PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
# File: @(#)header.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)header.tcl /main/hindenburg/3 13 Feb 1997 Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
require "wmt_util.tcl"
require "fstorage.tcl"
require "rt_getset.tcl"
require "propknowle.tcl"
require "config.tcl"
# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: %W%
# Author: <generated>
# File: @(#)rtcomp.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
# End user added include file section
Class RTComp : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method setLabel
method setProp
method findLabel
method findProp
method getLabel
method getProp
method rtDiagram
method rtLabelSet
method addRtLabel
method removeRtLabel
method rtPropertySet
method addRtProperty
method removeRtProperty
attribute _rtDiagram
attribute _rtLabelSet
attribute _rtPropertySet
constructor RTComp {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _rtDiagram $rtDiagram
[$rtDiagram _rtCompSet] append $this
$this _rtLabelSet [List new]
$this _rtPropertySet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTComp::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTComp::setLabel {this name value} {
set lbl [$this findLabel $name]
if {$lbl == ""} {
set lbl [RTLabel new [$this rtDiagram]]
$lbl name $name
$this addRtLabel $lbl
$lbl value $value
method RTComp::setProp {this name value {item "comp"}} {
switch $item {
de {set item "name"}
pe {set item "name"}
cl {set item "type"}
set prop [$this findProp $name $item]
if { $prop == "" } {
set prop [RTProperty new]
$prop name $name
$prop item $item
$this addRtProperty $prop
$prop value $value
method RTComp::findLabel {this name} {
[$this rtLabelSet] foreach lbl {
if { [$lbl name] == $name } {
return $lbl
return ""
method RTComp::findProp {this name {item "comp"}} {
switch $item {
de {set item "name"}
pe {set item "name"}
cl {set item "type"}
[$this rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
if { ( [$prop name] == $name ) &&
( [$prop item] == $item ) } {
return $prop
return ""
method RTComp::getLabel {this name} {
set lbl [$this findLabel $name]
if {$lbl != ""} {
return [$lbl value]
} else {
return ""
method RTComp::getProp {this name {item "comp"}} {
set prop [$this findProp $name $item]
if {$prop != ""} {
return [$prop value]
} else {
return ""
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTComp::rtDiagram {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtDiagram]
set ref [$this _rtDiagram]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtCompSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtCompSet] append $this
$this _rtDiagram $obj
method RTComp::rtLabelSet {this} {
return [$this _rtLabelSet]
method RTComp::addRtLabel {this newRtLabel} {
[$this _rtLabelSet] append $newRtLabel
$newRtLabel _rtComp $this
method RTComp::removeRtLabel {this oldRtLabel} {
$oldRtLabel _rtComp ""
[$this _rtLabelSet] removeValue $oldRtLabel
method RTComp::rtPropertySet {this} {
return [$this _rtPropertySet]
method RTComp::addRtProperty {this newRtProperty} {
[$this _rtPropertySet] append $newRtProperty
$newRtProperty _rtComp $this
method RTComp::removeRtProperty {this oldRtProperty} {
$oldRtProperty _rtComp ""
[$this _rtPropertySet] removeValue $oldRtProperty
# File: @(#)rtdiagram.tcl /main/hindenburg/7
# End user added include file section
Class RTDiagram : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method addClass
method addNode
method findClass
method addConn
method update
method checkAccess
method save
method rtCompSet
method addRtComp
method removeRtComp
attribute fileName
attribute systemName
attribute phaseName
attribute phaseType
attribute configName
attribute configVersion
attribute projectName
attribute hasScopePhase
attribute overwriteDiagram
attribute _rtCompSet
method RTDiagram::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
constructor RTDiagram {class this fin syn phn pht con cov prn {hsp ""} {overwrite ""}} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _rtCompSet [List new]
$this fileName $fin
$this systemName $syn
$this phaseName $phn
$this phaseType $pht
$this configName $con
$this configVersion $cov
$this projectName $prn
$this hasScopePhase $hsp
$this overwriteDiagram $overwrite
return $this
method RTDiagram::addClass {this {name ""}} {
set clss [RTClass new $this]
if { $name != "" } {
$clss setLabel "name" $name
return $clss
method RTDiagram::addNode {this type} {
if {$type=="cad_class"} {
return [$this addClass]
return ""
method RTDiagram::findClass {this name} {
[$this rtCompSet] foreach comp {
if [ $comp isA RTClass ] {
if { [[$comp findLabel "name"] value] == $name } {
return $comp
return ""
method RTDiagram::addConn {this type st end} {
# for compatibility only
return [RTComp new $this]
method RTDiagram::update {this} {
[$this rtCompSet] foreach comp {
if [$comp isA RTClass] {
$comp update
method RTDiagram::checkAccess {this} {
[$this rtCompSet] foreach comp {
if [ $comp isA RTAttrib ] {
$comp checkAccess
method RTDiagram::save {this {filename ""}} {
$this update
$this checkAccess
set rtitui [RTITUserInterface new]
# combine models
[$this rtCompSet] foreach comp {
if [$comp isA RTClass] {
# Temporary save current levelpath
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set path [$cc currentLevelString]
