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- #
- # TCL-procedure: createReports name_list
- #
- # The createReports procedure creates local sections which will allow
- # inclusion of actual reports in a document.
- # The argument name_list is a , sepperated list of report names without
- # the .tcl suffix for example: classes, events. storeFile and section
- # are pre-defined given by the environment. Also global $document is set.
- proc w95comm {args} {
- set e ""
- set newargs ""
- foreach e $args {
- regsub -all {/} $e {\\} e
- set newargs "$newargs $e"
- }
- return "COMMAND.COM /C $newargs"
- }
- proc createReport { name_list storeFile section } {
- # Prepare path_names
- set M4repdir [path_name concat [m4_var get M4_home] reports]
- set M4bindir [path_name concat [m4_var get M4_home] bin]
- # use the ClientContext to switch systems
- set cc [ClientContext::global]
- # remember the current document-system we are in now
- set currsys [$cc currentSystem]
- # get the system handle of the system we are documenting now
- # the document object is a global set var in docbatch.tcl
- set docsys [$document docSys]
- # Change the context to the system to execute the report in
- $cc changeLevelId $docsys
- # Set the first indent level to indent +
- set indent +
- # open the file in where the sub-structure will be generated
- set fid [open $storeFile w]
- # For each report name in the name_list run the (TCLbased) report-writer
- foreach name [split $name_list " "] {
- set name [string trim $name]
- set tmpname [args_file {}]
- puts "Executing TCL report writer for report $name.tcl"
- # Run A command.com to redirect output
- set command [w95comm "$M4bindir/otsh -f $M4repdir/startreport.tcl -- $name.tcl"]
- puts "Running command $command"
- system "$command > $tmpname"
- # Now generate the additional structure lines note that the section
- # name - must - differ from the name used in the .str file, e.g.
- # the new section name must be unique. We use the the report name.
- regsub -all {\\} $tmpname {\\\\} newtmp
- puts $fid "$name|$indent||DocText||$newtmp"
- set indent =
- }
- # Close the sub-structure file
- close $fid
- # Go back to the context fo the current document system
- $cc changeLevelId $currsys
- }