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And adFldIsNullable) = 0 Then
- IsRequiredField = True
- End If
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Tests whether the field in the recordset is updatable
- ' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
- ' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not updatable
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' Returns: True if updatable, False if not
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function CanUpdateField(strFieldName)
- Dim intUpdatable
- intUpdatable = (adFldUpdatable Or adFldUnknownUpdatable)
- CanUpdateField = True
- If (rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Attributes And intUpdatable) = False Then
- CanUpdateField = False
- End If
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Insert operation - updates a recordset field with a new value
- ' during an insert operation.
- ' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
- ' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not set but is required
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' Returns: True if successful, False if not
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function InsertField(strFieldName)
- InsertField = True
- If IsEmpty(Request(strFieldName)) Then Exit Function
- Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
- Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
- Case Else
- If CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
- If IsRequiredField(strFieldName) And IsNull(RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
- RaiseError errValueRequired, strFieldName
- InsertField = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName) = RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))
- End If
- End Select
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Update operation - updates a recordset field with a new value
- ' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
- ' Effects: Sets Err object if field is not set but is required
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' Returns: True if successful, False if not
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function UpdateField(strFieldName)
- UpdateField = True
- If IsEmpty(Request(strFieldName)) Then Exit Function
- Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
- Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
- Case Else
- ' Only update if the value has changed
- If Not IsEqual(ConvertToString(rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName)), RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
- If CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
- If IsRequiredField(strFieldName) And IsNull(RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))) Then
- RaiseError errValueRequired, strFieldName
- UpdateField = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName) = RestoreNull(Request(strFieldName))
- Else
- RaiseError errNotEditable, strFieldName
- UpdateField = False
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Criteria handler for a field in the recordset. Determines
- ' correct delimiter based on data type
- ' Effects: Appends to strWhere and strWhereDisplay variables
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' avarLookup - lookup array - null if none
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sub FilterField(ByVal strFieldName, avarLookup)
- Dim strFieldDelimiter
- Dim strDisplayValue
- Dim strValue
- Dim intRow
- strValue = Request(strFieldName)
- strDisplayValue = Request(strFieldName)
- ' If empty then exit right away
- If Request(strFieldName) = "" Then Exit Sub
- ' Concatenate the And boolean operator
- If strWhere <> "" Then strWhere = strWhere & " And"
- If strWhereDisplay <> "" Then strWhereDisplay = strWhereDisplay & " And"
- ' If lookup field, then use lookup value for display
- If Not IsNull(avarLookup) Then
- For intRow = 0 to UBound(avarLookup, 2)
- If CStr(avarLookup(0, intRow)) = Request(strFieldName) Then
- strDisplayValue = avarLookup(1, intRow)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- ' Set delimiter based on data type
- Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
- Case adBSTR, adChar, adWChar, adVarChar, adVarWChar 'string types
- strFieldDelimiter = "'"
- Case adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar 'long string types
- strFieldDelimiter = "'"
- Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTimeStamp 'date types
- strFieldDelimiter = "#"
- Case Else
- strFieldDelimiter = ""
- End Select
- ' Modifies script level variables
- strWhere = strWhere & " " & PrepFilterItem(strFieldName, strValue, strFieldDelimiter)
- strWhereDisplay = strWhereDisplay & " " & PrepFilterItem(strFieldName, strDisplayValue, strFieldDelimiter)
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Constructs a name/value pair for a where clause
- ' Effects: Sets Err object if the criteria is invalid
- ' Inputs: strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- ' strCriteria - the criteria to use
- ' strDelimiter - the proper delimiter to use
- ' Returns: The name/value pair as a string
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function PrepFilterItem(ByVal strFieldName, ByVal strCriteria, ByVal strDelimiter)
- Dim strOperator
- Dim intEndOfWord
- Dim strWord
- ' Char, VarChar, and LongVarChar must be single quote delimited.
- ' Dates are pound sign delimited.
- ' Numerics should not be delimited.
- ' String to Date conversion rules are same as VBA.
- ' Only support for ANDing.
- ' Support the LIKE operator but only with * or % as suffix.
