PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: %W%
# Author: <generated>
# File: @(#)stclassimp.tcl /main/1
# This class represents all code generated to implement one class.
# It is also responsible for method and category management:
# keeping names unique and creating and assigning categories.
Class STClassImplementation : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method getInstanceMethodImplementation
method getClassMethodImplementation
method getMethodImplementation
method methodExists
method classMethodExists
method addExpression
method addCommentLine
method addInstanceVariable
method addClassVariable
method addPoolDictionary
# Name of the class.
attribute name
# The comment for this implementation.
attribute comment
# List of instance variables of the class.
attribute instanceVars
# List of class variables of the class.
attribute classVars
# List of pool dictionaries of the class.
attribute poolDicts
# The name of the super class of this class.
attribute super
# Category of this class.
attribute category
# Type of inheritance, empty for normal, or variable or variableByte.
attribute inheritanceType
attribute initialize
attribute release
attribute printOn
attribute printVars
attribute expressionSet
attribute classMethodCategory
attribute instanceMethodCategory
attribute instanceMethodImplementation
attribute classMethodImplementation
method STClassImplementation::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Generates all the code to implement one class on section stSection.
# Order: Class declaration, class comment, class message categories, instance message categories,
# expressions.
method STClassImplementation::generate {this stSection} {
# if there is no superclass no code was generated for this class
if { [$this super] == "" } {
$stSection append "[$this super] [$this inheritanceType]"
if {[$this inheritanceType] == "" } {
$stSection append "subclass"
} else {
$stSection append "Subclass"
$stSection append ": #[$this name]\n"
$stSection indent +
$stSection append "instanceVariableNames: \'"
$stSection append "[[$this instanceVars] contents]\'\n"
$stSection append "classVariableNames: \'"
$stSection append "[[$this classVars] contents]\'\n"
$stSection append "poolDictionaries: \'"
$stSection append "[[$this poolDicts] contents]\'\n"
$stSection append "category: \'[$this category]\'!\n"
$stSection indent -
if {[$this comment] != "" } {
$stSection append "\n"
$stSection append "[$this name] comment: \'"
$stSection append "[$this comment]\'!\n"
foreach category [[$this classMethodCategory] values] {
$stSection append "\n"
$category generate $stSection
foreach category [[$this instanceMethodCategory] values] {
$stSection append "\n"
$category generate $stSection
[$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
$stSection append "\n"
$expression generate $stSection
$stSection append "!"
# Gets a method implementation object for <selector>;
# creates it in category <category> if it didn't exist yet. If it existed already
# the category is updated.
# The old category is deleted if it is empty.
# The category <category> is created if it didn't exist yet.
# if <category> is empty, the implementation object is returned if it existed already.
method STClassImplementation::getInstanceMethodImplementation {this selector category} {
set selDict [$this instanceMethodImplementation]
set catDict [$this instanceMethodCategory]
return [$this getMethodImplementation $selector $category $selDict $catDict ""]
method STClassImplementation::getClassMethodImplementation {this selector category} {
set selDict [$this classMethodImplementation]
set catDict [$this classMethodCategory]
return [$this getMethodImplementation $selector $category $selDict $catDict "class"]
# Shared code for getInstanceMethodImplementation and
# getClassMethodImplementation.
method STClassImplementation::getMethodImplementation {this selector category selectorDict categoryDict type} {
# if category is "" return implementation if it exists
if { $category == "" } {
return [$selectorDict set $selector]
# create category if needed
if [$categoryDict exists $category] {
set methodCategory [$categoryDict set $category]
} else {
set methodCategory [STMethodCategory new [$this name] $category $type]
$categoryDict set $category $methodCategory
# If selector existed: check if old category gets empty:
# and delete if this is the case
if [$selectorDict exists $selector] {
set implementation [$selectorDict set $selector]
set oldCategory [$implementation methodCategory]
$implementation methodCategory $methodCategory
if [$oldCategory isEmpty] {
$categoryDict unset [$oldCategory categoryName]
# trash prevention: remove arguments in case method is both
# generated and defined by user.
if { ![[$implementation arguments] empty] } {
[$implementation arguments] remove 0 end
} else {
set implementation [STMethodImplementation new $selector $methodCategory]
$selectorDict set $selector $implementation
return $implementation
# Returns 1 if the there is a method implementation object with the specified selector
# in the instanceMethodImplementation association.
method STClassImplementation::methodExists {this selector} {
return [[$this instanceMethodImplementation] exists $selector]
