PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)stgenerato.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)stgenerato.tcl /main/hindenburg/4 5 May 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require stgglobal.tcl
set globals [STGGlobal new]
# End user added include file section
require "generator.tcl"
# This class is the entry point of the Smalltalk code generator.
Class STGenerator : {Generator} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateSpecialFiles
method sortClasses
method generateImport
method generateExport
# The file handler for this generator.
attribute fileHandler
constructor STGenerator {class this} {
set this [Generator::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
$this fileHandler [STFileHandler new]
# End constructor user section
return $this
method STGenerator::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this Generator::destructor
# Generates for <classList>, see description in class Generator.
method STGenerator::generate {this classList} {
# set header variables
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set proj [$cc currentProject]
set configV [$cc currentConfig]
set phaseV [$cc currentPhase]
set systemV [$cc currentSystem]
if {![$proj isNil] } {
set projName [$proj name]
if {![$configV isNil] } {
set configName [[$configV config] name]
if {![$phaseV isNil] } {
set phaseName [[$phaseV phase] name]
if {![$systemV isNil] } {
set systemName [[$systemV system] name]
# initialize file handler, type and result variables
set type [[$this fileHandler] stType]
set typeToClassDictionary [Dictionary new]
set classToSection [Dictionary new]
$typeToClassDictionary set [[$this fileHandler] stType] $classToSection
set regenerator [STRegenerator new]
# start generation
$classList foreach class {
set fileObject [STFile new]
set implementation [$fileObject getImplementation [$class getSTName]]
$class generate $implementation
# do regeneration
$regenerator regenerate $class $fileObject
set text [TextSection new]
# do header
set fileName [[$this fileHandler] getFileName $class $type]
expand_file $text [m4_path_name etc $type.hdr] proj $proj \
configV [$configV versionNumber] \
phaseV [$phaseV versionNumber] \
filename $fileName \
systemV [$systemV versionNumber]\
projName $projName \
configName $configName \
phaseName $phaseName \
systemName $systemName
$fileObject generate $text
$classToSection set $class $text
return $typeToClassDictionary
# Generates special files: the import and/or
# the export file.
# Makes a mapping from class to fileName
# and from class to super class and
# generates the file specified in <fileList>.
method STGenerator::generateSpecialFiles {this ooplModel fileList} {
set classList [List new]
set classToSuper [Dictionary new]
set classToFile [Dictionary new]
foreach class [$ooplModel ooplClassSet] {
if [$class isExternal] {
set className [$class getSTName]
$classList append $className
# get superclass
set gnodeSet [$class genNodeSet]
if { [llength $gnodeSet] == 0 } {
$classToSuper set $className "Object"
} else {
$classToSuper set $className [[[lindex $gnodeSet 0] superClass]\
$classToFile set $className [[$this fileHandler] getFileName $class\
[[$this fileHandler] stType]]
$fileList foreach specialFile {
if { [[$this fileHandler] getImportFileName] == $specialFile } {
puts "Generating import script for all classes"
$this generateImport $classList $classToSuper $classToFile
if { [[$this fileHandler] getExportFileName] == $specialFile } {
puts "Generating export script for all classes"
$this generateExport $classList $classToFile
# Sorts the classes in <classList> in
# prefix order. <classToSuper> maps classes to
# their super classes and <classToFile> maps
# classes to file names, these are used during
# the sort process.
method STGenerator::sortClasses {this classList classToSuper classToFile} {
upvar $classList selectedClasses
# make class to subs and root classes
set rootClasses [List new]
set classToSubs [Dictionary new]
$classToSuper foreach className superName {
if { ![$classToSubs exists $superName] } {
$classToSubs set $superName [List new]
if { [[$classToSubs set $superName] search $className] == -1 } {
# if super does not have a file it must be external
# and thus a root class
if { ![$classToFile exists $superName] } {
# now get the subclass of the external root class
if { [$rootClasses search $className] == -1 } {
$rootClasses append $className
[$classToSubs set $superName] append $className
# little hack: when an class <Object> was present,
# an empty import-file was created. This is corrected
# by setting rootClasses:
if { [$rootClasses empty] } {
$rootClasses append "Object"
# walk the inheritance tree till the leaves and
# append every selected class visited
# yielding the classes in prefix order in newSelectedClasses
set newSelectedClasses [List new]
while { ![$rootClasses empty] } {
set currentClass [$rootClasses index 0]
if { [$selectedClasses search $currentClass] != -1 } {
$newSelectedClasses append $currentClass
if [$classToSubs exists $currentClass] {
[$classToSubs set $currentClass] foreach subClass {
if { [$rootClasses search $subClass] == -1 } {
$rootClasses append $subClass
$rootClasses removeValue $currentClass
set selectedClasses $newSelectedClasses
# Generates the import file: sorts the
# classes in <classList> , creates a section with
# Smalltalk expression to file in these
# classes and writes the import file.
method STGenerator::generateImport {this classList classToSuper classToFile} {
set importSection [TextSection new]
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set pathName [[$clientContext currentSystem] path]
$this sortClasses classList $classToSuper $classToFile
$classList foreach className {
set fileName [path_name concat $pathName [$classToFile set $className]]
$importSection append "(Filename named: \'$fileName\') fileIn!\n"
set fileName [[$this fileHandler] getImportFileName]
[$this fileHandler] writeSectionToNamedFile $importSection $fileName
# Generates the export file: creates a section
# with Smalltalk expressions to file out
# the classes in <classList> and writes
# the export file.
method STGenerator::generateExport {this classList classToFile} {
set exportSection [TextSection new]
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set pathName [[$clientContext currentSystem] path]
$classList foreach className {
set fileName [path_name concat $pathName [$classToFile set $className]]
$exportSection append "(Filename named: \'$fileName\') fileOutChangesFor: $className!\n"
set fileName [[$this fileHandler] getExportFileName]
[$this fileHandler] writeSectionToNamedFile $exportSection $fileName
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker