The Tape window automatically records all conversions performed by Euro Assistant. Its content can be printed, saved to a text file or clipped.
Showing and Hiding the Tape
To show or hide the Tape window choose the "Show Tape" or the "Hide Tape" command in the File menu. The Tape window can also be hidden by clicking its close box.
When the Tape window is hidden, Euro Assistant stops recording conversions, but the logged results (if any) are not lost.
When you import a series of numeric values by choosing the "Import..." command in the File menu or by dropping a text file or clipping on the desired input currency's ISO code, the Tape window is automatically shown.
Clearing the Tape
To clear the Tape window's content choose the "Clear Tape" command in the Edit menu or drag it to the Trash.
Advancing the Tape
In the Tape window subsequent conversions are automatically separated by a blank line.
Choose the "Advance Tape" command in the Edit menu to place additional blank lines between a tape entry and the following one.
Printing the Tape
The Tape window's content can be printed by selecting the "Print Tape..." command in the File menu. The printout can be formatted to any scale, page size and orientation by selecting the desired options in the "Page Setup" dialog box ("Page Setup..." command in the File menu).
Each printed page has a header indicating the print date and time and the page number. The Tape's content is ranged in one or more columns.
Saving the Tape
The Tape window's content can be saved to a text file. Five different tape formats are available:
• Standard
The tape's content is saved exactly as you see it in the Tape window.
• Single Row
Each conversion listed in the Tape window is arranged on a single row:
• Table
The conversions listed in the Tape window are arranged in a tabular form. Each conversion is arranged on a single row and different currencies are tab-delimited:
• Table - separated ISO codes
The conversions listed in the Tape window are arranged in a tabular form. Each conversion is arranged on a single row. Amounts and ISO codes are tab-delimited:
• Table - no ISO codes
The conversions listed in the Tape window are arranged in a tabular form. Each conversion is arranged on a single row, ISO codes are omitted and amounts are tab-delimited:
When saving the tape you can choose whether to include or not thousands separators. Thousands separators are included if the "Include thousands separators in text files and clippings" option in the "Preferences" dialog box is set. See also Preferences.
To save the tape's content, show the Tape window and choose the "Save Tape..." command in the File menu.
In the "Save" dialog box specify the name of the file, where you want to save it and the desired format. Then click the "Save" button. You'll obtain a SimpleText file containing the Tape window's conversions.
Clipping the Tape
A very quick way of exporting the Tape window's content to another application (a word processor, a spreadsheet, ... ) is to drag and drop it to the other application's document window.
If you have to export the tape's content to an application which doesn't support Drag & Drop, drag the Tape window's content to the desktop and make a text clipping of it: then open the clipping, copy it and paste it into the desired word processor or spreadsheet document.
Euro Assistant offers you five different tape clipping formats: Standard, Single Row, Table, Table - separated ISO codes, Table - no ISO codes (see Saving the Tape). The current tape clipping format is specified in the "Preferences" dialog box (see Preferences).
When clipping the tape you can choose whether to include or not thousands separators. Thousands separators are included if the "Include thousands separators in text files and clippings" option in the "Preferences" dialog box is set. See also Preferences.