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Text File | 1999-01-03 | 20.6 KB | 346 lines | [Test/MSpl] |
- a lota lot, as in, there are a lot of people in the world
- acceptacksept, meaning to receive
- acceptableacceptable, as in, is your appearance acceptable?
- accessibleacksessible, as in, is the apartment handicapped accessible?
- accommodateaccomodate, as in, I could not accomodate your cheating
- acknowledgment/acknowledgementacknowledgment, as in, Master Spell deserves an acknowledgment
- acquittedacquitted, past tense, meaning to clear from a charge
- adherentadhere ent, meaning supporter
- adjacentadjaycent, meaning next too
- admissibleadmissible, meaning can be accepted
- adviceadd-vice, meaning recommendation regarding a decision
- advisableaddviezible, as in, it is addviezible to use your windsheild wipers in the rain
- adviseaddvise, meaning to give information or notice
- affectaffect, as in, the road construction will affect traffic this summer.
- aisleaisle, as in, which aisle at the grocery store has the coffee
- all readyall ready, meaning prepared
- all rightall right, as in, the answers were all right
- all togetherall together, as in, the players were all together on the field
- alludeallude, meaning to refer to indirectly
- allusionallusion, meaning to refer to indirectly
- alreadyalready, meaning by this time
- altogetheraltogether, as in the answer was altogether unacceptable
- announcementannouncement, as in, I made an announcement to the crowd gathered
- annualannual, meaning once yearly
- appalledappalled, as in i am appalled at your poor command of english
- apparatusapparatus, meaning a device for a particular purpose
- appropriateappropriate, as in, it is not appropreette to call a police officer a pig
- argumentargument, as in, it is not good to start an argument with a police officer
- arrangementarrangement, as in, that is a beautiful flower arrangement
- ascendascend, as in, the balloon will ascend with hot air
- ascentascent, as in, the balloon made an ascent with hot air
- atheistatheist, meaning one who denies the existance of God
- attendancea ttendance, as in, good a ttendance at school makes learning easier
- autumnautum, as in, autum leaves fall from the trees
- awkwardawkward, as in, it is awkward to walk around wearing only one shoe
- bachelorbatchilure, as in, I earned a batchilure in arts degree in spelling
- bankruptcybankruptcy, meaning the state of being declared bankrupt
- baronbaron, meaning a noble min
- barrenbarren, meaning incape a bul of offspring
- barrennessbarrenness, meaning the quality of being incape a bul of offspring
- basicallybasically, as in, macs are basically better than pee cees
- beggarbegger, meaning one who solicits for a living
- beneficialbehneficial, as in, I hope Master Spell is behneficial to you
- benefitbenefit, as in, you will benefit from your improved spelling
- boundaryboundary, as in I crossed the boundary of no reet turn
- burialburial, as in, it is illeegal to sell burial spots at Arlington National Cemetery
- businessbusiness, as in, a good business is reespohnsive to its customers
- calendarcalendar, as in, you can find today's day and date on the calendar
- calibercaliber, as in that is an impressive caliber weapon you have there
- canceledcanceled, as in your car insurance is cancelled
- cancellationcancellation, meaning the act or instance of cancelling
- capitalcapital, meaning the seat of a government
- capitolcapitol, meaning the building where a legislature meets
- careercareer, as in, robbing banks is a very wrong career choice
- caterpillarcaterpillar, meaning that worm-like animal with legs
- cemeterycemetery, meaning a place for burying the dead
- centennialcentennial, meaning one hundred years
- cheerfulnesscheerfulness, meaning the quality of being full of cheer
- chiefchief, as in editor in chief
- chieflychiefly, meaning mainly
- choosechoose, as in, you did not choose the words I gave you in this test
- chosechose, as in, I chose this word for you to spell
- chosenchosen, as in, you have chosen to improve your spelling
- coconutcoconut, meaning the fruit of a coconut palm tree
- coedcoed, meaning an educational system with both men and women
- coincidencecoincidence, as in, your improved spelling isn't just a coincidence
- columncolumn, meaning a supporting pillar
- commissioncommission, as in, the park and planning commission
- committedcommitted, as in, they were committed to follow orders
- committeecommittee, meaning a group of people officially delegated to perform an action
- comparablecomparable, meaning equivalent in some way for comparison
- comparativelycomparatively, as in, Macintosh computers are comparatively superior to PeeCees
- compatiblecompatible, as in, Master Spell is not Windows compatible, and neither is its author
- competencecompetence, as in, a pilot ought to pass a competence test
- competentcompetent, meaning properly or sufficiently quollified
- complementcomplement, meaning something that fills up, completes, makes perfect
- complimentcompliment, meaning a formal expression of esteem
- conceivableconceivable, as in, it is conceivable that once a pattern is established it will continue
- conceiveconceive, meaning to form or develop in the mind
- conscienceconscience, meaning moral goodness
- consciousconscious, meaning awake
- consequentlyconsequently, as in, he consequently went to jail for holding up the bank
- considerableconsiderable, as in, computer programming requires a considerable effort
- contemptcontempt, as in, the judge held the obnoxious lawyer in contempt of court
- controlledcontrolled, meaning to exercise a dominating influence over
- controversialcon-truvershul, meaning marked by controversy
- convenienceconvenience, meaning the quality of being suitable to one's comfort
- convenientconvenient, meaning suitted to one's comfort
- coollycoolly, as in, that cat strolled coolly down the alley
- councilcouncil, meaning an assembly or meeting for consultation
- counselcounsel, meaning advice given as a result of consultation
- counterfeitcounterfeit, as in, counterfeit money is illeegal
- curiositycuriosittee, as in, curiosittee killed the cat
- deceitdeseete, meaning deceiving
- deceivedeceive, as in, don't let lying politicians deceive you
- deductibledeductible, meaning that which can be deducted
- defendantdef fen dent, meaning the party against which an action is brought
- defensibledefensible, meaning capable of being defended
- definitelydefinitely, as in, winter at the north pole is definitely cold
- deitydeeitty, meaning a god
- desirabledesirable, as in, it is desirable to achieve 100% in Master Spell
- despairdespair, as in, do not despair, Master Spell will help you spell better
- desperatedesperate, as in, poor spellers are in desperate need of Master Spell
- desperatelydesperetly, as in, good spellers are desperetly needed
- disappointdisappoint, as in, do not disappoint me by getting a low score
- disapprovedisapprove, as in, I disapprove of quitting in the middle of a test
- disciplinediscipline, as in, all parents should discipline their children
- dissatisfieddissatisfied, as in, not sattisfied
- disservicedisservice, meaning you do yourself and others a disservice by not washing yourself
- dissipatedissipate, as in, the rainstorm will dissipate into a drizzle
- dissociatedissociate, meaning to no longer a so cee ate
- divisivedivisive, as in, stay away from those who are divisive among you
- droughtdrought, meaning long period of dry weather
- dumbfoundeddumbfounded, meaning clueless
- durabledurable, as in, titanium is a durable metal
- elicitelicit, meaning to bring out
- eloquentlyelo-quently, as in, the speech was given elo-quently
- eludeelude, meaning to avoid
- emperoremperor, meaning a ruler of an empire
- emphasizeemphasize, as in, I often emphasize the importance of good spelling
- enormousenormous, meaning great in size
- especiallyespecially, as in, it is especially helpful to know how to spell when writing
- eventuallyeventually, as in, keep this up and you will eventually master spelling
- everybodyeverybody, as in, everybody loves ice cream
- evidentlyevidently, as in, the wallet was evidently stolen
- exceedexceed, as in, don't exceed the speed limit
- excusableexcusable, meaning able to be excused
- exerciseexercise, meaning an activity that requires exertion
- exhibitexhibit, as in, we all enjoyed the museum exhibit
- exhibitionexhibition, as in, I saw many new products at the exhibition
- existenceexistence, as in, the existence of water is essential for all life
- extravagantextravagant, as in, the rich folks put on an extravagant dinner party
- exuberantexuberant, as in, cheerleaders are usually exuberant
- fallacyfallacy, as in, his argument had a fallacy of logic
- fascinatefascinayte, meaning allorring a strong interest
- fascinatingfascinating, as in, the power of the volcanic eruption was fascinating
- feasiblefeasible, meaning possible
- fiercefierce, as in were fierce were feminnists and were in your face
- fire truckfire truck, meaning the truck the fire men drive
- firefighter/fire fighterfire fighter, meaning one who fights fires
- forcibleforcible, as in, he made a forcible attempt to break the door
- forciblyforcibly, as in, he forcibly broke down the door
- formallyformally, meaning conventionally
- formerlyformerly, meaning in the past
- fortyforty, meaning one more than thirty-nine
- fraternityfraternity, meaning a brutherhood
- fulfill/fulfilfulfill, meaning complete
- fulfilledfulfilled, past tense meaning completed
- gallopedgahlluped, as in, the horse gahlluped to the finish line.
