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- ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ RAR version 1.55
- ██████╔╝ ███████║ ██████╔╝ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██║ ██╔══██╗ Commands and switches overview
- ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
- More detailed information may be found in the user manual, RAR.DOC
- Command line options
- Usage: RAR <command> -<switches> <archive>
- <@listfiles...> <files...>
- Commands:
- a Add files to archive
- c add Comment to archive
- cf add Comment to Files
- cw Write Comment from archive to file
- d Delete files from archive
- e Extract files to current directory
- en ENter to archive
- f Freshen files in archive
- k locK archive
- l List contents of archive
- m[f] Move to archive [Files only]
- p Print file to stdout
- r Repair archive
- s[file.sfx] Convert archive to SFX [alternate SFX module may be used]
- t Test archive files
- u Update files in archive
- v Verbosely list contents of archive
- x eXtract files with full path
- Switches:
- -$[drive] provides volume label support
- -av add Authenticity Verification (registered versions only)
- -av- disable checking or adding authenticity information
- -b enable Backup archives
- -bw Black & White (monochrome) mode
- -c- disable Comments display
- -cfg- disable read ConFiGuration
- -col COLor mode
- -dh disable sharing files
- -ds do not sort files while adding to solid
- -e<s,h,a,r> set file Exclude attributes
- -ed do not add Empty Directories
- -ems- disable EMS usage
- -ep Exclude Paths from names
- -ep1 Exclude base dir from names
- -f Freshen files
- -ialt only right <Alt> key changes help info in bottom line
- -m<0..5> set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
- -o- do not Overwrite existing files
- -o+ Overwrite existing files
- -p<password> set Password
- -r Recurse subdirectories
- -s create Solid archive
- -sfx[fil.sfx] create SFX archives (alternate SFX may be created)
- -std STDout mode
- -tk do not modify archive date
- -tl set archive date as the date of newest file
- -u Update files
- -v create Volumes with size autodetection
- -v<size> create Volumes: Size=<size>*1000 bytes
- -v<size>b create Volumes: Size=<size> bytes
- -v<size>k create Volumes: Size=<size> kilobytes
- -vd erase disk contents before creating volume
- -w<path> assign Work directory
- -x<file> eXclude specified File
- -x@<list> eXclude files in specified List file
- -y assume Yes on all queries
- -z<file> add comment to archive from the file
- The SFX archive module recognizes the following switches:
- -e Extract from the SFX archive (default)
- -t Test the SFX archive
- -v View archive contents
- Interactive mode
- Usage:
- Options:
- Alt-C Toggle between Color and monochrome mode
- Alt-D Select Drive
- Alt-J DOS shell
- Alt-M Select compression Method
- Alt-P Set Password
- Alt-S Save Setup
- Alt-W Set Work directory for temporary files
- Directory functions:
- F1 Help information
- F2 Add file(s) to archive, if the archive does not exist
- it will be created
- F3 View a file (if external viewer is not set, the
- internal viewer will be used)
- F4 Freshen files in archive - only recently changed files
- will be added and will replace older files existing in
- the archive
- F5 Create archive volumes
- F6 Add files not already in the archive and update those
- files changed since they were packed to the archive
- F7 Move file(s) to archive
- F8 Delete file or directory
- F9 Set up / Save options
- F10 Quit RAR. ESC can also be used to perform the same
- function.
- Alt-F2 Create a solid archive.
- Alt-F3 View file (with internal viewer).
- Alt-F4 Create a SFX archive.
- Alt-F5 Create a SFX-volume.
- Alt-F6 Create a solid archive volumes.
- Alt-F7 Create a solid SFX-volume.
- Alt-F8 Try to repair broken archive.
- Alt-F9 Create a solid SFX archive.
- Archive functions:
- F1 Help information
- F2 Test archive
- F3 View a file (if an external viewer is not set,
- the internal viewer will be used)
- F4 Extract files from archive with directory
- structure
- F5 Add comment to archive
- F6 Extract file(s) to current directory
- F7 Make SFX-archive
- F8 Delete file(s) from archive
- F9 Set up / Save options
- F10 Return from archive. ESC can also be used to
- perform the same function.
- Alt-F3 View a file (with internal viewer)
- Alt-F4 Extract file(s) to alternate path
- Alt-F5 Add file comment(s)
- Alt-F7 Lock archive to prevent modifications