PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1993-1997 by Cayenne Software Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc.
# File : @(#)vsfstorage.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
# Author : frmo, Lex Warners
# Original date : 23-2-1994
# Description : File storage functions. The functions in this file
# define the interface to the VCM system used to
# store the files.
# Start user added include file section
global fstorage::custObjHandler
set fstorage::custObjHandler ""
require caynutil.tcl
require s_otsh.tcl
global fstorage::vsFiles
set fstorage::vsFiles ""
global fstorage::cacheValid
set fstorage::cacheValid 0
# End user added include file section
Class fstorage : {GCObject} {
method destructor
constructor fstorage {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method fstorage::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# internal proc that returns current system
# issues error if not a system level
proc fstorage::currentSystem {} {
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set vsSystem [$clientContext currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
error "Not at system level"
return $vsSystem
# Return a list of objects that have a type that is listed in $fileTypes
# $fileTypes == {} means all file types
proc fstorage::dir {{fileTypes ""}} {
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
global fstorage::cacheValid
global fstorage::vsFiles
if ${fstorage::cacheValid} {
set vsFiles ${fstorage::vsFiles}
} else {
set vsFiles [$vsSystem vsFiles]
set fstorage::vsFiles $vsFiles
set fstorage::cacheValid 1
set fileList ""
foreach vsFile $vsFiles {
set fileName [$vsFile name]
set fileType [$vsFile type]
set fullName ${fileName}.${fileType}
if {$fileTypes == ""} {
lappend fileList $fullName
} else {
foreach type $fileTypes {
if {$fileType == $type} {
lappend fileList $fullName
return $fileList
proc fstorage::getVSFile {fileSpec} {
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
return ""
set fileName [nt_get_name $fileSpec]
set fileType [nt_get_type $fileSpec]
set vsFile [$vsSystem findVSFile $fileName $fileType]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
# create VSFile object for this file
if [$vsSystem fileExists $fileName $fileType] {
set vsFile [$vsSystem importVSFile $fileName $fileType]
return $vsFile
# Return whether the file with the given file specification exists in the
# VCM system. file specification is in the form "name.type" where type
# is a browser type.
proc fstorage::exists {fileSpec} {
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
return 0
set name [nt_get_name $fileSpec]
set type [nt_get_type $fileSpec]
return [$vsSystem fileExists $name $type]
proc fstorage::getMakeType {objType} {
return [[fstorage::getObjectSpec $objType] makeType]
proc fstorage::getFsExtension {objType} {
set extension [[fstorage::getObjectSpec $objType] fsExtension]
# Hack for persistent classes with target Gen
if {$extension == "" && $objType == "esqlc++"} {
return [[fstorage::getObjectSpec c++] fsExtension]
return $extension
proc fstorage::getObjectSpec {objType} {
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
return [$vsSystem getTypeSpec $objType]
proc fstorage::isAscii {objType} {
return [[fstorage::getObjectSpec $objType] isAscii]
# Open $obj for $mode. Mode is one of "r" and "w"
# If $mode == w the object is created if it doesn't exist
proc fstorage::open {fileSpec {mode r} {fileClass externalText}} {
global fstoragePathCache
global fstorageObjectCache
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
return 0
set fileName [nt_get_name $fileSpec]
set fileType [nt_get_type $fileSpec]
set vsFile [$vsSystem findVSFile $fileName $fileType]
case $mode {
r {
if { $vsFile == "" } {
# file does not exist in the repository but may exist
# in VCM system. Do an import in the latter case
if [$vsSystem fileExists $fileName $fileType] {
set vsFile [$vsSystem importVSFile $fileName $fileType]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
error "Unable to open file '$fileSpec' for read"
return ""
