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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1999-01-05  |  118.8 KB  |  1,205 lines  |  [FMP3/FMP3]

  1. reg_form.fp3
  2. FMP3FMP3
  3.  Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. 
  4. HBAM2016AUG95
  5. Pro 3.0
  6. HBAM3016AUG95@
  7. sterCard
  8. 34234
  9. MasterCard
  10. MasterCard
  11. n Avenue, Suite 204
  12. Dallas, 75219
  13. nlpsystems@worldnet.att.net
  14. et.att.net
  15. rldnet.att.net
  16. dnet.att.net
  17. ys. When you pay the registration fee of $28 you will receive an unrestricted version and with the messages turned off. 
  18. These templates were optimized for a 14 or 15 inch scr
  19. 6:17:16 PM
  20. ABOUT
  24. CC_NAME
  25. *    CC_NUMBER
  29. COPIES
  31. 8    COPIESSAS
  41. EMAIL
  44. +    FILEMAKER
  45. INDEX
  49. PHONE_H
  50. PHONE_W
  63. US_MAIL
  65. #DOWS
  66. TIME_KEY
  67. TIME_KEY
  68. ME_KEY
  69. TIME_KEY
  70. E_KEY
  71. TIME_KEY
  72. ME_KEY
  73. IME_KEY
  74. TIME_KEY
  75. TIME_SUM
  76. TITLE
  77. TITLE
  79. 1/5/9999Q1
  80. 1st Quarter
  81. 2nd Quarter
  82. 3rd Quarter
  83. 4th Quarter
  84. 12/28/98
  85. Reg_Form
  86. short_listB
  87. cityB
  88. stateate
  89. stateate
  90. stateate
  91. stateateA
  92. statete
  93. statete
  94. stateate
  95. statete
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  102. stateate
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  105. stateateA
  106. stateateA
  107. statete
  108. stateate
  109. state
  110. statete
  111. state
  112. stateate
  113. stateA
  114. statete
  115. state
  116. stateateA
  117. stateateA
  118. stateateA
  119. stateateA
  120. state
  121. send this form, completely  filled out, as an attachment to the email addressed to me. I will get try to get back to you within 24 hours and email you the registered program. We will only try your e-mail address three  times - if we are unable to reach you at this e-mail address because it is incorrect, your registration will be destroyed after three attempts.  E-Mail This File To: coreaxis@peoplescom.net
  122. indexB
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  124. ter_textB
  125. tter_textB
  126. city2B
  127. city2B
  128. city2B
  129. city2B
  130. city2B
  131. city2B
  132. city2B
  133. state2B
  134. zip2B
  135. Pro 2.0F!
  136. Pro 3.0 - 4.0J
  137. 8    US Letter    A4 Letter
  138. US Legal
  139. International Fanfold
  140. Computer Paper
  141. Envelope
  142. els^23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345789 12
  143. aboutB
  144. creation_timeB
  145. modified_byB
  146. created_byB
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  148. modified_timeB
  149. call_priorityeB
  150. call_priorityeB
  151. call_priority
  152. call_priority
  153. call_priority
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  155. phone_hB
  156. total_cost_standaloneB
  157. copies_standaloneB
  158. copiesB
  159. total_costB
  160.  * 28
  161. phone_wB
  162. nameB
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  167. &A    filemakerrG
  168. g_logoB
  169. timeB
  170. taken_byB
  171. find_toB
  172. ENTER LETTER TEXT HERE.................SAMPLE
  173. Ut wisi enim ad minim wesm, quis nostrud execi taton ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex. Duis autem vel eum irure en dolor in hendrerit vupute vel velit esse molestie conseqat sequat, vel illum dolore ven eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan naet iusto odio dignissim qui vel blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis do te feugait nulla facilisi. Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam n
  174.     Helvetica
  175. Geneva
  176. Times
  177. Certificate-Plain
  178. SnellRoundhand Script
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  181. BlackChancery
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  208. Bookman
  209.  ADKS
  210. Helvetica Black
  211. Times New Roman
  212. Bitstream Charter
  213. Arial
  214. LetterGothicRotRit
  215. SCoreAxis
  216. 3906 Lemmon Ave, Suite 204
  217. Dallas, TX 75219
  218. Email: coreaxis@peoplescom.net
  219. Sunday
  220. Monday
  221. Tuesday
  222.     Wednesday
  223. Thursday
  224. Friday
  225. Saturday
  226. January
  227. February
  228. March
  229. April
  230. August
  231.     September
  232. October
  233. November
  234. December
  235. 1st Quarter
  236. 2nd Quarter
  237. 3rd Quarter
  238. 4th Quarter
  239. Expiration Date:
  240. Credit Card Full Name/Bank:|
  241. I Am Ordering:
  242. ContAct Information
  243. Simple Accounting
  244. Tasks/Projects
  245. Billing/Invoices
  246. # Copies
  247. US $38
  248. # Copies
  249. US $42
  250. # Copies
  251.  US $42
  252. # Copies
  253. US $48
  254. # Copies
  255. US $52
  256. # Copies
  257. US $52
  258. Please Send Me:
  259. Grand Total
  260. Total
  261. Total
  262. Total
  263. Total
  264. Total
  265. Total
  266. Total Me:
  267. Grand Total
  268. TOTAL
  269. Please Send Me:
  270. Grand Totalnd Me:
  271. Grand Totalnd Me:
  272. Grand Totalnd Me:
  273. Grand Totalat:     lease make Checks Payable To: CoreAxis. We will e-mail an unrestricted program to you upon clearance of your payment.
