PC World 1997 November
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+--+ QFE +--+
The Directory Processor
Qmodem SST 4.2
version 4.2
QFE(tm) Copyright 1986,1990 Sunflower Systems.
All rights reserved.
Sunflower Systems
5683 Dekalb Lane
_________ Norcross, GA 30093
_____|___ | (tm) 404/925-9331
--| | |-----------------
| _____|___ | Association of "QFE" and "The Directory
| | |_| Shareware Processor"are trademarks
|___| o | Professionals of Sunflower Systems.
------| | |-------------------
|____|____| MEMBER The Qfonedit family of
software is the product
of Sunflower Systems.
Copyrights and Trademarks 1
Disclaimer 1
License 1
QFE Support 2
Paying for QFE 2
What is QFE? 3
Keys in QFE and This Manual 4
A "Quick Start" 5
A "Quick Finish" 5
Other Ways to Start 5
The On-line Help System 7
Modes in QFE 7
Marking and Using Blocks 8
"Oops" Windows and Worse 9
QFE Commands 10
Duplicating 12
Sorting 14
Appendix A 17
Copyrights and Trademarks
QFE (c) 1986,1989 Sunflower Systems. All rights reserved.
"QFE" and "The Directory Processor" are trademarks of Sunflower
"Qmodem" is a trademark of The Forbin Project, Inc.
QFE is supplied as-is. Sunflower Systems disclaims all warran-
ties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
Sunflower Systems assumes no liability for damages, direct or
consequential, which may result from the use of QFE. Use of QFE
indicates acceptance of this disclaimer.
QFE is copyrighted Shareware, not public domain, "freeware," or
anything else that does not have to be paid for.
License is granted to use QFE for a trial period, to determine
its suitability for the user and his or her system. The "trial
period" is over when the user has decided whether QFE is useful
for his or her purposes. If the decision is that QFE is useful,
the user is expected to pay for it. (See "Paying for QFE,"
Some users find that QFE is a great deal of help to them for a
short while after they obtain it, but that they seldom use it
afterwards. Those users should note that the duration of QFE's
usefulness to them is not a factor in the license. I.e., they
should pay for QFE.
Anyone may distribute copies of QFE and its documentation,
subject to the following restrictions:
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
distributed as a complete package.
--The contents of QFE.EXE and QFE.HLP must not be modified.
--The contents of QFE.DOC and QFE_READ.ME must not be
modified other than by brief additions such as paragraphs
identifying the party distributing the package, etc.
--No charge may be made for the QFE package without the
written permission of Sunflower Systems.
--No charge may be made for any hardware or software package
distributed with QFE without the written permission of
Sunflower Systems.
--An exception to the "no charge" restrictions is that the
QFE package may always be distributed with Qmodem under
any terms approved by The Forbin Project, Inc., for
Qmodem's distribution. However, no additional charge may
be made for QFE's distribution beyond that made for
Qmodem's distribution.
QFE Support
QFE is supported on The Forbin Project BBS (check your Qmodem
documentation for the BBS phone number); in the Qmodem Round
Table on GEnie; and on CompuServe (73307,3101).
Sunflower Systems is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the Shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
Shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
write to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006
or send a CompuServe message via Easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
Paying for QFE
QFE is $15 for a single copy. Paying customers receive a copy of
the most recent release, on diskette; an individual serial
number, allowing bypass of some of QFE's prompts and displays;
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
mailed notices of major upgrades; and telephone support as-
Users wishing to pay for QFE using a bank card should order from
The Public (software) Library. Call them at (800)242-4775 or
(713)665-7017, or write to PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235, for
See Appendix A for a form to order QFE directly from Sunflower
Systems. (An unregistered copy of QFE will offer to print out an
order form at the end of each session.)
What is QFE?
QFE is a QMODEM.FON processor.
What does that mean? It means that you can operate on your Qmodem
dialing directory files like you operate on text with a word
processor: rearrange the entries, change them like you want to.
You can even process two directory files at the same time,
copying from each to the other.
In the rest of this manual, we'll refer to Qmodem directory files
as ".FON files", or just ".FONs", because your Qmodem dialing
directory files always have the "extension" .FON. We'll refer to
an individual listing in your .FON file as an "entry."
QFE makes it easy to do a lot of things with your .FON file:
--Clear (erase) entries, leaving just "defaults" for
appropriate values.