# Returns 1 if there is a class method object with the specified selector
# in the classMethodImplementation association.
method STClassImplementation::classMethodExists {this selector} {
return [[$this classMethodImplementation] exists $selector]
# Initializes all attributes to their specified types (lists and dictionaries)
# and stores <name> in name.
constructor STClassImplementation {class this name} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this instanceVars [List new]
$this classVars [List new]
$this poolDicts [List new]
$this expressionSet [List new]
$this classMethodCategory [Dictionary new]
$this instanceMethodCategory [Dictionary new]
$this instanceMethodImplementation [Dictionary new]
$this classMethodImplementation [Dictionary new]
$this name $name
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
# Creates a new expression with contents <contents>, add it to the expression association and return it.
method STClassImplementation::addExpression {this contents} {
set expression [STExpression new $contents]
[$this expressionSet] append $expression
return $expression
# Add a new comment line with contents commentText to instance variable comment.
method STClassImplementation::addCommentLine {this commentText} {
if { [$this comment] != "" } {
$this comment "[$this comment]\n$commentText"
} else {
$this comment $commentText
# Adds name to instance variable list.
method STClassImplementation::addInstanceVariable {this name} {
[$this instanceVars] append $name
# Add name to class variable list.
method STClassImplementation::addClassVariable {this name} {
[$this classVars] append $name
# Add name to pool dictionary list.
method STClassImplementation::addPoolDictionary {this name} {
[$this poolDicts] append $name
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)stexprpart.tcl /main/1
# Part of a smalltalk expression. Objects of this class are additional parts,
# objects of subclass Expression are first parts.
Class STExprPart : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateExpressions
method addExpression
method addArgument
# Contents of expression part.
attribute contents
# Used to store block arguments.
attribute arguments
attribute expressionSet
method STExprPart::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Initializes the expression association,
# the arguments list and sets contents to <contents>.
constructor STExprPart {class this contents} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this contents $contents
$this expressionSet [List new]
$this arguments [List new]
return $this
# Generates on stSection.
method STExprPart::generate {this stSection} {
# put it on same line if one line, on new lines otherwise
$stSection append [$this contents]
$stSection indent +
$this generateExpressions $stSection
$stSection indent -
# Generates the subexpressions and block arguments of this expression on stSection.
method STExprPart::generateExpressions {this stSection} {
# Do block argument if it exists
set blockArgument ""
if { ![[$this arguments] empty] } {
[$this arguments] foreach argument {
set blockArgument "$blockArgument :$argument"
set blockArgument "$blockArgument | "
# put on new line if multiple lines or line too long.
if {![[$this expressionSet] empty]} {
if {[[$this expressionSet] length] > 1 } {
set newLine 1
} else {
set contentsLength [string length [$this contents]]
set contentsLength [expr $contentsLength+[string length $blockArgument]]
set expression [[$this expressionSet] index 0]
set expressionLength [string length [$expression contents]]
if {[expr $contentsLength+$expressionLength+4] > 70 } {
set newLine 1
} else {
set newLine 0
if $newLine {
$stSection append "\n\[$blockArgument"
} else {
$stSection append " \[$blockArgument"
set first 1
[$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
if $first {
set first 0
} else {
$stSection append ".\n"
$expression generate $stSection
$stSection append "\]"
# Create a new expression object, add it to the expression association and return it.
method STExprPart::addExpression {this contents} {
set expression [STExpression new $contents]
[$this expressionSet] append $expression
return $expression
# Add argument to arguments list.
method STExprPart::addArgument {this name} {
[$this arguments] append $name
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)stmethodca.tcl /main/1
# This class represents the code generated for a method category.
Class STMethodCategory : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method isEmpty
method methodImplementationSet
# Name of the category.
attribute categoryName
# Class to which this category belongs.
attribute className
# Type of this category: class or instance.
attribute categoryType
attribute _methodImplementationSet
method STMethodCategory::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Sets className to <className>, categoryName to <categoryName>,
# categoryType to <categoryType> and initialize methodImplementation.
constructor STMethodCategory {class this className categoryName categoryType} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this className $className
$this categoryName $categoryName
$this categoryType $categoryType
$this _methodImplementationSet [List new]
return $this
# This method generates the method category on stSection.
method STMethodCategory::generate {this stSection} {
# category header
$stSection append "![$this className] "
if { [$this categoryType] == "class" } {
$stSection append "class "
$stSection append "methodsFor: \'[$this categoryName]\'!\n\n"
# methods in this category
set first 1
[$this methodImplementationSet] foreach implementation {
if !$first {
$stSection append "\n\n"
