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Text File | 1998-12-14 | 8.6 KB | 161 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- MacDoppler Frequently Asked Questions
- Q. How do I get the map to display ?
- A. Click in the zoom box to hide/display the map.
- Q. How can I get the frequency slider to display ?
- A. If you are using System 7 you must install the Appearance Manager
- (Available from my web site) to display the frequency slider.
- Q. How do I update the Keplerian elements ?
- A. Simply edit out the header at the start, and '/EX' at the end of the
- keplerian elements file, rename the file to 'kepler.dat' and move it to
- the same folder as MacDoppler and restart MacDoppler.
- Q. When does the ground track line start ?
- A. It starts at current position and goes till 2 hours on the PPC and 1 hour
- on the 68k machines. It turns from blue to red for that portion where the
- Satellite will be visible.
- Q. What is the pass time? It seems to stay zero for a Satellite below the
- horizon. If the sat is up it seems to count up from zero starting at the
- time I first begin to track the Satellite. If this is correct what is
- its intended use?
- A. Pass time measures time to AOS (dependant on your minimum elevation) until
- Satellite elevation surpasses minimum elevation set by user, then Pass
- measures elapsed time since AOS (and changes to red), at LOS it reverts to
- time till next AOS.
- Q. What are the two gauges to the left of the CAT button ? One has a
- partial red line and the other a blue line across the box. Clicking on
- them doesn't seem to do anything.
- A. The one on the left is a 'compass' graphical representation of azimuth.
- The one on the right is a graphical representation of elevation and
- displays Satellite degrees above the horizon.
- Q. What is the coding of the color of some of the text. For some sats that
- are above the horizon the elev is red and for others blue ?
- A. The elevation is shown in red while the Satellite is visible and ascending
- and then switches to blue when the Satellite is visible and descending.
- The azimuth is shown in red when the Satellite is visible.
- Q. Can you tell me the coding of the fonts in the Satellite list ?
- A. Outline means AOS within an hour.
- Outline + Bold means AOS within twenty minutes or already visible.
- Q. What is the difference between MacDoppler and MacDoppler.FPU
- A. MacDoppler is a 'Fat Binary' and will run native on a power pc or
- in 68k mode on the older 68k Macs. MacDoppler.FPU is for use only
- on 68k Macs that have an FPU (Floating Point Unit).
- Q. How do I set the time or the hours from UTC ?
- A. The time and hours from GMT are set in the Date and Time Control Panel
- under the Apple Menu rather than through MacDoppler. To double check the
- time settings make sure that the 'UTC' time displayed in the top part of
- MacDoppler agrees with a known source/clock.
- Q. What is the Options menu Debug Log for ?
- A. Selecting that menu option (it defaults to 'Off') will cause everything
- that comes back from the radio interface to be saved to a file. This is
- used with the AutoTracker, for example, to degug problems.
- Q. What is 'Full Doppler Tuning' ?
- A. In accordance with common practice, in mode JA, the up link (lower)
- frequency is pegged and the Doppler correction for both transmit and receive
- is applied to the receive (down link) frequency. Conversely, in mode B the
- down link (lower) frequency is pegged and the Doppler correction for both
- transmit and receive is applied to the transmit (up link) frequency.
- You may also select 'Full Doppler Tuning' from the Options menu (it defaults
- to 'Off') to select Doppler adjustments to be made for both the up link and
- the down link even when in Mode JA or Mode B - this keeps the frequencies
- stable with respect to the transponder and no drifting through the
- transponder will occur. This is useful for QSO's with more than two
- geographical locations - but of course, all operators engaged in the QSO
- must be using the same method.
- (See 'A Recommendation for Doppler Tuning' by Ron Parson, W5RKN,
- Amsat Journal, Volume 19, #2 p 18. 1996).
- 'Full Doppler Tuning' is the norm for AO-27 and the PacSats, so you don't
- have to select it from the menu when using MODE_J_FM.
- Q. What is the "Serial Tool" for ?
- A. "Serial Tool" is a Communications ToolBox tool provided by Apple to
- facilitate serial port communication, you may already have one in your
- extensions folder, if not simply drag the one supplied with MacDoppler
- into the extensions folder within your System Folder.
- Q. Can I run multiple copies of MacDoppler on the same Macintosh ?
- A. Yes, just put them in different folders so that they each have a different
- copy of the "MacDoppler Settings" file.
- Q. Why does the 'Max El:' value keep changing ?
- A: MacDoppler's 'Look Ahead' algorithm proceeds in one minute steps from the
- current second, so that a variance of approximately one minute in the peak
- elevation may be displayed.
- Q. What is the vertical black strip between the numbers area and the buttons ?
- A. That is the 'S' meter, but is is only supported on the Yaesu FT-736R and
- the AOR-3000A (it 'lights up' with blue segments).
- Q. How can I improve my tracking accuracy ?
- A. You can improve the accuracy of your computer clock, by using 'AutoClock'
- or 'Vremya' time setting programs (MacOS 8.5 has a network time setting
- option built in to the 'Dat & Time' Control Panel). Also, borrowing a GPS
- to get accurate Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation readings for your site
- configuration can help immensely. As a final check, try one of the early
- evening passes of MIR and see how well your antennas agree with the visual
- sighting. If your computer clock is out even a few seconds, it can throw
- the tracking off considerably.
- Q. My Yaesu FT-847 does not "report" back the current frequency. I was told by
- someone who subscribes to the AMSAT Bulletin Board that this has caused
- a flurry of negative comments about the FT-847. Is this really a problem ?
- How does MacDoppler handle this ?
- A. Not as far as MacDoppler is concerned. MacDoppler was originally written
- for the Yaesu FT-736R, and with that radio, when you are in CAT mode the
- radio front panel is locked out entirely, so the basic design philosphy of
- MacDoppler is to control as much as possible from the computer, and use
- the radio front panel only where necessary. From this we derive the
- 8 'channel' steps/modes, the up and down buttons and the frequency slider
- which allows you to sweep the downlink VFO through the transponder range
- while the transmit frequency tracks the receive frequency. When you hear
- something interesting, MacDoppler continues to track the frequency through
- the Doppler changes. For AO-27, MIR, and the PacSats it's a moot point
- since there is no need to query the VFO in these modes.
- Q. How do I 'find myself' on AO-10 ?
- A. If the uplink/downlink frequency numbers in mode.dat are slightly off
- simply disengage the 'TLock' button by clicking on it. This will allow
- you to make fine adjustments to the uplink and downlink frequencies
- independent of one another. Several clicks on the up or down buttons
- are usually all that is required. Reengage the 'TLock' button and
- the change you have made will track throughout that channel. These
- off sets are remembered in the preferences, but are sensitive to
- Satellite order in the keplerian elements If you want to make the
- change permanent, simply edit the 8 pairs of uplink/downlink frequencies
- in Mode.dat.
- Q. When does the program start the flip mode relative to rise?
- A. It starts into flip mode at AOS. The rotors go directly from park az-el
- to AOS az-el. If you select -1 or -2 as the minumum elevation from the
- 'Site Info Dialog', then the antenna will be there waiting for AOS
- a few moments before it happens. This isn't necessary in some locations
- if the Satellite isn't useable until it has reached 3 or 4 degrees.
- Q. Do you give the operator some sort of visual indication of when it is in
- flip mode ?
- A. If the 'Show DeadSpot Crossing' is selected from the Options menu
- The southern crossing line turns red long before AOS - as soon as a
- southern cross is detected - usually just after the Satellite is
- selected - either from the menu or automatically by the look ahead
- options {Track List). Also, if 'Speech' is selected from the
- Options menu and 'Show DeadSpot Crossing' is selected, MacDoppler
- speaks: "FO-20 will be crossing a southern deadspot".
- D o g P a r k S o f t w a r e L t d .
- email: dogpark@interlog.com
- www: http://www.interlog.com/~dogpark