set diag [MGD new Notifications BusinessObjects Analysis Analysis Prototype 1 TrainingMaterials 0]
set node808 [$diag addNode message_def 692.0 732.0 120.0 40.0]
$node808 setLabel "name" "Notifications"
$node808 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
set node809 [$diag addNode message_def 468.0 956.0 120.0 40.0]
$node809 setLabel "name" "item is available"
$node809 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
set node812 [$diag addNode message_def 532.0 860.0 120.0 40.0]
$node812 setLabel "name" "item availability"
$node812 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
$node812 setProp "freeText" "Indicates the availability of the item \nrequested by the Borrower. The item \nis either available or not available." "name" "pe"
set node813 [$diag addNode message_def 852.0 860.0 120.0 40.0]
$node813 setLabel "name" "due date"
$node813 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
set node814 [$diag addNode message_def 916.0 956.0 120.0 40.0]
$node814 setLabel "name" "loan is overdue"
$node814 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
set node815 [$diag addNode message_def 762.667 956.0 138.667 40.0]
$node815 setLabel "name" "item return date is"
$node815 setScope "name" "pe" "scopeSystem"
set node816 [$diag addNode message_def 597.333 956.0 149.333 40.0]
set diag [UCD new Lending-DetailedUseCase BusinessObjects Analysis Analysis Prototype 1 TrainingMaterials 1]
set node1020 [$diag addNode use_case 1124.0 1228.0 120.0 40.0]
$node1020 setLabel "name" "Item is Lost"
$node1020 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1021 [$diag addNode use_case 981.333 1228.0 117.333 40.0]
$node1021 setLabel "name" "Item is \nDamaged"
$node1021 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1022 [$diag addNode use_case 1044.0 1052.0 120.0 40.0]
$node1022 setLabel "name" "Extend Loan"
$node1022 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B.\n"
$node1022 setProp "uc_precondition" "The Loan can be extended only if the item is not on the WaitingList."
set node1023 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 836.0 1068.0 120.0 40.0]
$node1023 setLabel "name" "Inventory"
$node1023 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1024 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 1236.0 1036.0 120.0 40.0]
$node1024 setLabel "name" "Borrower"
$node1024 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1025 [$diag addNode use_case 1046.67 889.333 114.667 45.3334]
$node1025 setLabel "name" "Reserve"
$node1025 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B."
$node1025 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1026 [$diag addNode use_case 1046.67 793.333 114.667 45.3334]
$node1026 setLabel "name" "Wait Listing"
$node1026 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1027 [$diag addNode use_case 1050.67 970.667 106.667 42.6666]
$node1027 setLabel "name" "Check Out"
$node1027 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B.\n"
$node1027 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1028 [$diag addNode use_case 1049.33 1130.67 109.333 42.6666]
$node1028 setLabel "name" "Check In"
$node1028 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks in a borrowed item. The normal sequence proceeds \nas follows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nthe borrowed item.\n2) LC retrieves the TM's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = on loan, LC changes the status to \nreturned and updates Loan. If status != overdue, see Alternate Action.\nIf the item is damaged, see Alternate Action.\nIf the item is lost, see Alternate Action."
$node1028 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node1029 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 808.0 876.0 144.0 40.0]