set rtitClass [RTITClass new $comp $rtitui]
if {[$rtitClass go] == 0} {
$rtitClass deleteUnUsed
$rtitClass update
$rtitClass save
$cc setLevelPath $path
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTDiagram::rtCompSet {this} {
return [$this _rtCompSet]
method RTDiagram::addRtComp {this newRtComp} {
[$this _rtCompSet] append $newRtComp
$newRtComp _rtDiagram $this
method RTDiagram::removeRtComp {this oldRtComp} {
$oldRtComp _rtDiagram ""
[$this _rtCompSet] removeValue $oldRtComp
# File: @(#)rtitattrib.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
# End user added include file section
Class RTITAttrib : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method go
method update
method setBestMatch
method setPosition
method prev
method next
method clss
attribute rtAttrib
attribute _clss
attribute edAttrib
constructor RTITAttrib {class this rtAttrib clss} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this rtAttrib $rtAttrib
$this _clss $clss
[$clss _attrSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTITAttrib::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTITAttrib::go {this} {
$this setBestMatch
$this setPosition
method RTITAttrib::update {this} {
# Check pre-conditions
if {[$this edAttrib] == "" } return
# Special key attribute handling
if [[$this rtAttrib] keyAttrib] {
if {[[$this edAttrib] getProp "nullable" name_type de] == "no"} {
[$this rtAttrib] setProp "nullable" "no" "name"
} else {
if {[[$this rtAttrib] getProp "key"] != 1} {
[$this rtAttrib] setProp "key" 1
[$this rtAttrib] setLabel name_type \
"*[[$this rtAttrib] getLabel name_type]"
# check the label
# compare the items name and type and check the properties which
# change the label
set attribName [[$this edAttrib] getItem name_type de]
set attribType [[$this edAttrib] getItem name_type cl]
set type ""
if {$attribType != ""} {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getTypeByStdTypeName $attribType]
if { $type != "" } {
set attribType [$type name]
if { ([[$this rtAttrib] name] != $attribName) ||
([[$this rtAttrib] type] != $attribType) ||
([[$this rtAttrib] getProp "is_class_feature"] !=
[[$this edAttrib] getProp "is_class_feature"]) ||
([[$this rtAttrib] getProp "is_derived"] !=
[[$this edAttrib] getProp "is_derived"]) ||
([[$this rtAttrib] getProp "key"] !=
[[$this edAttrib] getProp "key"]) ||
([[$this rtAttrib] getProp "initial_value"] !=
[[$this edAttrib] getProp "initial_value"]) } {
if {[[$this rtAttrib] type] != ""} {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getType [[$this rtAttrib] type]]
if { $type != "" } {
if [regsub "(.*)[[$this rtAttrib] type](.*)" "[[$this rtAttrib] getLabel name_type]" "\\1[$type stdTypeName]\\2" newLabel] {
[$this rtAttrib] setLabel name_type $newLabel
if {[[[$this clss] ui] attribUpdateLabel $this] == "yes"} {
[$this edAttrib] setLabel name_type \
"[[$this rtAttrib] getLabel name_type]"
# check all known properties
# known properties are properties which have been defined by the
# parser which gave us our input
[[$this rtAttrib] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set name [$prop name]
switch $name {
"is_class_feature" continue
"is_derived" continue
"key" continue
"initial_value" continue
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set value [$prop value]
set itvalue [[$this edAttrib] getProp $name $itlbl $ititem]
if { $itvalue == "" } {
set itvalue [PropKnowledge::getDefaultValue $name]
if { $itvalue != $value } {
if {[[[$this clss] ui] attribUpdateProp $this $name $item] == "yes"} {
[$this edAttrib] setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
method RTITAttrib::setBestMatch {this} {
[[$this clss] unUsedAttribSet] foreach attr {
if { [$attr getItem name_type de] == [[$this rtAttrib] name] } {
# found an attribute with the same name.
# only one attribute with a specific name can
# exists at one time, so this is the one.
$this edAttrib $attr
[[$this clss] unUsedAttribSet] removeValue $attr
# attribute was not found
# create a new attribute
if {[[[$this clss] ui] attribAdd $this] == "yes"} {
set newAttr [[[$this clss] edMatrix] addRow "attribute"]
$this edAttrib $newAttr
$newAttr setLabel name_type [[$this rtAttrib] getLabel name_type]
[[$this rtAttrib] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set name [$prop name]
switch $name {
"is_class_feature" continue
"is_derived" continue
"key" continue
"initial_value" continue
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set value [$prop value]
$newAttr setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
} else {
$this edAttrib ""
method RTITAttrib::setPosition {this} {
if {[$this edAttrib] == ""} return
set prev [$this prev]
if { $prev != "" } {
# not the first one, so move
if { [$prev edAttrib] != "" } {
[$this edAttrib] moveBehind [$prev edAttrib]
method RTITAttrib::prev {this} {
# Look for myself and sub one to the index
set idx [[[$this clss] attrSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set previdx [expr $idx - 1]
if { $previdx != -1 } {
return [[[$this clss] attrSet] index $previdx]
} else {
return ""
method RTITAttrib::next {this} {
# Look for myself and add one to the index
set idx [[[$this clss] attrSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set nextidx [expr $idx + 1]
