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Text File | 1999-04-30 | 25.0 KB | 919 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ## -*-Tcl-*-
- # ###################################################################
- # Frontier menu - tools for using Alpha as Frontier's external editor
- #
- # FILE: "frontierMenu.tcl"
- # created: 97-04-03 22.01.22
- # last update: 99-04-30 20.23.44
- # Author: Johan Linde
- # E-mail: <jlinde@telia.com>
- # www: <http://www.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
- #
- # Version: 2.1.5
- #
- # Copyright 1997-1999 by Johan Linde
- #
- # Much of the tcl code and the Frontier scripts have been written by
- # Danis Georgiadis <dmg@hyper.gr>
- #
- # This software may be used freely, and distributed freely, as long as the
- # receiver is not obligated in any way by receiving it.
- #
- # If you make improvements to this file, please share them!
- #
- # ###################################################################
- ##
- if {[alpha::package vsatisfies ${alpha::version} 7.1b8]} {
- alpha::menu frontierMenu 2.1.5 global "•142" {} {frontierMenu} {
- catch {removeMenu $frontierScriptMenu}
- } uninstall {
- removeFile $pkg_file
- removeFile "$HOME:Help:Frontier Help"
- } maintainer {
- "Johan Linde" jlinde@telia.com <http://www.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
- } help {file "Frontier Help"}
- } else {
- ;alpha::menu frontierMenu 2.1.5 "•142" in_menu {
- } uninstall {
- removeFile $pkg_file
- removeFile "$HOME:Help:Frontier Help"
- } maintainer {
- "Johan Linde" jlinde@telia.com <http://www.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
- } help {file "Frontier Help"}
- }
- proc frontierMenu {} {}
- set frontierScriptMenu •144
- # Preferences
- newPref f autoLaunch 0 Fron
- newPref v BrowsePoints {{root root} {Websites websites}} Fron
- newPref v OpenPoints {{Websites websites} {Glossary user.html.glossary} {Templates user.html.templates}} Fron
- # Register hooks
- hook::register closeHook frontierCloseHook
- hook::register savePostHook frontierSavePostHook
- hook::register saveasHook frontierSaveasHook
- if {[alpha::package vsatisfies ${alpha::version} 7.1b1]} {
- proc frontierBrowseMenu {} {
- global FronmodeVars
- set bl {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(BrowsePoints) {
- lappend bl [lindex $b 0]
- }
- return [list Menu -n Browse -p frontierMenuProc -m [concat $bl [list "(-" "Browse at…" Add… Remove…]]]
- }
- proc frontierOpenMenu {} {
- global FronmodeVars
- set bl {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(OpenPoints) {
- lappend bl [lindex $b 0]
- }
- return [list Menu -n Open -p frontierMenuProc -m [concat $bl [list "(-" "Open…" Add… Remove…]]]
- }
- } else {
- proc frontierBrowseMenu {} {
- global FronmodeVars
- set bl {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(BrowsePoints) {
- lappend bl [lindex $b 0]
- }
- return [list menu -n Browse -p frontierMenuProc -m [concat $bl [list "(-" "Browse at…" Add… Remove…]]]
- }
- proc frontierOpenMenu {} {
- global FronmodeVars
- set bl {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(OpenPoints) {
- lappend bl [lindex $b 0]
- }
- return [list menu -n Open -p frontierMenuProc -m [concat $bl [list "(-" "Open…" Add… Remove…]]]
- }
- }
- # Menu definition
- proc menu::buildFrontierMenu {} {
- global frontierMenu
- return [list build [list \
- "<U<O/Fswitch toFrontier" \
- "<U<O/'previewPage" \
- "<B<O/'publishPage" \
- "<I<O/YfrontierShell" \
- [frontierBrowseMenu] \
- [frontierOpenMenu] \
- "rebuildScriptsMenu" \
- preferences…] \
- frontierMenuProc "" $frontierMenu]
- }
- menu::buildProc frontierMenu menu::buildFrontierMenu
- menu::buildSome frontierMenu
- proc frontierMenuProc {menu item} {
- global frontierMenu FronmodeVars
- switch -glob $menu {
- •* {
- switch -glob $item {
- "switch*toFrontier" {frontierLaunch Fore}
- preferences {FronmodifyFlags}
- default {eval frontier$item}
- }
- }
- Browse {
- switch $item {
- "Browse at" {frontierBrowseAt}
- Add {frontierAddPoint Browse}
- Remove {frontierRemovePoint Browse}
- default {
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(BrowsePoints) {
- if {[lindex $b 0] == $item} {
- frontierCheckExist [lindex $b 1] $item Browse
- odbBrowse [lindex $b 1]
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Open {
- switch $item {
- Open {frontierOpen}
- Add {frontierAddPoint Open}
- Remove {frontierRemovePoint Open}
- default {
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(OpenPoints) {
- if {[lindex $b 0] == $item} {
- frontierCheckExist [lindex $b 1] $item Open
- frontierDoScript "edit (@[lindex $b 1])" front
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc frontierCheckExist {item mitem type} {
- if {[frontierDoScript defined($item)] == "false"} {
- alertnote "$mitem no longer exists in the database. It is removed from the menu."