--Duplicate an entry: copy it, or part of it, to other
--Find the entry which contains a particular word or number.
--Insert blank entries.
--Move entries from one place to another.
--Pack entries, so that the "empty" ones are at the
"bottom", and the others are at the "top".
--Sort it.
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
Of course, QFE also makes it easy to change the contents of any
entry, operating like a word processor: You just type new
information into the entry.
And QFE protects your .FON files: While a .FON is still in QFE,
you can undo recent changes. If disk space permits, QFE will
leave your original .FON files on disk, changing their extensions
to .BAQ. (The originals don't have their names changed until QFE
has written the edited files to disk under a temporary name.)
Keys in QFE and This Manual
When run together with the name or number of a key, the words
Shift, Ctrl, and Alt mean to press the other key while holding
down a plain Shift key, a Ctrl key, or an Alt key, respectively.
Preceding a number, the letter F means to press the Function key
which has that number. The F may be preceded by Shift, Ctrl, or
Alt. FKey and FKeys refer to any Function key.
Esc, Tab, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Ins and Del refer to the keys
which usually have those names on an IBM keyboard. Space refers
to the space bar.
Up, Down, Left, and Right refer to the cursor control keys which
move the cursor in those respective directions.
Enter refers to the Enter or Return key.
You never have to type the " or [] characters shown in many
places in the manual. And it never matters whether you use
capital letters or lower case ones.
AltH means press H while holding down the Alt key.
ShiftTab means press the Tab key while holding down Shift.
CtrlFKey refers to any Function key pressed while holding
down the Ctrl key.
QFE uses the same cursor movement keys that Qmodem does, with
some extensions similar to those used in the Borland editors and
WordStar. ("WordStar" is the trademark of MicroPro Interna-
tional.) For example, Qmodem and QFE both use PgUp to move the
cursor an entire page up, but QFE also uses CtrlR for that. See
the on-line help for full details.
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
A "Quick Start"
The easiest way to start using QFE is to copy the files QFE.EXE
and QFE.HLP onto the same disk, in the same directory, as
QMODEM.EXE and QMODEM.FON. Make that disk and directory the
current one, type QFE and press Enter. QFE should then load
QMODEM.FON and let you start editing it.
(If you are using an unregistered copy, QFE may prompt you for
some additional keystrokes before displaying QMODEM.FON.)
A "Quick Finish"
To leave QFE, type X from "Command Mode." If QFE prompts you to
save QMODEM.FON, answer yes or no by typing Y or N--or press Esc
to continue QFE rather leaving it.
(If you are using an unregistered copy, QFE will ask if you wish
it to print an order form. Type Y or N, as appropriate. Note that
even after you have QFE print an order form, you will still
receive this question from your unregistered copy.)
Other Ways to Start
The general way to command DOS to load and run QFE is to type:
QFE [parameters] Enter
where "[parameters]" means any or none of these items:
filename the name (optionally including drive and
path) of the .FON file you want to load. (The
extension ".FON" is forced onto the
-B use "Black and white" regardless of
QMODEM.CNF colors or DOS colors
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
-C use default Colors regardless of QMODEM.CNF
colors or DOS colors
-S use Slow screen writes to avoid making "snow"
on some video adapters
-Q be Quiet--don't make beeps
Separate parameters by at least one space between each pair. Type
them in any order. If you prefer, you can type "/" instead of
Some examples of running QFE with parameters:
Run QFE loading BBS.FON from the current directory or the
Qmodem directory:
Run QFE loading BBS.FON from the C:\QM\BB directory, using
default colors:
Run QFE quietly, and suppress screen snow:
QFE -Q -S Enter
QFE looks for "QMODEM=" in your DOS environment. If found, it is
used to locate QMODEM.CNF and your .FON file. (See the Qmodem
users' manual and your DOS manual for more information about
QMODEM= and the DOS environment.)
If QFE does not find QMODEM=, it searches for QMODEM.EXE by
looking in the current directory and along the DOS path. (See
your DOS manual for more information about the DOS path.) Under
DOS versions 3.X and later, QFE looks in the directory where
If QFE finds QMODEM.CNF, it reads your choices for colors, baud
rate, etc., from that file and uses them to set its own values.