if { $nextidx < [[[$this clss] attrSet] length] } {
return [[[$this clss] attrSet] index $nextidx]
} else {
return ""
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTITAttrib::clss {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _clss]
set ref [$this _clss]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _attrSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _attrSet] append $this
$this _clss $obj
# File: @(#)rtitclass.tcl /main/hindenburg/12
# End user added include file section
Class RTITClass : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method go
method update
method deleteUnUsed
method save
method createLists
method addUnUsedAttrib
method removeUnUsedAttrib
method attrSet
method addAttr
method removeAttr
method mthdSet
method addMthd
method removeMthd
method addUnUsedMethod
method removeUnUsedMethod
attribute rtClass
attribute unUsedAttribSet
attribute _attrSet
attribute _mthdSet
attribute ui
attribute edMatrix
attribute unUsedMethodSet
global RTITClass::langTypeTable
set RTITClass::langTypeTable ""
constructor RTITClass {class this rtClass ui} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this rtClass $rtClass
$this ui $ui
$this unUsedAttribSet [List new]
$this _attrSet [List new]
$this _mthdSet [List new]
$this unUsedMethodSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
if {${RTITClass::langTypeTable} == ""} {
global RTITClass::langTypeTable
set RTITClass::langTypeTable [LangTypeTable::createTable]
[[$this rtClass] rtAttribSet] foreach attr {
if { [$attr section] == "user-defined-attribute" } {
RTITAttrib new $attr $this
[[$this rtClass] rtMethodSet] foreach mthd {
if { [$mthd section] == "user-defined-method" } {
RTITMethod new $this $mthd
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTITClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTITClass::go {this} {
# find out CDM name with some help of fstorage
# (if we still know the file name)
set CDMname ""
set fileName [[$this rtClass] getProp include_list type]
if {$fileName != "" } {
set CDMname [fstorage::get_imp_from $fileName]
if { $CDMname == "" } {
# Last resort
set CDMname [[$this rtClass] name]
# Check if this class has a CDM
# if no CDM exists, we should not try to roundtrip this file
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set levelPath "/[[$cc currentCorporate] name]"
if {[$diag projectName] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[$diag projectName]"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[[$cc currentProject] name]"
if {[$diag configName] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[$diag configName]"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[[[$cc currentConfig] config] name]"
if {[$diag configVersion] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}:[$diag configVersion]"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}:[[$cc currentConfig] versionNumber]"
if {[$diag phaseName] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[$diag phaseName]"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[[[$cc currentPhase] phase] name]"
if {[$diag phaseType] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}.[$diag phaseType]"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}.[[[$cc currentPhase] phase] type]"
if {[$diag systemName] != ""} {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[$diag systemName].system"
} else {
set levelPath "${levelPath}/[[[$cc currentSystem] system] name].system"
set prop [[$this rtClass] getProp "is_folded" comp]
if {$prop != ""} {
if { $prop == "1" } {
$this edMatrix ""
return 1
$cc setLevelPath $levelPath
set sysV [$cc currentSystem]
set item [[$cc currentProject] findItem $CDMname cl]
if {$item != "" && ![$item isNil]} {
$sysV getDecompositions $item [$cc currentConfig] decompFiles \
{cdm} resultSystems resultFiles
if {[lempty $resultFiles]} {
puts "Warning: CDM ($CDMname) not found, roundtrip skipped..."
return 1
} else {
puts "Warning: CDM ($CDMname) not found, roundtrip skipped..."
return 1
set diag [[$this rtClass] rtDiagram]
set newEdCDM [EdCDM new $CDMname \
"[$diag systemName]" "[$diag phaseName]" \
"[$diag phaseType]" "[$diag configName]" \
"[$diag configVersion]" "[$diag projectName]" \
"[$diag hasScopePhase]" "[$diag overwriteDiagram]"]
$this edMatrix $newEdCDM
$this createLists
[$this attrSet] foreach attr {
$attr go
[$this mthdSet] foreach mthd {
$mthd go
return 0
method RTITClass::update {this} {
if {[$this edMatrix] == ""} return
[$this attrSet] foreach attr {
$attr update
[$this mthdSet] foreach mthd {
$mthd update
[$this edMatrix] formatLayout
method RTITClass::deleteUnUsed {this} {
if {[$this edMatrix] == ""} return
[$this unUsedAttribSet] foreach attr {
if {[[$this ui] attribDelete $this [$attr getItem name_type de]] == "yes"} {
[$this edMatrix] deleteRow $attr
[$this unUsedMethodSet] foreach mthd {
# Check if this is the default ctor
# if so, don't remove it
if {[$mthd getItem name_type pe] != "create" ||
![$mthd getProp is_class_feature] ||
[llength [$mthd getCells]] != 0} {
if {[[$this ui] methodDelete $this \
[$mthd getItem name_type pe]] == "yes"} {
[$this edMatrix] deleteRow $mthd
[$this mthdSet] foreach mthd {
$mthd deleteUnUsed
method RTITClass::save {this} {
if {[$this edMatrix] == ""} return
if {[[$this ui] classSave $this] == "yes"} {
[$this edMatrix] save
} else {
[$this edMatrix] quit
method RTITClass::createLists {this} {
if {[$this edMatrix] == ""} return
foreach row [[$this edMatrix] getRows] {
switch [$row getType] {
"attribute" { $this addUnUsedAttrib $row }
"method" { $this addUnUsedMethod $row }
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTITClass::addUnUsedAttrib {this newUnUsedAttrib} {
[$this unUsedAttribSet] append $newUnUsedAttrib
method RTITClass::removeUnUsedAttrib {this oldUnUsedAttrib} {
[$this unUsedAttribSet] removeValue $oldUnUsedAttrib
method RTITClass::attrSet {this} {
return [$this _attrSet]
method RTITClass::addAttr {this newAttr} {
[$this _attrSet] append $newAttr
$newAttr _clss $this
method RTITClass::removeAttr {this oldAttr} {
$oldAttr _clss ""
[$this _attrSet] removeValue $oldAttr
method RTITClass::mthdSet {this} {
return [$this _mthdSet]
method RTITClass::addMthd {this newMthd} {
[$this _mthdSet] append $newMthd
$newMthd _clss $this
method RTITClass::removeMthd {this oldMthd} {
$oldMthd _clss ""
[$this _mthdSet] removeValue $oldMthd
method RTITClass::addUnUsedMethod {this newUnUsedMethod} {
[$this unUsedMethodSet] append $newUnUsedMethod
method RTITClass::removeUnUsedMethod {this oldUnUsedMethod} {
[$this unUsedMethodSet] removeValue $oldUnUsedMethod
# File: @(#)rtitmethod.tcl /main/hindenburg/6
# End user added include file section
Class RTITMethod : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method go
method update
method deleteUnUsed
method createList
method setBestMatch
method setPosition
method prev
method next
method clss
method paramSet
method addParam
method removeParam
method addUnUsedParam
method removeUnUsedParam
attribute _clss
attribute rtMethod
attribute _paramSet
attribute edMethod
attribute unUsedParamSet
constructor RTITMethod {class this clss rtMethod} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _clss $clss
[$clss _mthdSet] append $this
$this rtMethod $rtMethod
$this _paramSet [List new]
$this unUsedParamSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
[[$this rtMethod] rtParamSet] foreach param {
RTITParam new $this $param
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTITMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTITMethod::go {this} {
$this setBestMatch
$this setPosition
$this createList
[$this paramSet] foreach param {
$param go
method RTITMethod::update {this} {
if {[$this edMethod] == ""} return
# check the name_type label
# compare the items and all properties which change the label
set methodName [[$this edMethod] getItem name_type pe]
set methodType [[$this edMethod] getItem name_type cl]
set type ""
if {$methodType != ""} {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getTypeByStdTypeName $methodType]
if { $type != "" } {
set methodType [$type name]
if { ([[$this rtMethod] name] != $methodName) ||
([[$this rtMethod] type] != $methodType) ||
([[$this rtMethod] getProp "is_class_feature"] !=
[[$this edMethod] getProp "is_class_feature"]) ||
([[$this rtMethod] getProp "is_abstract"] !=
[[$this edMethod] getProp "is_abstract"])} {
if {[[$this rtMethod] type] != $methodType} {
if {[[$this rtMethod] type] != ""} {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getType [[$this rtMethod] type]]
if { $type != "" } {
if [regsub "(.*)[[$this rtMethod] type](.*)" "[[$this rtMethod] getLabel name_type]" "\\1[$type stdTypeName]\\2" newLabel] {
[$this rtMethod] setLabel name_type $newLabel
if {[[[$this clss] ui] methodUpdateLabel $this] == "yes"} {
[$this edMethod] setLabel name_type \
[[$this rtMethod] getLabel name_type]
# check all known properties
# known properties are properties which have been defined by the
# parser which gave us our input
[[$this rtMethod] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set name [$prop name]
switch $name {
"is_class_feature" continue
"is_abstract" continue
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "pe" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set value [$prop value]
set itvalue [[$this edMethod] getProp $name $itlbl $ititem]
if { $itvalue == "" } {
set itvalue [PropKnowledge::getDefaultValue $name]
if { $itvalue != $value } {
if {[[[$this clss] ui] methodUpdateProp $this $name $item] == "yes"} {
[$this edMethod] setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
[$this paramSet] foreach param {
$param update
[$this edMethod] formatLayout
method RTITMethod::deleteUnUsed {this} {
if {[$this edMethod] == ""} return
[$this unUsedParamSet] foreach param {
if {[[[$this clss] ui] paramDelete $this [$param getItem name_type de]] == "yes"} {
[$this edMethod] deleteCell $param
method RTITMethod::createList {this} {
if {[$this edMethod] == ""} return
foreach cell [[$this edMethod] getCells] {
$this addUnUsedParam $cell
method RTITMethod::setBestMatch {this} {
# this is the most tricky method.
# methods are the same if the signature is the same, this
# means that we should determine the signature of the
# methods from the it and rt models, compare these and
# it they match use that one. if they don't match use
# the first method with the same name (warning: this makes
# re-ordering of methods dangerous)
# a signature consists of the name, type and parameters
# (with their names, types and ordering).
# calc signature of RT method
set signatureRt "[[$this rtMethod] name]:[[$this rtMethod] type]"
[[$this rtMethod] rtParamSet] foreach param {
set signatureRt "$signatureRt:[$param name]:[$param type]"
[[$this clss] unUsedMethodSet] foreach mthd {
# calc signature of IT method
set signatureEd "[$mthd getItem name_type pe]"
set signatureEd "$signatureEd:[$mthd getItem name_type cl]"
foreach cell [$mthd getCells] {
set signatureEd "$signatureEd:[$cell getItem name_type de]"
set signatureEd "$signatureEd:[$cell getItem name_type cl]"
if { $signatureRt == $signatureEd } {
# found a matching signature
$this edMethod $mthd
[[$this clss] unUsedMethodSet] removeValue $mthd
# no matching signature found, so try to find a method with the same name
[[$this clss] unUsedMethodSet] foreach mthd {
if { [$mthd getItem "name_type" "pe"] == [[$this rtMethod] name] } {
# found a matching name (signatures don't match)
$this edMethod $mthd
[[$this clss] unUsedMethodSet] removeValue $mthd
# no matching name found either, so create a new method
if {[[[$this clss] ui] methodAdd $this] == "yes"} {
set newMethod [[[$this clss] edMatrix] addRow "method"]
$this edMethod $newMethod
$newMethod setLabel name_type [[$this rtMethod] getLabel name_type]
[[$this rtMethod] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set name [$prop name]
switch $name {
"is_class_feature" continue
"is_abstract" continue
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "pe" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "" }
set value [$prop value]
$newMethod setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
} else {
$this edMethod ""
method RTITMethod::setPosition {this} {
if {[$this edMethod] == ""} return
set prev [$this prev]
if { $prev != "" } {
# not the first one, so move
if { [$prev edMethod] != ""} {
[$this edMethod] moveBehind [$prev edMethod]
method RTITMethod::prev {this} {
# Look for myself and sub one to the index
set idx [[[$this clss] mthdSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set previdx [expr $idx - 1]
if { $previdx != -1 } {
return [[[$this clss] mthdSet] index $previdx]
} else {
return ""
method RTITMethod::next {this} {
# Look for myself and add one to the index
set idx [[[$this clss] mthdSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set nextidx [expr $idx + 1]
if { $nextidx < [[[$this clss] mthdSet] length] } {
return [[[$this clss] mthdSet] index $nextidx]
} else {
return ""
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTITMethod::clss {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _clss]
set ref [$this _clss]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _mthdSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _mthdSet] append $this
$this _clss $obj
method RTITMethod::paramSet {this} {
return [$this _paramSet]
method RTITMethod::addParam {this newParam} {
[$this _paramSet] append $newParam
$newParam _mthd $this
method RTITMethod::removeParam {this oldParam} {
$oldParam _mthd ""
[$this _paramSet] removeValue $oldParam
method RTITMethod::addUnUsedParam {this newUnUsedParam} {
[$this unUsedParamSet] append $newUnUsedParam
method RTITMethod::removeUnUsedParam {this oldUnUsedParam} {
[$this unUsedParamSet] removeValue $oldUnUsedParam
# File: @(#)rtitparam.tcl /main/hindenburg/7
# End user added include file section
Class RTITParam : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method go
method update
method setBestMatch
method setPosition
method prev
method next
method mthd
attribute _mthd
attribute rtParam
attribute edParam
constructor RTITParam {class this mthd rtParam} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _mthd $mthd
[$mthd _paramSet] append $this
$this rtParam $rtParam
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTITParam::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTITParam::go {this} {
$this setBestMatch
$this setPosition
method RTITParam::update {this} {
if {[$this edParam] == ""} return
if {[$this mthd] == ""} return
if {[[$this mthd] clss] == ""} return
# compare the name and type item of each parameter
set paramName [[$this edParam] getItem name_type de]
set paramType [[$this edParam] getItem name_type cl]
set type ""
if { $paramType != "" } {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getTypeByStdTypeName $paramType]
if { $type != "" } {
set paramType [$type name]
if { ([[$this rtParam] name] != $paramName) ||
([[$this rtParam] type] != $paramType)} {
if {[[$this rtParam] type] != $paramType} {
if {[[$this rtParam] type] == ""} {
set type [${RTITClass::langTypeTable} getType [[$this rtParam] type]]
if { $type != "" } {
if [regsub "(.*)[[$this rtParam] type](.*)" [[$this rtParam] getLabel name_type] "\\1[$type stdTypeName]\\2" newLabel] {
[$this rtParam] setLabel name_type $newLabel
if {[[[[$this mthd] clss] ui] paramUpdateLabel $this] == "yes"} {
[$this edParam] setLabel name_type \
[[$this rtParam] getLabel name_type]
# check all known properties
# known properties are properties which have been defined by the
# parser which gave us our input
[[$this rtParam] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set name [$prop name]
set value [$prop value]
set itvalue [[$this edParam] getProp $name $itlbl $ititem]
if { $itvalue == "" } {
set itvalue [PropKnowledge::getDefaultValue $name]
if { $itvalue != $value } {
if {[[[[$this mthd] clss] ui] paramUpdateProp $this $name $item] == "yes"} {
[$this edParam] setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
method RTITParam::setBestMatch {this} {
if {[$this rtParam] == ""} return
if {[$this mthd] == ""} return
if {[[$this mthd] clss] == ""} return
if {[[$this mthd] edMethod] == ""} return
[[$this mthd] unUsedParamSet] foreach param {
if { [$param getItem name_type de] == [[$this rtParam] name] } {
# found a parameter with the same name.
# most languages don't support multiple parameters
# with the same name, but if there is a language,
# we will simply take the first one found.
$this edParam $param
[[$this mthd] unUsedParamSet] removeValue $param
# attribute was not found
# create a new attribute
if {[[[[$this mthd] clss] ui] paramAdd $this] == "yes"} {
set newParam [[[$this mthd] edMethod] addCell "parameter"]
$this edParam $newParam
$newParam setLabel name_type [[$this rtParam] getLabel name_type]
[[$this rtParam] rtPropertySet] foreach prop {
set item [$prop item]
switch $item {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set name [$prop name]
set value [$prop value]
set itvalue [[$this edParam] getProp $name $itlbl $ititem]
$newParam setProp $name $value $itlbl $ititem
} else {
$this edParam ""
method RTITParam::setPosition {this} {
if {[$this edParam] == ""} return
set prev [$this prev]
if { $prev != "" } {
# not the first one, so move
if { [$prev edParam] != "" } {
[$this edParam] moveBehind [$prev edParam]
method RTITParam::prev {this} {
# Look for myself and sub one to the index
set idx [[[$this mthd] paramSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set previdx [expr $idx - 1]
if { $previdx != -1 } {
return [[[$this mthd] paramSet] index $previdx]
} else {
return ""
method RTITParam::next {this} {
# Look for myself and add one to the index
set idx [[[$this mthd] paramSet] search -exact $this]
if { $idx == -1 } {
return ""
} else {
set nextidx [expr $idx + 1]
if { $nextidx < [[[$this mthd] paramSet] length] } {
return [[[$this mthd] paramSet] index $nextidx]
} else {
return ""
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTITParam::mthd {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _mthd]
set ref [$this _mthd]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _paramSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _paramSet] append $this
$this _mthd $obj
# File: @(#)rtituserin.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
# End user added include file section
Class RTITUserInterface : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method attribUpdateLabel
method attribUpdateProp
method attribDelete
method attribAdd
method methodUpdateLabel
method methodUpdateProp
method methodDelete
method methodAdd
method paramUpdateLabel
method paramUpdateProp
method paramDelete
method paramAdd
method classSave
method getPropName
method askQuestion
attribute configuration
attribute changes
constructor RTITUserInterface {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
$this configuration [Dictionary new]
$this changes 0
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set config [args_file {}]
$clientContext downLoadCustomFile roundtrip roundtrip etc $config
set configList [readConfigurationFile $config]
unlink $config
foreach configLine $configList {
set key "[lindex $configLine 0]-[lindex $configLine 1]"
set value "[lindex $configLine 2] [lindex $configLine 3]"
[$this configuration] set $key $value
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTITUserInterface::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method RTITUserInterface::attribUpdateLabel {this attr} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "attribute-change_label"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$attr clss] rtClass] name]
set attrNLbl [[$attr rtAttrib] getLabel name_type]
regsub -all "\n" [[$attr edAttrib] getLabel name_type] "" attrOLbl
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": change attribute "
puts "\"$attrOLbl\" into \"$attrNLbl\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::attribUpdateProp {this attr propName propItem} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "attribute-change_property"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$attr clss] rtClass] name]
regsub -all "\n" [[$attr edAttrib] getLabel "name_type"] "" attrName
set attrNProp [[$attr rtAttrib] getProp $propName $propItem ]
switch $propItem {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set attrOProp [[$attr edAttrib] getProp $propName $itlbl $ititem]
set fullPropName [$this getPropName $propName]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": change property "
puts -nonewline "\"$fullPropName\" of attribute \"$attrName\" "
puts "from \"$attrOProp\" into \"$attrNProp\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::attribDelete {this clss attribName} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "attribute-delete"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[$clss rtClass] name]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": delete attribute "
puts "\"$attribName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::attribAdd {this attr} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "attribute-add"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$attr clss] rtClass] name]
set attrName [[$attr rtAttrib] getLabel "name_type"]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": add attribute "
puts "\"$attrName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::methodUpdateLabel {this mthd} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "method-change_label"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$mthd clss] rtClass] name]
set mthdNLbl [[$mthd rtMethod] getLabel name_type]
regsub -all "\n" [[$mthd edMethod] getLabel name_type] "" mthdOLbl
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": change method "
puts "\"$mthdOLbl\" into \"$mthdNLbl\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::methodUpdateProp {this mthd propName propItem} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "method-change_property"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$mthd clss] rtClass] name]
regsub -all "\n" [[$mthd edMethod] getLabel "name_type"] "" mthdName
set mthdNProp [[$mthd rtMethod] getProp $propName $propItem]
switch $propItem {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "pe" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set mthdOProp [[$mthd edMethod] getProp $propName $itlbl $ititem]
set fullPropName [$this getPropName $propName]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": change property "
puts -nonewline "\"$fullPropName\" of method \"$mthdName\" "
puts "from \"$mthdOProp\" into \"$mthdNProp\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::methodDelete {this clss methodName} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "method-delete"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[$clss rtClass] name]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": delete method "
puts "\"$methodName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::methodAdd {this mthd} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "method-add"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[$mthd clss] rtClass] name]
set mthdName [[$mthd rtMethod] getLabel "name_type"]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\": add method "
puts "\"$mthdName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::paramUpdateLabel {this param} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "parameter-change_label"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[[$param mthd] clss] rtClass] name]
set methodName [[[$param mthd] rtMethod] name]
set paramNLbl [[$param rtParam] getLabel name_type]
regsub -all "\[\t\n, \]" [[$param edParam] getLabel name_type] "" paramOLbl
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\", change parameter "
puts -nonewline "of method \"$methodName\" from "
puts "\"$paramOLbl\" into \"$paramNLbl\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::paramUpdateProp {this param propName propItem} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "parameter-change_property"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[[$param mthd] clss] rtClass] name]
set methodName [[[$param mthd] rtMethod] name]
regsub -all "\[\t \n,\]" [[$param edParam] getLabel "name_type"] "" paramName
set paramNProp [[$param rtParam] getProp $propName $propItem]
switch $propItem {
"name" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "de" }
"type" { set itlbl "name_type" ; set ititem "cl" }
"comp" { set itlbl "" ; set ititem "" }
set paramOProp [[$param edParam] getProp $propName $itlbl $ititem]
set fullPropName [$this getPropName $propName]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\", method \"$methodName\""
puts -nonewline " change property \"$fullPropName\" of parameter "
puts -nonewline "\"$paramName\" from \"$paramOProp\" "
puts "into \"$paramNProp\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::paramDelete {this mthd paramName} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "parameter-delete"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName "[[[$mthd clss] rtClass] name]"
set methodName [[$mthd rtMethod] name]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\", method \"$methodName\""
puts ": delete parameter \"$paramName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::paramAdd {this param} {
set conf [[$this configuration] set "parameter-add"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
set answer $defAnswer
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[[[$param mthd] clss] rtClass] name]
set methodName [[[$param mthd] rtMethod] name]
set paramName [[$param rtParam] getLabel "name_type"]
puts -nonewline "In class \"$clssName\", method \"$methodName\""
puts ": add parameter \"$paramName\""
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
if { $answer == "yes" } {
$this changes [expr [$this changes] + 1]
return $answer
method RTITUserInterface::classSave {this clss} {
if { [$this changes] == 0} {
puts "No changes..."
