PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)vssystem.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)vssystem.tcl /main/hindenburg/8 6 Jun 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
# This class represents a VCM aware system.
Class VSSystem : {Object} {
method destructor
method vsFiles
method path
method getPathList
method updatePath
method localFileVersions
method copy
method findVSFile
method createVSFile
method importVSFile
method getFileName
method getObjectName
method objectToFileName
method getType
method getTypeSpec
method typeMapper
# Cache for path name of this system in user
# environment.
attribute _path
attribute _OTPath
# Path list for this system.
attribute _pathList
attribute _typeMapper
constructor VSSystem {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method VSSystem::destructor {this} {
set ref [$this _typeMapper]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _system ""
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Returns all the vsFiles in this system, using
# VCM specific list mechanisms implemented in fileList.
# For each file found a VSFile is created and the result
# is a list containing all these objects.
method VSSystem::vsFiles {this} {
set vsFileList {}
# find VS files and return them
foreach fileName [$this fileList [$this getPathList]] {
set name [path_name base $fileName]
set type [$this getType $name [path_name type $fileName]]
set objectName [$this getObjectName $name $type]
if { ![isCommand $objectName] } {
set vsFile [VSFile new $objectName $type $this]
$this promoteFile $vsFile
# only show files of known type
if { [$objectName type] != "" } {
lappend vsFileList $objectName
return $vsFileList
# Redefinition of default path method that uses
# vsObjectUserPath.
method VSSystem::path {this} {
set needUpdate 0
if { [$this _path] == "" } {
set needUpdate 1
} else {
# check if cached path is still valid by checking OTpath
if { [$this _OTPath] != [$this SystemVersion::path] } {
set needUpdate 1
if $needUpdate {
$this _path [$this vsUserPath]
$this _OTPath [$this SystemVersion::path]
return [$this _path]
# Returns list of paths where files of this system are stored.
method VSSystem::getPathList {this} {
set needUpdate 0
if { [$this _pathList] == "" } {
set needUpdate 1
} else {
# check if cached path is still valid by checking OTpath
if { [$this _OTPath] != [$this SystemVersion::path] } {
set needUpdate 1
if $needUpdate {
$this updatePath
$this _OTPath [$this SystemVersion::path]
set pathList {}
foreach type [[$this typeMapper] typeList] {
set filePath [path_name directory [$this vsFileUserPath dummy $type]]
# check existence of path. This cannot be done with lsearch
# because it does not work well with windows pathnames
set existsInList 0
foreach path $pathList {
if { [file_split $path] == [file_split $filePath] } {
set existsInList 1
if !$existsInList {
lappend pathList $filePath
$this _pathList $pathList
return [$this _pathList]
# Forces system to update its path (stored in _path).
method VSSystem::updatePath {this} {
$this _path ""
$this _pathList ""
# Return localFileVersions of a VCM aware system.
method VSSystem::localFileVersions {this} {
return ""
# Perform copy of VSFile to this system.
# Needed for Edit and drag'n drop operations.
method VSSystem::copy {this vsFile} {
# make new object
set type [$vsFile type]
set objectName [$this getObjectName [$vsFile name] $type]
set newVSFile [VSFile new $objectName $type $this]
# check if copy succeeded
if { $newVSFile == "" } {
return ""
$this promoteFile $newVSFile
# if creation in the VCM system fails remove the object
if { ![$this fileExists [$vsFile name] $type] } {
set comment "Copied from [$vsFile vsPath]"
if { ![$newVSFile createInVS [list "$comment"]] } {
# check if it really was not created
if { ![$this fileExists [$vsFile name] $type] } {
$newVSFile delete
return ""
} else {
wmtkinfo "File [$vsFile vsPath] already exists"
return ""
# check out if necessary
set userPath [$newVSFile path]
if { ![$newVSFile isCheckedOut] } {
set comment "Copied from [$vsFile vsPath]"
if { ![$newVSFile checkOut $comment] } {
return ""
# get reference to old file and perform the copy
set source [$vsFile getReference]
if [catch { BasicFS::copyFile $source $userPath } message] {
vsCommandHandler error "Copying [$vsFile path]: $message"
$vsFile deleteReference $source
# copy class attribute
$newVSFile setClass [$vsFile getClass]
