PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1996 by Cayenne Software, Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Westmount Technology B.V.
# File : propdefs.propdefs
# Description : Customization file containing the definitions of
# the properties of objects that can explicitly be
# edited using a property dialog.
# Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software, Inc.
# The definitions have the following format:
# name | longName | interfaceClass | interfaceOptions | members
# The members field is optional and denotes the definition of a group.
# Standard item property definitions.
classification | Classification | OptionMenu | -entrySet {primary secondary}
actor_type | Actor Type | OptionMenu | -entrySet {user system}
freeText | Free Text | MultiLineText | -rowCount 10 -columnCount 30
precond | Precondition | MultiLineText | -rowCount 5 -columnCount 30
postcond | Postcondition | MultiLineText | -rowCount 5 -columnCount 30
basicAct | Basic Course of Action | MultiLineText | \
-rowCount 5 -columnCount 30
alternateAct | Alternative Course of Action | MultiLineText | \
-rowCount 5 -columnCount 30
actionsPage | Act | PropIfPage | | basicAct alternateAct
conditionsPage | Cond | PropIfPage | | precond postcond
freeTextPage | Text | PropIfPage | | freeText
fileSystemPath | File System Path Part | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
data_type | Data Type | STextItrPropIf | -columnCount 30
abbrev | Abbreviation | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
type | Document Type | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
title | Document Title | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
subject | Document Subject | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
ref | Document Reference | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
keywords | Document Keywords | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
date | Document Date | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
authors | Document Authors | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
status | Document Status | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
structFile | Document Structure File | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
structureGen | Structure Generator | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
contentsGen | Contents Generator | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
document | Document | PropIf2Col | | type title subject ref \
keywords date authors status structFile
section | section | PropIfGroup | | structureGen contentsGen
refProperties | Referred Properties | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
# Standard component property definitions.
initiator | Initiator | CheckButton | -state 0
# Extra component property definitions used for OMT Delphi target.
method_access | Method Access | OptionMenu | \
-entrySet {Published Public Protected Private}
method_modifier | Method modifier | OptionMenu | \
-entrySet {None Virtual Dynamic "Virtual Abstract" "Dynamic Abstract" Override}
is_event | Event | CheckButton | -state 0
is_declaration | Is Class Declaration | CheckButton | -state 0
is_startup | Main Form | CheckButton | -state 0
is_vcl | VCL class | CheckButton | -state 0
# Extra item property definitions used for OMT Delphi target
attrib_access | Attribute Access | RWAccessRow | \
-entrySet {Published Public Protected Private None}
assoc_access | Association Access | RWAccessRow | \
-entrySet {Published Public Protected Private None}
pass_by | Parameter Passing | OptionMenu | \
-entrySet {"Value" "Constant" "Variable"}
libunit | Library unit | DropDwnComboBox | \
-rowCount 8 -entrySet {None Classes Controls ExtCtrls Forms StdCtrls System SysUtils}
userlib | User defined unit | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
libunitCombo | Library unit | PropIfCombo | -extraValue Other | \
libunit userlib
#modifier | Type Modifier | DropDwnComboBox | \
# -rowCount 6 -entrySet {Default Reference "Reference to Const" \
# Pointer "Pointer to Const" Value}
#other_modifier | Other Type Modifier | SingleLineText | -columnCount 30
#modifierCombo | Type Modifier | PropIfCombo | -extraValue Other | \
# modifier other_modifier