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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1995
- #
- # File: @(#)rwmethods.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- # Author: Harm Leijendeckers
- # Description: Implementation of methods of class Report
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)rwmethods.tcl /main/hindenburg/1 23 Oct 1996 Copyright 1995 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # Public methods.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- constructor Report {class this} {
- set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
- $this init
- return $this
- }
- # Initialize attributes. It's also called in the constructor.
- method Report::init {this args} {
- set errormsg "wrong # args: should be \"Report::init ?-linelen num?\
- ?-pagelen num?\""
- # check arguments
- set ret [scan $args "%s%d%s%d" what1 val1 what2 val2]
- if { $ret != -1 && $ret != 2 && $ret != 4 } { error $errormsg }
- set oldLinelen [$this linelen]
- set oldPagelen [$this pagelen]
- $this linelen 0
- $this pagelen 0
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [expr $ret/2] } { incr i } {
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args -linelen] } {
- $this linelen [lvarpop args]
- }
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args -pagelen] } {
- $this pagelen [lvarpop args]
- }
- }
- if ![lempty $args] {
- $this linelen oldLinelen
- $this pagelen oldPagelen
- error $errormsg
- }
- # set linelen to parameter if used else use the m4 variable
- # and if that is not set use the default value
- if { [$this linelen] <= 0 } { $this linelen [m4_var get M4_a_printer_llen] }
- if { [$this linelen] <= 0 } { $this linelen 130 }
- # set pagelen to parameter if used else use the m4 variable
- # and if that is not set use the default value
- if { [$this pagelen] <= 0 } {
- $this pagelen [m4_var get M4_a_printer_plen]
- }
- if { [$this pagelen] <= 0 } { $this pagelen 61 }
- $this toPrint ""
- $this lineno 0
- $this pageno 0
- $this date [fmtclock [getclock] "%d %h %Y %X"]
- $this headerList ""
- $this footerList ""
- return
- }
- # Main print procedure.
- method Report::print {this str args} {
- # substitute all tabs in str for one space
- regsub -all ((\r?\n)|\t) $str " " str
- # number
- set len [lindex $args 0]
- expr { [Report::isInt $len] ? [lvarpop args]
- : [set len [string length $str]] }
- # 'left', 'center', 'right' or 'fill'
- switch -exact [lindex $args 0] {
- left { set align left; lvarpop args }
- center { set align center; lvarpop args }
- right { set align right; lvarpop args }
- fill { set align fill; lvarpop args }
- default { set align left }
- }
- # 'break'
- set break [Report::lchkfirst args break]
- # format str according to len, align and break and add str to toPrint
- if { [string length $str] <= $len || $len == 0 } {
- # strlen(str) < len
- lappend new_s [Report::align $str $len $align]
- } else {
- # strlen(str) > len
- if { $break } {
- # truncate str
- lappend new_s [list [string range $str 0 [expr $len-1]]]
- } else {
- # break == off so divide str over more lines
- while { [string length $str] > $len } {
- set sub [string range $str 0 [expr $len-1]]
- set str [string range $str $len [string length $str]]
- lappend new_s [list $sub]
- }
- # strlen(str) <= len so add aligned str
- lappend new_s [Report::align $str $len $align]
- }
- }
- # add new_s to global toPrint
- set tmp [$this toPrint]
- lappend tmp [join $new_s]
- $this toPrint $tmp
- # look if the next argument is 'line'
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args line] } { $this line }
- # look if the next argument is 'page'
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args page] } { $this page }
- if ![lempty $args] {
- error [format "print command: unknown argument(s): %s" $args]
- }
- return
- }
- # Print all outstanding output and a newline.
- method Report::line {this} {
- set tp [$this toPrint]
- $this toPrint ""
- # look if we need to print a header first
- $this doHeader
- $this doFooter
- if [lempty $tp] {
- puts ""
- $this lineno [expr [$this lineno]+1]
- return
- }
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [Report::maxelem $tp] } { incr i } {
- set s ""
- foreach j $tp {
- if { [Report::isSeparator $j] } {
- set elem [lindex $j 1]
- } else {
- if [lempty [lindex $j $i]] {
- set elem [join [Report::align " " \
- [string length [lindex $j 0]] fill]]
- } else { set elem [lindex $j $i] }
- }
- append s $elem
- }
- # delete trailing spaces
- set s [string trimright $s]
- $this doHeader
- # if s is longer than linelen, we only have to print
- # s again with length linelen
- if { [string length $s] > [$this linelen] } {
- $this print "$s" [$this linelen] line
- } else {
- puts $s
- $this lineno [expr [$this lineno]+1]
- $this doFooter
- }
- }
- return
- }
- # Print all outstanding lines and fill the rest of the page with empty lines.
- method Report::page {this} {
- # print outstanding lines
- if ![lempty [$this toPrint]] { $this line }
- # and fill the rest of the page with empty lines
- while { ![$this doFooter] } { $this line }
- return
- }
- # Print a separator. This can be any kind of string.
- method Report::separator {this s args} {
- set tmp [$this toPrint]
- lappend tmp [list {} $s]
- $this toPrint $tmp
- # look if the next argument is 'line'
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args line] } { $this line }
- # look if the next argument is 'page'
- if { [Report::lchkfirst args page] } { $this page }
- if ![lempty $args] {
- error [format "separator command: unknown argument(s): %s" $args]
- }
- return
- }
- # Print a number of spaces, default is one.
- method Report::space {this args} {
- if [lempty $args] { set args 1 }
- if { [llength $args] > 1 ||
- ( [llength $args] == 1 && ![Report::isInt $args] ) } {
- error [format "space command: unknown argument(s): %s" $args]
- return
- }
- $this print " " $args
- }
- method Report::file {this fileName {indent 0}} {
- set fp [open $fileName]
- set fstatus [gets $fp s]
- while { $fstatus != -1 } {
- $this print " " $indent fill
- set s [Report::expandTabs $s $indent 8]
- $this print $s [expr [$this linelen]-$indent] line
- set fstatus [gets $fp s]
- }
- close $fp
- return
- }
- # Add a header to the headerlist. A header is a set of Tcl commands.
- method Report::header {this cmdstr} {
- lappend hl [expr [info level]-1]
- lappend hl $cmdstr
- # append to the end of headerList
- set tmp [$this headerList]
- lappend tmp $hl
- $this headerList $tmp
- return
- }
- # Add a footer to the footerlist. A footer is a set of Tcl commands.
- method Report::footer {this cmdstr {len -1}} {
- if { $len < 1 } { set len [Report::countLines $cmdstr] }
- lappend fl [expr [info level]-1]
- lappend fl $len
- lappend fl $cmdstr
- # insert at the beginning of footerList
- $this footerList [linsert [$this footerList] 0 $fl]
- return
- }
- # Remove a header, footer or both on this level or on all levels.
- method Report::remove {this what args} {
- set argerror "wrong # args: should be \"remove header|footer|hf <all>\""
- set all [lvarpop args]
- if { ![lempty $args] || ($all != "" && $all != "all") } {
- error $argerror
- }
- if { $what == "hf" } {
- $this remove header $all
- $this remove footer $all
- return
- }
- if { $all != "all" } {
- if { $what == "footer" } {
- $this footerList [lrange [$this footerList] 1 end]
- return
- }
- if { $what == "header" } {
- $this headerList [lrange [$this headerList] \
- 0 [expr [llength [$this headerList]]-2]]
- return
- }
- error $argerror
- }
- # do a smart deletion of all the headers or footers on this
- # level
- if { $what == "header" || $what == "footer" } {
- # walk through list and delete headers on
- # current level and headers which should have
- # been deleted by the user after leaving a
- # level.
- if { $what == "header" } {
- set origList [$this headerList]
- } else {
- set origList [Report::lreverse [$this footerList]]
- }
- set callLevel [expr [info level]-2]
- set prevLevel -1
- set newL {}
- foreach i $origList {
- if { [lindex $i 0] >= $callLevel || [lindex $i 0] < $prevLevel } {
- break
- }
- lappend newL $i
- set prevLevel [lindex $i 0]
- }
- if { $what == "header" } {
- $this headerList $newL
- } else {
- $this footerList [Report::lreverse $newL]
- }
- return
- }
- error $argerror
- }
- # Return 1 if there is output to be printed, otherwise 0
- method Report::queued {this} {
- if [lempty [$this toPrint]] {
- return 0
- }
- return 1
- }
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # Private methods. Don't call them outside a method.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # Execute headerList if lineno == 0.
- method Report::doHeader {this} {
- if { ([$this lineno] != 0 && [$this lineno] <= [$this pagelen])
- || [$this pagelen] == -1 } {
- return
- }
- $this pageno [expr [$this pageno]+1]
- # set the pagelen to unlimited so the header is always printed
- # as if it fits on one page
- set oldpagelen [$this pagelen]
- $this pagelen -1
- $this lineno 1
- foreach i [$this headerList] {
- if { [info level] < [lindex $i 0] } {
- # skip headers which were defined on a lower level
- # than the current level
- continue
- }
- # execute the header on the level it was defined
- uplevel #[lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]
- }
- $this pagelen $oldpagelen
- # if the header needed to be printed on more than one page
- # the current lineno is bigger then pagelen, so adjust it
- $this lineno [expr [$this lineno]%[$this pagelen]]
- if { ![$this lineno] } { $this lineno [$this pagelen] }
- return
- }
- # Execute footerList if lineno+footerlength == pagelen.
- method Report::doFooter {this} {
- if { [$this pagelen] == -1 } { return 0 }
- # calculate current footerlength
- set len 0
- foreach i [$this footerList] { incr len [lindex $i 1] }
- # if we have got to print the footer
- if { [expr $len+[$this lineno]] > [$this pagelen] } {
- set oldpagelen [$this pagelen]
- $this pagelen -1
- foreach i [$this footerList] {
- # execute the footer on the level it was defined
- uplevel #[lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 2]
- }
- # if the user forgot a "print line" we do it
- if ![lempty [$this toPrint]] { $this line }
- $this pagelen $oldpagelen
- # if lineno < pagelen the footer was shorter than expected
- # so print some empty lines to cover it
- for { } \
- { [$this lineno] <= [$this pagelen] } \
- { $this lineno [expr [$this pageno]+1] } \
- { puts "" }
- $this lineno 0
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # Public methods, implemented as procedures.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # Correct version of lrange, used as long as the bug in lrange is still there.
- proc Report::lrange {list start end} {
- set result ""
- if { $end == "end" } { set end [expr [llength $list]-1] }
- for { set i $start } { $i <= $end } { incr i } {
- lappend result [lindex $list $i]
- }
- return $result
- }
- # Align string 's' according to 'len' and 'align' (== left|right|center|fill).
- proc Report::align {s len align} {
- set retval ""
- if { $len <= [string length $s] } {
- set retval [string range $s 0 [expr $len-1] ]
- } else {
- switch -exact $align {
- right { set retval [format [format "%%%ds" $len] $s] }
- center { set tmp [format [format "%%%ds" [expr ($len+\
- [string length $s])/2] ] $s]
- set retval [format [format "%%-%ds" $len] $tmp] }
- fill { set tmp $s
- while { [string length $tmp] < $len } {
- append tmp $s
- }
- set retval [string range $tmp 0 [expr $len-1] ] }
- default { set retval [format [format "%%-%ds" $len] $s] }
- }
- }
- return [list $retval]
- }
- # Return 1 if parameter is an integer, else 0.
- proc Report::isInt {int} {
- return [expr { [scan $int "%d%s" int rest] == 1 }]
- }
- # Return 1 if the first element of 'list' == 'first' and delete that first
- # element, else return 0.
- proc Report::lchkfirst {list first} {
- upvar 1 $list l
- if { [lindex $l 0] == $first } {
- lvarpop l
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- # Return 1 if parameter is a separater, else 0.
- proc Report::isSeparator {args} {
- set args [join $args]
- return [expr {[llength $args] == 2 &&
- [string length [lindex $args 0]] == 0 &&
- [string length [lindex $args 1]] != 0}]
- }
- # Return the number of elements of the biggest subtree in 'args'.
- proc Report::maxelem {args} {
- set args [join $args]
- set retval 0
- foreach i $args {
- if { [Report::isSeparator $i] } { continue }
- if { [llength $i] > $retval } { set retval [llength $i] }
- }
- return $retval
- }
- # Count the number of times that word "line" occurs in string 's'.
- proc Report::countLines {s} {
- set num 0
- while { [regsub "line" $s "" s] } { incr num }
- return $num
- }
- # Expand tabs to spaces in string 's', tablength is variable, default = 8.
- proc Report::expandTabs {s indent {tablen 8}} {
- if { $tablen < 0 } { set tablen 0 }
- # add indent spaces
- set s [format [format "%%%ds%%s" $indent] "" $s]
- set pos [string first \t $s]
- while { $pos != -1 } {
- if { $tablen != 0 } {
- set numspaces [expr $tablen-$pos%$tablen]
- } else {
- set numspaces 0
- }
- set spaces [Report::align " " $numspaces fill]
- # join is needed otherwise spaces are enclosed in braces
- regsub \t $s [join $spaces] s
- set pos [string first \t $s]
- }
- # remove the indented spaces
- set s [string range $s $indent end]
- return $s
- }
- # Return the reverse of list 'l'.
- proc Report::lreverse {l} {
- if [lempty $l] { return {} }
- set len [llength $l]
- return [concat [list [lindex $l [incr len -1]] \
- [Report::lreverse [Report::lrange $l 0 [incr len -1]]]]]
- }