- gaudygaudy, meaning showy in a distaysteful way
- gentlemengentlemen, plural form, as in, ladies and gentlemen
- genuinegenuine, as in, when a person is honest he is genuine
- gloriousglorious, as in, the glorious revolution of 16 88
- goodbye/good-byegoodbye, an expression of farewell
- gorgeousgorgeous, as in, the view of the falls was gorgeous from the river bed
- governorgovernor, as in, he was elected governor of Illinois
- grievancegrievance, meaning a solidly held complaint
- handicappedhandicapped, meaning disabled
- happilyhappily, as in, they were happily married
- heirair, as in air to the throne
- helpfulhelpful, as in, a store clerk should be helpful, not mean
- hitchhikerhitchhiker, meaning one who solicits free rides on the road
- homicidehom icide, meaning murder
- hopelessnesshope-lessness, meaning the condition of being hopeless
- humoroushumorous, meaning funny
- Hungaryhunggary, meaning the central european nation
- hungryhungry, meaning having an urge to eat
- hystericalhysterical, meaning oh verwhelmingly funny
- illegiblyillegibly, meaning un de cife er ibul
- illegitimateillejitimate, meaning illeegal
- imitationimitation, meaning a copy
- immigrantimmigrant, meaning a person who permanently moves from one country to another
- inadmissibleinadmissible, meaning cannot be presented
- individuallyindividually, meaning solefully
- inevitableinevitable, meaning unavoidable
- inevitablyinevitably, meaing unavoidably
- inflammationinflammation, meaning the act of inflaming
- inherentinherent, meaning intrinsic
- inseparableinseperible, meaning unable to separate
- interpretinterpret, meaning translate
- interpretationinterpretation, as in, there's little room for interpretation of the ten ca-mandments
- interruptioninterruption, as in, with a small child around, it's hard to get work done without interruption
- intoleranceintolerance, as in, intolerance of lying is a virtue
- irreligiousirreligios, meaning lacking religion
- irresistibleirresistible, meaning quality of inability to resist
- irreverentirreverent, meaning disrespectful
- irritableirritable, meaning easily irritated
- it'sits, as in, its a pleasure to help your spelling
- itsits, as in, one problem with a pee cee is its inability to establish a standard for speech
- jewelryjewlry, meaning wearable ornaments
- keennesskeen ness, meaning the quality of being keen
- knowledgeableknowledgeable, meaning the quality of possessing great knowledge
- leisurelyleesurely, as in, there are many who drive leesurely on Sunday
- lengtheninglengththening, as in, lengththening hair is not accomplished by pulling on it
- licenselicense, meaning authorization
- lighteninglightening, meaning to make lighter
- lightninglightning, as in, lightning is present in a thunderstorm
- lovablelovable, as in, it's hard not to find a newborn baby lovable
- lusciousluscious, meaning delicious
- luxuriesluxuries, as in, hot baths and chocolate chip cookies are small luxuries
- magnificentmagnificent, as in, the magnificent mile is part of Michigan avenue in downtown Chicago
- malignmal ine, meaning to make harmful statements about
- manageablemanageable, meaning the ability to be managed
- managingmanaging, as in, for some, managing a stock portfolio is fun
- marshalmarshal, meaning to prepare
- medieval/mediaevalmedieval, meaning dark ages
- menswear/men's wearmens wear, meaning mens clothing
- mentalitymentality, as in, windows and mac users often differ in mentality
- merchandisemerchandise, as in, if you break the merchandise, you must buy it
- metallicmetallic, meaning having the quality of metal
- minerminer, meaning one who mines as a profession
- miniatureminiature, meaning very small version
- minorminer, meaning under age
- misspelledmisspelled, meaning when I say, that's incorrect
- moralmoral, meaning that which is good
- moralemorale, meaning condition of attitude
- multiplicationmultiplication, as in, do you know your multiplication tables?
- narrativenarrative, meaning a story
- nationalitiesnahtionalities, as in, many different nahtionalities are present at the olympics
- naturallynaturally,meaning by a natural manner
- nieceniece, meaning female of nephew
- noticeablenoticeable, meaning easily noticed
- o'clocko clock, as in, five o clock is quitting time
- observerobserver, meaning one who watches
- obstacleob stickle, meaning one of those things that get in the way
- occurrenceoccurrence, meaning the instance of occurring
- offeredoffered, past tense meaning presented
- omissionomission, meaning left out
- opposeoppose, as in, I oppose those who oppose me
- oppressiveo ppressiv, meaning difficult to bear
- optimismoptimism, as in, it's difficult to succeed without optimism
- optimisticoptimist-tic, meaning inclined to expect a favorable outcome
- overruleoverrule, meaning to use authority over previous authority
- panickypanicky, as in don't get panicky, its only a gun
- parallelparallel, as in, a divided highway is two parallel roads
- parliamentaryparliamentary, meaning relating to parliament
- passedpassed, as in, we passed each other without saying a word
- pastpast, as in, we can all learn from the past
- peaceablepeacible, meaning able to accomplish peace
- peculiaritiespeculee-yarities, meaning strange or unusual qualities
- peculiarlypeculiarly, as in, I speak peculiarly
- perjuryperjury, meaning to lie under oath
- permissiblepermissible, meaning allowable
- persistentpersisttent, as in, a good speller requires persistent practice
- personnelpersonnel, meaning employees
- persuadepersuade, meaning convincing
- persuasionpersuasion, meaning the act of persuading
- plaqueplack, meaning that wood thing with your name on it
- pollpole, meaning sur vey
- possessionpozession, as in, mine, all mine
- predecessorpredecessor, meaning one that came before
- predominantpredominant, as in, green was the predominant color in the forest
- preferredpreferred, meaning past tense of prefer
- presumptuouspresumptchuous, meaning excessively forward
- prevalencepreh-vellence, as in, there is a heavy preh-vellence of the flew this year
- prevalentprevalent, meaning widely preh zent
- principalprincipal, meaning the most important
- principleprinciple, meaning basic truth or law
- privilegeprivilege, as in, driving is a privilege not a right
- professorprofessor, meaning a teacher
- profitprofit, as in, lemonade stands barely make a profit
- psychologypsychology, meaning science that deals with mental processes
- publiclypublicly, meaning in a public manner
- pursuitpursuit, as in, a police officer might say, hot pursuit, giwht giwht giwht, while chasing you
- quarreling/quarrellingquarreling, meaning fighting
- quotientquotient, meaning the number resulting from mathematical division
- rarityrarity, meaning rare or not often
- rebelledrebelled, as in, he rebelled against his parents
- recederecede, as in, the water will recede at low tide
- receiptreceipt, as in, upon receipt of the news you can leave
- receivablereceivable, as in, he was very receivable to my ideas
- recognitionrecognition, meaning acknowledgment
- recommendationrecommendation, as in, her recommendation was highly regarded
- refereereferee, as in, the referee missed the play and called the play wrong
- refrigeratorrefrigerator, as in, please put the milk in the refridgerator
- reinrein, meaning a leather strap used to guide a horse
- renovationrenovation, as in, the old school is undergoing renovation
- resistanceresistance, as in, for power computing, resistance was futile
- responseresponse, as in, the correct response to the question was answer B
- rhythmrhythm, meaning a regular pattern
- sacrificesacrifice, as in, it is sometimes a sacrifice to give up something you love
- salable/saleablesailable, meaning can be sold
- schemescheme, as in, we enjoyed the color scheme of your living room
- scholarshipscholarship, as in, the college offered a scholarship for 3 people
- secessionsecession, meaning the act of seceding
- semestersemester, as in, at the end of the semester she will graduaite
- sentencesentence, as in, given the sentence, the crime was not justifyable
- separateseparate, meaning to put apart
- severelyseverely, as in, the house was severely in need of repair
- shiningshining, as in, the star was shining brightly
- siegesiege, meaning a surrounding of a city in order to capture it
- similarsimilar, meaning alike
- soldiersoldier, meaning one who serves in an army
- soluble[[inpt PHON]]_s1AAl~yUW_bUXl[[inpt TEXT]], meaning able to dissolve
- solutionsolution, as in, every problem has a solution
- specificallyspecifically, as in, I specifically told you to stop at the store
- sponsorsponsor, meaning one who assumes responsibility for another
- statementstatement,as in, the presidents statement on foreign policy left me confused
- stubbornstubborn, as in, a stubborn pig is hard to get in a pen
- subtlesubtle, as in, the subtle detail of the house makes it fascinating
- subtletysuttelty, as in, a pun is a suttelty of the language
- subtly[[inpt PHON]]_sUX\tIHlIY[[inpt TEXT]], as in, he [[inpt PHON]]_sUX\tIHlIY[[inpt TEXT]] hinted at a company takeover
- succeedsucceed, as in, can you succeed in getting 100% for 50 words?
- superintendentsuperintendent, meaning supervisor
- superstitioussueperstishus, as in, you are sueperstishus about walking under ladders
- supervisorsupervisor,as in, your supervisor should have the answer to your question
- supposesuppose,as in, to suppose you are correct can be a mistake
- surelysurely, meaning cofidently
- susceptiblesusceptible, meaning vulnerable
- techniquetechnique, meaning systematic procedure
- teepee/tepeeteepee, meaning an indian tent
- temperamentaltemperamental, meaning moody
- threwthrew, as in, he threw the aluminum cann away
- throughthrough, as in, the train went through the tunnel
- tilltill, as in, no dessert till after you finish dinner
- transferaltransferal, as in, the transferal of goods from one state to another
- transferredtransferred, as in, he transferred money from his savings account to his checking account
- trulytruly, meaning sincerely
- twelfthtwelfth, as in tenth eleventh twelfth
- typicaltypical, as in, it was a typical rainy day in may we were having
- unanimousunanimous, meaning complete agreement
- unbelievableunbelievable, as in, the elephant's size was unbelievable
- uncivilizeduncivilized, as in, their manners at the table were uncivilized
- unconsciousunconscious, as in, the boxer was knocked unconscious
- uncontrollableun controlubble, as in, an earthquake is un controlubble
- unforgettableunforgettable, as in, last nights dinner was unforgettable
- universitiesuniversities, as in, attending universities is getting expensive
- veteranveteran, as in, the veterans held the knowledge we younger players lacked
- vicinityvicinity, as in, you'll find us at Mic-don-alds or in the vicinity
- viciousvicious, as in, China launched a vicious attack on its citizens at teaammin square
- villainvillin, meaning the evil enemy
- vinegarvinegar, as in, vinegar and wine is a tasty dressing
- virtuousvirtuous, as in, virtuous actions can make one feel good
- visiblevisible, as in, if you get this word wrong, I will make the correct spelling visible
- warrantedwarranted, as in, her great report card warranted her parents praise
- wealthiestwealthyest, those who possess knowlege are the wealthyest
- who'swho's, as in, who's the greatest actor in your opinion
- wholesalewholesale, as in, did you buy it wholesale or reetail
- whosewhose, as in, whose hat and scarf are these?
- wondrouswondrus, meaning wonderful
- YankeeYankee, as in, I'm a Yankee doodle dandy
- yieldyield, as in, yield the right of way is a rule of the road
- you'reyou're, as in, you're the sun shine of my life
- youryour, as in, give me your tired and your poor
- zenithzeenith, as in, Veenus was at its zeenith last night