Click this to save the registration form as a text file.
Click this to close the window and quit this program. This does not save any information that you can send us.
Click this to print the registration form.
Click this to copy the registration form to the clipboard.
Type your name here. This is the person or organisation to whom the program will be registered.
Type your Email address here. This is how we will contact you with information about your registration. Examples are:,,
Type your snail-mail address here. This is the address to send the paper receipt or other materials (if any).
Type the number of single-user licenses you require here.
Type in the bonus you would like for this row’s application. I don’t know why you would pay a bonus above the cost of the program, but some people do, and who am I to say no?
Click here to order a site license of this row’s application. Site licenses cover a single organisation for an area of up to one hundred miles (160 km) in radius.
Click here to not order a site license of this row’s application. Site licenses cover a single organisation for an area of up to one hundred miles (160 km) in radius.
Click here to order a world-wide license of this row’s application. A world-wide license covers everyone in a single organisation.
Click here to not order a world-wide license of this row’s application. A world-wide license covers everyone in a single organisation.
Click here to get a special option for this program. This may change the price of various other options.
Click here to turn off the special option for this program. This may change the price of various other options.
Click here to include a comment to that author of the program. It is usually better to email the author directly, but you can use this for short comments.
Use the scroll bar to show other programs.
Click here if you require a paper receipt.
Click here if you do not require a paper receipt.
Type the name on the credit card here.
Type your credit card number here. You can just enter the numbers, spaces and dashes are not required.
Type the credit card expiry (MM/YY) here. Month (MM) and year (YY) are all that are required.
Type the First Virtual ID here.
Use this popup menu to select the cash currency you wish to pay with. Note that you will probably get a better exchange rate at your local bank.