  274. recieptX
  275. method_of_paymentY
  276. macZ    filemaker[
  277. windows\
  278. stand_alone]
  279. contacts^
  280. accounting_
  281. tasks`
  282. billing
  283. letters|index
  284. FMRLA
  285. SORTA(
  286. letters|index
  287. |index
  288. letters|index
  289. FMRLA
  290. SORTA(
  291. memo|time_keyG
  292. letters|index
  293. |index
  294. letters|index
  295. expenses|constantF
  296. memo|time_keyG
  297. letters|index
  298. |index
  299. letters|index
  300. SORTA(
  301. last_contact|dateE
  302. expenses|constantF
  303. memo|time_keyG
  304. letters|index
  305. |index
  306. ters|index
  307. memo|indexD
  308. last_contact|dateE
  309. expenses|constantF
  310. memo|time_keyG
  311. letters|index
  312. 6RPTH
  313. FPTHA6Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:reg_form.fp3
  314. MSPCA
  315. NAMEA
  316. reg_form.fp3
  317. RPTHA
  318. reg_form.fp3
  319. alisA
  320. Kathleen
  321. reg_form.fp3
  322.  9FMP3FMP3
  323.     CIACenter
  324. 6Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:reg_form.fp3
  325. 6RPTH
  326. FPTHA6Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:contacts.fp3
  327. MSPCA
  328. NAMEA
  329. contacts.fp3
  330. RPTHA
  331. contacts.fp3
  332. alisA
  333. Kathleen
  334. contacts.fp3
  335. FMP3FMP3
  336.     CIACenter
  337. 6Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:contacts.fp3
  338. CRPTH
  339. %alis
  340. Kathleen
  341. letters.fp3
  342. \FMP3FMP3
  343.     CIACenter
  344. 5Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  345. Kathleen
  346. Kathleen
  347. Kathleen
  348. Kathleen
  349. 5RPTH
  350. FPTHA5Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  351. MSPCA
  352. NAMEA
  353. letters.fp3
  354. RPTHA
  355. letters.fp3
  356. alisA
  357. Kathleen
  358. letters.fp3
  359. \FMP3FMP3
  360.     CIACenter
  361. 5Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  362. 5RPTH
  363. FPTHA5Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  364. MSPCA
  365. NAMEA
  366. letters.fp3
  367. RPTHA
  368. letters.fp3
  369. alisFolder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  370. Kathleen
  371. Kathleen
  372. Kathleen
  373. KathleenD
  374. 5RPTH
  375. FPTHA5Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter:letters.fp3
  376. MSPCA
  377. NAMEA
  378. letters.fp3
  379. RPTHA
  380. letters.fp3
  381. copies_standalonetaskB
  382. copies_standalonebillingB
  383. total_standalonesassB
  384. B * 48
  385. total_grandB
  386. ;RPTH
  387.     MSPC
  388. FPTHA;Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:memo.fp3
  389. MSPCA
  390. NAMEA    
  391. memo.fp3
  392. RPTHA
  393. memo.fp3
  394. Kathleen
  395. memo.fp3
  396. 9FMP3FMP3
  397. CIA_Folder11/28/98
  398. ;Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:memo.fp3
  399. :RPTH
  400.     MSPC
  401. FPTHA:Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder12/9/98:memo.fp3
  402. MSPCA
  403. NAMEA    
  404. memo.fp3
  405. RPTHA
  406. memo.fp3
  407. ARPTH
  408. FPTHAAKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:creditcard.fp3
  409. MSPCA
  410. NAMEA
  411. creditcard.fp3
  412. RPTHA
  413. creditcard.fp3
  414. Kathleen
  415. creditcard.fp3
  416. nFMP3FMP3
  417. CIA_Folder11/28/98
  418. AKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:creditcard.fp3
  419. #alis
  420. FPTHAAKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:creditcard.fp3
  421. MSPCA
  422. NAMEA
  423. creditcard.fp3
  424. RPTHA
  425. creditcard.fp3
  426. Kathleen
  427. creditcard.fp3
  428. nFMP3FMP3
  429. CIA_Folder11/28/98
  430. AKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder11/28/98:creditcard.fp3
  431. Kathleen
  432. reg_form.fp3
  433.  9FMP3FMP3
  434. CIA Center
  435. /Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:reg_form.fp3
  436. Kathleen
  437. Kathleen
  438. Kathleen
  439. Kathleen"
  440. -RPTH
  441. FPTHA-Kathleen:Desktop Folder:Richards:expenses.fp3
  442. MSPCA
  443. NAMEA
  444. expenses.fp3
  445. RPTHA
  446. expenses.fp3
  447. Kathleen
  448.     bills.fp3
  449. SoFMP3FMP3
  450. CIA Center
  451. ,Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:bills.fp3
  452. Kathleen
  453. Kathleen
  454. Kathleen
  455. Kathleen"
  456. /RPTH
  457. FPTHA/Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:reg_form.fp3
  458. MSPCA
  459. NAMEA
  460. reg_form.fp3
  461. RPTHA
  462. reg_form.fp3
  463. Kathleen
  464. expenses.fp3
  465. nFMP3FMP3
  466. CIA Center
  467. /Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:expenses.fp3
  468. Kathleen
  469. Kathleen
  470. Kathleen
  471. Kathleen"
  472. ,RPTH
  473.     alis
  474. FPTHA,Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:bills.fp3
  475. MSPCA
  476. NAMEA
  477.     bills.fp3
  478. RPTHA    bills.fp3
  479. Kathleen
  480. deposits.fp3
  481. /FMP3FMP3
  482. CIA Center
  483. /Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:deposits.fp3
  484. Kathleen
  485. Kathleen
  486. Kathleen
  487. Kathleen"
  488. /RPTH
  489. FPTHA/Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:expenses.fp3
  490. MSPCA
  491. NAMEA
  492. expenses.fp3
  493. RPTHA
  494. expenses.fp3
  495. Kathleen
  496. reg_form.fp3
  497.  9FMP3FMP3
  498. CIA_Folder
  499. 7Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder:reg_form.fp3
  500. Kathleen
  501. Kathleen
  502. Kathleen
  503. KathleenT
  504. /RPTH
  505. FPTHA/Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:deposits.fp3
  506. MSPCA
  507. NAMEA
  508. deposits.fp3
  509. RPTHA
  510. deposits.fp3
  511. Kathleen
  512.     bills.fp3
  513. SoFMP3FMP3
  514. CIA Center
  515. ,Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:bills.fp3
  516. Kathleen
  517. Kathleen
  518. Kathleen
  519. Kathleen"
  520. 7RPTH
  521. FPTHA7Kathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIA_Folder:reg_form.fp3
  522. MSPCA
  523. NAMEA
  524. reg_form.fp3
  525. RPTHA
  526. ::CIA_Folder:reg_form.fp3
  527. Kathleen
  528. deposits.fp3
  529. /FMP3FMP3
  530. CIA Center
  531. /Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:deposits.fp3
  532. Kathleen
  533. Kathleen
  534. Kathleen
  535. Kathleen"
  536. ,RPTH
  537.     alis
  538. FPTHA,Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:bills.fp3
  539. MSPCA
  540. NAMEA
  541.     bills.fp3
  542. RPTHA    bills.fp3
  543. FPTHA/Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:expenses.fp3
  544. MSPCA
  545. NAMEA
  546. expenses.fp3
  547. RPTHA
  548. expenses.fp3
  549. Kathleen
  550. expenses.fp3
  551. nFMP3FMP3
  552. CIA Center
  553. /Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:expenses.fp3
  554. Kathleen
  555. Kathleen
  556. Kathleen
  557. Kathleen"
  558. /RPTH
  559. FPTHA/Kathleen:Desktop Folder:CIA Center:deposits.fp3
  560. MSPCA
  561. NAMEA
  562. deposits.fp3
  563. RPTHA
  564. deposits.fp3
  565. *RPTH
  566. FPTHA*Kathleen:Desktop Folder:10/19:expenses.fp3
  567. MSPCA
  568. NAMEA
  569. expenses.fp3
  570. RPTHA
  571. expenses.fp3
  572. alisA
  573. Kathleen
  574. expenses.fp3
  575. nFMP3FMP3
  576. 10/19
  577. *Kathleen:Desktop Folder:10/19:expenses.fp3
  578. /RPTH
  579. FPTHA*Kathleen:Desktop Folder:10/19:expenses.fp3
  580. MSPCA
  581. NAMEA
  582. expenses.fp3
  583. RPTHA
  584. expenses.fp3
  585. alisA
  586. Kathleen
  587. expenses.fp3
  588. nFMP3FMP3
  589. 10/19
  590. *Kathleen:Desktop Folder:10/19:expenses.fp3
  591. /RPTH
  592. KB's Machine
  593. expenses.fp3
  594. nFMP3FMP3
  595. untitled folder
  596. 8KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:untitled folder:expenses.fp3
  597. KB's Machine
  598. KB's Machine
  599. KB's Machine
  600. KB's Machine 
  601. (RPTH
  602. FPTHA(LK HardDrive:cia_center.fp3:expenses.fp3
  603. MSPCA
  604. NAMEA
  605. expenses.fp3
  606. RPTHA
  607. expenses.fp3
  608. KB's Machine
  609. contacts.fp3
  610. FMP3FMP3
  611. Desktop Folder
  612. (KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:contacts.fp3
  613. KB's Machine
  614. KB's Machine
  615. KB's Machine
  616. KB's Machine
  617. 8RPTH
  618. FPTHA8KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:untitled folder:expenses.fp3
  619. MSPCA
  620. NAMEA
  621. expenses.fp3
  622. RPTHA
  623. expenses.fp3
  624. KB's Machine
  625. memo.fp3
  626. 9FMP3FMP3
  627. Desktop Folder
  628. $KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:memo.fp3
  629. KB's Machine
  630. KB's Machine
  631. KB's Machine
  632. KB's Machine
  633. (RPTH
  634. FPTHA(KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:contacts.fp3
  635. MSPCA
  636. NAMEA
  637. contacts.fp3
  638. RPTHA
  639. contacts.fp3
  640. $RPTH
  641.     MSPC
  642. FPTHA$KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:memo.fp3
  643. MSPCA
  644. NAMEA    
  645. memo.fp3
  646. RPTHA
  647. memo.fp3
  648. $KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:memo.fp3
  649. KB's Machine
  650. KB's Machine
  651. KB's Machine
  652. KB's Machine
  653. $RPTH
  654.     MSPC
  655. FPTHA$KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:memo.fp3
  656. MSPCA
  657. NAMEA    
  658. memo.fp3
  659. RPTHA
  660. memo.fp3
  661. NAMEA
  662. clients_.fp3
  663. RPTHA
  664. clients_.fp3
  665. LK HardDrive
  666. clients_.fp3
  667. FMP3FMP3
  668. finished_work
  669. 6LK HardDrive:Desktop Folder:finished_work:clients_.fp3
  670. LK HardDrive
  671. LK HardDrive
  672. LK HardDrive
  673. LK HardDrive
  674. $RPTH
  675.     MSPC
  676. FPTHA$KB's Machine:Desktop Folder:memo.fp3
  677. MSPCA
  678. NAMEA    
  679. memo.fp3
  680. RPTHA
  681. memo.fp3
  682. KB's Machine
  683. clients_manual_.fp3
  684. FMP3FMP3
  685. classes/manual
  686. IKB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:classes/manual:clients_manual_.fp3
  687. JRPTH
  688. %alis
  689. FPTHAJKB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:classes/manual: client_classes_.fp3
  690. MSPCA
  691. NAMEA
  692.  client_classes_.fp3
  693. RPTHA%::classes/manual: client_classes_.fp3
  694. KB's Machine
  695.  client_classes_.fp3
  696. `%FMP3FMP3
  697. classes/manual
  698. JKB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:classes/manual: client_classes_.fp3
  699. 6RPTH
  700. FPTHA6LK HardDrive:Desktop Folder:finished_work:clients_.fp3
  701. MSPCA
  702. RPTHA
  703.  clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  704. KB's Machine
  705.  clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  706. 9FMP3FMP3
  707. Desktop Folder
  708. 3KB's Machine:Desktop Folder: clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  709. KB's Machine
  710. KB's Machine
  711. KB's Machine
  712. KB's Machine
  713. IRPTH
  714. $alis
  715. FPTHAIKB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:classes/manual:clients_manual_.fp3
  716. MSPCA
  717. NAMEA
  718. clients_manual_.fp3
  719. RPTHA$::classes/manual:clients_manual_.fp3
  720. NAMEA    
  721. deposits
  722. RPTHA&::::98 Office:8/98 Accounting:deposits
  723. alisA
  724. KB's Machine
  725. deposits
  726. /FMP3FMP3
  727. 8/98 Accounting
  728. /KB's Machine:98 Office:8/98 Accounting:deposits
  729. 3RPTH
  730. FPTHA3KB's Machine:Desktop Folder: clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  731. MSPCA
  732. NAMEA
  733.  clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  734. RPTHunting:bills
  735. alisA
  736. KB's Machine
  737. bills
  738. SoFMP3FMP3
  739. 8/98 Accounting
  740. ,KB's Machine:98 Office:8/98 Accounting:bills
  741. 3RPTH
  742. FPTHA3KB's Machine:Desktop Folder: clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  743. MSPCA
  744. NAMEA
  745.  clients_memo_.fp3 copy
  746. MSPCA
  747. NAMEA    
  748. expenses
  749. RPTHA
  750. ::9/98 Accounting:expenses
  751. KB's Machine
  752. expenses
  753. nFMP3FMP3
  754. 9/98 Accounting
  755. ?KB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:9/98 Accounting:expenses
  756. /RPTH
  757. &alis
  758.     MSPC
  759. FPTHA/KB's Machine:98 Office:8/98 Accounting:expenses
  760. MSPCA
  761. NAMEA    
  762. expenses
  763. RPTHA&::::98 Office:8/98 Accounting:expenses
  764. alisA
  765. KB's Machine
  766. expenses
  767. nFMP3FMP3
  768. 8/98 Accounting
  769. /KB's Machine:98 Office:8/98 Accounting:expenses
  770. /RPTH
  771. &alis
  772.     MSPC
  773. FPTHA/KB's Machine:98 Office:8/98 Accounting:deposits
  774. MSPCA
  775. FPTHA2KB's Machine:  1998 Office:Schedules:NewSchedule98
  776. MSPCA
  777. NAMEA
  778. NewSchedule98
  779. RPTHA
  780. ::Schedules:NewSchedule98
  781. alisA
  782. KB's Machine
  783. NewSchedule98
  784. FMP3FMP3
  785.     Schedules
  786. 2KB's Machine:  1998 Office:Schedules:NewSchedule98
  787. 2RPTH
  788.     MSPC
  789. FPTHA2KB's Machine:  1998 Office:NLP Accounting:expenses
  790. MSPCA
  791. NAMEA    
  792. expenses
  793. RPTHA
  794. expenses
  795. alisA
  796. KB's Machine
  797. expenses
  798. nFMP3FMP3
  799. NLP Accounting
  800. 2KB's Machine:  1998 Office:NLP Accounting:expenses
  801. ?RPTH
  802.     MSPC
  803. FPTHA?KB's Machine:98 Office:9/98 Accounting:9/98 Accounting:expenses
  804. (LIST
  805. LISTA
  806. No, I do not need a receipt.
  807. Yes, I need a receipt.  Please send it via e-mail.
  808. Yes, I need a receipt.  Please send it via regular mail.
  809. VDEFA(
  810. (LIST
  811. LISTA?MasterCard
  812. MoneyOrder
  813. Traveler's Check
  814. CashBankDraft
  815. Check
  816. VDEFA(
  817. (LIST
  818. LISTA
  819. VDEFA(
  820. (LIST
  821. LISTA
  822. VDEFA(
  823. (LIST
  824. LISTA
  825. VDEFA(
  826. (LIST
  827. LISTA
  828. VDEFA(
  829. (LIST
  830.     MSPC
  831. FPTHA
  832. Macintosh HD:   Office:Schedule
  833. MSPCA
  834. NAMEA    
  835. Schedule
  836. RPTHA
  837. Schedule
  838. ZONEA
  839. Macintosh HD
  840. Schedule
  841. FMP3FMP3
  842.        Office
  843. Macintosh HD:   Office:Schedule
  844. LK Powerbook
  845. s Macintosh
  846. Macintosh HD
  847. LK Powerbook
  848. Macintosh HDh
  849. 2RPTH
  850. FPTH@
  851. MSPC@
  852. NAMEA
  853. RPTHA
  854. alisA
  855. NAMEA
  856. alisA
  857. alisA
  858. alisA
  859. FPTHA
  860. alisA
  861. alisA
  862. alisA
  863. alisA
  864. alisA
  865. alisA
  866. alisA
  867. alisA
  868. FPTHA
  869. FPTHA
  870. LIST@
  871. LISTA
  872. LISTA
  873. LISTA
  874. LISTA
  875. LISTA
  876. LISTA
  877. standaloneB
  878. chk_numberB
  879. )A    cc_numberB
  880. cc_nameB
  881. expiration_dateB
  882. receiptB
  883. us_mailB
  884. method_of_paymentB
  885. commentsB
  886. dateB