return $newVSFile
# Find the object for the VSFile with the given name
# and return it.
method VSSystem::findVSFile {this name type} {
set object [$this getObjectName $name $type]
if [isCommand $object] {
return $object
return ""
# Creates the file with the given name in this system
# and in the VCM environment. Returns resulting object.
# If this action succeeds a checked out copy is in the
# user environment.
method VSSystem::createVSFile {this name type args} {
set objectName [$this getObjectName $name $type]
set newVSFile [VSFile new $objectName $type $this]
if { $newVSFile == "" } {
return ""
# promote it to a specific VCM object
$this promoteFile $newVSFile
# if creation in the VCM system fails remove the object
if { ![$newVSFile createInVS $args] } {
# check if the file does not exist, keep the link if it does
if { ![$this fileExists $name $type] } {
$newVSFile delete
return ""
return $newVSFile
# Creates an object for the file specified by name and type (precondition: it exists in the VCM)
# and returns the resulting VSFile object.
method VSSystem::importVSFile {this name type} {
set objectName [$this getObjectName $name $type]
set newVSFile [VSFile new $objectName $type $this]
if { $newVSFile == "" } {
return ""
# promote it to a specific VCM object
$this promoteFile $newVSFile
return $newVSFile
# Create the specified path in the VCM environment
# by calling the createVSDirectory for each
# path name component that does not yet
# exist. This indicates the class of this system, used
# to work around limitations of OO Tcl.
proc VSSystem::createVSPath {this path} {
set dirList ""
while { ![file isdirectory $path] } {
set dirList "[quoteIf [path_name file $path]] $dirList"
set path [path_name directory $path]
# create the directories one by one
foreach directory $dirList {
set path [path_name concat $path $directory]
if { ![$this::createVSDirectory $path] } {
return 0
return 1
# Create the specified path in the user environment
# by calling createUserDirectory for each
# path name component that does not yet exist.
proc VSSystem::createUserPath {this path} {
set dirList ""
while { ![file isdirectory $path] } {
set dirList "[quoteIf [path_name file $path]] $dirList"
set path [path_name directory $path]
# create the directories one by one
foreach directory $dirList {
set path [path_name concat $path $directory]
if { ![$this::createUserDirectory $path] } {
return 0
return 1
# Returns the (file system) file name for a file with
# the given name and (browser) type.
method VSSystem::getFileName {this name type} {
set fsExtension [[$this typeMapper] getExtension $type]
if { $fsExtension == "" } {
return $name
return "$name.$fsExtension"
# Get object name for file object with given name
# and type.
method VSSystem::getObjectName {this name type} {
regsub -all {\.} [$this identity] "_" sysId
if { $type == "" } {
return "${sysId}_VSFile:$name"
return "${sysId}_VSFile:${name}_$type"
# Maps an object id of a VSFile to a filename.
method VSSystem::objectToFileName {this objectId} {
regsub {.*_VSFile:} $objectId "" fileSpec
regsub {_[^_]*} $fileSpec "" name
return $name
# Returns ObjectTeam type for file with given
# name and file system extension.
method VSSystem::getType {this name extension} {
return [[$this typeMapper] getType $name $extension]
# Gets the object specification for the specified browserType.
method VSSystem::getTypeSpec {this browserType} {
set typeSpec [[$this getObjHandler] getObjectSpec ExternalFileVersion \
if { $typeSpec == "" } {
vsCommandHandler error "Unknown object type '$browserType'"
return $typeSpec
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method VSSystem::typeMapper {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _typeMapper]
set ref [$this _typeMapper]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _system ""
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
$obj _system $this
$this _typeMapper $obj