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- <TITLE id=txtTitleOrgFavsDialog>
- Organize Favorites
- </TITLE>
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- window.onerror = HandleError;
- var g_strUrl;
- var g_rgUrlsToSynch = new Array(0);
- var g_fSubscriptionsEnabled;
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- var g_dxEllipsesBold = 0;
- var L_Ellipses_Text = "...";
- function callHelp(elm)
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- function HandleError(message, url, line)
- {
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- var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n"
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- function OnSelectionChange(cItems, hItem, strName, strUrl, cVisits, strDate, fAvailableOffline)
- {
- if (cItems == -1)
- {
- BodyOnKeyPress(27);
- return;
- }
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- strUrlShort = MeasureText(spanMeasure.innerText, false, textProperties.offsetWidth - 4);
- spanMeasure.innerHTML = "";
- var L_FavoritesFolder_Text = "Favorites Folder";
- var L_ModifiedColon_Text = "Modified:";
- if (cVisits != -1)
- {
- var strOffline = "";
- var L_MakeAvailableOffline_Text = "Make available <U>o</U>ffline";
- var L_MakeAvailableOfflineAccesskey_Text = "o";
- var L_Properties_Text = "<U>P</U>roperties";
- var L_PropertiesAccesskey_Text = "p";
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- {
- strOffline = "<input type=checkbox align=";
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- }
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- {
- strOffline +="left";
- }
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- if (fAvailableOffline != 0)
- strOffline += "CHECKED"
- strOffline += " onclick='ToggleOffline(this)' helpid=50486 helpfile='iexplore.hlp'><LABEL FOR=chkOffline TABINDEX=-1>" + L_MakeAvailableOffline_Text + "</LABEL>";
- strOffline += "<BR><BR><BUTTON id=btnProperties TABINDEX=6 style='visibility: "
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- strOffline += "visible"
- else
- strOffline += "hidden"
- strOffline += "' class=button ACCESSKEY=" + L_PropertiesAccesskey_Text + " onclick='Properties()' helpid=50489 helpfile='iexplore.hlp'>" + L_Properties_Text + "</BUTTON><BR>";
- }
- var L_TimesVisited_Text = "times visited: ";
- var L_LastVisited_Text = "last visited: ";
- var L_LastVisitedNeedsLineBreak_Text = "";
- var strTemp = strName + "\n" + strUrl;
- var re = /'/g;
- strTemp = strTemp.replace(re, "┤");
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- }
- else
- {
- textProperties.innerHTML = "<B>" + strNameShort + "</B><BR>" + L_FavoritesFolder_Text + "<BR><BR>" +
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- function EnableButtons()
- {
- g_fSubscriptionsEnabled = nsc.SubscriptionsEnabled;
- var pszInitialDir = window.dialogArguments;
- if (pszInitialDir && (pszInitialDir.length > 0))
- {
- nsc.SetRoot(pszInitialDir);
- }
- tdNsc.blur();
- tdNewFolder.focus();
- }
- function ToggleOffline(chkOffline)
- {
- if (chkOffline.checked)
- {
- if (!nsc.CreateSubscriptionForSelection())
- chkOffline.checked = false;
- else
- {
- g_rgUrlsToSynch[g_strUrl] = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!nsc.DeleteSubscriptionForSelection())
- chkOffline.checked = true;
- else
- delete g_rgUrlsToSynch[g_strUrl];
- }
- btnProperties.style.visibility = (chkOffline.checked ? "visible" : "hidden");
- }
- function BuildSynchList()
- {
- window.returnValue = "";
- for (strUrl in g_rgUrlsToSynch)
- {
- window.returnValue += strUrl + "\0";
- }
- }
- function Properties()
- {
- nsc.InvokeContextMenuCommand("properties");
- }
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- <table id=tableMain cols=3 border=10 bordercolor=THREEDFACE>
- <TR id=mainrow>
- <TD valign=top id=infotext class=info>
- To create a new folder, click on the Create Folder button. To rename or delete an item, select the item and click Rename or Delete.
- </TD>
- <TD id=tdColSpacing width=0>
- </TD>
- <TD id=tdNscHolder rowspan=3 height=100%>
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- <TD>
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- <tr height=20>
- <TD align=center width=50%>
- <BUTTON id=tdNewFolder TABINDEX=1 style="width: 9em;" ACCESSKEY=c class=button onclick="nsc.NewFolder(); event.returnValue = false" helpid=50484 helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
- <U>C</U>reate Folder
- </TD>
- <TD align=center width=50%>
- <BUTTON id=tdRename TABINDEX=2 style="width: 9em;" ACCESSKEY=r class=button onclick="nsc.InvokeContextMenuCommand('rename'); event.returnValue = false" helpid=50007 helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
- <U>R</U>ename
- </TD>
- </tr>
- <tr height=20>
- <td width=50% align=center>
- <BUTTON id=tdMoveTo TABINDEX=3 style="width: 9em;" ACCESSKEY=m class=button onclick="nsc.MoveSelectionTo(); event.returnValue = false" helpid=50006 helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
- <U>M</U>ove to Folder...
- </td>
- <td width=50% align=center>
- <BUTTON id=tdDelete TABINDEX=4 style="width: 9em;" ACCESSKEY=d class=button onclick="nsc.InvokeContextMenuCommand('delete'); event.returnValue = false" helpid=50008 helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
- <U>D</U>elete
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR id=rowProperties vAlign=top style="padding-left:1px; padding-right:0px">
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- Select a Favorite to view its properties or to make it available for offline viewing.
- </DIV>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR id=rowCloseButton>
- <TD id= cellCloseButton colspan=3 align=right>
- <BUTTON id=tdDone TABINDEX=11 style="width: 9em;" ACCESSKEY=l class=button onclick="window.close();" helpid=50010 helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
- C<U>l</U>ose
- </TD>
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