If it does not find QMODEM.CNF, QFE relies on preset values and
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
rules. For example, in the absence of QMODEM.CNF, QFE sets its
screen colors based on what was on the screen when you started
In any case, parameters given at start-up override QMODEM.CNF and
QFE's preset values and rules.
The On-line Help System
Press F1 or AltH to get on-line help with QFE. Press Esc to leave
the help system.
QFE's help is "context sensitive," meaning that the help text
display depends on what QFE was doing when you requested help.
For example, if you press F1 while sorting the .FON, the first
help screen presented will deal with sorting.
Help text is sometimes too lengthy for display on just one
screen. Up, Down, PgUp and PgDn will move you through the full
Every topic in the help system is linked to at least one other.
From one to six topics are listed at the bottom of the help
screen. One of them is always highlighted. Pressing Enter leaves
the currently displayed topic and displays the one that was
highlighted. Tab, ShiftTab, Right, Left and Space move the
highlighting from topic to topic.
Help topics also have two links which do not appear in the list
(unless they duplicate a listed topic). Rather than highlighting,
these topics are selected with FKeys: press ShiftF1 for the most
recently displayed topic, or AltF1 for help about the help system
Note that the help text is stored in the file QFE.HLP. On-line
help is available only if QFE can find, open and read QFE.HLP.
Modes in QFE
QFE operates in either of two "modes".
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
In "Command Mode", the letters you type are interpreted as
commands. For example, typing "S" in Command Mode tells QFE to
sort. In Command Mode you cannot type in new entries or type
modifications of existing ones.
In "Edit Mode", the letters you type are taken literally: Typing
"S" in Edit Mode puts the letter S into the "cursor line" (the
entry at the cursor location)--if "S" is an acceptable character
To go from Command Mode to Edit Mode, type R, for Revise, just as
in Qmodem. To return from Edit Mode to Command Mode, press Esc.
An upper line on the screen will state whether QFE is in Command
or Edit Mode.
For users who dislike modes, QFE can be operated from Edit Mode
just as if there were no Command Mode. In Edit Mode, all of the
commands must be given with the AltKey equivalents of the Command
Mode keys: Sort would be invoked with AltS rather than just "S".
However, the rest of this manual and all of the help text ignore
the use of AltKeys in Edit Mode.
Marking and Using Blocks
Most QFE commands "need" to "know" which entries to operate on.
Some commands, such as Load and Quit, operate on the entire .FON.
Others, such as Find, start at the entry after the cursor line.
Commands which need to be "told" which entries to operate on get
that information from "marking" of "blocks" of entries. Marked
entries usually appear in a different color than unmarked ones,
and always have the Qmodem marking character to their left.
To mark a block, move the cursor to the "first" entry in the
intended block. (The first entry is the one with the lowest entry
number.) Press F3. Move the cursor to the "last" entry (the one
with the highest entry number) in the intended block. Press F4.
To mark the entire .FON as one block, just press F6.
When a block is marked, an upper line on the screen will say that
marks are "on" and which are the first and last marked entries.
When marks are on, pressing F3 makes the cursor line the new
first line in the block; pressing F4 makes the cursor line the
new last line. The existing marks will be extended, truncated, or
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
cleared as required; you will see the displayed entries marked or
unmarked accordingly.
To unmark a block, removing the marking characters and restoring
normal colors, press F2.
Some QFE commands need to know both a marked block and some other
entry. For example, the Move command moves a marked block to the
cursor line. Thus, to move the block you must first mark it, then
move the cursor to the intended destination, then give the Move
Some other commands act on a block if one is marked, but act on
the cursor line alone if not. For example, the Clear command
erases the entries in a marked block, but it erases only the
cursor line if no block is marked.
If a marked block comprises only complete pages (pages where the
marked entries include both the page's "top" entry and its
"bottom" one), and more than one such page, some commands will
prompt whether to operate on the entire block as a unit, or on a
page by page basis. Type P for page, B for block, or Esc to quit
the prompt without performing the operation. If the command is
performed by page, all entries will stay on their original pages;
if by block, some entries may be moved to different pages than
their original ones.
"Oops" Windows and Worse
If QFE cannot carry out a command, it will open an "oops window",
explaining its problem and possibly suggesting how to fix the
Suggestions for better oops windows are always welcome.
You may, under very unusual circumstances, be presented with a
window announcing "an embarrassing, terminal failure". That does
not mean that your disk is threatened, or that your .FON file is
in danger. It means that the QFE programmer did not foresee some
problem that arose. QFE will not save your .FON file if a
terminal failure occurs. However, all that will be lost will be
the changes made in that session. Nothing on the disk will be
A terminal failure leaves some information on the screen, with a
request to report it. Please record that information. (Press
ShiftPrtSc to copy it to your printer, if possible.) If you
report the information, together with a copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
and CONFIG.SYS files and any other relevant information, it may
be possible to avoid that failure in future QFE releases. And you
will receive the programmer's nearly undying (but embarrassed)
QFE Commands
Unless noted otherwise, QFE commands are given by typing a letter
from the command name, while in Command Mode. In this section,
the letter to be typed is capitalized in the command name.
Again: Repeat a Find command, starting at the entry after the
cursor line. You must have previously done a Find command to do
an Again command.
Clear: Erase the entries in a marked block; erase the cursor line
if no block is marked. Erasing a line clears the Name, Number,
and Script fields to all blanks, and sets other fields to default
Duplicate: Copy selected fields from the cursor line to all
entries in a marked block. (Duplicate is explained in more detail
in a later section.)
Exchange: Exchange the entries in a marked block with those in an
equal-sized block starting at the cursor line. The cursor line
must not be within the marked block, and must not be too close to
the end of the .FON for the exchange to occur.
Find: Locate an entry containing values you specify. If a match
is located, the entry with the match will become the cursor line,
and the screen will display the field where the match occurred.
Find and Again start with the entry after the cursor line, so
they cannot operate with the cursor on the last line of the .FON.
They search all fields--not just Name and Number.
Insert: Replace the entries in a marked block with "blank"
entries; replace the cursor line with a blank entry if no block
is marked. Blank entries look like those produced by the Clear
command, with all blanks in the Name, Number, and Script fields.
The entries in the marked block, or the cursor line, are actually
moved "down" (toward the higher-numbered end of the .FON) during
an insert; blank lines from farther down are moved into the
vacated places. No entries are lost during an insert. If there
are not enough blank entries farther down, an oops window will
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
Kopy: Copy the entries from a marked block in one .FON to another
.FON, starting at the cursor line of the second .FON. QFE must
have two .FONs loaded at once for Kopy to work. The block is
copied from the .FON which is not displayed to the .FON which is.
The entries in the displayed .FON are lost, overwritten by the
copied ones. If only one .FON is loaded, or the cursor is too
near the end of the displayed .FON, an oops window will open.
Load new .FON: Load another .FON file, optionally quitting (and
possibly saving) the currently displayed one. QFE will prompt for
name of a file to load. Edit the displayed name and press Enter
to load the new .FON, or Esc to leave the prompt without loading
it. QFE will ask whether to keep the currently displayed .FON.
Note that QFE can have two .FONs loaded at once, but no more. If
you already have two .FONs loaded, you must quit one of them in
order to load a new one. See the section on "eXit QFE" for a
discussion of saving .FON files.
Move: Move the entries in a marked block to a new location which
starts at the cursor line. Such a move rearranges more entries
than just those in the marked block; the results are sometimes
not what was intended. See the section on Undo.
Other info: Switch between display of the Number through the
Script fields, and display of the Password through the D fields.
Pack: Move the blank entries in a marked block to its bottom
(nearer the highest numbered entry), moving the rest of the
entries to its top.
Quit .FON: Quit the currently displayed .FON, optionally saving
changes to disk. Do not confuse "Quit" with "eXit QFE": Quit will
leave you in QFE, editing the remaining .FON. You can only quit a
.FON if two of them are loaded; otherwise an oops window will
open. The primary purpose of Quit is to make more RAM available
by freeing that used for the currently displayed .FON file. See
the section on "eXit QFE" for a discussion of saving .FON files.
Revise: Change from Command Mode to Edit Mode. (To return from
Edit Mode to Command Mode, press Esc. See the section on "Modes
in QFE".) While in Edit Mode you can revise entries as you might
with a word processor. Cursor keys and other keys act as you
probably expect. See the on-line help for specific details.
Sort: Sort the entries in a marked block. The sort can be made on
up to eight fields. Each field may be individually selected to be
sorted in either order: ascending or descending. (Sort is
explained in more detail in a later section.)
Undo: Undo restores the .FON file, the display and various other
things, to a previous state. Note that Undo is invoked with
CtrlU, as in Qmodem, rather than just the letter U. Undo is only
available if QFE currently has one or more "internal backups"
stored. If Undo is available, the displayed command list will
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
include "^U" to the left of "Undo", and the number of available
backups to the right. If Undo is not available, only the word
"Undo" will appear in the list. QFE tries to make an internal
backup before executing any command which modifies the .FON. For
example, QFE tries to make a backup before doing a sort, but not
before turning marks on or loading a new .FON file. Whether QFE
can make an internal backup, and how many are available, depends
on available RAM. QFE will make and keep as many internal backups
as available RAM permits. When RAM is required for other purposes
(such as loading a new .FON file, performing a sort, or making a
current internal backup), QFE disposes of the oldest backups,
until sufficient RAM is available or all backups have been
disposed of. You may see the displayed number of available
backups decrease--or disappear--when you have not commanded Undo.
sWitch .FONs: Change the display from the currently displayed
.FON to the one not displayed. QFE must have two .FONs loaded for
sWitch to operate.
eXit QFE: Return to DOS, optionally saving the currently loaded
.FON files. Before saving and/or returning to DOS, QFE will
prompt to be sure you want to exit. Answer Y to return to DOS, or
N or Esc to continue in QFE. Note that QFE will not prompt to
save a file if it is sure that no changes have been made. If QFE
does prompt, answer Y to save the file, N to exit without saving,
or Esc to continue in QFE without saving the file or returning to
Duplicate is a general purpose copy command. Although Duplicate
may appear complex at first, it is easily mastered and allows any
fields in one entry to be copied over a marked block.
Uses for Duplicate include changing baud rates en masse, deleting
passwords, reassigning script files, etc.
To prepare for duplication, select one entry to serve as the
master from which the duplicates will be made. Edit it so that
the fields of interest contain what you want. (You may need to go
into Edit Mode to do this.) Don't worry about the other fields--
only the fields you select will be duplicated.
When the master entry is ready, and a block is marked, press D in
Command Mode. (Note that the master entry may be within the
marked block.)
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
The Duplicate window will open, showing all of the fields from
the master entry. It will look something like this, with the Name
field highlighted:
+============== Duplicate an Entry ==============+
| |
| Name |
| Forbin Project--Home of Qmodem |
| |
| Number COM Script |
| 1 319 233 6157 2400-8-N-1 FORBIN.SCR |
| |
| Password LastCall Total P D |
| brouhaha 07-04-88 590 Z F |
| |
Pick the fields which you do not want to copy, using Tab and
ShiftTab to move the highlighting from field to field. When a
field is highlighted, you can prevent it from being copied by
pressing AltB (for Blank). The field contents will be replaced by
a series of # characters. The # characters will not be copied
over the block; instead, Duplicate will leave the "blanked"
fields untouched.
If a field is blanked, but you wish to duplicate it, highlight it
and press AltB again. The contents from the master entry's field
will be restored.
When you have selected all fields which are to be blanked, and
only the fields you want to duplicate are left, press F10.
If you decide to close the Duplicate window without doing the
copy, press Esc rather than F10.
Suppose you were copying a .FON file for a friend who had a 1200
baud modem. One way to do that is to use Duplicate to blank the
private fields or those which might just be wrong for your
friend, like this: copy the Name, Number, Protocol and Duplex
fields as they are; blank the Script, Password and LastCall
fields; set the COM field to 1200-8-N-1, and zero the Total
To do this: Mark the entire .FON using F6. Press R to enter Edit
mode. Edit one entry so that the COM, Script, Password, LastCall
and Total fields are like you want them. That will be your master
entry. Press Esc to return to Command Mode. Press D to bring up
the Duplicate window. Use Tab and/or ShiftTab to move to the
Name, Number, P and D fields. In each one of those, press AltB to
fill the field with #.
Here's how the Duplicate window would look:
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
+============== Duplicate an Entry ==============+
| |
| Name |
| ########################### |
| |
| Number COM Script |
| ################### 1200-8-N-1 |
| |
| Password LastCall Total P D |
| 0 # # |
| |
Then press F10.
That's all there is to it. Does it seem like quite a lot? Well,
you will find that Duplicate quickly becomes easy to use. If
needed, on-line help fully explains this command.
QFE's Sort is the most powerful and general .FON file sorting
feature available anywhere.
To Sort a marked block, press S in Command Mode. The Sort window
will open, showing the fields on which the sort can be made and
the two directions. If you have previously sorted during a
session, the window will display values from the most recent
sort. The Sort window will look something like this:
+===== Select Sort Fields ======+
| |
| Asc Des |
| Name |
| Number |
| Area Code |
| Exchange |
| Baud |
| Total Calls |
| Last Call |
| Script |
| Password |
| |
The first time the Sort window opens, the cursor will be on the
Name line, in the Asc column. The Enter, Tab, ShiftTab and Space
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
keys, as well as the cursor keys, will move the cursor among the
lines and columns.
To select a field for sorting, move the cursor to the line that
field is on. Put the cursor in the Asc column if you want that
field to be sorted in ascending order (where 'A' comes before
'Z'), or the Des column to sort in descending order. When you
have the cursor in the right place, type a number from 1 to 8.
Field number 1 would be the most important one in the sort; a
field numbered 8 would be the least. (Don't worry about skipping
a number or using the same number twice. QFE will fix it.)
If you decide not to sort on a field which has already been
numbered, move the cursor to that number and type a space.
Notice how the Area Code and Exchange fields are indented under
the Number field. Sorting on Number includes the contents of the
entire Number field, so sorting on Area Code and/or Exchange
would be redundant. Similarly, sorting on Area Code and/or
Exchange could be messed up if also sorted on Number. QFE won't
let you choose Number unless both Area Code and Exchange
selections are blank, and it won't let you choose either of them
unless the Number selection is blank.
When you have selected all the fields for the sort, press F10. If
you decide to leave the Sort window without performing the sort,
press Esc.
Suppose you wanted sort a .FON file so that entries with the
highest baud rate were first in the file, followed by those with
the next highest baud rate, and so on to the entries with the
lowest baud rate. You might also want the entries grouped by area
code within the baud groups, and by name within the area code
To do this: Press F6 to mark the entire .FON. In Command Mode,
press S to open the sort window. In any sequence, move the cursor
to put the number 1 across from Baud, under Des; the number 2
across from Area Code, under Asc; and the number 3 across from
Name, under Asc. If the Sort window displays fields number higher
than 3, then either ignore them (as irrelevant to your sort), or
else move the cursor to them and type a space.
Here's how the Sort window would look:
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
+===== Select Sort Fields ======+
| |
| Asc Des |
| Name 3 |
| Number |
| Area Code 2 |
| Exchange |
| Baud 1 |
| Total Calls |
| Last Call |
| Script |
| Password |
| |
Press F10 to start the sort.
At the "Page or Block" prompt, press B to treat the entire .FON
as a single block.
Sorts by Area Code and/or Exchange only work properly if you
maintain the numbers in a particular format. If the number
"1-900-555-1212" were entered just like that, with the "1212" in
the four rightmost columns in the Number field, then QFE's Sort
would interpret "900" as the Area Code and "555" as the Exchange,
just as it should. The format "19005551212", however, would not
be interpreted correctly.
QFE expects numbers to be in the general format
where "AAA" is the Area Code, "EEE" is the Exchange, and "xxxx"
can be anything.
+-+ QFE v. 4.2 -- for Qmodem SST 4.2 +-+
Appendix A
Number #BIT
QFE 4.2 Registration
Order QFE from, and make payment to:
Sunflower Systems
5683 Dekalb Lane
Norcross, GA 30093
QFE is $15 per copy, shipped prepaid on diskette in the US or to
Canada. Orders from other countries require an additional $5 for
shipping. Purchase orders (written) are accepted only from
government agencies and schools. (There is a $5 surcharge for
invoiced orders.) Payment must be in US dollars. Except for
bankcard orders (see next paragraph) or American Express money
orders, payment must be in cash or with instruments drawn on US
institutions. (Payment in US funds with instruments drawn on
foreign institutions will not be accepted.)
QFE may also be ordered from The Public (Software) Library at
(800)242-4775 (orders only) or (713)665-7017 (orders or
information), PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. The Public
(Software) Library accepts MasterCard and Visa and can accept
payment for QFE registrations.
Name & Title : ..................................................
Address I : ..................................................
Address II : ..................................................
City, ST zip : ..................................................
Telephone : ..................................................
For corporate registration, the name and title should be those of
the person to be notified of updates, etc.
Source of your copy of QFE : ....................................
Remarks : .......................................................