There is not enough memory to create an inventory of the %disk%folder% “^0”. Quit File Buddy and use the Finder’s Get Info... command to give me more memory.
Save inventory as:
The two inventory files don’t correspond to the same %disk%folder%, so they can’t be compared.
Saving inventory...
Items inventoried: ^0
Creating Inventory for “^0”
An inventory of the %disk%folder% “^0”, with ^1 files and ^2 folders.
Comparing Inventories
Comparing entries...
Error ^0 was encountered while creating the inventory.
Error ^0 was encountered while comparing the inventories.
Save results in:
New Items
Deleted Items
Modified Items
Moved Items
The inventory comparison cannot be completed because the disk is full.
That name is already in use by a file. Please pick another name for the folder to hold the results of the comparison.
Inventory Comparison Results
Deleted Item:
Modified Item:
Moved Item:
The inventory cannot be built because there is not enough space on the disk “^0”.
An inventory cannot be built for the disk “^0” because it is locked.
Items Found:
An error has occurred. The number of items found in “^0” was greater than the number anticipated. See the online help topic “Creating Inventories” for more information.
Comparison Results:
%One%^0% of the items recorded in the comparison results file “^1” will not appear in the list because %it%they% could not be found.
A list of the files in “^0” could not be created because an error of type ^1 occurred.
No items were found in “^0” to put in the list.