home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .file
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- label File
- mnemonic F
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .file.menu
- readOnly 1
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .file.menu.reload
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Reloads the edited customization file."
- label "Reload"
- mnemonic l
- accelerator Ctrl+r
- activated {.main edit [.main object]}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .file.menu.save
- readOnly 1
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Saves the edited customization file."
- label Save
- mnemonic S
- accelerator Ctrl+S
- toolBarPixmap save_16
- checkOn levelChange
- enableScript {
- if [.main currentlyReadOnly] {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- %this sensitive 1
- }
- }
- activated {.main save}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuSeparator
- name .file.menu.separator2
- readOnly 1
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .file.menu.exit
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Exits the editor."
- label "Exit"
- mnemonic x
- activated {.main exit}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .edit
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- label Edit
- mnemonic E
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .edit.menu
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .edit.menu.new
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Creates a new view object."
- label "New..."
- mnemonic N
- checkOn levelChange
- enableScript {
- if [.main currentlyReadOnly] {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- %this sensitive 1
- }
- }
- activated {
- if {[catch {.main.newObject popUp}]} {
- require "newviewdia.tcl"
- NewViewDialog new .main.newObject
- .main.newObject popUp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .edit.menu.editproperties
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Edits the properties of the selected object."
- label "Edit Properties"
- mnemonic E
- selCount 1
- checkOn selectionChange
- enableScript {
- if {![[[.main editorArea] selectedSet] editable]} {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- if [.main currentlyReadOnly] {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- %this sensitive 1
- }
- }
- }
- activated {
- [[.main editorArea] selectedSet] open
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .edit.menu.redefine
- readOnly 1
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Create a new object with the properties of the selected one."
- label "Redefine"
- mnemonic R
- selCount 1
- checkOn selectionChange
- toolBarPixmap copy_16
- enableScript {
- if [.main currentlyReadOnly] {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- %this sensitive 1
- }
- }
- activated {
- set obj [[.main editorArea] selectedSet]
- set newObj [[.main editorArea] redefineObject $obj]
- if [isCommand $newObj] {
- wmtkmessage "'[$obj name]' redefined, starting edit..."
- $newObj redefined 1
- $newObj open
- wmtkmessage ""
- } else {
- wmtkwarning $newObj
- }
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuSeparator
- name .edit.menu.separator1
- readOnly 1
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .edit.menu.info
- readOnly 1
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Gives info on the selected object"
- label "Info"
- mnemonic I
- selCount 1
- checkOn selectionChange
- activated {
- set obj [[.main editorArea] selectedSet]
- .main showObjectInfo $obj
- }
- toolBarPixmap info_16
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuSeparator
- name .edit.menu.separator3
- readOnly 1
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .edit.menu.delete
- readOnly 1
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Deletes the selected object."
- label "Delete"
- mnemonic D
- accelerator Del
- selCount many
- checkOn selectionChange
- enableScript {
- if [.main currentlyReadOnly] {
- %this sensitive 0
- } else {
- %this sensitive 1
- foreach obj [[.main editorArea] selectedSet] {
- if {![$obj editable]} {
- %this sensitive 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- activated {
- [.main editorArea] deleteObjects [[.main editorArea] selectedSet]
- }
- toolBarPixmap delete_16
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .view
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- label View
- mnemonic V
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .view.menu
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuCheckButton
- name .view.menu.toolbar
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows or hides the toolbar."
- label ToolBar
- mnemonic T
- state 1
- stateChanged {
- .main toolBarPresent [[.main menuBar].view.menu.toolbar state]
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuCheckButton
- name .view.menu.contextarea
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows or hides the context area."
- label "Context Area"
- mnemonic C
- state 1
- stateChanged {
- .main contextAreaPresent [[.main menuBar].view.menu.contextarea state]
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuCheckButton
- name .view.menu.messagearea
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows or hides the message area."
- label "Message Area"
- mnemonic M
- state 1
- stateChanged {
- .main messageAreaPresent [[.main menuBar].view.menu.messagearea state]
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuSeparator
- name .view.menu.separator1
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuArbiter
- name .view.menu.viewmodearbiter
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuRadioButton
- name .view.menu.icon
- readOnly 1
- arbiter viewmodearbiter
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Switches view to normal icon mode."
- label "Icon"
- mnemonic I
- stateChanged { [.main editorArea] mode ICON }
- toolBarPixmap viewlicons_16
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuRadioButton
- name .view.menu.smallicon
- readOnly 1
- arbiter viewmodearbiter
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Switches view to small icon mode."
- label "Small Icon"
- mnemonic S
- stateChanged { [.main editorArea] mode SMALLICON }
- toolBarPixmap viewsicons_16
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuRadioButton
- name .view.menu.detail
- readOnly 1
- arbiter viewmodearbiter
- inToolBar 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Switches view to detail mode."
- label "Detail"
- mnemonic D
- stateChanged { [.main editorArea] mode DETAIL }
- toolBarPixmap viewdetails_16
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .options
- objSpec {
- label Options
- mnemonic O
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .options.menu
- objSpec {
- pinnable 1
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .options.menu.font
- objSpec {
- hintText "Changes the view font."
- label "Font..."
- mnemonic F
- activated {[.main options] font}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .filter
- objSpec
- {
- label "Filter"
- mnemonic i
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .filter.menu
- objSpec
- {
- pinnable 1
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuCheckButton
- name .filter.menu.filteronactiveentries
- objSpec
- {
- hintText "Filters out the not active entries."
- label "Filter On Active Entries"
- mnemonic A
- stateChanged { set filter [[.main editorArea] filter]
- $filter activeFilter [%this state]
- if {[isCommand [.main wmtArea]]} {
- if [$filter isFilterActive] {
- [.main wmtArea] filter "On"
- } else {
- [.main wmtArea] filter "Off"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuCheckButton
- name .filter.menu.filteroncurrentfileentries
- objSpec
- {
- hintText "Filters out those objects that not in the edited file."
- label "Filter On Current File Entries"
- mnemonic F
- stateChanged { set filter [[.main editorArea] filter]
- $filter fileFilter [%this state]
- if {[isCommand [.main wmtArea]]} {
- if [$filter isFilterActive] {
- [.main wmtArea] filter "On"
- } else {
- [.main wmtArea] filter "Off"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuBarButton
- name .help
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- label Help
- mnemonic H
- helpButton 1
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenu
- name .help.menu
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- pinnable 1
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .help.menu.whatsthis
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows context sensitive help."
- label "What's This?"
- mnemonic W
- activated {.main helpOnContext}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .help.menu.helptopics
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows help topics."
- label "Help Topics"
- mnemonic T
- activated {showHelpTopics}
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- name .help.menu.productdocumentation
- type CustMenuPushButton
- objSpec {
- label {Product Documentation}
- hintText {Starts online documentation.}
- activated {
- #CTGENMessage
- wmtkmessage {Start online documentation ...}
- #CTGENBusyCursorOn
- .main busy TRUE
- #CTGENCommandScript
- startOnlineDoc
- #CTGENEndCommandScript
- #CTGENRemoveMessage
- wmtkmessage ""
- #CTGENBusyCursorOff
- .main busy FALSE
- }
- }
- }
- registerObject {
- type CustMenuPushButton
- name .help.menu.aboutviewcustomizationeditor
- readOnly 1
- objSpec {
- hintText "Shows version information."
- label "About View Customization Editor"
- mnemonic A
- activated {
- showVersionDialog [%this label]
- }
- }
- }