- frontierDoTheRemove $type $mitem
- error ""
- }
- }
- # Called by Frontier when opening a Frontier text document in Alpha.
- proc openFromFrontier {} {
- global frontierWinList
- set name [lindex [winNames -f] 0]
- set name0 [stripNameCount $name]
- regsub -all {\[|\]} $name0 {\\&} name0
- if {[lsearch -exact $frontierWinList $name0] < 0} {lappend frontierWinList $name0}
- }
- # If the current document is a Frontier document, it is updated in Frontier.
- if {[alpha::package vsatisfies ${alpha::version} 7.2]} {
- proc frontierSavePostHook {name} {
- global frontierWinList
- regsub -all {\[|\]} $name {\\&} name
- if {[lsearch -exact $frontierWinList $name] >= 0} {
- frontierLaunch
- regsub -all {\\([][])} $name {\1} name
- AEBuild 'LAND' ALFA FMod "----" "“${name}”"
- }
- }
- } else {
- ;proc frontierSavePostHook {name} {
- global frontierWinList
- if {[lsearch -exact $frontierWinList $name] >= 0} {
- frontierLaunch
- regsub -all {\\([][])} $name {\1} name
- AEBuild 'LAND' ALFA FMod "----" "“${name}”"
- }
- }
- }
- proc frontierLaunch {{b Back}} {
- if {![app::isRunning LAND]} {
- if {[catch {eval app::launch$b LAND}]} {
- alertnote "Could not launch Frontier."
- error "Launch error"
- }
- } elseif {$b == "Fore"} {
- switchTo 'LAND'
- }
- }
- # A list of windows opened from Frontier.
- if {![info exists frontierWinList]} {set frontierWinList {}}
- # Executes a script in Frontier.
- proc frontierDoScript {script {front 0} {alert 1} {queue 0}} {
- if {[catch frontierLaunch]} {error "Could not launch Frontier."}
- if {$queue} {
- # Never switch to Frontier when queing.
- dosc -c 'LAND' -q -t 30000 -s $script
- return
- } elseif {[catch {dosc -c 'LAND' -s $script} returnvalue]} {
- if {$alert} {
- alertnote "Frontier $returnvalue"
- error "Frontier $returnvalue"
- }
- error $returnvalue
- } elseif {$front == "front"} {
- switchTo 'LAND'
- }
- return $returnvalue
- }
- # Executes one of the scripts in Frontier, which are required to use Alpha with Frontier.
- proc frontierDoAlphaScript {script {queue 0}} {
- global HOME frontierHasWarned
- if {[catch {frontierDoScript $script 0 0 $queue} res]} {
- frontierError
- error $res
- }
- return $res
- }
- proc frontierError {} {
- global frontierHasWarned
- if {![info exists frontierHasWarned]} {
- alertnote "The Frontier verbs required to integrate Alpha and Frontier have not been\
- properly installed. See the file 'Frontier Help.'"
- edit -r -c "$HOME:Help:Frontier Help"
- }
- }
- # closeHook
- # If the window to be closed is a Frontier document, it is removed
- # from Frontier's list of open external documents.
- proc frontierCloseHook {name} {
- global frontierWinList frontierQSWin frontierCommandHistory frontierCommandNum
- if {[set where [lsearch -exact $frontierWinList $name]] >= 0} {
- regsub -all {\\([][])} $name {\1} name
- set frontierWinList [lreplace $frontierWinList $where $where]
- catch {AEBuild 'LAND' ALFA FCls "----" "“${name}”"}
- }
- if {$name == $frontierQSWin} {set frontierCommandHistory ""; set frontierCommandNum 0}
- }
- # saveasHook
- proc frontierSaveasHook {oldname newname} {
- frontierCloseHook $oldname
- }
- # Does the same as 'Preview Page' in Frontier's web menu.
- proc frontierpreviewPage {} {
- frontierPrePub viewInBrowser
- }
- # Does the same as 'Publish Page' in Frontier's web menu.
- proc frontierpublishPage {} {
- frontierPrePub publishPage
- }
- proc frontierPrePub {script} {
- global frontierWinList
- if {![llength [winNames]]} {
- alertnote "No window!"
- return
- }
- set name [lindex [winNames -f] 0]
- set name0 [stripNameCount $name]
- regsub -all {\[|\]} $name0 {\\&} name0
- if {[lsearch -exact $frontierWinList $name0] >= 0} {
- if {[winDirty]} {
- if {[set ask [askyesno -c "Save '[file tail $name]'?"]] == "yes"} {
- save
- } elseif {$ask == "cancel"} {
- return
- }
- }
- regsub -all "\"" $name0 "\\\"" name0
- frontierDoScript "Alpha.${script}(\"[string tolower $name0]\")"
- } else {
- alertnote "Not a Frontier window."
- }
- }
- # Open a window in Frontier
- proc frontierOpen {} {
- if {![catch {frontierGetAddress} addr]} {
- frontierDoScript "edit (@$addr)" front
- }
- }
- # Browse a table in Frontier
- proc frontierBrowseAt {} {
- if {![catch {frontierGetAddress} addr]} {
- odbBrowse $addr
- }
- }
- # Add to Browse and Open submenus
- proc frontierAddPoint {type} {
- global FronmodeVars modifiedModeVars
- set values ""
- while {1} {
- set values [dialog -w 450 -h 130 -t "Add $type menu item" 30 10 290 30 \
- -t "Location in database:" 10 40 160 60 -e [lindex $values 0] 165 40 440 55 \
- -t "Menu text:" 78 70 160 90 -e [lindex $values 1] 165 70 440 85 \
- -b OK 20 100 85 120 -b Cancel 105 100 170 120]
- if {[lindex $values 3]} {return}
- set addr [string trim [lindex $values 0]]
- if {$addr == ""} {alertnote "Location is database must be specified."; continue}
- set text [string trim [lindex $values 1]]
- if {$text == ""} {alertnote "The menu item must be specified."; continue}
- if {[frontierDoScript "defined($addr)"] == "true"} {
- set ex 0
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(${type}Points) {
- if {[lindex $b 0] == $text} {alertnote "A menu item '$text' already exists."; set ex 1}
- }
- if {!$ex} {break}
- } else {
- alertnote "“$addr” is not a valid database address."
- }
- }
- lappend FronmodeVars(${type}Points) [list $text $addr]
- lappend modifiedModeVars [list ${type}Points FronmodeVars]
- eval [eval frontier${type}Menu]
- }
- # Remove from Browse and Open submenus.
- proc frontierRemovePoint {type} {
- global FronmodeVars
- set points {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(${type}Points) {
- lappend points [lindex $b 0]
- set pointat([lindex $b 0]) [lindex $b 1]
- }
- if {![llength $points] || [catch {listpick -p "Select [string tolower $type] point to remove:" -l $points} points] ||
- ![llength $points]} {return}
- set points [lindex $points 0]
- if {[askyesno "'$points' points to '$pointat($points)'. Remove?"] != "yes"} {return}
- frontierDoTheRemove $type $points
- }
- proc frontierDoTheRemove {type points} {
- global FronmodeVars modifiedModeVars
- set n {}
- foreach b $FronmodeVars(${type}Points) {
- if {[lindex $b 0] != $points} {lappend n $b}
- }
- set FronmodeVars(${type}Points) $n
- lappend modifiedModeVars [list ${type}Points FronmodeVars]
- eval [eval frontier${type}Menu]
- }
- proc frontierGetAddress {} {
- while {1} {
- if {[catch {set addr [prompt "Location in Frontier database:" ""]}]} {
- error ""
- } else {
- set addr [string trimleft [string trim $addr] {@}]
- switch [frontierDoScript "defined($addr)"] {
- "true" {return $addr}
- "false" {alertnote "“$addr” is not a valid database address"}
- "" {error ""}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc FronmodifyFlags {} {
- global FronmodeVars modifiedModeVars
- set values [dialog -w 300 -h 110 -t "Frontier Preferences" 30 10 290 30 \
- -c "Launch Frontier at startup" $FronmodeVars(autoLaunch) 10 40 290 60 \
- -b OK 20 80 85 100 -b Cancel 105 80 170 100]
- if {[lindex $values 2]} {return}
- set i -1
- foreach flag [list autoLaunch] {
- global $flag
- incr i
- set val [lindex $values $i]
- if {$FronmodeVars($flag) != $val} {
- set $flag $val
- set FronmodeVars($flag) $val
- lappend modifiedModeVars [list $flag FronmodeVars]
- }
- }
- }
- proc OdbmodifyFlags {} {
- FronmodifyFlags
- }
- proc frontierGetWin {} {
- global frontierWinList frontierWinNum
- if {![info exists frontierWinNum]} {set frontierWinNum 0}
- if {[llength $frontierWinList] == $frontierWinNum} {
- unset frontierWinNum
- return ""
- } else {
- return [lindex $frontierWinList [expr [incr frontierWinNum] - 1]]
- }
- }
- proc frontierCloseAllWindows {} {
- global frontierWinList
- foreach win $frontierWinList {
- regsub -all {\\([][])} $win {\1} win
- bringToFront $win
- setWinInfo dirty 0
- killWindow
- }
- }
- #===============================================================================
- # Script menu
- #
- # The code to extract a Frontier menu has been written by
- # Danis Georgiadis <dmg@hyper.gr>
- #
- #===============================================================================
- proc setFrontierMenuScript {menu item scpt} {
- global frontierMenuScripts
- if {[regexp {&$} $item]} {
- set item [string trimright $item &]
- } else {
- regsub -all {<[BUISEO]} $item "" item
- regsub {/[a-zA-Z]} $item "" item
- regsub -all {[!\^].} $item "" item
- }
- set key [string trimright "$menu$item" …]
- set frontierMenuScripts($key) $scpt
- }
- proc frontierBuildScriptMenu {} {
- global frontierScriptMenu FronmodeVars
- if {![app::isRunning LAND]} {
- if {$FronmodeVars(autoLaunch)} {
- app::launchBack LAND
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
- currentReplyHandler frontierGetMenuReplyHandler
- frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.getMenuSource()" 1
- }
- proc frontierScriptMenuProc {menu item} {
- global frontierMenuScripts frontierScriptMenu
- if {$menu == $frontierScriptMenu} {set menu ""}
- set key "$menu$item"
- frontierDoScript $frontierMenuScripts($key)
- }
- proc frontierrebuildScriptsMenu {} {
- global frontierMenuScripts
- frontierLaunch
- currentReplyHandler frontierInvalReplyHandler
- frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.invalMenuSources()" 1
- }
- proc frontierGetMenuReplyHandler {args} {
- global frontierScriptMenu
- if {[string range $args 12 16] == "errs:"} {
- frontierError
- } else {
- regexp {“([^”]*)”} $args dum txt
- regsub -all {\\\{} $txt "{" txt
- regsub -all {\\\}} $txt "}" txt
- menu -m -n $frontierScriptMenu -p frontierScriptMenuProc $txt
- insertMenu $frontierScriptMenu
- currentReplyHandler frontierGetDefsReplyHandler
- catch {frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.getDefsSource()" 1}
- }
- return 1
- }
- proc frontierGetDefsReplyHandler {args} {
- if {[string range $args 12 16] == "errs:"} {
- frontierError
- } else {
- regexp {“([^”]*)”} $args dum txt
- regsub -all {\\\{} $txt "{" txt
- regsub -all {\\\}} $txt "}" txt
- catch {eval $txt}
- }
- message "Frontier script menu built."
- return 1
- }
- proc frontierInvalReplyHandler {args} {
- catch {unset frontierMenuScripts}
- catch {frontierBuildScriptMenu}
- return 1
- }
- #===============================================================================
- #
- # Frontier shell
- #
- # Some ideas taken from Matlab mode by Stephen Merkowitz
- #
- #===============================================================================
- set frontierQSWin "* Frontier shell *"
- set frontierCommandHistory ""
- set frontierCommandNum 0
- proc frontierfrontierShell {} {
- global frontierQSWin
- if {[lsearch [winNames] $frontierQSWin] >= 0} {
- bringToFront $frontierQSWin
- } else {
- new -n $frontierQSWin -m Fron
- setWinInfo -w $frontierQSWin shell 1
- insertText "Welcome to Alpha's Frontier shell\r«» "
- }
- }
- proc frontierRunQuickScript {} {
- global frontierCommandHistory frontierCommandNum frontierQSWin
- set pos [getPos]
- set ind [string first "«» " [getText [lineStart $pos] [nextLineStart [getPos]]]]
- if {$ind >= 0} {
- set lStart [expr [lineStart $pos]+$ind+2]
- endOfLine
- set scriptName [getText $lStart [getPos]]
- if {[getPos] != [maxPos]} {
- goto [maxPos]
- insertText $scriptName
- }
- if {[string trim $scriptName] != ""} {
- catch {frontierDoScript $scriptName 0 0} result
- if {[string compare [lindex $frontierCommandHistory [expr [llength $frontierCommandHistory]-1]] $scriptName] != 0} {
- lappend frontierCommandHistory $scriptName
- if {[llength $frontierCommandHistory] > 30} {
- set frontierCommandHistory [lrange $frontierCommandHistory 1 end]
- }
- }
- set frontierCommandNum [llength $frontierCommandHistory]
- } else {
- set result ""
- }
- if {[string length $result]} {
- insertText -w $frontierQSWin "\r" $result \r "«» "
- } else {
- insertText -w $frontierQSWin \r "«» "
- }
- } else {
- if {[getPos] == [maxPos]} {
- insertText "«» "
- } else {
- bind::CarriageReturn
- }
- }
- return
- }
- proc frontierPrevCommand {} {
- global frontierCommandHistory frontierCommandNum
- set text [getText [lineStart [getPos]] [nextLineStart [getPos]]]
- if {[set ind [string first "«» " $text]] == 0} {
- goto [expr [lineStart [getPos]] + $ind + 2]
- } else return
- incr frontierCommandNum -1
- if {$frontierCommandNum < 0} {
- incr frontierCommandNum
- endOfLine
- return
- }
- set text [lindex $frontierCommandHistory $frontierCommandNum]
- set to [nextLineStart [getPos]]
- if {[lookAt [expr $to-1]] == "\r"} {incr to -1}
- replaceText [getPos] $to $text
- }
- proc frontierNextCommand {} {
- global frontierCommandHistory frontierCommandNum
- set text [getText [lineStart [getPos]] [nextLineStart [getPos]]]
- if {[set ind [string first "«» " $text]] == 0} {
- goto [expr [lineStart [getPos]] + $ind + 2]
- } else return
- incr frontierCommandNum
- if {$frontierCommandNum >= [llength $frontierCommandHistory]} {
- incr frontierCommandNum -1
- frontierCancelLine
- return
- }
- set text [lindex $frontierCommandHistory $frontierCommandNum]
- set to [nextLineStart [getPos]]
- if {[lookAt [expr $to-1]] == "\r"} {incr to -1}
- replaceText [getPos] $to $text
- }
- proc frontierCancelLine {} {
- global frontierCommandHistory frontierCommandNum
- set text [getText [lineStart [getPos]] [nextLineStart [getPos]]]
- if {[set ind [string first "«» " $text]] == 0} {
- goto [expr [lineStart [getPos]] + $ind + 3]
- } else return
- set to [nextLineStart [getPos]]
- deleteText [getPos] $to
- set frontierCommandNum [llength $frontierCommandHistory]
- }
- proc frontierBol {} {
- set text [getText [lineStart [getPos]] [nextLineStart [getPos]]]
- if {[set ind [string first "«» " $text]] == 0} {
- goto [expr [lineStart [getPos]] + $ind + 3]
- } else {
- goto [lineStart [getPos]]
- }
- }
- proc Fron::OptionTitlebar {} {
- global frontierCommandHistory
- return $frontierCommandHistory
- }
- proc Fron::OptionTitlebarSelect {item} {
- insertText [string range $item [expr 1+[string first " " $item]] end]
- if {[key::optionPressed]} {frontierRunQuickScript}
- }
- regModeKeywords -m {«} Fron {}
- bind up <z> frontierPrevCommand Fron
- bind down <z> frontierNextCommand Fron
- bind '\r' frontierRunQuickScript Fron
- bind 'u' <z> frontierCancelLine Fron
- bind left <c> frontierBol Fron
- bind 'a' <z> frontierBol Fron
- #===============================================================================
- # Odb browser
- #
- # Written by Danis Georgiadis <dmg@hyper.gr> and modified by me to be integrated
- # with the rest.
