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- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: %W%
- # Author: <generated>
- #
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: @(#)stclassimp.tcl /main/1
- # This class represents all code generated to implement one class.
- # It is also responsible for method and category management:
- # keeping names unique and creating and assigning categories.
- Class STClassImplementation : {GCObject} {
- method destructor
- method generate
- method getInstanceMethodImplementation
- method getClassMethodImplementation
- method getMethodImplementation
- method methodExists
- method classMethodExists
- constructor
- method addExpression
- method addCommentLine
- method addInstanceVariable
- method addClassVariable
- method addPoolDictionary
- # Name of the class.
- #
- attribute name
- # The comment for this implementation.
- #
- attribute comment
- # List of instance variables of the class.
- #
- attribute instanceVars
- # List of class variables of the class.
- #
- attribute classVars
- # List of pool dictionaries of the class.
- #
- attribute poolDicts
- # The name of the super class of this class.
- #
- attribute super
- # Category of this class.
- #
- attribute category
- # Type of inheritance, empty for normal, or variable or variableByte.
- #
- attribute inheritanceType
- attribute initialize
- attribute release
- attribute printOn
- attribute printVars
- attribute expressionSet
- attribute classMethodCategory
- attribute instanceMethodCategory
- attribute instanceMethodImplementation
- attribute classMethodImplementation
- }
- method STClassImplementation::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Generates all the code to implement one class on section stSection.
- # Order: Class declaration, class comment, class message categories, instance message categories,
- # expressions.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::generate {this stSection} {
- # if there is no superclass no code was generated for this class
- if { [$this super] == "" } {
- return
- }
- $stSection append "[$this super] [$this inheritanceType]"
- if {[$this inheritanceType] == "" } {
- $stSection append "subclass"
- } else {
- $stSection append "Subclass"
- }
- $stSection append ": #[$this name]\n"
- $stSection indent +
- $stSection append "instanceVariableNames: \'"
- $stSection append "[[$this instanceVars] contents]\'\n"
- $stSection append "classVariableNames: \'"
- $stSection append "[[$this classVars] contents]\'\n"
- $stSection append "poolDictionaries: \'"
- $stSection append "[[$this poolDicts] contents]\'\n"
- $stSection append "category: \'[$this category]\'!\n"
- $stSection indent -
- if {[$this comment] != "" } {
- $stSection append "\n"
- $stSection append "[$this name] comment: \'"
- $stSection append "[$this comment]\'!\n"
- }
- foreach category [[$this classMethodCategory] values] {
- $stSection append "\n"
- $category generate $stSection
- }
- foreach category [[$this instanceMethodCategory] values] {
- $stSection append "\n"
- $category generate $stSection
- }
- [$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
- $stSection append "\n"
- $expression generate $stSection
- $stSection append "!"
- }
- }
- # Gets a method implementation object for <selector>;
- # creates it in category <category> if it didn't exist yet. If it existed already
- # the category is updated.
- # The old category is deleted if it is empty.
- # The category <category> is created if it didn't exist yet.
- # if <category> is empty, the implementation object is returned if it existed already.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::getInstanceMethodImplementation {this selector category} {
- set selDict [$this instanceMethodImplementation]
- set catDict [$this instanceMethodCategory]
- return [$this getMethodImplementation $selector $category $selDict $catDict ""]
- }
- method STClassImplementation::getClassMethodImplementation {this selector category} {
- set selDict [$this classMethodImplementation]
- set catDict [$this classMethodCategory]
- return [$this getMethodImplementation $selector $category $selDict $catDict "class"]
- }
- # Shared code for getInstanceMethodImplementation and
- # getClassMethodImplementation.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::getMethodImplementation {this selector category selectorDict categoryDict type} {
- # if category is "" return implementation if it exists
- if { $category == "" } {
- return [$selectorDict set $selector]
- }
- # create category if needed
- if [$categoryDict exists $category] {
- set methodCategory [$categoryDict set $category]
- } else {
- set methodCategory [STMethodCategory new [$this name] $category $type]
- $categoryDict set $category $methodCategory
- }
- # If selector existed: check if old category gets empty:
- # and delete if this is the case
- if [$selectorDict exists $selector] {
- set implementation [$selectorDict set $selector]
- set oldCategory [$implementation methodCategory]
- $implementation methodCategory $methodCategory
- if [$oldCategory isEmpty] {
- $categoryDict unset [$oldCategory categoryName]
- }
- # trash prevention: remove arguments in case method is both
- # generated and defined by user.
