This is the same as the document found in the HTML format help.
There is a facility to print out an order form when you start up MiniCD.
Shareware Information
In the time honoured tradition of shareware authors, I shall now tell you why this product should be registered.
Reflect, dear reader, on how many hours goes into a product like this. I have not kept count but I assure you one hundred hours is a conservative guess. MiniCD 3 is probably going to be the final release of this program - I don't think there are any more features which could be added. So your shareware money is not going to encourage me to write another version. What it will do, and this is a promise, is encourage me to write an entirely different program. This may be a game (Quickdraw 3D , once I get a powermac) or something using Quickdraw GX (See it in action printing tape covers right here in MiniCD).
But most importantly, you are paying for the legitimate long term use of MiniCD.
To make payment easier for those living outside the UK and unable to get hold of UK money, there are two alternatives. The ways you can pay are:
• With UK money. The cost is a tiny two pounds. That converts to about four Canadian dollars and Three American Dollars.
• With Disks. I can accept four high quality blank floppy disks.<br>
• With something unique to your country. I leave the choice up to you; but remember whatever you choose must be unique to your country (ie not found elsewhere). You should also choose something light 'cos sending something heavy will be expensive.
Send the money, the disks or the unique thing to:
Edward Brown
6 Highnam Crescent Road
S10 1BZ
You must also enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope and a disk. Your registered version of MiniCD will be returned to you in this envelope.