home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- DITL_-4064_Control Panel.txt
- # 8 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=93 y1=162 x2=151 y2=182
- # text: "New…"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=164 y1=162 x2=225 y2=182
- # text: "Edit…"
- # item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=235 y1=162 x2=293 y2=182
- # text: "Remove"
- # item 3: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=93 y1=57 x2=293 y2=157
- # data: ""
- # item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=93 y1=39 x2=286 y2=54
- # text: "DAVE Print Gateways:"
- # item 5: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=158 y1=9 x2=221 y2=27
- # text: "On"
- # item 6: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=224 y1=9 x2=287 y2=27
- # text: "Off"
- # item 7: ICON (0x20) enabled
- # bounds: x1=96 y1=4 x2=128 y2=36
- # ICON resource ID: 128
- DITL_1000_About.txt
- # 3 entries
- # item 0: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=-1 y1=-1 x2=220 y2=78
- # data: ""
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=5 y1=7 x2=215 y2=27
- # text: "DAVE Print Client"
- # item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=5 y1=30 x2=215 y2=70
- # text: "V2.1p2 - Copyright © 1995-99 Thursby Software Systems, Inc.\n\n"
- DITL_1450_SystemError.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=242 y1=91 x2=300 y2=111
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=311 y2=84
- # text: "Gateway ^0 encountered System Error ^2.\n^1"
- DITL_1500_ErrorDialog.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=242 y1=91 x2=300 y2=111
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=310 y2=86
- # text: "^0\n^1"
- DITL_1501_NameInUse.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=243 y1=91 x2=301 y2=111
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=309 y2=88
- # text: "Gateway name \"^0\" is already used. Please use another name.\n"
- DITL_1502_NameInUseRemote.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=253 y1=125 x2=311 y2=145
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=110
- # text: "Gateway name \"^0\" is being used by another printer or print spooler. \nPlease use another name.\n"
- DITL_1503_NBPError.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=255 y1=125 x2=313 y2=145
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=113
- # text: "Could not bind name \"^0\" for use on AppleTalk.\n"
- DITL_1504_PPD Invalid.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=253 y1=117 x2=311 y2=137
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=109
- # text: "PPD File \"^0\" could not be opened or is not a valid Postscript Printer Description file.\n"
- DITL_1507_PrefsFailed.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Can\'t save changes in preferences file.\n"
- DITL_1510_RequiredFieldBlank.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=277 y1=91 x2=335 y2=111
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=360 y2=77
- # text: "You must supply a value for \"^0\".\n\"Printer Name\", \"Server Name\" and \"Remote Printer\" are all required."
- DITL_1520_NoNetBIOS.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "DAVE Print Client -\nCould not open the NetBIOS driver."
- DITL_1521_NoAppleTalk.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=78
- # text: "AppleTalk is not turned on. Please use the Chooser to turn AppleTalk on, then turn the DAVE Print Client control panel off, and on again."
- DITL_1601_SMBConnect.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Cannot connect to server ^0. Please check the server name."
- DITL_1602_SMBNegotiate.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Cannot negotiate a connection with server ^0. Please check the server name, or make sure the server is supported by DAVE."
- DITL_1603_SMBSetup.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Cannot set up a connection with server ^0. Please check the server name, or make sure the server is supported by DAVE."
- DITL_1604_SMBPasswd.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "User name or Password is not valid for \\\\^0\\^1. Be sure you have entered a valid user name and password.\n"
- DITL_1605_SMBResource.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=78 y1=10 x2=320 y2=73
- # text: "^1 is not a valid resource name. Be sure the Remote Printer name is correct."
- DITL_1606_SMBResMatch.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Resource ^1 is not a printer. Make sure Remote Printer names a shared printer."
- DITL_1607_SMBLoginRequired.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "You must log into the network using DAVE Access before accessing \\\\^0\\^1.\n"
- DITL_1610_SMBSendFail.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Can\'t send messages to the server. Please check your NetBIOS configuration."
- DITL_1611_SMBRecvFail.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "Can\'t receive messages from the server. Please check your NetBIOS configuration."