- if { ![[$implementation arguments] empty] } {
- [$implementation arguments] remove 0 end
- }
- } else {
- set implementation [STMethodImplementation new $selector $methodCategory]
- $selectorDict set $selector $implementation
- }
- return $implementation
- }
- # Returns 1 if the there is a method implementation object with the specified selector
- # in the instanceMethodImplementation association.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::methodExists {this selector} {
- return [[$this instanceMethodImplementation] exists $selector]
- }
- # Returns 1 if there is a class method object with the specified selector
- # in the classMethodImplementation association.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::classMethodExists {this selector} {
- return [[$this classMethodImplementation] exists $selector]
- }
- # Initializes all attributes to their specified types (lists and dictionaries)
- # and stores <name> in name.
- #
- constructor STClassImplementation {class this name} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this instanceVars [List new]
- $this classVars [List new]
- $this poolDicts [List new]
- $this expressionSet [List new]
- $this classMethodCategory [Dictionary new]
- $this instanceMethodCategory [Dictionary new]
- $this instanceMethodImplementation [Dictionary new]
- $this classMethodImplementation [Dictionary new]
- $this name $name
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- # Creates a new expression with contents <contents>, add it to the expression association and return it.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::addExpression {this contents} {
- set expression [STExpression new $contents]
- [$this expressionSet] append $expression
- return $expression
- }
- # Add a new comment line with contents commentText to instance variable comment.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::addCommentLine {this commentText} {
- if { [$this comment] != "" } {
- $this comment "[$this comment]\n$commentText"
- } else {
- $this comment $commentText
- }
- }
- # Adds name to instance variable list.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::addInstanceVariable {this name} {
- [$this instanceVars] append $name
- }
- # Add name to class variable list.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::addClassVariable {this name} {
- [$this classVars] append $name
- }
- # Add name to pool dictionary list.
- #
- method STClassImplementation::addPoolDictionary {this name} {
- [$this poolDicts] append $name
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- # File: @(#)stexprpart.tcl /main/1
- # Part of a smalltalk expression. Objects of this class are additional parts,
- # objects of subclass Expression are first parts.
- Class STExprPart : {GCObject} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method generate
- method generateExpressions
- method addExpression
- method addArgument
- # Contents of expression part.
- #
- attribute contents
- # Used to store block arguments.
- #
- attribute arguments
- attribute expressionSet
- }
- method STExprPart::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Initializes the expression association,
- # the arguments list and sets contents to <contents>.
- #
- constructor STExprPart {class this contents} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this contents $contents
- $this expressionSet [List new]
- $this arguments [List new]
- return $this
- }
- # Generates on stSection.
- #
- method STExprPart::generate {this stSection} {
- # put it on same line if one line, on new lines otherwise
- $stSection append [$this contents]
- $stSection indent +
- $this generateExpressions $stSection
- $stSection indent -
- }
- # Generates the subexpressions and block arguments of this expression on stSection.
- #
- method STExprPart::generateExpressions {this stSection} {
- # Do block argument if it exists
- set blockArgument ""
- if { ![[$this arguments] empty] } {
- [$this arguments] foreach argument {
- set blockArgument "$blockArgument :$argument"
- }
- set blockArgument "$blockArgument | "
- }
- # put on new line if multiple lines or line too long.
- if {![[$this expressionSet] empty]} {
- if {[[$this expressionSet] length] > 1 } {
- set newLine 1
- } else {
- set contentsLength [string length [$this contents]]
- set contentsLength [expr $contentsLength+[string length $blockArgument]]
- set expression [[$this expressionSet] index 0]
- set expressionLength [string length [$expression contents]]
- if {[expr $contentsLength+$expressionLength+4] > 70 } {
- set newLine 1
- } else {
- set newLine 0
- }
- }
- if $newLine {
- $stSection append "\n\[$blockArgument"
- } else {
- $stSection append " \[$blockArgument"
- }
- set first 1
- [$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
- if $first {
- set first 0
- } else {
- $stSection append ".\n"
- }
- $expression generate $stSection
- }
- $stSection append "\]"
- }
- }
- # Create a new expression object, add it to the expression association and return it.
- #
- method STExprPart::addExpression {this contents} {
- set expression [STExpression new $contents]
- [$this expressionSet] append $expression
- return $expression
- }
- # Add argument to arguments list.
- #
- method STExprPart::addArgument {this name} {
- [$this arguments] append $name
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- # File: @(#)stmethodca.tcl /main/1
- # This class represents the code generated for a method category.
- Class STMethodCategory : {GCObject} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method generate
- method isEmpty
- method methodImplementationSet
- # Name of the category.
- #
- attribute categoryName
- # Class to which this category belongs.
- #
- attribute className
- # Type of this category: class or instance.
- #
- attribute categoryType
- attribute _methodImplementationSet
- }
- method STMethodCategory::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Sets className to <className>, categoryName to <categoryName>,
- # categoryType to <categoryType> and initialize methodImplementation.
- #
- constructor STMethodCategory {class this className categoryName categoryType} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this className $className
- $this categoryName $categoryName
- $this categoryType $categoryType
- $this _methodImplementationSet [List new]
- return $this
- }
- # This method generates the method category on stSection.
- #
- method STMethodCategory::generate {this stSection} {
- # category header
- $stSection append "![$this className] "
- if { [$this categoryType] == "class" } {
- $stSection append "class "
- }
- $stSection append "methodsFor: \'[$this categoryName]\'!\n\n"
- # methods in this category
- set first 1
- [$this methodImplementationSet] foreach implementation {
- if !$first {
- $stSection append "\n\n"
- } else {
- set first 0
- }
- $implementation generate $stSection
- }
- # closing !
- $stSection append " !\n"
- }
- # Returns whether this category is empty
- # e.g. the methodImplementation association is empty.
- #
- method STMethodCategory::isEmpty {this} {
- return [[$this methodImplementationSet] empty]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method STMethodCategory::methodImplementationSet {this} {
- return [$this _methodImplementationSet]
- }
- # File: @(#)stfile.tcl /main/1
- # This class represents the contents of a Smalltalk file.
- Class STFile : {GCObject} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method getImplementation
- method setImplementation
- method removeImplementation
- attribute implementation
- }
- constructor STFile {class this} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this implementation [Dictionary new]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method STFile::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Generates the contents of all associated objects in stSection.
- #
- method STFile::generate {this stSection} {
- set first 1
- foreach implementation [[$this implementation] values] {
- if $first {
- set first 0
- } else {
- $stSection append "\n\n\n"
- }
- $implementation generate $stSection
- }
- }
- # Gets a STClassImplementation object for class 'name' and creates it if it didn't exist yet.
- #
- method STFile::getImplementation {this name} {
- if [[$this implementation] exists $name] {
- return [[$this implementation] set $name]
- }
- set newImplementation [STClassImplementation new $name]
- [[$this implementation] set $name $newImplementation
- return $newImplementation
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method STFile::setImplementation {this name newImplementation} {
- [$this implementation] set $name $newImplementation
- }
- method STFile::removeImplementation {this name} {
- [$this implementation] unset $name
- }
- # File: @(#)stmethodim.tcl /main/1
- # This class represents a method implementation: the header, the temporary variables and the
- # expressions in the body. It is also responsible for creating unique argument names.
- Class STMethodImplementation : {GCObject} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method generate
- method getNewUniqueArgumentName
- method getUniqueArgumentName
- method addExpression
- method insertExpression
- method addCommentLine
- method addArgument
- method addTemporary
- method getArguments
- method isEmpty
- method methodCategory
- # The message selector of this implementation.
- #
- attribute selector
- # Stores argument name for each part of the selector.
- # Needed for initialize.
- #
- attribute selectorpartToArgument
- # Used to store the non unique argument names and number of occurrences.
- # Needed for efficient generation of unique names.
- #
- attribute argumentToFrequency
- # The argument names of this method.
- #
- attribute arguments
- # Temporary variables of this method.
- #
- attribute temporaries
- # The method comment (appears between method header and method implementation).
- #
- attribute comment
- # Indicates whether this method has a user code part.
- # Is considered to be 1 if isUserDefined is set.
- #
- attribute hasUserCodePart
- # Set if user code was found during
- # regeneration.
- #
- attribute hasUserCode
- # Indicates whether this is a user defined method implementation.
- #
- attribute isUserDefined
- attribute _methodCategory
- attribute expressionSet
- }
- method STMethodImplementation::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Initializes the dictionaries, the associations
- # comment to the empty string, the *User* attributes to
- # 0 and the lists and sets selector to <selector>
- # and methodCategory to <category>.
- #
- constructor STMethodImplementation {class this selector category} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this selector $selector
- $this methodCategory $category
- $this selectorpartToArgument [Dictionary new]
- $this argumentToFrequency [Dictionary new]
- $this arguments [List new]
- $this temporaries [List new]
- $this expressionSet [List new]
- $this comment ""
- $this isUserDefined 0
- $this hasUserCodePart 0
- $this hasUserCode 0
- return $this
- }
- # Generates the method implementation on section stSection.
- # Insert regeneration markers if required.
- # Generate a not implemented comment if the implementation
- # has no expressions.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::generate {this stSection} {
- # method header
- if [[$this arguments] empty] {
- $stSection append "[$this selector]"
- } elseif { [[$this arguments] length] == 1 } {
- # Workaround for operator- as mentioned in STGOperation
- if { [$this selector] == "operator-" } {
- $stSection append "- [[$this arguments] index 0]"
- } else {
- $stSection append "[$this selector] [[$this arguments] index 0]"
- }
- } else {
- set index 0
- set selectorPartList [split [$this selector] ':']
- [$this arguments] foreach argument {
- if { $index > 0 } {
- $stSection append " "
- }
- set selectorPart [lindex $selectorPartList $index]
- # trash prevention: should go away once qualifier initializer bug
- # is fixed.
- if { $selectorPart == "" } {
- break
- }
- $stSection append "$selectorPart: $argument"
- set index [expr $index+1]
- }
- }
- # comment, temporaries, "Generated" comment
- # This comment is put in methods without user code
- $stSection indent +
- if {[$this comment] != ""} {
- $stSection append "\n\"[$this comment]\""
- }
- if { (![$this isUserDefined]) && ![$this hasUserCodePart] } {
- $stSection append "\n\"Generated\""
- }
- if {![[$this temporaries] empty]} {
- $stSection append "\n| [[$this temporaries] contents] |"
- }
- # expressions
- set index 0
- set exprCnt [[$this expressionSet] length]
- [$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
- if { $index > 0 } {
- $stSection append ".\n"
- } else {
- $stSection append "\n"
- }
- # if there was user added code it is in the last expression
- # generate this without indent and place a separator if necessary
- if { [$this hasUserCode] && ($index == [expr $exprCnt-1]) } {
- if { $index > 0 } {
- $stSection append "[$globals startUserCodeMarker]\n"
- }
- $stSection indent -
- }
- $expression generate $stSection
- set index [expr $index+1]
- }
- if ![$this hasUserCode] {
- if [$this isUserDefined] {
- if { $exprCnt > 0 } {
- $stSection append ".\n[$globals startUserCodeMarker]"
- }
- $stSection append "\n\"Not yet implemented\""
- } elseif [$this hasUserCodePart] {
- if { $exprCnt > 0 } {
- $stSection append "."
- }
- $stSection append "\n[$globals startUserCodeMarker]"
- }
- $stSection indent -
- }
- # closing !
