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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: %W%
- # Author: Harm Leijendeckers
- # Description: Upgrade labels.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = %W% %G% Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- proc update_component { tableId c_component c_diagram contents new_label_name } {
- set labels_to_be_removed {}
- set new_label_value ""
- foreach field $contents {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -l c_value
- db select -s c_type
- db from label$tableId
- db where -s "c_component =" $c_component
- db where -s "and c_type =" $field
- set result [db run]
- if [lempty $result] {
- continue
- }
- set c_id [lvarpop result]
- set c_value [lvarpop result]
- set c_type [lvarpop result]
- lappend labels_to_be_removed [list $c_id $c_type \
- [string length $new_label_value] $c_value]
- set new_label_value "$new_label_value$c_value"
- }
- # create new label in the database
- set newobid [gen_obid CompLabel $tableId]
- db insert -s c_id $newobid
- db insert -s c_diagram $c_diagram
- db insert -s c_component $c_component
- db insert -s c_type $new_label_name
- db insert -l c_value $new_label_value
- db into label$tableId
- db run
- # update compitr table and remove old labels
- foreach label_info $labels_to_be_removed {
- set c_id [lvarpop label_info]
- set c_labeltype [lvarpop label_info]
- set c_namebegin [lvarpop label_info]
- set value [lvarpop label_info]
- set blank_length [expr [string length $value] - \
- [string length [string trimleft $value]]]
- set c_value [string trim $value]
- set c_namebegin [expr $c_namebegin + $blank_length]
- set c_namelen [string length $c_value]
- # update compitr
- if { $c_labeltype == "name" || $c_labeltype == "type" } {
- db update compitr$tableId
- db set -s c_label $newobid
- db set -i c_namebegin $c_namebegin
- db set -i c_namelen $c_namelen
- db set -s c_labeltype $new_label_name
- db where -s "c_label =" $c_id
- db run
- }
- # remove old label
- remove_label $tableId $c_id
- }
- }
- proc update_attributes { tableId } {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -s c_diagram
- db from row$tableId
- db where -s "c_type =" attribute
- foreach r [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop r]
- set c_diagram [lvarpop r]
- update_component $tableId $c_id $c_diagram \
- "modifiers name colon type init_value" name_type
- }
- }
- proc update_methods { tableId } {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -s c_diagram
- db from row$tableId
- db where -s "c_type =" method
- foreach r [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop r]
- set c_diagram [lvarpop r]
- update_component $tableId $c_id $c_diagram \
- "modifiers name left_parenth right_parenth colon type constraint" \
- name_type
- }
- }
- proc update_parameters { tableId } {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -s c_diagram
- db from cell$tableId
- db where -s "c_type =" parameter
- foreach c [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop c]
- set c_diagram [lvarpop c]
- update_component $tableId $c_id $c_diagram "name colon type comma" \
- name_type
- }
- }
- proc update_etds { tableId } {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -s c_diagram
- db from node$tableId
- db where -s "c_type =" etd_initiator
- db where -s "or c_type =" etd_object
- foreach n [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop n]
- set c_diagram [lvarpop n]
- update_component $tableId $c_id $c_diagram "name colon type" name_type
- }
- }
- proc update_stds { tableId } {
- db select -s c_id
- db select -s c_diagram
- db from cono$tableId
- db where -s "c_type =" activity
- foreach c [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop c]
- set c_diagram [lvarpop c]
- update_component $tableId $c_id $c_diagram "do name" name
- }
- }
- # Remove CompLabels with no value except the ones at segments of a
- # transition in a std.
- #
- proc remove_labels { tableId } {
- # Labels die value "" worden niet meer opgeslagen met uitzondering van
- # labels bij de segmenten van transitions in een std die altijd een
- # spatie als waarde krijgen.
- # First retrieve all c_id's of segments of transitions in a std
- db select -s c_id
- db from segment$tableId
- db where "c_connector in ( select c_id \
- from conn$tableId \
- where c_type = 'transition' )"
- set allStdTransitionSegments [db runLoop]
- # Iterate over all labels to find the ones with no value.
- # If the label is empty and belongs to a std transition segment, update
- # it's value with a space.
- db select -s c_id
- db select -l c_value
- db select -s c_type
- db select -s c_component
- db from label$tableId
- foreach label [db runLoop] {
- set c_id [lvarpop label]
- set c_value [lvarpop label]
- set c_type [lvarpop label]
- set c_component [lvarpop label]
- # if necessary, update std transition segment label
- if { [lsearch $allStdTransitionSegments $c_component] != -1 &&
- $c_value == "" } {
- db update label$tableId
- db set -l c_value " "
- db where -s "c_id =" $c_id
- db run
- continue
- }
- # check if c_value is not empty
- if { $c_value != "" } {
- continue
- }
- # check if c_id not in allStdTransitionSegments
- if { [lsearch $allStdTransitionSegments $c_id] != -1 } {
- continue
- }
- # remove label and all compitr to it
- remove_label $tableId $c_id
- remove_compitrs_to $tableId $c_id
- }
- }
- # Remove a label
- #
- proc remove_label { tableId c_id } {
- db remove label$tableId
- db where -s "c_id =" $c_id
- db run
- }
- # Remove all CompItemRefs of a CompLabel.
- #
- proc remove_compitrs_to { tableId c_label } {
- db remove compitr$tableId
- db where -s "c_label =" $c_label
- db run
- }
- # Remove all non-item referring CompItemRefs.
- #
- proc remove_compitrs { tableId } {
- db remove compitr$tableId
- db where -s "c_item =" ""
- db runLoop
- }
- # Main procedure to update labels
- #
- proc update_labels { tableId } {
- remove_labels $tableId
- remove_compitrs $tableId
- update_attributes $tableId
- update_methods $tableId
- update_parameters $tableId
- update_etds $tableId
- update_stds $tableId
- }