- #
- #===============================================================================
- set odbBrowserTabLength 3
- set odbBrowserTypeOffset 60
- proc odbget120Spaces {} {
- set spaces40 " "
- return "$spaces40$spaces40$spaces40"
- }
- proc odbGetIndLevel {indStr} {
- global odbBrowserTabLength
- return [expr [string length $indStr] / $odbBrowserTabLength]
- }
- proc odbGetIndString {indLevel} {
- global odbBrowserTabLength
- return [string range [odbget120Spaces] 0 [expr [expr $indLevel * $odbBrowserTabLength] - 1]]
- }
- proc odbGetNextIndString {thisIndStr} {
- return [odbGetIndString [expr [odbGetIndLevel $thisIndStr] + 1]]
- }
- proc odbBrowseGetLineParts {name type addr level} {
- global odbBrowserTypeOffset
- global odbBrowserTabLength
- set indPadPart [odbGetIndString $level]
- set namePart [string trim $name "\t "]
- set typePadSize [expr $odbBrowserTypeOffset - [expr [string length $indPadPart] + [string length $name]]]
- set typePadPart [string range [odbget120Spaces] 0 [expr $typePadSize - 1]]
- set typePart "◊$type◊"
- set addrPart "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t∞$addr∞"
- set res ""
- lappend res $indPadPart $namePart $typePadPart $typePart $addrPart
- return $res
- }
- proc odbBrowseDown {} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- select $curLineStart $curLineEnd
- set newLineStart [nextLineStart $curLineStart]
- set newLineEnd [nextLineStart $newLineStart]
- if {$newLineStart < [maxPos]} {
- select $newLineStart $newLineEnd
- }
- }
- proc odbBrowseCmdDown {{option 0}} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- if {[regexp {^( *).+◊tabl◊\t+∞(.+)∞} [getText $curLineStart $curLineEnd] junk ind addr]} {
- if {[frontierDoScript "defined($addr)"] == "false"} {return}
- if {$option} {killWindow}
- odbBrowse $addr
- }
- }
- proc odbBrowseUp {} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- select $curLineStart $curLineEnd
- set newLineStart [prevLineStart $curLineStart]
- set newLineEnd [nextLineStart $newLineStart]
- if {$newLineEnd > 0} {
- select $newLineStart $newLineEnd
- }
- }
- proc odbBrowseCmdUp {{option 0}} {
- regexp {∞(.+)∞} [getText 0 [nextLineStart 0]] junk addr
- if {[set point [string last "." $addr]] >= 0} {
- if {[frontierDoScript "defined($addr)"] == "false"} {return}
- if {$option} {killWindow}
- odbBrowse [string range $addr 0 [expr $point - 1]]
- }
- }
- proc odbBrowserAddCells {pos cells indLevel} {
- set tmp ""
- set colorCodes ""
- set lastPos $pos
- foreach cell $cells {
- set cellName [lindex $cell 0]
- set cellType [lindex $cell 1]
- set cellAddr [lindex $cell 2]
- set parts [odbBrowseGetLineParts $cellName $cellType $cellAddr $indLevel]
- set indPart [lindex $parts 0]
- set namePart [lindex $parts 1]
- set typePartPad [lindex $parts 2]
- set typePart [lindex $parts 3]
- set addrPart [lindex $parts 4]
- set nameStart [expr $lastPos + [string length $indPart]]
- set nameEnd [expr $nameStart + [string length $namePart]]
- if {$cellType == "TEXT" || $cellType == "wptx"} {
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameStart 3]
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameEnd 0]
- } elseif {$cellType == "tabl"} {
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameStart 5]
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameEnd 0]
- } else {
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameStart 1]
- lappend colorCodes [concat $nameEnd 0]
- }
- set typeStart [expr $lastPos + [string length $indPart] + [string length $namePart] + [string length $typePartPad]]