- $stSection append "!"
- }
- # Gets a new unique argument name and adds it to argument list.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::getNewUniqueArgumentName {this name} {
- if [[$this argumentToFrequency] exists $name] {
- set frequency [[$this argumentToFrequency] set $name]
- set uniqueName "$name$frequency"
- [$this argumentToFrequency] set $name [expr $frequency+1]
- } else {
- set uniqueName $name
- [$this argumentToFrequency] set $name 1
- }
- [$this arguments] append $uniqueName
- return $uniqueName
- }
- # If selectorpart existed in selectorpartToArgument, return argument.
- # If not get unique argument name for this selector part and store it in selectorPartToArgument.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::getUniqueArgumentName {this selectorpart {name ""}} {
- if [[$this selectorpartToArgument] exists $selectorpart] {
- return [[$this selectorpartToArgument] set $selectorpart]
- }
- set uniqueName [$this getNewUniqueArgumentName $name]
- [$this selectorpartToArgument] set $selectorpart $uniqueName
- return $uniqueName
- }
- # Create new expression object with contents <contents>, add it to the expression association and return it.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::addExpression {this contents} {
- set expression [STExpression new $contents]
- [$this expressionSet] append $expression
- return $expression
- }
- # Create new expression with contents contents, insert in the expression association and return it.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::insertExpression {this contents} {
- set expression [STExpression new $contents]
- [$this expressionSet] insert $expression
- return $expression
- }
- # Add new line with <commentText> to comment.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::addCommentLine {this commentText} {
- if { [$this comment] != "" } {
- $this comment "[$this comment]\n$commentText"
- } else {
- $this comment $commentText
- }
- }
- # Add argument name to argument list.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::addArgument {this name} {
- [$this arguments] append $name
- }
- # Add temporary name to temporaries list.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::addTemporary {this name} {
- [$this temporaries] append $name
- }
- # Return list of argument names.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::getArguments {this} {
- return [$this arguments]
- }
- # Returns 1 if the expression association is empty, 0 otherwise.
- #
- method STMethodImplementation::isEmpty {this} {
- return [[$this expressionSet] empty]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method STMethodImplementation::methodCategory {this args} {
- if {$args == ""} {
- return [$this _methodCategory]
- }
- set ref [$this _methodCategory]
- if {$ref != ""} {
- [$ref _methodImplementationSet] removeValue $this
- }
- set obj [lindex $args 0]
- if {$obj != ""} {
- [$obj _methodImplementationSet] append $this
- }
- $this _methodCategory $obj
- }
- # File: @(#)stexpressi.tcl /main/1
- # This class represents one Smalltalk expression.
- # It always contains the first part of an expression. If there are more
- # parts, these are stored in STExprPart objects.
- # This is an optimization compared to the syntax,
- # suggested by the fact that additional parts are not very often used by the code generator.
- # For regeneration the user added expressions are considered as one expression.
- Class STExpression : {STExprPart} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method addExpressionPart
- attribute expressionPartSet
- }
- constructor STExpression {class this contents} {
- set this [STExprPart::constructor $class $this $contents]
- $this expressionPartSet [List new]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method STExpression::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this STExprPart::destructor
- }
- # Generates expression contents on stSection.
- #
- method STExpression::generate {this stSection} {
- $stSection append [$this contents]
- $stSection indent +
- # if there are xpression parts use extra indent
- set numberParts [[$this expressionPartSet] length]
- if $numberParts {
- $stSection indent +
- }
- $this generateExpressions $stSection
- $stSection indent -
- # now the other expression parts
- if $numberParts {
- [$this expressionPartSet] foreach expressionPart {
- $stSection append "\n"
- $expressionPart generate $stSection
- }
- $stSection indent -
- }
- }
- # Creates an ExprPart object, adds it to the expressionPart association and returns it.
- #
- method STExpression::addExpressionPart {this contents} {
- set expressionPart [STExprPart new $contents]
- [$this expressionPartSet] append $expressionPart
- return $expressionPart
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker