home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)wif_const.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
- # Original date : 14-02-1995
- # Description : All kind of constants used by wif generation
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Geometry stuff
- #
- global WN_left
- set WN_left 0
- global WN_top
- set WN_top 0
- global WN_width
- set WN_width 6000
- global WN_height
- set WN_height 4000
- global ST_left
- set ST_left 100
- global ST_top
- set ST_top 100
- global ST_width
- set ST_width 5800
- global ST_height
- set ST_height 3800
- #global SF_left
- #global SF_top
- global SF_width
- set SF_width 2500
- global SF_height
- set SF_height 400
- #global SF_title_Left
- #global SF_title_Top
- global SF_title_Height
- set SF_title_Height 400
- global SF_title_Width
- set SF_title_Width 1500
- #global BT_left
- #global BT_top
- global BT_width
- set BT_width 1000
- global BT_height
- set BT_height 400
- global SF_interspace
- set SF_interspace 100
- global SF_title_interspace
- set SF_title_interspace 100
- global BT_interspace
- set BT_interspace 100
- # WIF Version stuff
- #
- global WifVersion
- set WifVersion "\"2.11.WC1\""
- # Window stuff
- #
- global WindowProps
- set WindowProps {
- backgroundColor foregroundColor windowStyle title containingWindow \
- fontName fontSize fontBold fontItalic derivedFrom snapToGrid \
- fontUnderline theStartup enabled rulersOn left top width height \
- database icon classname shown helpFile helpNum name gridOn characterMode
- }
- global UpdWindowProps
- set UpdWindowProps {
- title database classname name
- }
- global DefWindowProps
- set DefWindowProps(backgroundColor) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(foregroundColor) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(windowStyle) ixWindow::normalTop
- set DefWindowProps(containingWindow) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(fontName) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(fontSize) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(fontBold) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(fontItalic) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(derivedFrom) {"ixWindow"}
- set DefWindowProps(snapToGrid) FALSE
- set DefWindowProps(fontUnderline) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(theStartup) FALSE
- set DefWindowProps(enabled) TRUE
- set DefWindowProps(rulersOn) TRUE
- set DefWindowProps(left) $WN_left
- set DefWindowProps(top) $WN_top
- set DefWindowProps(width) $WN_width
- set DefWindowProps(height) $WN_height
- set DefWindowProps(icon) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(shown) TRUE
- set DefWindowProps(helpFile) NULL
- set DefWindowProps(helpNum) 0
- set DefWindowProps(gridOn) FALSE
- set DefWindowProps(characterMode) FALSE
- global UserWindowProps
- global WindowHandlers
- set WindowHandlers {
- pre_body constructor_extension
- }
- global DefWindowHandlers
- set DefWindowHandlers(pre_body) {handler pre_body()
- INCLUDE "DBObject.4gh"
- INCLUDE "~${hdr_file}"
- end handler}
- set DefWindowHandlers(constructor_extension) {handler constructor_extension()
- CALL ~${class_type_supfld}.setInitialQueryValue(
- NEW ixString("~${cl_name}"))
- CALL ~${class_type_supfld}.setInitialDataValue(
- NEW ixString("~${cl_name}"))
- end handler}
- # SuperTable stuff
- #
- global SupTblProps
- set SupTblProps {
- updateTable backgroundColor foregroundColor fontName fontSize fontBold \
- fontItalic fontUnderline enabled selectUnique SVName numDisplayedCols \
- gridTop gridLeft gridWidth gridHeight \
- left top width data_source SVLevel height selectFromPart \
- selectJoinPart selectOrderbyPart borderWidth classname shown helpNum \
- name lockMode layout numDisplayedRows dbConnection selectFilterPart \
- displayMode maxRows
- }
- global UpdSupTblProps
- set UpdSupTblProps {
- updateTable numDisplayedCols selectFromPart selectJoinPart name
- }
- global DefSupTblProps
- set DefSupTblProps(backgroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(foregroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(fontName) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(fontSize) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(fontBold) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(fontItalic) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(fontUnderline) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(enabled) TRUE
- set DefSupTblProps(selectUnique) FALSE
- set DefSupTblProps(SVName) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(gridTop) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(gridLeft) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(gridWidth) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(gridHeight) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(left) $ST_left
- set DefSupTblProps(top) $ST_top
- set DefSupTblProps(width) $ST_width
- set DefSupTblProps(data_source) tables
- set DefSupTblProps(SVLevel) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(height) $ST_height
- set DefSupTblProps(selectOrderbyPart) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(borderWidth) 20
- set DefSupTblProps(classname) {"ixSuperTable"}
- set DefSupTblProps(shown) TRUE
- set DefSupTblProps(helpNum) 0
- set DefSupTblProps(lockMode) ixSuperTable::noLock
- set DefSupTblProps(layout) ixSuperTable::freeForm
- set DefSupTblProps(numDisplayedRows) 1
- set DefSupTblProps(dbConnection) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(selectFilterPart) NULL
- set DefSupTblProps(displayMode) ixSuperTable::displayData
- set DefSupTblProps(maxRows) NULL
- global UserSupTblProps
- global SupTblHandlers
- set SupTblHandlers {
- SQLDelete SQLInsert SQLUpdate
- }
- global DefSupTblHandlers
- set DefSupTblHandlers(SQLDelete) {handler SQLDelete(theRow ixRow)
- VARIABLE the~${cl_name} ~${cl_name}
- -- Instantiate ~${cl_name} here by calling
- -- ~${cl_name}::NEW~${cl_name}<ByKeys>(<keys>)
- RETURN the~${cl_name}.deleteFromDB()
- end handler}
- set DefSupTblHandlers(SQLInsert) {handler SQLInsert(theRow ixRow)
- VARIABLE the~${cl_name} ~${cl_name}
- -- Instantiate ~${cl_name} here by calling
- -- ~${cl_name}::NEW~${cl_name}(...) and set attributes
- RETURN the~${cl_name}.insertInDB()
- end handler}
- set DefSupTblHandlers(SQLUpdate) {handler SQLUpdate(theRow ixRow)
- VARIABLE the~${cl_name} ~${cl_name}
- -- Instantiate ~${cl_name} here by calling
- -- ~${cl_name}::NEW~${cl_name}<ByKeys>(<keys>) and set attributes
- RETURN the~${cl_name}.updateInDB()
- end handler}
- # SuperField stuff
- #
- global SupFldProps
- set SupFldProps {
- SQLRole colNum columnName tableName backgroundColor foregroundColor \
- title fontName fontSize fontBold fontItalic fontUnderline tabIndex \
- tabEnabled left top width height classname shown helpNum blobEditor \
- name shiftPolicy autoNextOn title_BackgroundColor pictureString \
- encLength initialDataValue format maxDataChars type \
- title_ForegroundColor dataState required verify multiLine \
- title_FontName title_FontSize title_Left title_Top title_FontBold \
- title_FontItalic title_FontUnderline title_Height title_Width \
- columnAlias nullable initialQueryValue dataJustify queryState \
- useIncludes titleJustify includeTable primaryKey
- }
- global UpdSupFldProps
- set UpdSupFldProps {
- SQLRole colNum columnName tableName title name encLength\
- initialDataValue maxDataChars type nullable primaryKey
- }
- global DefSupFldProps
- set DefSupFldProps(backgroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(foregroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(fontName) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(fontSize) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(fontBold) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(fontItalic) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(fontUnderline) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(tabIndex) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(tabEnabled) TRUE
- set DefSupFldProps(left) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(top) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(width) $SF_width
- set DefSupFldProps(height) $SF_height
- set DefSupFldProps(classname) {"ixSuperField"}
- set DefSupFldProps(shown) TRUE
- set DefSupFldProps(helpNum) 0
- set DefSupFldProps(blobEditor) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(shiftPolicy) ixSuperField::noShift
- set DefSupFldProps(autoNextOn) FALSE
- set DefSupFldProps(title_BackgroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(pictureString) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(format) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_ForegroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(dataState) ixSuperField::enabledState
- set DefSupFldProps(required) FALSE
- set DefSupFldProps(verify) FALSE
- set DefSupFldProps(multiLine) FALSE
- set DefSupFldProps(title_FontName) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_FontSize) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_Left) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_Top) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_FontBold) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_FontItalic) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_FontUnderline) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(title_Height) $SF_title_Height
- set DefSupFldProps(title_Width) $SF_title_Width
- set DefSupFldProps(columnAlias) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(initialQueryValue) NULL
- set DefSupFldProps(dataJustify) ixSuperField::leftJustify
- set DefSupFldProps(queryState) ixSuperField::enabledState
- set DefSupFldProps(useIncludes) FALSE
