110 This patch changes mso97.dll. However, mso97.dll is marked as read-only. Please make sure you have read/write access to mso97.dll, and try the patch again.
111 This patch requires Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 2. If you have an earlier version of Office 97, you need to update to Service Release 2 before you can apply the Unique Identifier patch.
112 The Unique Identifier Patch was successfully applied. Please restart Windows to complete setup.
113 The Unique Identifier Patch was successfully applied.
114 Microsoft Office 97 couldn't be found, so the patch wasn't applied
115 The Unique Identifier Patch has already been applied to this installation of Office 97. You don't need to apply it again.
116 Please select the MSO97.DLL you want to patch
117 This patch has already been applied to your Office 97 installation. However, you need to restart Windows to have the patch take effect.