- strCriteria = Trim(strCriteria) 'remove leading/trailing spaces
- strOperator = "=" 'sets default
- strValue = strCriteria 'sets default
- ' Get first word and look for operator
- intEndOfWord = InStr(strCriteria, " ")
- If intEndOfWord Then
- strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, intEndOfWord - 1))
- ' See if the word is an operator
- Select Case strWord
- Case "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "<>", "LIKE"
- strOperator = strWord
- strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, intEndOfWord + 1))
- Case "=<", "=>"
- RaiseError errInvalidOperator, strFieldName
- End Select
- Else
- strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, 2))
- Select Case strWord
- Case "<=", ">=", "<>"
- strOperator = strWord
- strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, 3))
- Case "=<", "=>"
- RaiseError errInvalidOperator, strFieldName
- Case Else
- strWord = UCase(Left(strCriteria, 1))
- Select Case strWord
- Case "=", "<", ">"
- strOperator = strWord
- strValue = Trim(Mid(strCriteria, 2))
- End Select
- End Select
- End If
- ' Make sure LIKE is only used with strings
- If strOperator = "LIKE" and strDelimiter <> "'" Then
- RaiseError errInvalidOperatorUse, strFieldName
- End If
- ' Strip any extraneous delimiters because we add them anyway
- ' Single Quote
- If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(39) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
- If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(39) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
- ' Double Quote - just in case
- If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(34) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
- If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(34) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
- ' Pound sign - dates
- If Left(strValue, 1) = Chr(35) Then strValue = Mid(strValue, 2)
- If Right(strValue, 1) = Chr(35) Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
- ' Check for leading wildcards
- If Left(strValue, 1) = "*" Or Left(strValue, 1) = "%" Then
- RaiseError errInvalidPrefix, strFieldName
- End If
- PrepFilterItem = "[" & strFieldName & "]" & " " & strOperator & " " & strDelimiter & strValue & strDelimiter
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Purpose: Display field involved in a database operation for feedback.
- ' Assumes: That the recordset containing the field is open
- ' Inputs: strFieldLabel - the label to be used for the field
- ' strFieldName - the name of the field in the recordset
- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sub FeedbackField(strFieldLabel, strFieldName, avarLookup)
- Dim strBool
- Dim intRow
- Response.Write "<TR VALIGN=TOP>"
- Response.Write "<TD ALIGN=Left><FONT SIZE=-1><B> " & strFieldLabel & "</B></FONT></TD>"
- Response.Write "<TD BGCOLOR=White WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left><FONT SIZE=-1>"
- ' Test for lookup
- If Not IsNull(avarLookup) Then
- For intRow = 0 to UBound(avarLookup, 2)
- If CStr(avarLookup(0, intRow)) = Request(strFieldName) Then
- Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(avarLookup(1, intRow))
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ' Test for empty
- If Request(strFieldName) = "" Then
- Response.Write " "
- Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ' Test the data types and display appropriately
- Select Case rsCorpAdminIEGroup(strFieldName).Type
- Case adBoolean, adUnsignedTinyInt 'Boolean
- strBool = ""
- If Request(strFieldName) <> 0 Then
- strBool = "True"
- Else
- strBool = "False"
- End If
- Response.Write strBool
- Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary 'Binary
- Response.Write "[Binary]"
- Case adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar 'Memo
- Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request(strFieldName))
- Case Else
- If Not CanUpdateField(strFieldName) Then
- Response.Write "[AutoNumber]"
- Else
- Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request(strFieldName))
- End If
- End Select
- Response.Write "</FONT></TD></TR>"
- End Sub
- <%
- If Not IsEmpty(Request("DataAction")) Then
- strDataAction = Trim(Request("DataAction"))
- Else
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- End If
- '------------------
- ' Action handler
- '------------------
- Select Case strDataAction
- Case "List View"
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminList.asp"
- Case "Cancel"
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- Case "Filter"
- On Error Resume Next
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=" & strDataAction
- Case "New"
- On Error Resume Next
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=" & strDataAction
- Case "Find"
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_PageSize") = 1 'So we don't do standard page conversion
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = CLng(Request("Bookmark"))
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
- Case "All Records"
- On Error Resume Next
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset").Filter = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
- Case "Apply"
- On Error Resume Next
- ' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
- If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- End If
- Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
- strWhere = ""
- strWhereDisplay = ""
- FilterField "GroupID", Null
- FilterField "GroupName", Null
- FilterField "INSFile", Null
- ' Filter the recordset
- If strWhere <> "" Then
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = strWhere
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = strWhereDisplay
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
- Else
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Filter") = ""
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_FilterDisplay") = ""
- End If
- ' Jump back to the form
- If Err.Number = 0 Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
- Case "Insert"
- On Error Resume Next
- ' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
- If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- End If
- Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup.AddNew
- Do
- If Not InsertField("GroupID") Then Exit Do
- If Not InsertField("GroupName") Then Exit Do
- If Not InsertField("INSFile") Then Exit Do
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Update
- Exit Do
- Loop
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CancelUpdate
- Else
- If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage")) Or Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 0 Then
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = 1
- End If
- ' Requery static cursor so inserted record is visible
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CursorType = adOpenStatic Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Status") = "Record has been inserted"
- End If
- Case "Update"
- On Error Resume Next
- ' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
- If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- End If
- Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF and rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
- Do
- If Not UpdateField("GroupID") Then Exit Do
- If Not UpdateField("GroupName") Then Exit Do
- If Not UpdateField("INSFile") Then Exit Do
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Update
- Exit Do
- Loop
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EditMode Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CancelUpdate
- End If
- Case "Delete"
- On Error Resume Next
- ' Make sure we exit and re-process the form if session has timed out
- If IsEmpty(Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")) Then
- Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp?FormMode=Edit"
- End If
- Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_Recordset")
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF and rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF Then Response.Redirect "CorpAdminForm.asp"
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Delete
- ' Proceed if no error
- If Err.Number = 0 Then
- ' Requery static cursor so deleted record is removed
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.CursorType = adOpenStatic Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
- ' Move off deleted rec
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup.MoveNext
- ' If at EOF then jump back one and adjust AbsolutePage
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then
- rsCorpAdminIEGroup.MovePrevious
- Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") = Session("rsCorpAdminIEGroup_AbsolutePage") - 1
- If rsCorpAdminIEGroup.BOF And rsCorpAdminIEGroup.EOF Then rsCorpAdminIEGroup.Requery
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- %>
- <%
- '<!----------------------------- Error Handler --------------------------------->
- If Err Then %>
- <%
- ' Add additional error information to clarify specific errors
- Select Case Err.Number
- Case -2147467259
- strErrorAdditionalInfo = " This may be caused by an attempt to update a non-primary table in a view."
- Case Else
- strErrorAdditionalInfo = ""
- End Select
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
- <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Microsoft Data Form, IEAK CorpAdmin Form">
- <TITLE>IEAK CorpAdmin Form</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
- <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="./Stylesheets/Grid/Style2.css">
- <BODY BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Background/Back2.jpg" BGCOLOR=White>
- <TR>
- <TH COLSPAN=2 NOWRAP ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Navigation/Nav1.jpg">
- <FONT SIZE=6> Message: </FONT>
- </TH>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <FONT SIZE=3><B>
- <%
- Select Case strDataAction
- Case "Insert"
- Response.Write("Unable to insert the record into IEGroup.")
- Case "Update"
- Response.Write("Unable to post the updated record to IEGroup.")
- Case "Delete"
- Response.Write("Unable to delete the record from IEGroup.")
- End Select
- %>
- </B></FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Item</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Description</B></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Source:</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Err.Source %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Error Number:</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Err.Number %></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Description:</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR=White><FONT SIZE=-1><%= Server.HTMLEncode(Err.Description & strErrorAdditionalInfo) %></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <% Response.Write "<FORM ACTION=""CorpAdminForm.asp"" METHOD=""POST"">" %>
- <INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="FormMode" VALUE="Edit">
- </FORM>
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
- To return to the form view with the previously entered
- information intact, use your browsers "back" button
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- <% Else %>
- <!-- Action feedback -->
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
- <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Microsoft DataForm, IEAK CorpAdmin Form">
- <TITLE>IEAK CorpAdmin Form</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
- <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="./Stylesheets/Grid/Style2.css">
- <BODY BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Background/Back2.jpg" BGCOLOR=White>
- <TR>
- <TH COLSPAN=2 NOWRAP ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=#CCCCFF BACKGROUND="./Images/Grid/Navigation/Nav1.jpg">
- <FONT SIZE=6> Feedback: </FONT>
- </TH>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
- <%
- Select Case strDataAction
- Case "Insert"
- Response.Write("The following record has been inserted into CorpAdminIEGroup.")
- Case "Update"
- Response.Write("The following updated record has been posted to CorpAdminIEGroup.")
- Case "Delete"
- Response.Write("The following record has been deleted from CorpAdminIEGroup.")
- End Select
- %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B> Field</B></FONT></TD>
- <TD WIDTH=100% ALIGN=Left BGCOLOR=Silver><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Value</B></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
- <%
- FeedbackField "GroupID", "GroupID", Null
- FeedbackField "GroupName", "GroupName", Null
- FeedbackField "INSFile", "INSFile", Null
- %>
- <TR>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <% Response.Write "<FORM ACTION=""CorpAdminForm.asp"" METHOD=""POST"">" %>
- <% If strDataAction = "Insert" Then %>
- <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="FormMode" VALUE="Form View">
- <% Else %>
- <INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="FormMode" VALUE="Edit">
- <% End If %>
- </FORM>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- <%
- End If
- Set rsCorpAdminIEGroup = Nothing
- %>