home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% DATE: 08/23/97
- '% AUTHOR: Aaron Barth (MS)
- '% DESCRIPTION: Customizable ASP script to perform the
- '% IEAK AutoConfig
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Set the DEBUGFLAG Paramter to
- '% TRUE to DEBUG this File. By Default this Parameter
- '% is FALSE
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Response.Write "<FONT COLOR=RED> <B>DEBUG OUTPUT:</B></FONT><BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Set AuthUserandDomain to the Authenticated user's
- '% DOMAIN\username
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if Request.Cookies("IEAKUser") = "" then
- AuthUserandDomain="DOMAIN\guest"
- else
- AuthUserandDomain = Request.Cookies("IEAKUser")
- end if
- Response.Write AuthUserandDomain & "<BR>"
- Response.write "Authentication Method: " & Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE") & "<BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Flip the "\" to a "/" so that the ADSI Command
- '% GetObject:// can use it
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- AuthUserandDomain = Replace(AuthUserandDomain, "\", "/")
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write AuthUserandDomain + "<BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Because GetUser() is a destructive function, copy
- '% the value of the the DOMAIN/username into UserandDomain
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- UserandDomain = AuthUserandDomain
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% User the GetUser function to strip off the Domain
- '% Name from UserandDomain and put it in AuthUser for
- '% later
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- AuthUser = GetUser(UserandDomain)
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write AuthUser + "<BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Use the GetObject (ADSI) to obtain the user object
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set User=GetObject("WinNT://" & AuthUserandDomain)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Loop through all User.Groups looking for the "IE_"
- '& prefix to a group name
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- For Each Group in User.Groups
- if Left(Group.Name, 3) = "IE_" then
- IsGroupMember = TRUE
- IEGroupName = Group.Name
- end if
- Next
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If user is a Member of IE_ [groupname] then
- '% Build a custom INSFile
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if IsGroupMember = TRUE then
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.write IEGroupName & "<BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Create the Conn Object and open it
- '% with the supplied parameters
- '% from the global.asa
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- Conn.Open Session("DataConn_ConnectionString"), Session("DataConn_RuntimeUserName"), Session("DataConn_RuntimePassword")
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Create the SQL Statement to Select
- '% GroupName and INSFile from IEgroup
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- sql="SELECT * FROM IEGroup"
- sql = sql & " WHERE GroupName"
- sql = sql & " LIKE '" & IEGroupName & "'"
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% When DEBUGFLAGE = TRUE.. Echo the SQL Statement
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "<B><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=BLUE>SQL STATEMENT: </B>" & sql & "<HR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Open the RecordSet (RS) and pass it
- '% the connection (conn) and the SQL Statement (sql)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- RS.Open sql, Conn, 1
- RS.MoveFirst
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If the SQL statement does not return
- '% any matches, write out a nice error statment
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if RS.EOF then
- Response.Write "No Configuration defined for " & IEGroupName & "<BR>"
- else
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Retrieve the whole INS file from
- '% the DB and put it in TheINSFile
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- TheINSFile = RS("INSFile")
- TheINSFileName = IEGroupName & ".INS"
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "<HR>" & TheINSFile & "<HR>"
- Response.Write "<HR>" & TheINSFileName & "<HR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Write information out to a text file
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- filepath = server.mappath(TheINSFileName)
- Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(filepath, True)
- a.WriteLine(TheINSFile)
- a.close
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Close the RecordSet (RS)
- '% and the Connection (Conn)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- RS.Close
- Conn.Close
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If DEBUGFLAG <> TRUE, send the
- '% file to the browser
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "If you weren't debugging this File you would be redirected to " & TheINSFileName
- else
- Response.redirect TheINSFileName
- end if
- else
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Retrieve the Default INS File
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.write "Default User <BR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Create the Conn Object and open it
- '% with the supplied parameters
- '% from the global.asa
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- Conn.Open Session("DataConn_ConnectionString"), Session("DataConn_RuntimeUserName"), Session("DataConn_RuntimePassword")
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Create the SQL Statement to Select
- '% GroupName and INSFile from IEgroup
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- sql="SELECT * FROM IEGroup"
- sql = sql & " WHERE GroupName"
- sql = sql & " LIKE 'Default'"
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% When DEBUGFLAGE = TRUE.. Echo the SQL Statement
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "<B><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=BLUE>SQL STATEMENT: </B>" & sql & "<HR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Open the RecordSet (RS) and pass it
- '% the connection (conn) and the SQL Statement (sql)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- RS.Open sql, Conn, 1
- RS.MoveFirst
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If the SQL statement does not return
- '% any matches, write out a nice error statment
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if RS.EOF then
- Response.Write "No Configuration defined for " & IEGroupName & "<BR>"
- else
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Retrieve the whole INS file from
- '% the DB and put it in TheINSFile
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- TheINSFile = RS("INSFile")
- TheINSFileName = "Default.INS"
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "<HR>" & TheINSFile & "<HR>"
- Response.Write "<HR>" & TheINSFileName & "<HR>"
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Write information out to a text file
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- filepath = server.mappath(TheINSFileName)
- Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(filepath, True)
- a.WriteLine(TheINSFile)
- a.close
- end if
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% Close the RecordSet (RS)
- '% and the Connection (Conn)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- RS.Close
- Conn.Close
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- '% If DEBUGFLAG <> TRUE, send the
- '% file to the browser
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if DEBUGFLAG = TRUE then
- Response.Write "If you weren't debugging this File you would be redirected to " & TheINSFileName
- else
- Response.redirect TheINSFileName
- end if
- end if
- Function GetUser(username)
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- 'Syntax: username = DOMAIN/username
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- ' this is a destructive function, modifying the
- ' passed in string
- ' trim leading slashes
- While Mid(username, 1, 1) = "/"
- username = Mid(username, 2)
- Wend
- ' find next slash
- pos = InStr(1, username, "/")
- If pos = 0 Then
- ' return the remaining string and null it out
- GetUser = username
- username = ""
- Else
- ' extract next user and chop username
- GetUserFromString = Mid(username, 1, pos - 1)
- username = Mid(username, pos + 1)
- GetUser = username
- End If
- End Function
- '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %>