ocr: le - System Agent -X Program Advanced Help Scheduled program Time scheduled to run Last started Last ended Last result SLow disk space notification Hourly at 15 minutes a... 9:15 on 26.2.1996 9:15 on 26.2.1996 Completed successtully ScanDisk for Windows (Sta... Every po; ut; st; ct. and... 8:44 on 26.2.1996 8:45 on 26.2.1996 No errors found Disk Defragmenter Every po; ut: st; ct and... 12:00 on 23.2.1996 12:00 on 23.2.1996 Completed successtully ScanDisk for Windows (Th... First of the month at 2... 8:52 on 2.2.1996 8:52 on2.2.1996 No errors found