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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996 by Cayenne Software, Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Westmount Technology B.V.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : proplocs.proplocs
- # Description : Customization file specifying at which locations
- # the properties defined in the propdefs file can
- # be edited using a property dialog.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software, Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # The locations have the following format:
- #
- # name | cntKind | cntType | phase | fileType | compType | labType | condition
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Locations of standard property definitions outside an editor.
- freeTextPage | ControlledClass
- freeTextPage | ConfigList
- freeTextPage | ConfigPhaseLinkList
- freeTextPage | ConfigVersion
- freeTextPage | ConfigVersionList
- freeTextPage | Corporate
- freeTextPage | CorporateGroupVersion
- freeTextPage | CustomFileList
- freeTextPage | CustomFileVersion
- freeTextPage | CustomFileVersionList
- freeTextPage | ExternalFileVersion
- freeTextPage | ExternalLink
- freeTextPage | ExternalLinkList
- freeTextPage | FileList
- freeTextPage | FilePropertyReference
- freeTextPage | FileVersionList
- freeTextPage | Graph
- freeTextPage | GroupList
- freeTextPage | GroupVersion
- freeTextPage | GroupVersionList
- freeTextPage | ItemPropertyReference
- freeTextPage | LevelCustomFileLinkList
- freeTextPage | Matrix
- freeTextPage | PhaseList
- freeTextPage | PhaseSystemLinkList
- freeTextPage | PhaseVersion
- freeTextPage | PhaseVersionList
- freeTextPage | Project
- freeTextPage | ProjectList
- freeTextPage | Role
- freeTextPage | SavedGroupVersion
- freeTextPage | SystemCorporateLinkList
- freeTextPage | SystemFileLinkList
- freeTextPage | SystemFileReference
- freeTextPage | SystemFileReferenceList
- freeTextPage | SystemGroupLinkList
- freeTextPage | SystemList
- freeTextPage | SystemVersion
- freeTextPage | SystemVersionList
- freeTextPage | User
- freeTextPage | UserRoleLink
- freeTextPage | LocalSection
- section | LocalSection
- document | SystemVersion | DocumentVersion
- refProperties | ItemPropertyReference
- refProperties | FilePropertyReference
- fileSystemPath | Corporate
- fileSystemPath | Project
- fileSystemPath | ConfigVersion
- fileSystemPath | PhaseVersion
- fileSystemPath | SystemVersion
- fileSystemPath | ExternalFileVersion
- # Locations of standard item property definitions.
- freeTextPage | Item
- actionsPage | Item | cl | Analysis | ucd | use_case
- actionsPage | Item | cl | SystemDesign | ucd | use_case
- actionsPage | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | ucd | use_case
- conditionsPage | Item | cl | Analysis | ucd | use_case
- conditionsPage | Item | cl | SystemDesign | ucd | use_case
- conditionsPage | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | ucd | use_case
- classification | Item | cl | Analysis | ucd | use_case
- classification | Item | cl | SystemDesign | ucd | use_case
- classification | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | ucd | use_case
- actor_type | Item | cl | Analysis | ucd | ucd_actor
- actor_type | Item | cl | SystemDesign | ucd | ucd_actor
- actor_type | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | ucd | ucd_actor
- data_type | Item | de | Analysis | dfd | data_store
- data_type | Item | de | SystemDesign | dfd | data_store
- data_type | Item | de | ObjectDesign | dfd | data_store
- data_type | Item | de | Analysis | dfd | data_flow
- data_type | Item | de | SystemDesign | dfd | data_flow
- data_type | Item | de | ObjectDesign | dfd | data_flow
- data_type | Item | de | Analysis | dfd | update_flow
- data_type | Item | de | SystemDesign | dfd | update_flow
- data_type | Item | de | ObjectDesign | dfd | update_flow
- data_type | Item | de | Analysis | cad | qualif_assoc | qualifier
- data_type | Item | de | SystemDesign | cad | qualif_assoc | qualifier
- data_type | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_assoc | qualifier
- data_type | Item | de | Analysis | cad | qualif_aggr | qualifier
- data_type | Item | de | SystemDesign | cad | qualif_aggr | qualifier
- data_type | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_aggr | qualifier
- # Locations of standard component property definitions.
- initiator | Component | ucd_actor | Analysis | ucd
- initiator | Component | ucd_actor | SystemDesign | ucd
- initiator | Component | ucd_actor | ObjectDesign | ucd
- # Locations of extra component property definitions for OMT Delphi target.
- method_access | Component | method | ObjectDesign | cad
- method_modifier | Component | method | ObjectDesign | cad
- is_event | Component | method | ObjectDesign | cad
- #modifierCombo | Component | parameter | ObjectDesign | cad
- #modifierCombo | Component | method | ObjectDesign | cad
- pass_by | Component | parameter | ObjectDesign | cad
- # Locations of extra item property definitions for OMT Delphi target.
- attrib_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | attribute
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | association | role_start
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | association | role_end
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_assoc | role_start
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_assoc | role_end
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | aggregation | role_start
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | aggregation | role_end
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_aggr | role_start
- assoc_access | Item | de | ObjectDesign | cad | qualif_aggr | role_end
- #is_declaration | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | cad | cad_class
- is_startup | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | cad | cad_class
- #is_vcl | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | cad | cad_class
- libunitCombo | Item | cl | ObjectDesign | cad | cad_class