return "no"
set conf [[$this configuration] set "class-save"]
if {$conf == ""} {
set do "ask"
set defAnswer "yes"
} else {
set do [lindex $conf 0]
set defAnswer [lindex $conf 1]
if {($do == "ask") || ($do == "display")} {
set clssName [[$clss rtClass] name]
puts "Save class \"$clssName\" and accept all changes"
if {$do == "ask"} {
set answer [$this askQuestion $defAnswer]
if {$answer != "yes"} {
puts "Abandoning all changes..."
return $answer
} else {
if {$defAnswer != "yes"} {
puts "Skipped..."
return $defAnswer
method RTITUserInterface::getPropName {this shortName} {
return [PropKnowledge::getLongName $shortName]
method RTITUserInterface::askQuestion {this {defaultAnswer "yes"}} {
puts -nonewline \
"Are you sure (y/n) \[[string index $defaultAnswer 0]\] ?"
set answer [gets stdin]
if {[string toupper [string index $answer 0]] == "N"} {
return "no"
if {[string toupper [string index $answer 0]] == "Y"} {
return "yes"
return $defaultAnswer
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)rtproperty.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class RTProperty : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method rtComp
attribute name
attribute value
attribute item
attribute _rtComp
constructor RTProperty {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTProperty::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTProperty::rtComp {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtComp]
set ref [$this _rtComp]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtPropertySet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtPropertySet] append $this
$this _rtComp $obj
# File: @(#)rtattrib.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class RTAttrib : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method update
method checkAccess
method rtClass
attribute section
attribute mods
attribute name
attribute type
attribute initValue
attribute keyAttrib
attribute _rtClass
constructor RTAttrib {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
# Start constructor user section
$this keyAttrib 0
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTAttrib::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
method RTAttrib::update {this} {
set lbl [$this findLabel "name_type"]
if {$lbl != ""} {
if [regexp \
"(\[ \t\]*)(\[\\\$/*\]*)(\[ \t\]*)(\[^:= \t\]+)(\[: \t\]*)(\[^= \t\]+)?(\[ \t\]*)(=.*)?\$" \
[$lbl value] discard ws0 mods ws1 name point type ws2 initval] {
$this mods $mods
$this name $name
$this type $type
if [regexp "(\[ \t=\]*)(.*)" $initval discard assign val] {
$this initValue $val
} else {
$this initValue $initval
$this setProp "initial_value" [$this initValue]
if [regexp {\$} $mods] {
$this setProp "is_class_feature" "1"
if [regexp {/} $mods] {
$this setProp "is_derived" "1"
if [regexp {[*]} $mods] {
$this setProp "key" "1"
} else {
# Look for a default constructor with this attrib as param
[[$this rtClass] rtMethodSet] foreach mthd {
if { [$mthd section] == "default-constructor-destructor" &&
[$mthd name] == "create" } {
# Found the constructor we were looking for
# Check it parameters (try to match this attributes name)
set paramName "i_[$this name]"
[$mthd rtParamSet] foreach param {
if {$paramName == [$param name]} {
# Found the parameter
$this keyAttrib 1
method RTAttrib::checkAccess {this} {
if {[$this section] != "user-defined-attribute"} {
# skip all non user-defined attributes
if {![info exists hasGetSetMethod]} {
if {!$hasGetSetMethod} {
set raccess "None"
set waccess "None"
global methodAccessPropName
[[$this rtClass] rtMethodSet] foreach mthd {
if { [$mthd section] == "attribute-accessor-method" } {
set prop [$mthd findProp $methodAccessPropName "comp"]
if {$prop != ""} {
set access [$prop value]
} else {
set access [PropKnowledge::getDefaultValue method_access]
if [isGetMethod $mthd $this] {
set raccess $access
if [isSetMethod $mthd $this] {
set waccess $access
global attribAccessPropName
$this setProp $attribAccessPropName "${raccess}-${waccess}" "name"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTAttrib::rtClass {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtClass]
set ref [$this _rtClass]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtAttribSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtAttribSet] append $this
$this _rtClass $obj
# File: @(#)rtclass.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
# End user added include file section
Class RTClass : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method addMethod
method addAttrib
method addGeneralization
method update
method superGenSet
method addSuperGen
method removeSuperGen
method rtAttribSet
method addRtAttrib
method removeRtAttrib
method rtMethodSet
method addRtMethod
method removeRtMethod
method genSet
method addGen
method removeGen
attribute derived
attribute name
attribute _superGenSet
attribute _rtAttribSet
attribute _rtMethodSet
attribute _genSet
constructor RTClass {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
$this _superGenSet [List new]
$this _rtAttribSet [List new]
$this _rtMethodSet [List new]
$this _genSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
method RTClass::addMethod {this {nameType ""} {section "user-defined-method"}} {
set mthd [RTMethod new [$this rtDiagram]]
$mthd section $section
if {$nameType != ""} {
$mthd setLabel "name_type" $nameType
$this addRtMethod $mthd
return $mthd
method RTClass::addAttrib {this {nameType ""} {section "user-defined-attribute"}} {
set attr [RTAttrib new [$this rtDiagram]]
$attr section $section
if {$nameType != ""} {
$attr setLabel "name_type" $nameType
$this addRtAttrib $attr
return $attr
method RTClass::addGeneralization {this super {overlap 1}} {
[$super genSet] foreach gen {
if { [$gen overlap] == $overlap } {
$gen addDerived $this
return $gen
# No generalization created yet, create one
set ng [RTGen new [$this rtDiagram]]
$ng overlap $overlap
$ng super $super
$ng addDerived $this
return $ng
method RTClass::update {this} {
set lbl [$this findLabel "name"]
if {$lbl != ""} {
regsub -all "\[ \t\n\]" [$lbl value] "" value
if [regexp {(/*)(.*)} $value discard derived name] {
$this derived $derived
$this name $name
set prop [$this getProp "is_folded"]
if {$prop != ""} {
if {$prop == "1"} {
[$this rtMethodSet] foreach mthd {
$mthd update
[$this rtAttribSet] foreach attr {
$attr update
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTClass::superGenSet {this} {
return [$this _superGenSet]
method RTClass::addSuperGen {this newSuperGen} {
[$this _superGenSet] append $newSuperGen
[$newSuperGen _derivedSet] append $this
method RTClass::removeSuperGen {this oldSuperGen} {
[$oldSuperGen _derivedSet] removeValue $this
[$this _superGenSet] removeValue $oldSuperGen
method RTClass::rtAttribSet {this} {
return [$this _rtAttribSet]
method RTClass::addRtAttrib {this newRtAttrib} {
[$this _rtAttribSet] append $newRtAttrib
$newRtAttrib _rtClass $this
method RTClass::removeRtAttrib {this oldRtAttrib} {
$oldRtAttrib _rtClass ""
[$this _rtAttribSet] removeValue $oldRtAttrib
method RTClass::rtMethodSet {this} {
return [$this _rtMethodSet]
method RTClass::addRtMethod {this newRtMethod} {
[$this _rtMethodSet] append $newRtMethod
$newRtMethod _rtClass $this
method RTClass::removeRtMethod {this oldRtMethod} {
$oldRtMethod _rtClass ""
[$this _rtMethodSet] removeValue $oldRtMethod
method RTClass::genSet {this} {
return [$this _genSet]
method RTClass::addGen {this newGen} {
[$this _genSet] append $newGen
$newGen _super $this
method RTClass::removeGen {this oldGen} {
$oldGen _super ""
[$this _genSet] removeValue $oldGen
# File: @(#)rtgen.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class RTGen : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method super
method derivedSet
method addDerived
method removeDerived
attribute overlap
attribute _super
attribute _derivedSet
constructor RTGen {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
$this _derivedSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTGen::super {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _super]
set ref [$this _super]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _genSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _genSet] append $this
$this _super $obj
method RTGen::derivedSet {this} {
return [$this _derivedSet]
method RTGen::addDerived {this newDerived} {
[$this _derivedSet] append $newDerived
[$newDerived _superGenSet] append $this
method RTGen::removeDerived {this oldDerived} {
[$oldDerived _superGenSet] removeValue $this
[$this _derivedSet] removeValue $oldDerived
# File: @(#)rtlabel.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class RTLabel : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method rtComp
attribute name
attribute value
attribute _rtComp
constructor RTLabel {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTLabel::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTLabel::rtComp {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtComp]
set ref [$this _rtComp]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtLabelSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtLabelSet] append $this
$this _rtComp $obj
# File: @(#)rtmethod.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class RTMethod : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method addParam
method update
method rtClass
method rtParamSet
method addRtParam
method removeRtParam
attribute section
attribute mods
attribute name
attribute type
attribute constraint
attribute _rtClass
attribute _rtParamSet
constructor RTMethod {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
$this _rtParamSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
method RTMethod::addParam {this {nameType ""}} {
set prm [RTParam new [$this rtDiagram]]
$this addRtParam $prm
if { $nameType != "" } {
$prm setLabel "name_type" $nameType
return $prm
method RTMethod::update {this} {
[$this rtParamSet] foreach prm {
$prm update
set lbl [$this findLabel "name_type"]
if {$lbl != ""} {
regsub -all "\[ \t\n\]" [$lbl value] "" value
if [regexp {(\$)?([^(:\{]+)([()]*)(:[^\{]+)?(\{abstract\})?$}\
$value discard mods name braces type constraint] {
$this mods $mods
$this name $name
if [regexp {(:)?(.*)} $type discard point typeName] {
$this type $typeName
} else {
$this type $type
$this constraint $constraint
if { $constraint == "{abstract}" } {
$this setProp "is_abstract" "1"
if { $mods == "\$" } {
$this setProp "is_class_feature" "1"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTMethod::rtClass {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtClass]
set ref [$this _rtClass]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtMethodSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtMethodSet] append $this
$this _rtClass $obj
method RTMethod::rtParamSet {this} {
return [$this _rtParamSet]
method RTMethod::addRtParam {this newRtParam} {
[$this _rtParamSet] append $newRtParam
$newRtParam _rtMethod $this
method RTMethod::removeRtParam {this oldRtParam} {
$oldRtParam _rtMethod ""
[$this _rtParamSet] removeValue $oldRtParam
# File: @(#)rtparam.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class RTParam : {RTComp} {
method destructor
method update
method rtMethod
attribute name
attribute type
attribute _rtMethod
constructor RTParam {class this rtDiagram} {
set this [RTComp::constructor $class $this $rtDiagram]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method RTParam::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RTComp::destructor
method RTParam::update {this} {
set lbl [$this findLabel "name_type"]
if {$lbl != ""} {
regsub -all "\[ \t\n\]" [$lbl value] "" value
if [regexp {([^:]+)(:)(.*)} $value discard name point type] {
$this name $name
$this type $type
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method RTParam::rtMethod {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _rtMethod]
set ref [$this _rtMethod]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _rtParamSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _rtParamSet] append $this
$this _rtMethod $obj