  887. credit_cardB
  888. contactB
  889. accountingB
  890. projects
  891. FPTHACKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter_SimplAccSyst:expenses.fp3
  892. MSPCA
  893. NAMEA
  894. expenses.fp3
  895. RPTHA%::CIACenter_SimplAccSyst:expenses.fp3
  896. Kathleen
  897. expenses.fp3
  898. nFMP3FMP3
  899. CIACenter_SimplAccSyst
  900. CKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter_SimplAccSyst:expenses.fp3
  901. ERPTH
  902. FPTHAEKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter_ContactInfoSys:contacts.fp3
  903. MSPCA
  904. NAMEA
  905. contacts.fp3
  906. RPTHA
  907. contacts.fp3
  908. Kathleen
  909. contacts.fp3
  910. FMP3FMP3
  911. CIACenter_ContactInfoSys
  912. EKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenter_ContactInfoSys:contacts.fp3
  913. 10:49:48 AM
  914. Kathleen
  915. Kathleen
  916. 11:01:13 AM
  917. 1/5/99
  918. MasterCard
  919. 1/5/99
  920. MasterCard
  921. 1/5/99
  922. te 204
  923. Dallas, 75219
  924. nlpsystems@worldnet.att.net
  925. 12132413513434234
  926. No, I do not need a receipt.
  927. MasterCard
  928. 1/4/99
  929. d a receipt.
  930. MasterCard
  931. /    qerqewrew
  932. 1/4/99
  933. rqewrqerqwrwq
  934. go_contacts
  935. (LIST
  936. LISTA
  937. VDEFA(
  938. (LIST
  939. LISTA
  940. VDEFA(
  941. (LIST
  942. LISTA
  943. VDEFA(
  944. TomatoRolledLeft
  945. Excellence Regular
  946. Heather
  947. B Kaufmann Bold
  948. Bickley Script LET
  949. Kaufmann
  950. Berkeley BookItalic
  951. Berkeley BoldItalic
  952. Charlotte Sans Book Italic LET
  953. Berkeley Bold
  954. Arial Narrow
  955. Arial Narrow Bold
  956. Bodoni Bd BT
  957. Arial Black
  958. close
  959. --------------- 
  960. print
  961. coreaxis_message
  962. open_end
  963. popup_method
  964. popup_reciept
  965. accounting_center
  966. go_contacts
  967. ------ 
  968. paste_current_time
  969. --------------- 
  970. open_end
  971. print
  972. popup_method
  973.  Snail
  974. Mail:
  975. Company Nameme:
  976. Work:
  977. Email Instruction: If you are using  MasterCard or Visa, send this form, completely  filled out, as an attachment to the email addressed to me. I will get try to get back to you within 24 hours and email you the registered program. We will only try your e-mail address three  times - if we are unable to reach you at this e-mail address because it is incorrect, your registration will be destroyed after three attempts.           Please make Checks/ MoneyOrdersPayable to: CoreAxis. We will e-mBBail an unrestricted program to you upon clearance of your payment.
