Let's consider the Euro Assistant window's items and their function.
• Close Box
Click here to quit Euro Assistant.
• Zoom Box
Click here to shrink the Euro Assistant window to its minimum width and to move it to its standard position.
• Size Box
Drag the size box to horizontally resize the Euro Assistant window. The window's height is fixed and depends on the number of displayed currencies.
• Collapse Box
Click the collapse box to hide all but the Euro Assistant window's title bar.
• Iconize Button
Click the iconize button to iconize the Euro Assistant window.
• Displays
The Euro Assistant window shows one display for each listed currency. Each display is identified by the associated currency's ISO code and shows the associated currency's current amount.
One of the displays is always focused: it is the active display. All keyboard inputs are directed to it and edit commands (Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear) act on its content.
To activate an inactive display, click it. Press tab (shift-tab) to activate the next (previous) display.
Displays can be added or removed ("Add Currency" and "Remove Currency" commands in the File menu) and can be moved to a different position in the Euro Assistant window (see ISO Codes below). A different currency can be associated to a display by clicking the corresponding currency popup arrow (see below).
• Currency Popup Arrows
Each national currency display has a corresponding currency popup arrow. Click it to popup the Currencies menu and assign a different currency to the display.
The picture shows the Currencies menu associated to the FRF popup arrow. The French Franc is checked to remind you that it is the current currency. The Belgian Franc, German Mark, Italian Lira and US Dollar are disabled, because they are already listed in the Euro Assistant window.
• ISO Codes
ISO-4217 codes are standardized three-character abbreviations which univocally indicate currencies.
Drag the ISO code of a national currency and drop it on another national ISO code to move the corresponding display to a new position in the Euro Assistant window.
Drag the ISO code of a national currency to the desktop, a folder or a disk to create a text clipping with the current euro conversion, euro conversion rate or euro exchange rate. The current euro conversion is clipped, when the dragged display's content is not zero and the current conversion has already been calculated.
The euro conversion rate (EMU national currencies) or euro exchange rate (non-EMU currencies) is clipped, when the dragged display's content is zero or when the current conversion hasn't been calculated yet.
Finally drag the ISO code of a national currency to the Trash to clear all displays.
Drop a text file or clipping listing numeric values on an ISO code to automatically insert all listed values into the corresponding display and convert them. See also Calculating Series Conversions: Importation.
• Rate Button
When the EUR display is not the active display, the Rate button displays the euro conversion rate (for EMU national currencies) or euro exchange rate (for non-EMU currencies) of the active currency. Click it to open the "Currencies" dialog box.
• Rounding Popup Button
The Rounding button displays the rounding value of the active currency. Click it to popup the Rounding menu and specify a different rounding for the active currency. See also Rounding Currencies.
The picture shows the US Dollar Rounding popup menu. The US Dollar is currently rounded to 0,01 USD.
Iconizing the Euro Assistant Window
The Euro Assistant window can be iconized by clicking the "Iconize" button located at its bottom left corner or by choosing the "Iconize" command in the File menu. To de-iconize it, simply click anywhere in the iconized Euro Assistant window or select the "De-iconize" command in the File menu.
The iconization of the Euro Assistant window causes the Tape window to be hidden (if visible) and all menu commands, but the "De-iconize" and "Quit" commands, to be disabled.
By setting the "Startup Iconized" preference (see Preferences), Euro Assistant always starts up iconized. This option is particularly useful if you put Euro Assistant in your Startup Items folder.
Keyboard Shortcuts
• Tab
Activates the next display. If the EUR display is active, it activates the first display. Disabled during the introduction of an algebraic expression.
• Shift-Tab
Activates the previous display. If the first display is active, the EUR display is activated. Disabled during the introduction of an algebraic expression.
• Option-Tab
Switches to another currency in the active display. The new active currency is the first enabled currency in the "Switch Currency" submenu, starting from the current active currency.
• Left Arrow, Right Arrow
Scrolls the active display's content to the right or left. Enabled during the introduction of a numeric value or an algebraic formula.