set filePath [$vsFile getReference]
set handle [open $filePath r]
set fstorageObjectCache($handle) $vsFile
set fstoragePathCache($handle) $filePath
return $handle
w {
# Create file if it does not exist
if { $vsFile == "" } {
if [$vsSystem fileExists $fileName $fileType] {
set vsFile [$vsSystem importVSFile $fileName $fileType]
} else {
set comment "Created by ObjectTeam"
set vsFile [$vsSystem createVSFile \
$fileName $fileType "$comment"]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
error "Creation of '$fileSpec' failed"
return ""
global fstorage::cacheValid
set fstorage::cacheValid 0
# try to check it out if it is not writable
set filePath [$vsFile path]
if { ![$vsFile isCheckedOut] } {
if {![file writable $filePath]} {
set comment "Checked out by ObjectTeam"
if {![$vsFile checkOut $comment]} {
error "Cannot obtain writable copy of '$fileSpec'"
} else {
# there is a writable copy but the file is not checked
# out: dangerous; let user do something about it
error "Cannot check out '$fileSpec': a writable copy exists in the user environment"
# we have a writable copy: finish work
set handle [open $filePath w]
if { $handle == "" } {
error "Open file '$fileSpec' for write failed"
return ""
set fstorageObjectCache($handle) $vsFile
return $handle
default {
error "Invalid option '$mode' for fstorage::open"
# Close $handle
proc fstorage::close {handle} {
global fstoragePathCache
global fstorageObjectCache
if [info exists fstorageObjectCache($handle)] {
set vsFile $fstorageObjectCache($handle)
unset fstorageObjectCache($handle)
if [info exists fstoragePathCache($handle)] {
$vsFile deleteReference $fstoragePathCache($handle)
unset fstoragePathCache($handle)
} else {
puts "Warning fstorage::close called for unknown handle"
close $handle
# Return the path of $fileSpec in the "user environment"
# if $is_absolute == absolute the path is absolute, else relative
proc fstorage::get_uenv_path {fileSpec {absolute relative}} {
set fileName [nt_get_name $fileSpec]
set fileType [nt_get_type $fileSpec]
set vsSystem [fstorage::currentSystem]
if [$vsSystem isNil] {
return ""
set filePath [$vsSystem vsFileUserPath $fileName $fileType]
if {$absolute == "absolute"} {
return $filePath
# make relative path: strip path to system
set systemPath [$vsSystem path]
set relativeIndex [expr [string length $systemPath] +1]
return [string range $filePath $relativeIndex end]
# Goto "system" $sys in phase $phase
proc fstorage::goto_system {sys {phase ""}} {
set clientCont [ClientContext::global]
set currentLevel [$clientCont currentLevel]
if { $currentLevel == "Project" || $currentLevel == "Corporate" } {
puts "invalid level: $currentLevel"
set oldLevelPath [m4_var get M4_levelpath]
while { [$clientCont currentLevel] != "Phase" } {
$clientCont upLevel
if {$phase != "" } {
$clientCont upLevel
if [catch {$clientCont downLevel $phase} msg] {
#puts $msg
$clientCont setLevelPath $oldLevelPath
if [catch {$clientCont downLevel $sys} msg] {
#puts $msg
$clientCont setLevelPath $oldLevelPath
# Return the "Imported From" attribute from $obj
proc fstorage::get_imp_from {fileSpec} {
set vsFile [fstorage::getVSFile [path_name file $fileSpec]]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
return ""
return [$vsFile getClass]
# Set the "Imported From" attribute of $obj to $value
proc fstorage::set_imp_from {fileSpec value} {
set vsFile [fstorage::getVSFile [path_name file $fileSpec]]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
error "Unable to set property for '$fileSpec': it is not a file within this system"
return [$vsFile setClass $value]
# return path of object in user environment
proc fstorage::get_uenv_object_path {object} {
global VSSystem
return [$VSSystem::vsObjectUserPath $object]
# Remove '$fullName' from VCM system
proc fstorage::remove {fullName} {
set vsFile [fstorage::getVSFile $fullName]
if { $vsFile == "" } {
error "Unable remove '$fullName': it is not a file within this system"
$vsFile removeFromVS
global fstorage::cacheValid
set fstorage::cacheValid 0
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker