Untrained laborers recently emigrated to the industrializing city from the agrarian counties. From their farm experience, they view work as cyclical with time for rest and relaxation.
Since they do not understand that the modern economy requires them to labor twelve hours a day, seven days a week, untrained workers are inefficient, rebellious, and unproductive. Fortunately, the more recalcitrant can be conscripted into the army.
With their experience of modern industry, trained workers are disciplined and efficient. Entire families can be put to work, laboring nearly non-stop in the factories and mills, which is of course, of great benefit to the growing industrial power.
Efficiency: 2 x Untrained
Cost: 1 squad of untrained workers + 1 unit of paper + $100
Career Path: expert worker, prospector, or miner
Expert workers have learned to operate complex machines and perform important crafts and trades; they are your most productive workers and therefore essential to the city’s growth. Hugely efficient, they are no more demanding than mere trained workers.
Efficiency: 4 x Untrained
Cost: 1 squad trained workers + 2 units of paper + $1,000