PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1992 by Westmount Technology B.V., Delft, The Netherlands.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Westmount Technology B.V.
# File : @(#)profrep.tcl 1.3 (1.1)
# Author : Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans
# Original date : Tue Sep 1 16:24:28 MET DST 1992
# Description : Tcl part of profile package
# extended with 'cpc': CPU time per call
# @(#)profrep.tcl 1.3 (1.1) 15 May 1995 Copyright 1992 Westmount Technology
#@package: profrep profrep
# If this isn't Extended Tcl, define some support procs.
if {[info commands clength] == ""} {
proc clength {str} {return [string length $str]}
if {[info commands max] == ""} {
proc max {a b} {if {$a > $b} {return $a} else {return $b}}
if {[info commands replicate] == ""} {
proc replicate {str cnt} {
set result {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $cnt} {incr i} {
append result $str
# Summarize the data from the profile command to the specified significant
# stack depth. Returns the maximum number of characters of any significant
# stack. (useful in columnizing reports).
proc profrep:summarize {profDataVar stackDepth sumProfDataVar} {
upvar $profDataVar profData $sumProfDataVar sumProfData
if {(![info exists profData]) || ([catch {array size profData}] != 0)} {
error "`profDataVar' must be the name of an array returned by the `profile off' command"
set maxNameLen 0
foreach procStack [array names profData] {
if {[llength $procStack] < $stackDepth} {
set sigProcStack $procStack
} else {
set sigProcStack [lrange $procStack 0 [expr {$stackDepth - 1}]]
set maxNameLen [max $maxNameLen [clength $sigProcStack]]
if [info exists sumProfData($sigProcStack)] {
set cur $sumProfData($sigProcStack)
set add $profData($procStack)
set new [expr [lindex $cur 0]+[lindex $add 0]]
lappend new [expr [lindex $cur 1]+[lindex $add 1]]
lappend new [expr [lindex $cur 2]+[lindex $add 2]]
set sumProfData($sigProcStack) $new
} else {
set sumProfData($sigProcStack) $profData($procStack)
return $maxNameLen
# Generate a list, sorted in descending order by the specified key, contain
# the indices into the summarized data.
proc profrep:sort {sumProfDataVar sortKey} {
upvar $sumProfDataVar sumProfData
case $sortKey {
{calls} {set keyIndex 0}
{real} {set keyIndex 1}
{cpu} {set keyIndex 2}
{cpc} {set keyIndex 3}
default {
error "Expected a sort of: `calls', `cpu', `cpc' or ` real'"}
# Build a list to sort cosisting of a fix-length string containing the
# key value and proc stack. Then sort it.
foreach procStack [array names sumProfData] {
set calls [lindex $sumProfData($procStack) 0]
set cpu [lindex $sumProfData($procStack) 2]
lappend sumProfData($procStack) [expr $cpu/$calls]
set key [format "%016d" [lindex $sumProfData($procStack) $keyIndex]]
lappend keyProcList [list $key $procStack]
set keyProcList [lsort $keyProcList]
# Convert the assending sorted list into a descending list of proc stacks.
for {set idx [expr [llength $keyProcList]-1]} {$idx >= 0} {incr idx -1} {
lappend sortedProcList [lindex [lindex $keyProcList $idx] 1]
return $sortedProcList
# Print the sorted report
proc profrep:print {sumProfDataVar sortedProcList maxNameLen outFile
userTitle} {
upvar $sumProfDataVar sumProfData
if {$outFile == ""} {
set outFH stdout
} else {
set outFH [open $outFile w]
# Output a header.
set stackTitle "Procedure Call Stack"
set maxNameLen [max $maxNameLen [clength $stackTitle]]
set hdr [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10s %10s %10s %10s" $stackTitle \
"Calls" "Real Time" "CPU Time" "CPU/Call"]
if {$userTitle != ""} {
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
puts $outFH $userTitle
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
puts $outFH $hdr
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
# Output the data in sorted order.
foreach procStack $sortedProcList {
set data $sumProfData($procStack)
puts $outFH [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10d %10d %10d %10d" $procStack \
[lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 1] [lindex $data 2] [lindex $data 3]]
if {$outFile != ""} {
close $outFH
# Generate a report from data collect from the profile command.
# o profDataVar (I) - The name of the array containing the data from profile.
# o sortKey (I) - Value to sort by. One of "calls", "cpu" or "real".
# o stackDepth (I) - The stack depth to consider significant.
# o outFile (I) - Name of file to write the report to. If omitted, stdout
# is assumed.
# o userTitle (I) - Title line to add to output.
proc profrep {profDataVar sortKey stackDepth {outFile {}} {userTitle {}}} {
upvar $profDataVar profData
set maxNameLen [profrep:summarize profData $stackDepth sumProfData]
set sortedProcList [profrep:sort sumProfData $sortKey]
profrep:print sumProfData $sortedProcList $maxNameLen $outFile $userTitle