PC World 1997 November
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Text File
439 lines
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.new.menu.externalfileversion
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Creates a new external file version."
label "External File Version..."
mnemonic t
checkOn selectionChange
enableScript {
%this sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.new.menu.groupversion
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Creates a new group version."
label "Group Version..."
mnemonic G
checkOn levelChange
enableScript {
%this sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuSeparator
name .file.menu.new.menu.separator2
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.delete
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
inToolBar 1
inPopUpMenu 1
objSpec {
hintText "Deletes selected items."
label "Delete..."
mnemonic D
toolBarPixmap delete_16
checkOn selectionChange
selCount many
selIsATypes {Version CorporateGroupVersion SavedGroupVersion
ExternalLink SystemFileReference Project VSFileObj
PropertyReference Role User UserRoleLink ExtFUiObj}
enableScript {
set currentObj [[.main currentObj] browsUiObj]
set status [$currentObj getInfo Status]
if [$currentObj isA CorpGVDbObj] {
%this sensitive 0
} elseif \
[BrowserProcs::currentObjIsA {ExtFUiObj HCustFUiObj UCustFUiObj}] {
%this sensitive [BrowserProcs::typeObjectsAre "ExternalFile"]
} elseif {"$status" != "" && "$status" != "working"} {
%this sensitive 0
} elseif {[$currentObj isA RoleUiObj] &&
"[$currentObj getParent Project]" != ""} {
%this sensitive 0
} else {
%this sensitive 1
activated {[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] removeObjects}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.change.menu.linkstatus
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Changes the link status of the selected objects."
label "Link Status..."
mnemonic L
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.change.menu.sourceclass
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Changes the source class of the selected file"
label "Source Class..."
mnemonic S
checkOn selectionChange
selCount 1
selIsATypes {VSFile}
activated {[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] changeSourceClass}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.change.menu.location
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Changes the location (path) of the selected object."
label "Location..."
mnemonic L
checkOn selectionChange
selCount 1
selIsATypes {ExternalLink}
enableScript {
set object [lindex [.main selectedObjSet] 0]
if [$object isA VSFile] {
%this sensitive 0
} else {
%this sensitive 1
activated {[lindex [.main selectedObjSet] 0] changeLocation}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.info
inToolBar 1
inPopUpMenu 1
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Shows information about the selected object."
label "Info"
mnemonic I
accelerator Ctrl+i
toolBarPixmap info_16
checkOn selectionChange
enableScript {
if {[llength [.main selectedObjSet]] > 1} {
%this sensitive 0
} else {
%this sensitive 1
activated {
set file [lindex [.main selectedObjSet] 0]
if [$file isA VSFile] {
$file initializedAllInfo 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .file.menu.print
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
inToolBar 1
inPopUpMenu 1
objSpec {
hintText "Prints the selected objects."
label "Print"
mnemonic t
accelerator Ctrl+p
toolBarPixmap print_16
checkOn selectionChange
selCount many
selIsATypes {ExternalFileVersion Graph SystemFileReference VSFile
PropertyReference ExternalLink CustomFileVersion
enableScript {
if {"[[.main currentObj] getParent CorpGVDbObj]" != ""} {
%this sensitive 0
} elseif \
[BrowserProcs::currentObjIsA {ExtFUiObj HCustFUiObj UCustFUiObj}] {
if [BrowserProcs::typeObjectsAre "ExternalFile"] {
%this sensitive [BrowserProcs::objectsReturn isAscii]
} else {
%this sensitive 0
} else {
%this sensitive [BrowserProcs::statusObjectsAreNot "backGround"]
activated {[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] printObjects}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .edit.menu.cut
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
inToolBar 1
inPopUpMenu 1
objSpec {
hintText "Moves the selected objects to the clipboard."
label "Cut"
mnemonic t
accelerator Ctrl+X
toolBarPixmap cut_16
checkOn selectionChange
selCount many
selIsATypes {SystemVersion FileVersion GroupVersion VSFileObj}
enableScript {
set status [[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] getInfo Status]
if {(! [BrowserProcs::currentObjIsA {Version CustFVUiObj}]) ||
[BrowserProcs::currentObjIsA GroupVDbObj]} {
%this sensitive 0
} elseif {"$status" != "" && "$status" != "working"} {
%this sensitive 0
} else {
%this sensitive [BrowserProcs::objectsReturn canBeDragged]
activated {.main editCut}
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.freeze
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Freezes the selected objects."
label "Freeze..."
mnemonic F
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.unfreeze
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Unfreezes the selected objects."
label "Unfreeze"
mnemonic U
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.new
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Creates a new version of the selected objects."
label "New"
mnemonic N
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.delete
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Deletes versions of the selected object."
label "Delete..."
mnemonic D
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.copy
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Copies the contents of another version to the selected object."
label "Copy..."
mnemonic o
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustCascadeButton
name .version.menu.select
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Contains commands to select versions."
label "Select"
mnemonic S
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.deselect
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Deselects the selected objects."
label "Deselect"
mnemonic e
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.compare
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Compares the selected object with an earlier version."
label "Compare..."
mnemonic C
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.activate
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Activates corporate groups."
label "Activate..."
mnemonic A
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.deactivate
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Deactivates corporate groups."
label "Deactivate..."
mnemonic t
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.makecorporate
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Makes a corporate group of the selected saved group."
label "Make Corporate..."
mnemonic C
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.restore
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Restores the contents of the selected saved groups."
label "Restore"
mnemonic R
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .version.menu.snapshot
scope {* * Implementation system}
visible {0 0 0 0 1}
objSpec {
hintText "Makes a saved group of the selected groups."
label "Snapshot..."
mnemonic h
toolBarPixmap sgroupv_16
sensitive 0
registerObject {
type CustMenuPushButton
name .utilities.menu.importfrompreviousphase.menu.selected
scope {* * Implementation system}
objSpec {
hintText "Imports selected objects from previous phase."
label "Selected"
mnemonic S
checkOn selectionChange
selCount many
selIsATypes {VSFile}
enableScript {
if {! [BrowserProcs::currentObjIsA SSysVDbObj]} {
%this sensitive 0
if {[[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] getInfo Status] != "working"} {
%this sensitive 0
%this sensitive [[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] prevPhaseExists]
activated {
[[.main currentObj] browsUiObj] importFromPrevPhase selected