} else {
set first 0
$implementation generate $stSection
# closing !
$stSection append " !\n"
# Returns whether this category is empty
# e.g. the methodImplementation association is empty.
method STMethodCategory::isEmpty {this} {
return [[$this methodImplementationSet] empty]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method STMethodCategory::methodImplementationSet {this} {
return [$this _methodImplementationSet]
# File: @(#)stfile.tcl /main/1
# This class represents the contents of a Smalltalk file.
Class STFile : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method getImplementation
method setImplementation
method removeImplementation
attribute implementation
constructor STFile {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this implementation [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method STFile::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Generates the contents of all associated objects in stSection.
method STFile::generate {this stSection} {
set first 1
foreach implementation [[$this implementation] values] {
if $first {
set first 0
} else {
$stSection append "\n\n\n"
$implementation generate $stSection
# Gets a STClassImplementation object for class 'name' and creates it if it didn't exist yet.
method STFile::getImplementation {this name} {
if [[$this implementation] exists $name] {
return [[$this implementation] set $name]
set newImplementation [STClassImplementation new $name]
[[$this implementation] set $name $newImplementation
return $newImplementation
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method STFile::setImplementation {this name newImplementation} {
[$this implementation] set $name $newImplementation
method STFile::removeImplementation {this name} {
[$this implementation] unset $name
# File: @(#)stmethodim.tcl /main/1
# This class represents a method implementation: the header, the temporary variables and the
# expressions in the body. It is also responsible for creating unique argument names.
Class STMethodImplementation : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method getNewUniqueArgumentName
method getUniqueArgumentName
method addExpression
method insertExpression
method addCommentLine
method addArgument
method addTemporary
method getArguments
method isEmpty
method methodCategory
# The message selector of this implementation.
attribute selector
# Stores argument name for each part of the selector.
# Needed for initialize.
attribute selectorpartToArgument
# Used to store the non unique argument names and number of occurrences.
# Needed for efficient generation of unique names.
attribute argumentToFrequency
# The argument names of this method.
attribute arguments
# Temporary variables of this method.
attribute temporaries
# The method comment (appears between method header and method implementation).
attribute comment
# Indicates whether this method has a user code part.
# Is considered to be 1 if isUserDefined is set.
attribute hasUserCodePart
# Set if user code was found during
# regeneration.
attribute hasUserCode
# Indicates whether this is a user defined method implementation.
attribute isUserDefined
attribute _methodCategory
attribute expressionSet
method STMethodImplementation::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Initializes the dictionaries, the associations
# comment to the empty string, the *User* attributes to
# 0 and the lists and sets selector to <selector>
# and methodCategory to <category>.
constructor STMethodImplementation {class this selector category} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this selector $selector
$this methodCategory $category
$this selectorpartToArgument [Dictionary new]
$this argumentToFrequency [Dictionary new]
$this arguments [List new]
$this temporaries [List new]
$this expressionSet [List new]
$this comment ""
$this isUserDefined 0
$this hasUserCodePart 0
$this hasUserCode 0
return $this
# Generates the method implementation on section stSection.
# Insert regeneration markers if required.
# Generate a not implemented comment if the implementation
# has no expressions.
method STMethodImplementation::generate {this stSection} {
# method header
if [[$this arguments] empty] {
$stSection append "[$this selector]"
} elseif { [[$this arguments] length] == 1 } {
# Workaround for operator- as mentioned in STGOperation
if { [$this selector] == "operator-" } {
$stSection append "- [[$this arguments] index 0]"
} else {
$stSection append "[$this selector] [[$this arguments] index 0]"
} else {
set index 0
set selectorPartList [split [$this selector] ':']
[$this arguments] foreach argument {
if { $index > 0 } {
$stSection append " "
set selectorPart [lindex $selectorPartList $index]