- set DefSupFldProps(titleJustify) ixSuperField::rightJustify
- set DefSupFldProps(includeTable) NULL
- global UserSupFldProps
- # SuperTable Button stuff
- #
- # These are the SuperTable Buttons that have an activate handler defined
- # in DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs
- # ApplyAll ApplyRow DeleteRow FirstRow Help InsertRow
- # LastRow NextPage NextRow PreviousPage PreviousRow
- # Query Retrieve RevertRow
- #
- global SupTblBtnProps
- set SupTblBtnProps {
- backgroundColor foregroundColor title fontName fontSize fontBold \
- fontItalic fontUnderline enabled tabIndex tabEnabled left top width \
- height classname shown helpNum theDefault name
- }
- global UpdSupTblBtnProps
- set UpdSupTblBtnProps {
- title name
- }
- global DefSupTblBtnProps
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(backgroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(foregroundColor) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(fontName) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(fontSize) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(fontBold) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(fontItalic) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(fontUnderline) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(enabled) TRUE
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(tabIndex) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(tabEnabled) TRUE
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(left) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(top) NULL
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(width) $BT_width
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(height) $BT_height
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(classname) {"ixButton"}
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(shown) TRUE
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(helpNum) 0
- set DefSupTblBtnProps(theDefault) FALSE
- global UserSupTblBtnProps
- global SupTblBtnHandlers
- set SupTblBtnHandlers {
- activate
- }
- global DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(ApplyAll) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.apply()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(ApplyRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- IF superTable.acceptRow() THEN
- LET ok = superTable.applyRowSQL(superTable.getRowByNumber(displayMode :
- ixSuperTable::displayData))
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(DeleteRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE deletedRow ixRow
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET deletedRow = superTable.delete()
- LET ok = superTable.apply()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(FirstRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.setCurrentCell(1, ixSuperTable::currentColumn)
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(Help) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- CALL superTable.displayHelp()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(InsertRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET rownum = superTable.insert()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(LastRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.setCurrentCell(ixSuperTable::lastRow,
- ixSuperTable::currentColumn)
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(NextPage) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.pageDown()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(NextRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET rowPosition = superTable.getCurrRowNum() + 1
- IF rowPosition > superTable.getNumStoredRows(NULL) THEN
- LET rowPosition = ixSuperTable::lastRow
- LET ok = superTable.setCurrentCell(rowPosition, ixSuperTable::currentColumn)
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(PreviousPage) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.pageUp()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(PreviousRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET rowPosition = superTable.getCurrRowNum() - 1
- IF rowPosition < 1 THEN
- LET rowPosition = 1
- LET ok = superTable.setCurrentCell(rowPosition, ixSuperTable::currentColumn)
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(Query) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- CALL superTable.setDisplayMode (ixSuperTable::displayQuery)
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(Retrieve) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.retrieve( QBE: TRUE )
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(RevertRow) {handler activate()
- VARIABLE superTable ixSuperTable
- LET superTable = (getVisualContainer() CAST ixSuperTable)
- LET ok = superTable.revert()
- end handler}
- set DefSTBtnActivateHdlrs(NotYetImplemented) {handler activate()
- -- Not yet implemented!!
- end handler}