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1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Postcode Phone Fax Bath Ham Gardens House Ham Gardens Bath BA1 1JD "Central Unit (Section 6, Unit 2)" Alexander House 21 Victoria Road SOUTHEND ON SEA X SS99 1AY 0702 366403 0702 366446 Insolvency Help Desk DMD4 Merton Road Bootle Merseyside L20 3NN London VAT Tribunal Centre 15/17 Great Marlborough Street London W1V 1AF 01 437 6543 Mr D. Craig Solicitor of Customs and Excise New King's Beam House 22 Upper Ground London SE1 9PJ Plymouth Pearl Assuran HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 .MPP .ATP NuBgN 2.0.4 4Responder v2.0.4 ; Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1992 `< <atkvA N^NuNV N^NuNV <atlkA N^NuNV N^NuNV N^NuNV <romvA office@ unit@ CREATION DATE PHONE alisA alisA alisA alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ bournemouthH bournemouth centralC central unitN central section centreE collectorH craigF deskD enforcementQ enforcement officeQ helpD collector taxes bournemouthH insolvencyD insolvency deskD inverness leatherheadM leatherhead properM londonE london tribunal centreE craigF newryO newry registration unitO January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter d]h^oV`X 5/24/998 YesfR Helvetica Geneva ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 3 ADDRESS 4 CONSTANT COUNT G LAST MODIFIED OFFICE PHONE POSTCODE SERIAL NUMBER OfficeB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB PhoneB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Serial NumberB ConstantB Entry screen A Full List Simple List e List mple List YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR OfficeD Address 1F Address 2H Address 3J Address 4L PostcodeN PhoneP FindT QuitV CloseW HelpX IndexY DeleteZ Tax Collectors file - Index Helvetica Geneva YesfR YesfR YesfR A Full ListB YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR Entry screenB YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR OfficeB Address 1C Address 2D Address 3E Address 4F PostcodeG PhoneH PrintZ Find all[ Find selection\ Quit] Close^ Help_ Index Helvetica Geneva YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR Front PageB Gardens HouseC Ham GardensD BathF BA1 1JD A""Central Unit (Section 6, Unit 2)"B Alexander HouseC 21 Victoria RoadD SOUTHEND ON SEA XF SS99 1AYG 0702 366403H 0702 366446 Insolvency Help DeskB DMD4C Merton RoadD BootleE MerseysideF L20 3NN London VAT Tribunal CentreB 15/17 Great Marlborough StreetC LondonF W1V 1AFG 01 437 6543 Mr D. CraigB Solicitor of Customs and ExciseC New King's Beam HouseD 22 Upper GroundE LondonF SE1 9PJ PlymouthB Pearl Assurance HouseC Royal ParadeD PlymouthF Poole VAT OfficeB St. John's HouseC 1-9 Serpentine RoadD PooleE DorsetF BH15 2AQG 0202 361700H 361759/99/49I POOLE PortsmouthB Wingfield HouseC 316 Commercial RoadD PortsmouthF PO1 4TGG 0705 862511 Solicitors OfficeB New King's Beam HouseC 22 Upper GroundD LondonF SE1 9PJ 9PJ A Inverness Goto Help Goto Index Goto List Print Find all Find selection Startup Script Password A Goto Help Goto Help Goto Index Goto List Print Find all Find selection Startup Script Password A Goto Help Helvetica Geneva 01 382 5288 SouthamptonB Roebuck HouseC 26 Bedford PlaceE SouthamptonF SO1 2DBG 0703 827271H 0703 827907 WeymouthB Westway HouseC Westway RoadD WeymouthE Dorset Leatherhead or properB address to be researched Central UnitB Alexander HouseC 21 Victoria RoadD SOUTHEND ON SEA XF SS99 1AY Newry VAT Registration UnitB "PO Box 40, Carnbane Way"C DamollyD NewryE Co. DownF BT35 6PJ Bournemouth 2 TDOB Holland HouseC Oxford RoadD BournemouthF BH8 8HDG 01202 361525H 01202 298124J 10/7/98K 10/7/98L Enforcement OfficeB Barrington RoadC WorthingD West SussexF BN12 4XLJ 22/7/98K 22/7/98L A InvernessB River HouseC Young StreetD InvernessF IV3 5BNG 01463 256755H 01463 256701J 5/3/99K 5/3/99L 5/3/99U 1:29:54 pm Goto Index A Goto List Print Find all YesfR Helvetica Geneva p.FP3 /RPTH Fali FPTHA/Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 0RPTH FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 Simple ListB YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR LondonF SE1 9PJ OfficeB Address 1C Address 2D Address 3E Address 4F PostcodeG PhoneH BathB Ham Gardens HouseC Ham GardensD BathF BA1 1JD A""Central Unit (Section 6, Unit 2)"B Alexander HouseC 21 Victoria RoadD SOUTHEND ON SEA XF SS99 1AYG 0702 366403H 0702 366446 Insolvency Help DeskB DMD4C Merton RoadD BootleE MerseysideF L20 3NN London VAT Tribunal CentreB 15/17 Great Marlborough StreetC LondonF W1V 1AFG 01 437 6543 Mr D. CraigB Solicitor of Customs and ExciseC New King's Beam HouseD 22 Upper GroundE LondonF SE1 9PJ PlymouthB Pearl Assurance HouseC Royal ParadeD PlymouthF A"HM Collector of Taxes, BournemouthB Holland HouseC Oxford RoadD BournemoutF BH8 8DZG 0202 361600K 14/1/98 PortsmouthB Wingfield HouseC 316 Commercial RoadD PortsmouthF PO1 4TGG 0705 862511 Solicitors OfficeB New King's Beam HouseC 22 Upper GroundD LondonF SE1 9PJJpper GroundD LondonF SE1 9PJndonF SE1 9PJ office plymouth portsmouth properM registrationO sectionC solicitorsJ solicitors officeJ southampton taxesH tribunalE Pro 3.0F! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter unitC weymouth 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Pro 3.0F! 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Please contact Ritz Software on 01689 860444 or eMail TaxManager@ritz.u-net.com Password YesfR Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman YesfR YesfR YesfR YesfR OfficeY PrintZ Find all[ Find selection\ Quit] Close^ Help_ Index 3E Address 4F PostcodeG PhoneH PrintZ Find all[ Find selection -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisalis Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 6RPTH FPTHA6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Collrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Collrs_.USR RPTHA Collrs_.USR alisMacintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 6RPTH FPTHA6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Collrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Collrs_.USR RPTHA Collrs_.USR alislis alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index DateB TimeB TimeB TimeB TimeB TimeB TestB TimeB TimeB CREATION DATE LAST MODIFIED OFFICE PASSWORDS VALIDATOR SSWORDS VALIDATOR SWORDS VALIDATOR ERIAL NUMBER OfficeB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB PhoneB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Serial NumberB ConstantB PHONE POSTCODE SERIAL NUMBER OfficeB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB PhoneB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Serial NumberB ConstantB Macintosh HD Collrs_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Collrs_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD ARPTH FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help MSPCA NAMEA Tax Manager Help RPTHA Tax Manager Help alisA Macintosh HD Tax Manager Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files AMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help .RPTH alis FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file YesfR Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman "Hello" Hello 1)="Don" Sorry Cancel YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$