home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [Version]
- Signature=$CHICAGO$
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- [DefaultInstall]
- RunPreSetupCommands=RunPreSetupCommandsSection
- CustomDestination = OutlookCustomDest
- CopyFiles = OutlookCore95, OutlookSystem95
- RunPostSetupCommands=RunPostSetupCommandsSection
- rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection prompt.inf,,
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- RunPreSetupCommands=RunPreSetupCommandsSection
- CustomDestination = OutlookCustomDest
- CopyFiles = OutlookCoreNT, OutlookSystemNT
- RunPostSetupCommands=RunPostSetupCommandsSection
- rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection prompt.inf,,
- [RunPreSetupCommandsSection]
- getpid.exe
- [RunPostSetupCommandsSection]
- setpid.exe %49001%\Outllib.dll
- [DestinationDirs]
- OutlookCore95=49001
- OutlookCoreNT=49001
- OutlookSystemNT=11
- OutlookSystem95=11
- [OutlookCore95]
- outllib.dll,,,32
- OMIPst9.dll,,,32
- [OutlookCoreNT]
- outllib.dll,,,32
- OMIPstNT.dll,,,32
- [OutlookSystem95]
- emsabp32.dll,emsabp95.dll
- emsmdb32.dll,emsmdb95.dll
- emsui32.dll,emsui95.dll
- mspst32.dll,mspst95.dll
- [OutlookSystemNT]
- emsabp32.dll,emsabpnt.dll
- emsmdb32.dll,emsmdbnt.dll
- emsui32.dll,emsuint.dll
- mspst32.dll,mspstnt.dll
- [OutlookCustomDest]
- 49001=WhereIsOutlook,7 ;Set installation directory.
- [WhereIsOutlook] ; Default install directory is whereever Outlook was installed before
- 'HKLM','SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\OUTLOOK.EXE','Path',%OlkReq%,''
- [Strings]
- DiskDesc = "Outlook"
- OlkReq = "This update utility requires you to have Outlook 98 installed."
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1=Microsoft Outlook Archive Update,archiv_1.CAB,0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- emsabpnt.dll=1
- emsmdbnt.dll=1
- emsuint.dll=1
- mspstnt.dll=1
- emsabp95.dll=1
- emsmdb95.dll=1
- emsui95.dll=1
- mspst95.dll=1
- OMIPst9.dll=1
- OMIPstNT.dll=1
- outllib.dll=1