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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: @(#)proplocdia.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)proplocdia.tcl /main/hindenburg/1 6 Nov 1996 Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- # End user added include file section
- require "locdialog.tcl"
- Class PropLocDialog : {LocDialog} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method createInterface
- method clearInterface
- method fromInterface
- method toInterface
- method objName
- method containerKindChanged
- attribute cntCB
- attribute cntTypeCB
- attribute editorArea
- }
- constructor PropLocDialog {class this name} {
- set this [LocDialog::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- $this helpPressed ".main helpOnName editProplocProperties"
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method PropLocDialog::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this LocDialog::destructor
- }
- method PropLocDialog::createInterface {this} {
- interface NoteBkPage $this.locationNBP {
- label Location
- DlgColumn DC {
- Label nameL { text ContainerKind: }
- DropDwnComboBox cntCB {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label nameL { text ContainerType: }
- DropDwnComboBox cntTypeCB {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label nameL { text PhaseType: }
- DropDwnList phaseDDL {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label fileL { text "Diagram Type:" }
- DropDwnList fileDDL {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label compL { text "Component Type:" }
- DropDwnList compDDL {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label labelL { text "Label Type:" }
- DropDwnList labelDDL {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- Label condL { text Condition: }
- DropDwnList condDDL {
- entrySet {}
- rowCount 5
- }
- }
- }
- $this lPage $this.locationNBP.DC
- $this cntCB [$this lPage].cntCB
- $this cntTypeCB [$this lPage].cntTypeCB
- $this phaseDDL [$this lPage].phaseDDL
- $this fileDDL [$this lPage].fileDDL
- $this compDDL [$this lPage].compDDL
- $this labelDDL [$this lPage].labelDDL
- $this condDDL [$this lPage].condDDL
- set kinds [lsort [[[.main editorArea] cntTypeSet] names]]
- if {[lsearch $kinds Clear] < 0} {
- set kinds "Clear $kinds"
- }
- [$this cntCB] entrySet $kinds
- [$this cntCB] textModified "$this containerKindChanged"
- $this init
- }
- method PropLocDialog::clearInterface {this} {
- [$this cntCB] text ""
- [$this cntTypeCB] text ""
- $this LocDialog::clearInterface
- }
- method PropLocDialog::fromInterface {this} {
- [$this curObject] cnt [[$this cntCB] text]
- [$this curObject] cntType [[$this cntTypeCB] text]
- $this LocDialog::fromInterface
- }
- method PropLocDialog::toInterface {this} {
- [$this cntCB] text [[$this curObject] cnt]
- [$this cntTypeCB] text [[$this curObject] cntType]
- $this LocDialog::toInterface
- $this title "Usage of Property '[[$this curObject] longName]'"
- }
- method PropLocDialog::objName {this args} {
- # return the objects name, it can not change in this dialog
- return [[$this curObject] shortName]
- }
- method PropLocDialog::containerKindChanged {this} {
- set kind [[$this cntCB] text]
- set entrySet [[.main editorArea] getCntTypeSet $kind]
- [$this cntTypeCB] entrySet "$entrySet"
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker