Shows what kind of model (crystal or molecule) is currently being displayed.
Rotate Tool
Rotates the structure using a virtual trackball: click and drag the structure in the direction you wish to rotate. (To rotate about an axis out of the screen, hold down the SHIFT key as you click the mouse.)
Arrow Tool
Use this tool to SELECT, DESELET or MOVE groups of atoms.
Click an atom to select it; shift-click to select multiple atoms/polyhedra. (You can also click and drag with this tool to select multiple atoms.)
Move Tool
This tool lets you drag the entire model horizontally and vertically across the screen.
Rotate Selection Tool
Rotates selected atoms only, relative to the rest of the model.
To rotate about an axis out of the screen, hold down the SHIFT key as you click the mouse.
Polygon Tool
Selects atoms within an angular region. Click in the graphics window to start defining the edges of a closed polygon.
To retain a previous selection, hold down the SHIFT key when you click with this tool.
Lasso Tool
Selects atoms within a curved region. Click in the graphics window and drag the mouse to draw a closed loop.
To retain a previous selection, hold down the SHIFT key when you click with this tool.
Rectangle Tool
Selects atoms within a rectangular region.
To retain a previous selection, hold down the SHIFT key when you click with this tool.
Zapper Tool
Hides individual atoms or polyhedra. (Use the Selection > Show All command to bring back hidden atoms.)
Magnify Tool
Magnifies a specific area of the crystal: click on part of the crystal to zoom in. You can also use the tool to zoom out: hold down the SHIFT or OPTION keys and then click on part of the crystal.
Info Tool
Click an atom or polyhedron to display site and bonding information.
Text Tool
Create or edit text boxes and/or arrows over the plot.
Add/Delete Bond Tool
Add or delete a bond between two atoms.
Click on two atoms in the graphics window. If a bond already exists, this tool will delete the bond; if no bond exists, then a new bond will be generated.
Bond Distance Tool
Click on two atoms or polyhedra, and the distance between them will be displayed in the graphics window.
OPTION-click the first atom to write bond information in the output window.
Distance Tool
Measures distances in the plane of the plot. Click anywhere in the graphics window to begin measuring.
Bond Angle Tool
Measures the angle between two bonds: click on three atoms (A, B, C) in the graphics window. The included angle (A-B-C) will be displayed.
OPTION-click the first atom to write information in the output window
Torsion Angle Tool
Measures the torsion angle between two bonds: click on four atoms (A, B, C, C) in the graphics window. The torsion angle (AB - CD) will be displayed.
OPTION-click the first atom to write information in the output window
Angle Tool
Measures angles in the plane of the plot. Click at three points (A, B, C) in the graphics window, and the included angle (A-B-C) will be displayed.
OPTION-click the first point to write information to the output window.
Lattice Plane Tool
Display and/or move a lattice plane along its normal. (Use the Transform > Show Lattice Plane command to control the plane's hkl orientation.)
Carousel button
Click to auto-rotate the structure about the vertical screen axis. Click anywhere to stop the rotation.
Standard Screen Size Button
Resets screen size from full-screen mode, to standard window mode (titlebar visible).
Fill Screen Button
Zooms the graphics window so that it fills the entire screen, with the window's title bar hidden.
Auto Scale Button
Resizes the structure so that it fits snuggly within the graphics window in any orientation.
Auto Centre Button
Centres the structure within the graphics window.
Zoom Out Button
Click and hold down this button to continually reduce the plot magnification. (Shift-click for larger zoom increments.)
Zoom In Button
Click and hold down this button to continually increase the plot magnification. (Shift-click for larger zoom increments.)
Walk Backwards Button (only for perspective plots)
Click and hold down this button to move further away from the model.
Walk Forwards Button (only for perspective plots)
Click and hold down this button to move closer to the model.