- DITL_1612_SMBRecvTimeout.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "The server is not responding. Please check your network connection, and be sure the server is operating."
- DITL_1620_SMBAccess.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=90 x2=310 y2=110
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=82
- # text: "Access to \\\\^0\\^1 has been denied. The access list for this resource may not include your account.\n"
- DITL_1651_SMBConnTimeout.txt
- # 2 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=252 y1=82 x2=310 y2=102
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=10 x2=321 y2=73
- # text: "The server is not responding. Please be sure the server name is valid. You may also need to check your NetBIOS configuration."
- DITL_2001_noLibrary.txt
- # 3 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=213 y1=111 x2=271 y2=131
- # text: "Ok"
- # item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=72 y1=14 x2=271 y2=31
- # text: "Can\'t load DAVE Print Library"
- # item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=72 y1=36 x2=291 y2=103
- # text: "Make sure that DAVE Print Client is properly installed and that \n \"DAVE Print Library\"\n is in your Extensions folder."
- DITL_4000_Edit Printer Config.txt
- # 24 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=286 y1=230 x2=344 y2=250
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=157 y1=231 x2=215 y2=251
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=6 x2=39 y2=38
- # data: ""
- # item 3: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=38 x2=136 y2=58
- # text: "Select PPD"
- # item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=34 y1=297 x2=67 y2=312
- # text: ""
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=15 x2=342 y2=31
- # text: ""
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=34 y1=313 x2=67 y2=328
- # text: ""
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=158 y1=40 x2=345 y2=56
- # text: "LaserWriter"
- # item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=65 x2=342 y2=81
- # text: ""
- # item 9: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=89 x2=342 y2=105
- # text: ""
- # item 10: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=114 x2=342 y2=130
- # text: ""
- # item 11: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=138 x2=342 y2=154
- # text: ""
- # item 12: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=162 x2=342 y2=178
- # text: ""
- # item 13: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=149 y1=267 x2=182 y2=282
- # text: ""
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=70 y1=313 x2=103 y2=328
- # text: ""
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=15 x2=150 y2=31
- # text: "Printer Name:"
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=65 x2=150 y2=81
- # text: "Server Name:"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=88 x2=154 y2=104
- # text: "Remote Printer:"
- # item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=113 x2=150 y2=129
- # text: "User name:"
- # item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=137 x2=150 y2=153
- # text: "Password:"
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=161 x2=150 y2=177
- # text: "Domain:"
- # item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=105 y1=296 x2=138 y2=311
- # text: ""
- # item 22: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=47 y1=184 x2=345 y2=202
- # text: "Allow AppleTalk access by other users"
- # item 23: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=47 y1=207 x2=345 y2=225
- # text: "Allow Binary Printing"
- DITL_4001_Add Printer.txt
- # 24 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=290 y1=167 x2=348 y2=187
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=168 x2=219 y2=188
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=6 x2=39 y2=38
- # data: ""
- # item 3: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=37 x2=137 y2=57
- # text: "Select PPD"
- # item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=145 y1=260 x2=192 y2=276
- # text: ""
- # item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=17 x2=343 y2=33
- # text: ""
- # item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=155 y1=270 x2=202 y2=286
- # text: ""
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=159 y1=40 x2=346 y2=56
- # text: "LaserWriter"
- # item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=69 x2=343 y2=85
- # text: ""
- # item 9: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=93 x2=343 y2=109
- # text: ""
- # item 10: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=165 y1=280 x2=212 y2=296
- # text: ""
- # item 11: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=175 y1=290 x2=222 y2=306
- # text: ""
- # item 12: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=185 y1=300 x2=232 y2=316
- # text: ""
- # item 13: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=195 y1=310 x2=242 y2=326
- # text: ""
- # item 14: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=205 y1=320 x2=252 y2=336
- # text: ""
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=15 x2=151 y2=31
- # text: "Printer Name"
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=69 x2=153 y2=85
- # text: "Server Name"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=92 x2=153 y2=108
- # text: "Remote Printer"
- # item 18: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=215 y1=330 x2=262 y2=346
- # text: ""
- # item 19: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=234 y1=261 x2=281 y2=277
- # text: ""
- # item 20: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=244 y1=271 x2=291 y2=287
- # text: ""
- # item 21: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=254 y1=281 x2=301 y2=297
- # text: ""
- # item 22: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=115 x2=347 y2=133
- # text: "Allow AppleTalk access by other users"
- # item 23: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=138 x2=347 y2=156
- # text: "Allow Binary Printing"
- DITL_4002_Edit Printer LogIn.txt
- # 25 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=290 y1=187 x2=348 y2=207
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=161 y1=188 x2=219 y2=208
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=6 x2=39 y2=38
- # data: ""
- # item 3: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=37 x2=137 y2=57
- # text: "Select PPD"
- # item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=145 y1=270 x2=192 y2=286
- # text: ""
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=17 x2=343 y2=33
- # text: ""
- # item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=155 y1=280 x2=202 y2=296
- # text: ""
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=159 y1=40 x2=346 y2=56
- # text: "LaserWriter"
- # item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=69 x2=343 y2=85
- # text: ""
- # item 9: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=93 x2=343 y2=109
- # text: ""
- # item 10: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=165 y1=290 x2=212 y2=306
- # text: ""
- # item 11: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=175 y1=300 x2=222 y2=316
- # text: ""
- # item 12: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=185 y1=310 x2=232 y2=326
- # text: ""
- # item 13: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=195 y1=320 x2=242 y2=336
- # text: ""
- # item 14: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=205 y1=330 x2=252 y2=346
- # text: ""
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=15 x2=151 y2=31
- # text: "Printer Name"
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=69 x2=153 y2=85
- # text: "Server Name"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=92 x2=153 y2=108
- # text: "Remote Printer"
- # item 18: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=215 y1=340 x2=262 y2=356
- # text: ""
- # item 19: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=234 y1=271 x2=281 y2=287
- # text: ""
- # item 20: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=244 y1=281 x2=291 y2=297
- # text: ""
- # item 21: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=254 y1=291 x2=301 y2=307
- # text: ""
- # item 22: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=115 x2=347 y2=133
- # text: "Allow AppleTalk access by other users"
- # item 23: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=135 x2=347 y2=153
- # text: "Allow Binary Printing"
- # item 24: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=95 y1=162 x2=285 y2=178
- # text: "• Using Logon Credentials"
- DITL_4003_GetUserPass.txt
- # 22 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=208 y1=146 x2=266 y2=166
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=132 y1=146 x2=190 y2=166
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
- # bounds: x1=13 y1=11 x2=45 y2=43
- # data: ""
- # item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=48 y1=247 x2=96 y2=263
- # text: ""
- # item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=58 y1=257 x2=106 y2=273
- # text: ""
- # item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=68 y1=267 x2=116 y2=283
- # text: ""
- # item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=78 y1=277 x2=126 y2=293
- # text: ""
- # item 7: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=88 y1=287 x2=136 y2=303
- # text: ""
- # item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=98 y1=297 x2=146 y2=313
- # text: ""
- # item 9: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=152 y1=248 x2=200 y2=264
- # text: ""
- # item 10: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=140 y1=69 x2=263 y2=85
- # text: ""
- # item 11: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=140 y1=94 x2=263 y2=110
- # text: ""
- # item 12: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=140 y1=119 x2=263 y2=135
- # text: ""
- # item 13: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=258 x2=210 y2=274
- # text: ""
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=82 y1=13 x2=272 y2=61
- # text: " Security Info for\n \\\\^0^2^1"
- # item 15: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=172 y1=268 x2=220 y2=284
- # text: ""
- # item 16: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=182 y1=278 x2=230 y2=294
- # text: ""
- # item 17: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=192 y1=288 x2=240 y2=304
- # text: ""
- # item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=58 y1=69 x2=133 y2=85
- # text: "User name:"
- # item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=57 y1=93 x2=132 y2=109
- # text: "Password:"
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=57 y1=118 x2=132 y2=134
- # text: "Domain:"
- # item 21: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=202 y1=298 x2=250 y2=314
- # text: ""
- DITL_4004_GetPassword.txt
- # 22 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=224 y1=101 x2=282 y2=121
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=150 y1=101 x2=208 y2=121
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
- # bounds: x1=13 y1=11 x2=45 y2=43
- # data: ""
- # item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=134 x2=102 y2=150
- # text: ""
- # item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=59 y1=144 x2=112 y2=160
- # text: ""
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=69 y1=154 x2=122 y2=170
- # text: ""
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=164 x2=132 y2=180
- # text: ""
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=89 y1=174 x2=142 y2=190
- # text: ""
- # item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=99 y1=184 x2=152 y2=200
- # text: ""
- # item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=109 y1=194 x2=162 y2=210
- # text: ""
- # item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=119 y1=204 x2=172 y2=220
- # text: ""
- # item 11: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=157 y1=70 x2=280 y2=86
- # text: ""
- # item 12: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=157 y1=133 x2=210 y2=149
- # text: ""
- # item 13: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=167 y1=143 x2=220 y2=159
- # text: ""
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=80 y1=13 x2=282 y2=61
- # text: " Password for\n \\\\^0^2^1"
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=177 y1=153 x2=230 y2=169
- # text: ""
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=187 y1=163 x2=240 y2=179
- # text: ""
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=197 y1=173 x2=250 y2=189
- # text: ""
- # item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=207 y1=183 x2=260 y2=199
- # text: ""
- # item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=74 y1=69 x2=149 y2=85
- # text: "Password:"
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=217 y1=193 x2=270 y2=209
- # text: ""
- # item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=227 y1=203 x2=280 y2=219
- # text: ""
- DITL_4005_Add Server.txt
- # 24 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=287 y1=159 x2=345 y2=179
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=158 y1=160 x2=216 y2=180
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: CUSTOM (0x00) enabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=6 x2=39 y2=38
- # data: ""
- # item 3: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=37 x2=137 y2=57
- # text: "Select PPD"
- # item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=32 y1=201 x2=81 y2=216
- # text: ""
- # item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x90) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=17 x2=343 y2=33
- # text: ""
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=42 y1=211 x2=91 y2=226
- # text: ""
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=159 y1=40 x2=346 y2=56
- # text: "LaserWriter"
- # item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=65 x2=343 y2=81
- # text: ""
- # item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=162 y1=89 x2=343 y2=105
- # text: ""
- # item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=52 y1=221 x2=101 y2=236
- # text: ""
- # item 11: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=62 y1=231 x2=111 y2=246
- # text: ""
- # item 12: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=72 y1=241 x2=121 y2=256
- # text: ""
- # item 13: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=137 y1=200 x2=186 y2=215
- # text: ""
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=147 y1=210 x2=196 y2=225
- # text: ""
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=49 y1=15 x2=151 y2=31
- # text: "Printer Name"
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=65 x2=153 y2=81
- # text: "Server Name"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=51 y1=88 x2=153 y2=104
- # text: "Remote Printer"
- # item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=157 y1=220 x2=206 y2=235
- # text: ""
- # item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=167 y1=230 x2=216 y2=245
- # text: ""
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=177 y1=240 x2=226 y2=255
- # text: ""
- # item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=187 y1=250 x2=236 y2=265
- # text: ""
- # item 22: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=50 y1=110 x2=348 y2=128
- # text: "Allow AppleTalk access by other users"
- # item 23: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
- # bounds: x1=50 y1=130 x2=348 y2=148
- # text: "Allow Binary Printing"
- DITL_5000_GatewayFailure.txt
- # 6 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=253 y1=137 x2=311 y2=157
- # text: "Edit"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=53 y1=137 x2=111 y2=157
- # text: "Ignore"
- # item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=157 y1=137 x2=215 y2=157
- # text: "Remove"
- # item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=53 y1=7 x2=312 y2=95
- # text: "Print Gateway ^0 Failed.\n^3"
- # item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=79 y1=98 x2=310 y2=129
- # text: "^2"
- # item 5: ICON (0xA0) disabled
- # bounds: x1=9 y1=7 x2=41 y2=39
- # ICON resource ID: 128