#p <nat>Babylonian<n>Merodach Baladan<sur>Merodach Baladan<d>650(20)<info>Merodach Baladan was a Chaldean. He sent ambassadors to king Hezekiah of Judah.<ref>Isa 39; 2 Kings 20:12-19
// Nabopolassar
#p <nat>Babylonian<o>king<n>Nabopolassar<fa>Merodach Baladan<ac>626<d>605<c>Babylon<info>Nabopolassar was the founder of the Chaldean dynasty.
#e <t>battle<n>Nabopolassar revolts against Assyrians<d>626 Oct<c>Ninevah
#e <t>battle<n>Ninevah captured by Babylonians and Medes<d>612<c>Ninevah<vic>Babylonia
#e <t>battle<n>Fall of Jerusalem<d>586<c>Jerusalem<info>The city and the temple are destroyed. Nebuchadnezzar deports most of the Jews to Babylon. The remaining Jews flee to Egypt.<ref>2 Chron 36:11-21