  978. I Am Using : 
  979. coreaxis_message
  980. Thanks!
  981. Cancel
  982.      C.I.A. Center
  983.    Copyright 1998   All Rights Reserved. 3906 Lemmon Ave Ste 204 Dallas TX 75219 903/588-3220         
  984.                         Email: coreaxis@peopelescom.net
  985. dial_beeper
  986. dial_beeper
  987. dial_beeper
  988. dial_beeper
  989. ht 1998   All Rights Reserved. 3906 Lemmon Ave Ste 204 Dallas TX 75219 903/588-3220         
  990.                         Email: coreaxis@peopelescom.net
  991. find_all
  992. dial_beeper
  993. close
  994. ---------------
  995. list_holiday
  996. ---------------
  997. list_holiday
  998. go_accounting_center
  999. OKanks!
  1000. Cancel
  1001. The business name in the expense record must reside in the contact database for the "Contact Button" to take you to that specific company name, otherwise, the button will find all records.B+
  1002. ) = 2    
  1003. ------
  1004. list_birthday
  1005. brian Kell
  1006. go_pay_bills
  1007. go_pay_bills
  1008. go_pay_bills
  1009. entry
  1010. calls_return
  1011. Return
  1012. calls_return
  1013. Return
  1014. calls_return
  1015. Return
  1016. labels
  1017. calls_return
  1018. Return
  1019. 6;8uE
  1020. F    developerG
  1021. previewH
  1022. Cityof
  1023. AlexanderBold
  1024. Monaco
  1025. Charcoal
  1026. Bookman
  1027.  ADKS
  1028. Helvetica Black
  1029. Times New Roman
  1030. Bitstream Charter
  1031. Arial
  1032. LetterGothicRotRit
  1034. Contact Information System
  1035. CIA Center's Contact Information System is a simple, straight forward, WYSIWYG friendly contact information and record keeping system. Contact InformationSystem will interact with all other CIA Center solutions.
  1036. You may use the Contact Information System for 30 days. When you pay the registration fee of $28 you will receive an unrestricted version and with the messages turned off. 
  1037. These templates were optimized for a 14 or 15 inch sc
  1038. reen (640 X 480) in 256 colors - for Macintosh, Windows95 or NT operating systems. The files work with FileMaker Pro 3.0. If you don't have FileMaker Pro, you can still evaluate the files with FileMaker Pro Trial, available at the Claris web site, www.claris.com. A standalone (runtime version) is available for an additional $20.
  1039. Thank you for trying this solution! Enjoy.
  1040. Kathleen
  1041. CoreAxisGroup
  1042. """"""
  1043. 333333
  1044. wwwwww
  1045. UUUUUU
  1046. DDDDDD
  1047. """"""
  1048. ~ffff
  1049. ffffff
  1050. ffff33
  1051. ff33ff
  1052. ff3333
  1053. 33ffff
  1054. 33ff33
  1055. Reg_FormB
  1056. Receipt?e
  1057. Print
  1058. Print this form and mail it along with your payment to:
  1059. CoreAxisGroup
  1060. 3906 Lemmon Avenue, Suite 204
  1061. Dallas, Texas 75219
  1062. Thank you for your support !
  1063. )AWPayment Method : VISA ,  MasterCard, Cash Bank Draft, Travellers Check or  Money Order.
  1064. Contacts
  1065. wwwwww
  1066. UUUUUU
  1067. DDDDDD
  1068. """"""
  1069. """"""
  1070. all other CIA Center solutions.
  1071. You may use the Contact Information System for 30 days. When you pay the registration fee of $28 you will receive an unrestricted version and with the messages turned off. 
  1072. These templates were optimized for a 14 or 15 inch sc
  1073. reen (640 X 480) in 256 colors - for Macintosh, Windows95 or NT operating systems. The files work with FileMaker Pro 3.0. If you don't have FileMaker Pro, you can still evaluate the files with FileMaker Pro Trial, available at the Claris web site, www.claris.com. A standalone (runtime version) is available for an additional $20.
  1074. Thank you for trying this solution! Enjoy.
  1075. Kathleen
  1076. CoreAxisGroup
  1077. Thank you for trying this solution! Enjoy.
  1078. Kathleen
  1079. CoreAxisGroup
  1080. """"""
  1081. ~ffff
  1082. ffffff
  1083. ffff33
  1084. ff33ff
  1085. ff3333
  1086. 33ffff
  1087. 33ff33
  1088. 3333ff
  1089. 333333
  1090. Stand
  1091. Alone
  1092. Runtime
  1093. Version
  1094. # Copies
  1095. US $28n
  1096. # Copies
  1097. US $38p
  1098. Total
  1099. Stand
  1100. Alone
  1101. Runtime
  1102. Version
  1103. # Copies
  1104. US $28n
  1105. # Copies
  1106. US $38p
  1107. Total
  1108. TOTAL
  1109. TOTALp
  1110. TOTAL
  1111. TOTALp
  1112. TOTALL    
  1113. TOTALp
  1114. TOTALLLL
  1115. )AWPayment Method : VISA ,  MasterCard, Cash Bank Draft, Travellers Check or  Money Order.
  1116. *A'Stand-Alone (Runtime) Version
  1117.  @ US $48
  1118. # Copiesn
  1119. # Copieso
  1120. TOTALp
  1121. TOTAL
  1122. wwwwww
  1123. UUUUUU
  1124. DDDDDD
  1125. """"""
  1126. E-Mail:M
  1127. AddressN
  1128. Method of Payment:P,Your Comments &
  1129. Suggestions are appreciated:Q
  1130. Credit Card Number:
  1131.  FileMaker
  1132. VersionT
  1133. Money Order or
  1134. Check Number:V
  1135. EXACT Name on CreditCard:
  1136. Home:
  1137. Work:
  1138. Email Instruction: If you are using  MasterCard or Visa, send this form, completely  filled out, as an attachment to the email addressed to me. I will get try to get back to you within 24 hours and email you the registered program. We will only try your e-mail address three  times - if we are unable to reach you at this e-mail address because it is incorrect, your registration will be destroyed after three attempts.           Please make Checks/ MoneyOrdersPayable to: CoreAxis. We will e-mBBail an unrestricted program to you upon clearance of your payment.
  1139. I Am Using : 
  1140.  Am Using : 
  1141. billingB
  1142. copiestasksB
  1143. 7A    copiessasB
  1144. copiesbillingB
  1145. total_cost_sasB
  1146. 7* 38
  1147. total_cost_taskB
  1148. 6 * 42
  1149. total_cost_billingB
  1150. 8 * 42
  1151. total_standalonetaskB
  1152. C * 52
  1153. total_standalonebillingB
  1154. D * 52
  1155. copies_standalonesas
  1156. copies_standalonesassas
  1157. copies_standalonesas
  1158. LISTA
  1159. VDEFA(
  1160. (LIST
  1161. LISTA
  1162. No, I do not need a receipt.
  1163. Yes, I need a receipt.  Please send it via e-mail.
  1164. Yes, I need a receipt.  Please send it via regular mail.
  1165. VDEFA(
  1166. (LIST
  1167. LISTA9MasterCard
  1168. MoneyOrder
  1169. Traveler's Check
  1170. CashBankDraft
  1171. VDEFA(
  1172. (LIST
  1173. LISTA
  1174. Win/95/98
  1175. VDEFA(
  1176. (LIST
  1177. LISTA
  1178. FileMaker
  1179. StandAlone
  1180. VDEFA(
  1181. (LIST
  1182. LISTA
  1183. VDEFA(
  1184. (LIST
  1185. LISTA
  1186. VDEFA(
  1187. (LIST
  1188. popup_reciept
  1189. FPTHARKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenterPrograms:SimpleAccounting1.0:expenses.fp3
  1190. MSPCA
  1191. NAMEA
  1192. expenses.fp3
  1193. RPTHA
  1194. expenses.fp3
  1195. Kathleen
  1196. expenses.fp3
  1197. nFMP3FMP3
  1198. SimpleAccounting1.0
  1199. RKathleen:Desktop Folder:My Work:CIACenterPrograms:SimpleAccounting1.0:expenses.fp3
  1200. RRPTH
  1201. reg_form.fp3r
  1202. FMP3FMP3
  1203. FMP3FMP3
  1204. !!!!!