home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 6100 Root Certificate Store
- 6110 Subject : %1\n
- 6120 Issuer : %1\n
- 6121 Issuer : Self Issued\n
- 6130 Serial Number : %1\n
- 6140 Thumbprint (sha1) : %1\n
- 6150 Thumbprint (md5) : %1\n
- 6160 Time Validity : %1 through %2\n
- 6170 Do you want to ADD the following certificate to the Root Store?\n\n
- 6180 Do you want to DELETE the following certificate from the Root Store?\n\n
- 6190 Do you want to DELETE %1!d! unknown certificates from the Protected Root Store?\n\n
- 7002 Subject Type=%1!S!, Path Length Constraint=%2!d!
- 7003 Subject Type=%1!S!, Path Length Constraint=%2!S!
- 7004 None
- 7005 End Entity
- 7006 CA
- 7007 Unspecified
- 7008 Key Compromise
- 7009 CA Compromise
- 7010 Affiliation Changed
- 7011 Superseded
- 7012 Cessation of Operation
- 7013 Certificate Hold
- 7014 Unknown Alternative Name
- 7015 Remove from CRL
- 7016 , [%1!d!]Subtrees Constraint:%2!S!
- 7017 Information Not Available
- 7018 Other Name=
- 7019 RFC822 Name=
- 7020 DNS Name=
- 7021 X.400 Address=
- 7022 Directory Address:
- 7023 EDI Party Name=
- 7024 URL=
- 7025 IP Address=
- 7026 Registered ID=
- 7027 %1!S!(%2!d!)
- 7030 %1!S!%2!S!
- 7031 Yes
- 7032 No
- 7033 Available
- 7034 Not Available
- 7035 Financial Information=%1!S!
- 7036 [%1!d!]SMIME Capability: Object ID=%2!s!, Parameters=%3!S!
- 7037 Financial Information=%1!S!, Meets Criteria=%2!S!
- 7038 KeyID=%1!S!
- 7039 Certificate SerialNumber=%1!S!
- 7040 Certificate Issuer: %1!S!
- 7041 Digital Signature
- 7042 Key Encipherment
- 7043 Data Encipherment
- 7044 Key Agreement
- 7045 Certificate Signing
- 7046 Off-line CRL Signing
- 7047 CRL Signing
- 7048 Decipher Only
- 7049 Non-Repudiation
- 7050 Encipher Only
- 7052 [%1!d!]SMIME Capability: Object ID=%2!s!
- 7053 %1!S!(%2!s!)
- 7054 No alternative name
- 7055 Unknown Access Methoc
- 7056 [%1!d!]Authority Info Access: AccessMethod=%2!S!(%3!s!), Alternative Name=%4!S!
- 7057 %1!S!(%2!d!)
- 7058 Unknown Key Usage
- 7059 %1!s!(%2!S!)
- 7060 Sunday
- 7061 Monday
- 7062 Tuesday
- 7063 Wednesday
- 7064 Thursday
- 7065 Friday
- 7066 Saturday
- 7070 January
- 7071 Feburary
- 7072 March
- 7073 April
- 7074 May
- 7075 June
- 7076 July
- 7077 August
- 7078 September
- 7079 October
- 7080 November
- 7081 December
- 7085 %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d! %4!S! %5!S! %6!d!, %7!d!
- 7086 HighDateTime: %1!d! LowDateTime: %2!d!
- 7087 KeyID=%1!S!
- 7088 Key Usage=%1!S!
- 7089 Not After=%1!S!
- 7090 Not Before=%1!S!
- 7091 Restricted Key Usage=%1!S!
- 7092 [%1!d!]Cert PolicyId=%2!S!
- 7093 Full Name:%1!S!
- 7094 Issuer RDN
- 7095 Unknown Name(%d)
- 7096 Unknown CRL reason
- 7097 Distribution Point Name:%1!S!
- 7098 CRL Reason=%1!S!
- 7099 [%1!d!]CRL Distribution Point: %2!s!
- 7100 CRL Issuer:%1!S!
- 7101 Policy Qualifier Id=%1!s!, Qualifier=%2!S!
- 7102 Policy Qualifier Id=%1!s!
- 7103 [%1!d!,%2!d!]Policy Qualifier Info:%3!s!
- 7104 [%1!d!]Certificate Policy:PolicyIdentifier=%2!s!
- 7105 [%1!d!]Certificate Policy:PolicyIdentifier=%2!s!, %3!s!
- 7107 URL=%1!S!
- 7108 Moniker:%1!s!
- 7109 File Link=%1!S!
- 7110 Unknown Link(%1!d!)
- 7111 Image Link:%1!s!
- 7112 Image BitMap=%1!S!
- 7113 Image MetaFile=%1!S!
- 7114 Image Enhanced MetaFile=%1!S!
- 7115 Image GifFile=%1!S!
- 7116 Policy Information:%1!s!
- 7117 Policy Display=%1!S!
- 7118 Policy Logo Link:%1!s!
- 7120 Policy Logo Image:%1!s!
- 7121 Subject Type=%1!S!\nPath Length Constraint=%2!d!\n
- 7122 Subject Type=%1!S!\nPath Length Constraint=%2!S!\n
- 7123 [%1!d!]Subtrees Constraint:\n%2!S!
- 7124 Financial Information=%1!S!\nMeets Criteria=%2!S!\n
- 7125 Financial Information=%1!S!\n
- 7126 [%1!d!]SMIME Capability\n Object ID=%2!s!\n Parameters=%3!S!\n
- 7127 [%1!d!]SMIME Capability\n Object ID=%2!s!\n
- 7128 [%1!d!]Authority Info Access\n AccessMethod=%2!S!(%3!s!)\n Alternative Name:\n%4!S!\n
- 7129 [%1!d!]Authority Info Access\n Alternative Name:\n%2!S!\n
- 7130 KeyID=%1!S!\n
- 7131 Key Usage=%1!S!\n
- 7132 Not Before=%1!S!\n
- 7133 Not After=%1!S!\n
- 7134 [%1!d!]Cert PolicyId=%2!S!\n
- 7135 Restricted Key Usage=%1!S!\n
- 7136 Full Name:\n%1!S!
- 7137 Distribution Point Name:\n %1!S!\n
- 7138 CRL Reason=%1!S!\n
- 7139 CRL Issuer:\n%1!S!\n
- 7140 [%1!d!]CRL Distribution Point\n%2!s!
- 7141 Policy Qualifier Id=%1!s!\n Qualifier=%2!S!
- 7142 [%1!d!,%2!d!]Policy Qualifier Info:\n %3!s!\n
- 7143 [%1!d!]Certificate Policy:\n PolicyIdentifier=%2!s!\n%3!s!
- 7144 [%1!d!]Certificate Policy:\n PolicyIdentifier=%2!s!\n
- 7145 Moniker:\n%1!s!
- 7146 Image Link:\n t%1!s!\n
- 7147 Image BitMap=%1!S!\n
- 7148 Image MetaFile=%1!S!\n
- 7149 Image Enhanced MetaFile=%1!S!\n
- 7150 Image GifFile=%1!S!\n
- 7151 Policy Information:\n %1!s!\n
- 7152 Policy Display=%1!S!\n
- 7153 Policy Logo Image:\n%1!s!
- 7154 Policy Logo Link:\n %1!s!\n
- 7155 Certificate Issuer:\n%1!S!
- 7156 [%1!d!]Authority Info Access: Alternative Name=%2!S!
- 7157 SerializedData=%1!S!
- 7158 ClassId=%1!S!
- 7159
- 7160
- 7161
- 7162
- 7170
- 7171 A
- 7172 0
- 7173 0x
- 7174 Directory Address:\n
- 8000 Authority Key Identifier
- 8001 Key Attributes
- 8002 Key Usage Restriction
- 8003 Subject Alternative Name
- 8004 Issuer Alternative Name
- 8005 Basic Constraints
- 8006 Key Usage
- 8007 Certificate Policies
- 8008 Subject Key Identifier
- 8009 CRL Reason Code
- 8010 CRL Distribution Points
- 8011 Enhanced Key Usage
- 8012 Authority Information Access
- 8013 Certificate Extensions
- 8014 Next Update Location
- 8015 Yes or No Trust
- 8016 Email Address
- 8017 Unstructured Name
- 8018 Content Type
- 8019 Message Digest
- 8020 Signing Time
- 8021 Counter Sign
- 8022 Challenge Password
- 8023 Unstructured Addresss
- 8024 SMIME Capabilities
- 8025 Prefer Signed Data
- 8026 CPS
- 8027 User Notice
- 8028 On-line Certificate Status Protocol
- 8029 Certification Authority Issuer
- 8030 Certificate Template
- 8031 Certificate Request Agent
- 8032 Certificate Type
- 8033 Certificate Manifold
- 8034 NetscapeCertType
- 8035 NetscapeBaseURL
- 8036 NetscapeRevocationURL
- 8037 NetscapeCARevocationURL
- 8038 NetscapeCertRenewalURL
- 8039 NetscapeCAPolicyURL
- 8040 NetscapeSSLServerName
- 8041 NetscapeComment
- 8042 SpcSpAgencyInfo
- 8043 SpcFinancialCriteria
- 8044 SpcMinimalCriteria
- 8500 Server Authentication
- 8501 Client Authentication
- 8502 Code Signing
- 8503 Secure Email
- 8504 Time Stamping
- 8505 Microsoft Trust List Signing
- 8506 Microsoft Time Stamping
- 8507 IP security end system
- 8508 IP security tunnel termination
- 8509 IP security user
- 8510 Microsoft Server Gated Crypto
- 8511 Netscape Server Gated Crypto
- 8512 Encrypting File System
- 8513 Windows Hardware Driver Verification
- 8514 Windows System Component Verification
- 9000 Trusted Root Certification Authorities
- 9001 Personal
- 9002 Enterprise Trust
- 9003 Intermediate Certification Authorities
- 9004 Active Directory User Object
- 9005 Smart Card
- 9006 Other People
- 9100 Registry
- 9101 Group Policy
- 9102 Local Computer
- 9104 User Certificate