- set typeEnd [expr $typeStart + [string length $typePart]]
- lappend colorCodes [concat $typeStart 4]
- lappend colorCodes [concat $typeEnd 0]
- set line ""
- append line $indPart $namePart $typePartPad $typePart $addrPart "\n"
- append tmp $line
- set lastPos [expr $lastPos + [string length $line]]
- }
- select $pos $pos
- setWinInfo read-only 0
- insertText $tmp
- foreach colorCode $colorCodes {
- insertColorEscape [lindex $colorCode 0] [lindex $colorCode 1]
- }
- setWinInfo dirty 0
- setWinInfo read-only 1
- eval sizeWin [lrange [getGeometry] 2 end]
- }
- proc odbBrowseRight {} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- if {[regexp {^( *).+◊tabl◊\t+∞(.+)∞} [getText $curLineStart $curLineEnd] junk ind addr]} {
- set nextIndString [odbGetNextIndString $ind]
- set nextLineText [getText [nextLineStart $curLineStart] [nextLineStart [nextLineStart $curLineStart]]]
- if {![regexp "^$nextIndString" $nextLineText junk]} {
- if {[frontierDoScript "defined($addr)"] == "false"} {return}
- set cells [frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.getCellData(@$addr)"]
- odbBrowserAddCells $curLineEnd $cells [odbGetIndLevel $nextIndString]
- }
- }
- select $curLineStart $curLineEnd
- }
- proc odbBrowseLeft {} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- if {[regexp {^( *).+∞(.+)∞} [getText $curLineStart $curLineEnd] junk ind elems]} {
- set pos [nextLineStart $curLineStart]
- set start $pos
- set nextIndString [odbGetNextIndString $ind]
- while {[regexp "^$nextIndString" [getText $pos [nextLineStart $pos]] junk]} {
- set pos [nextLineStart $pos]
- }
- setWinInfo read-only 0
- deleteText $start $pos
- setWinInfo dirty 0
- setWinInfo read-only 1
- }
- select $curLineStart $curLineEnd
- }
- proc odbBrowseEditObj {} {
- set curPos [getPos]
- set curLineStart [lineStart $curPos]
- set curLineEnd [nextLineStart $curPos]
- if {[regexp {^.+∞(.+)∞} [getText $curLineStart $curLineEnd] junk addr]} {
- frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.editCell(@$addr)"
- }
- }
- proc odbBrowse {{addr root}} {
- if {$addr == ""} {
- return
- }
- global odbBrowserTypeOffset
- global odbBrowserTabLength
- set cell [frontierDoAlphaScript "Alpha.getCellData(@$addr, false)"]
- set wtitle [lindex [lindex $cell 0] 2]
- regsub -all {[][]} $wtitle "" wtitle
- set wtitle "* Frontier “$wtitle” *"
- if {[lsearch [winNames] $wtitle] >= 0} {
- bringToFront $wtitle
- } else {
- new -n $wtitle -g 4 42 449 300 -m Odb
- setWinInfo dirty 0
- odbBrowserAddCells 0 $cell 0
- select 0 [nextLineStart 0]
- odbBrowseRight
- }
- }
- bind '\r' odbBrowseEditObj Odb
- bind enter odbBrowseEditObj Odb
- bind down odbBrowseDown Odb
- bind down <c> odbBrowseCmdDown Odb
- bind down <co> {odbBrowseCmdDown 1} Odb
- bind up odbBrowseUp Odb
- bind up <c> odbBrowseCmdUp Odb
- bind up <co> {odbBrowseCmdUp 1} Odb
- bind right odbBrowseRight Odb
- bind left odbBrowseLeft Odb
- if {![info exists frontierVersion] || $frontierVersion != 2.12} {
- dialog -w 400 -h 180 -t "Welcome to Frontier menu 2.1.5" 70 10 390 30 \
- -t "Make sure you install all the scripts in the folder 'Frontier verbs' into Frontier.\r\
- If you upgrade from a previous version make sure you install the Frontier verbs which have been updated.\r\
- You find information in the file 'Frontier Help'." 10 50 390 135 \
- -b OK 20 150 85 170
- catch {edit -r -c "$HOME:Help:Frontier Help"}
- addDef frontierVersion 2.12
- set frontierHasWarned 1
- }
- catch {frontierBuildScriptMenu}
- catch {unset frontierHasWarned}