PC World 1997 November
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150 lines
# ~/icase/small_library.tcl
# Created: 15 april 1996
# Updated: 18 april 1996
# Version: 1.2
# Purpose: To make some functions globally platform independent available
# like an as user friendly as possible file selection.
# Notes on V1.1: Made use of the standard otk FileChooser
# Notes on V1.2: Made use of system to make it MS DOS compatible
#puts "Using ~/icase/small_library.tcl"
# -------------------------
# get the require procedure
# -------------------------
source [m4_path_name tcl libocl.tcl]
# --------------------------------
# to get the global variable win95
# --------------------------------
require platform.tcl
# ------------------------------------------
# Like the UNIX command date without options
# ------------------------------------------
proc date { } {
return [fmtclock [getclock]]
proc get_user_name { } {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The unix and pc version differ, in the future test with others (DEC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#if { $win95 } {
# return [lindex [get_comm_name] 2]
#} else {
# return [exec logname]
return [M4Login::getUserName]
# -------------------------------------
# could be not available on windows '95
# -------------------------------------
proc get_host_name { } {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The unix and pc version differ, in the future test with others (DEC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if { $win95 } {
return $env(COMPUTERNAME)
} else {
return [exec uname -n]
# -----------------------------------
# To retrieve the user home directory
# -----------------------------------
proc get_home_directory { } {
# --------------------------------------------------
# an elaborate method to remain platform independent
# --------------------------------------------------
#set directory [pwd] ; # retrieve currect working directory
#cd ; # change work directory to home directory
#set home_directory [pwd] ; # remember the home directory
#cd $directory ; # set working directory to original one
#return $home_directory ; # return the found home directory
# ---------------------------------------------
# The simple version, also platform independent
# ---------------------------------------------
return [glob ~]
# --------------------------------------------------------
# The 'user friendly' fileselect with the otk file_chooser
# binding with otk via temporary files.
# --------------------------------------------------------
proc FileSelect { } {
set file_name ""
set icase_directory [path_name concat [lindex [glob ~] 0] icase]
set file_chooser [path_name concat $icase_directory file_chooser.tcl]
set otk [m4_path_name bin otk$EXE_EXT]
# --------------------------------
# try the standard otk FileChooser
# --------------------------------
if { [file exists $file_chooser] } {
set file_name ""
if { $win95 } {
# ------------------------------------------------------
# an elaborate construction to make it MS DOS compatible
# ------------------------------------------------------
set tmp_file [args_file {}]
system "$otk $file_chooser -- $tmp_file"
set fd [open $tmp_file "r+"]
gets $fd file_name
close $fd
} else {
set file_name [exec $otk $file_chooser]
return [lindex $file_name 0]
# -----------------------------------------
# try the file selector on unix if possible
# -----------------------------------------
if { ! $win95 } {
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Check to see if the command FileSelect is available
# ---------------------------------------------------
set location "[exec which FileSelect]"
if { [llength $location] == 1 } {
set file_name "[exec FileSelect]"
return $file_name
# ------------------------------
# Use the shell input facilities
# ------------------------------
puts -nonewline "Enter a name please: "
gets stdin file_name
return $file_name
proc execute { command } {
set tmp_file [args_file {}]
system "$command >$tmp_file"
set fd [open $tmp_file "r+"]
set output ""
while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
set output "$output\n$line"
close $fd
system "rm $tmp_file"
return $output