• Euro Assistant has been translated into Danish.
• The limitation of a single non-EMU currency in the Euro Assistant window has been removed: more non-EMU currencies can be now simultaneously displayed.
• The Tape window has become a floating window. Minimum required system software is now System 7.5.
• A bug concerning "big" tape files has been fixed. Text files which were obtained by saving the Tape window's content and which approached the SimpleText 32 K limit, could not be correctly opened by SimpleText.
• Some other minor bugs have been fixed.
v1.2 - February 8, 1999
• Another "important" non-EU currency has been introduced: the Norwegian Krone (NOK). In addition to that up to five other custom currencies can be now defined.
• A series of numeric values, stored in a text file or clipping, can be imported by selecting the "Import..." command in the File menu or by dragging the file icon or clipping on the ISO code of the desired input currency. Euro Assistant automatically calculates all conversions and logs the results in the Tape window.
• Five tape formats have been introduced and can be applied when saving or clipping the Tape window's content. Conversions can be now arranged on a single row or in a tabular form (with or without ISO codes).
• Euro Assistant can be iconized by clicking the little European Union flag located at the bottom left corner of the Euro Assistant window or by choosing the "Iconize" command in the File menu.
• The "Preferences" dialog box has been introduced. The user can now specify:
- whether to show flags in the Euro Assistant window and/or in menus;
- how the active display has to be focused;
- whether to startup iconized;
- whether to show the "Save Tape before quitting?" alert box;
- the tape clipping format and whether to include thousands separators when saving or clipping the tape.
• Euro Assistant has been translated into Swedish.
• The "Clear Tape" command can be undone.
• Several bugs concerning the tape operation have been fixed. Most tape routines have been rewritten.
• A bug preventing the user to save the tape's content on a volume differing from the startup volume has been fixed.
• Some other minor bugs have been fixed.
v1.1 - January 1, 1999
• The irrevocable euro conversion rates for EMU currencies, fixed by the European Council on December 31, 1998, have been introduced. These irrevocable conversion rates are displayed in the "Currencies" dialog box and cannot be modified.
• 9 other non-EMU currencies have been introduced: Euro Assistant now converts euro to USD, JPY, CHF, CAD, AUD and to the 4 European Union currencies not participating to the Economic and Monetary Union (GBP, GRD, SEK and DKK).
Euro exchange rates of non-EMU currencies can be edited in the "Currencies" dialog box. An exchange rate modification date has been associated to each non-EMU currency.
• Euro Assistant has been translated into Finnish.
• A bug concerning decimal and thousands separators has been fixed. Separators with ASCII codes greater than 127 were not handled correctly.
• A bug concerning the saving of the Euro Assistant Preferences file has been fixed. In absence of an existing preferences file and under particular circumstances, Euro Assistant was unable to save its preferences.
• A bug concerning the Cut, Copy and Paste commands in the "Currencies" dialog box has been fixed. The edit commands were not correctly performed if System 7.x.x or MacOS 8.0-8.1 without System-wide platinum appearance were running.
• Some corrections concerning the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese localizations have been made.
v1.0.1 - December 14, 1998
• Euro Assistant has been translated into Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish.
• Two new roundings have been introduced: conversions can now be calculated to 3 and 4 decimal digits.
• The calculation range has been reduced from 0 ≤ |x| ≤ to 0 ≤ |x| ≤