# trash prevention: should go away once qualifier initializer bug
# is fixed.
if { $selectorPart == "" } {
$stSection append "$selectorPart: $argument"
set index [expr $index+1]
# comment, temporaries, "Generated" comment
# This comment is put in methods without user code
$stSection indent +
if {[$this comment] != ""} {
$stSection append "\n\"[$this comment]\""
if { (![$this isUserDefined]) && ![$this hasUserCodePart] } {
$stSection append "\n\"Generated\""
if {![[$this temporaries] empty]} {
$stSection append "\n| [[$this temporaries] contents] |"
# expressions
set index 0
set exprCnt [[$this expressionSet] length]
[$this expressionSet] foreach expression {
if { $index > 0 } {
$stSection append ".\n"
} else {
$stSection append "\n"
# if there was user added code it is in the last expression
# generate this without indent and place a separator if necessary
if { [$this hasUserCode] && ($index == [expr $exprCnt-1]) } {
if { $index > 0 } {
$stSection append "[$globals startUserCodeMarker]\n"
$stSection indent -
$expression generate $stSection
set index [expr $index+1]
if ![$this hasUserCode] {
if [$this isUserDefined] {
if { $exprCnt > 0 } {
$stSection append ".\n[$globals startUserCodeMarker]"
$stSection append "\n\"Not yet implemented\""
} elseif [$this hasUserCodePart] {
if { $exprCnt > 0 } {
$stSection append "."
$stSection append "\n[$globals startUserCodeMarker]"
$stSection indent -
# closing !
$stSection append "!"
# Gets a new unique argument name and adds it to argument list.
method STMethodImplementation::getNewUniqueArgumentName {this name} {
if [[$this argumentToFrequency] exists $name] {
set frequency [[$this argumentToFrequency] set $name]
set uniqueName "$name$frequency"
[$this argumentToFrequency] set $name [expr $frequency+1]
} else {
set uniqueName $name
[$this argumentToFrequency] set $name 1
[$this arguments] append $uniqueName
return $uniqueName
# If selectorpart existed in selectorpartToArgument, return argument.
# If not get unique argument name for this selector part and store it in selectorPartToArgument.
method STMethodImplementation::getUniqueArgumentName {this selectorpart {name ""}} {
if [[$this selectorpartToArgument] exists $selectorpart] {
return [[$this selectorpartToArgument] set $selectorpart]
set uniqueName [$this getNewUniqueArgumentName $name]
[$this selectorpartToArgument] set $selectorpart $uniqueName
return $uniqueName
# Create new expression object with contents <contents>, add it to the expression association and return it.
method STMethodImplementation::addExpression {this contents} {
set expression [STExpression new $contents]
[$this expressionSet] append $expression
return $expression
# Create new expression with contents contents, insert in the expression association and return it.
method STMethodImplementation::insertExpression {this contents} {
set expression [STExpression new $contents]
[$this expressionSet] insert $expression
return $expression
# Add new line with <commentText> to comment.
method STMethodImplementation::addCommentLine {this commentText} {
if { [$this comment] != "" } {
$this comment "[$this comment]\n$commentText"
} else {
$this comment $commentText
# Add argument name to argument list.
method STMethodImplementation::addArgument {this name} {
[$this arguments] append $name
# Add temporary name to temporaries list.
method STMethodImplementation::addTemporary {this name} {
[$this temporaries] append $name
# Return list of argument names.
method STMethodImplementation::getArguments {this} {
return [$this arguments]
# Returns 1 if the expression association is empty, 0 otherwise.
method STMethodImplementation::isEmpty {this} {
return [[$this expressionSet] empty]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method STMethodImplementation::methodCategory {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _methodCategory]
set ref [$this _methodCategory]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _methodImplementationSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _methodImplementationSet] append $this
$this _methodCategory $obj
# File: @(#)stexpressi.tcl /main/1
# This class represents one Smalltalk expression.
# It always contains the first part of an expression. If there are more
# parts, these are stored in STExprPart objects.
# This is an optimization compared to the syntax,
# suggested by the fact that additional parts are not very often used by the code generator.
# For regeneration the user added expressions are considered as one expression.
Class STExpression : {STExprPart} {
method destructor
method generate
method addExpressionPart
attribute expressionPartSet
constructor STExpression {class this contents} {
set this [STExprPart::constructor $class $this $contents]
$this expressionPartSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method STExpression::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this STExprPart::destructor
# Generates expression contents on stSection.
method STExpression::generate {this stSection} {
$stSection append [$this contents]
$stSection indent +
# if there are xpression parts use extra indent
set numberParts [[$this expressionPartSet] length]
if $numberParts {
$stSection indent +
$this generateExpressions $stSection
$stSection indent -
# now the other expression parts
if $numberParts {
[$this expressionPartSet] foreach expressionPart {
$stSection append "\n"
$expressionPart generate $stSection
$stSection indent -
# Creates an ExprPart object, adds it to the expressionPart association and returns it.
method STExpression::addExpressionPart {this contents} {
set expressionPart [STExprPart new $contents]
[$this expressionPartSet] append $expressionPart
return $expressionPart
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker