%The file “^0”%Some files% will be skipped because %it is%they are% open.
%The file “^0” is not a document%Some of the files are not documents% and will made unusable by deleting %its%their% resource fork%%s%. Are you sure you want to do that?
Deleting %resource%data% forks cannot be undone%and can make some files unuseable%%. Are you sure you want to do this?
%“^0” is%Some of the selected items are% invisible. %It%They% must be made visible before showing.
There is not enough memory to open the application “^0”.
Error ^1 was encountered while trying to open the application “^0”.
Error ^0 was encountered while trying to open selected files.
The base name, initial number, and increment strings combine to form a name that is too long for one or more of the items. File names are limited to 31 characters.
^0 creator signature% was%s were% added to File Buddy’s Get Info creator popup menu. %It%They% will be available the next time you start File Buddy.
%”^0” was%^0 items were% not renamed because an error occurred.