PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# File : @(#)prep_funcs.tcl 2.1
# Author : edri
# Original date : 11-10-94
# Description : Prepare functions for "check"
proc oopl_model::prepare {model forwhat} {
add_predefined_methods $model
foreach class [getSelectedOoplClasses $model] {
if {[$class isSynthetic] != "1"} {
prepare $class $model $forwhat
foreach subject [$model subjectSet] {
prepare $subject $model $forwhat
foreach class [getSelectedOoplClasses $model] {
# add these attributes for more efficient operation of some of the
# checks; these are only needed if there are any received_events
# can only be done after all classes have been prepared, due to
# extra operations/super classes added via addOperation or
# add_super_class
if {[$class receivedEventSet] != {}} {
$class addRunTimeProperty methods [find_methods $class 0]
$class addRunTimeProperty flat_methods [find_methods $class 1]
proc class::prepare {class model forwhat} {
foreach feature [$class featureSet] {
if {[$feature isSynthetic] != "1"} {
prepare $feature $class $model $forwhat
proc link_class::prepare {class model forwhat} {
class::prepare $class $model $forwhat
proc class_enum::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc class_typedef::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc class_generic_typedef::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc data_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set mdf [$attrib getPropertyValue modifier]
if {$mdf != "" && $mdf != "Default"} {
# when a modifier is specified
# do not generate access funcs
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 r
set op [$class addOperation set$name ""]
$op addParameter new$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 w
# Common prepare dispatch function for associations, works also for
# database associations.
# Only prepare for method-generating parts
proc prepare_for_assoc {attrib class model forwhat} {
set prefix "[$attrib get_obj_type]::[$attrib getMultiplicity]"
${prefix}_get_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat
${prefix}_set_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat
${prefix}_remove_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat
# Common generate dispatch function for links
proc prepare_for_link {attrib class model forwhat} {
set prefix "[$attrib get_obj_type]::[$attrib getMultiplicity]"
${prefix}_get_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat
# assoc_attrib prepare functions
proc assoc_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
prepare_for_assoc $attrib $class $model $forwhat
proc assoc_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc assoc_attrib::one_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation set$name ""]
$op addParameter new$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc assoc_attrib::one_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation remove$name ""]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc assoc_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set ordered [$attrib isOrdered]
set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType] $ordered]
set setname [cap [set_name [$attrib getName] $ordered]]
catch {$model addClass $settype}
set op [$class addOperation get$setname $settype]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc assoc_attrib::many_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation add$name ""]
$op addParameter new$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc assoc_attrib::many_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
if [$attrib isMandatory] {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation remove$name ""]
$op addParameter old$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
# qual_assoc_attrib prepare functions
proc qual_assoc_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
prepare_for_assoc $attrib $class $model $forwhat
proc qual_assoc_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc qual_assoc_attrib::one_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation set$name ""]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
$op addParameter new$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc qual_assoc_attrib::one_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation remove$name ""]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc qual_assoc_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType] [$attrib isOrdered]]
set setname [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
catch {$model addClass $settype}
set op [$class addOperation get$setname $settype]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc qual_assoc_attrib::many_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation add$name ""]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
$op addParameter new$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
proc qual_assoc_attrib::many_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation remove$name ""]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
$op addParameter old$name $type
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
# link_attrib prepare functions
proc link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
proc link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap "${type}Of[cap [$attrib getName]]"]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set ordered [$attrib isOrdered]
set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType] $ordered]
set setname [cap [set_name \
"[[$attrib ooplType] getName]Of[cap [$attrib getName]]" $ordered]]
catch {$model addClass $settype}
set op [$class addOperation get$setname $settype]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
# rv_link_attrib prepare functions
proc rv_link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
proc rv_link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc rv_link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
# does not occur
# qual_link_attrib prepare functions
proc qual_link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
proc qual_link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
set name [cap [[$attrib ooplType] getName]Of[cap [$attrib getName]]]
set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
proc qual_link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType] [$attrib isOrdered]]
set setname [cap [[$attrib ooplType] getName]Of[cap [$attrib getName]]]
set keyname [ [$attrib qualifier] getName]
set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
catch {$model addClass $settype}
set op [$class addOperation get$setname $settype]
$op addParameter $keyname $keytype
copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
# operation prepare functions
proc operation::prepare {oper class model forwhat} {
foreach param [get_parameters $oper] {
prepare $param $class $model $forwhat
proc parameter::prepare {param class model forwhat} {
proc base_type::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc class_type::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc typedef_type::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc enum_type::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc generic_typedef_type::prepare {class model forwhat} {
proc constructor::prepare {ctor class model forwhat} {
foreach param [$class creationParamSet] {
prepare $param $class $model $forwhat
proc ctor_param::prepare {param class model forwhat} {
proc subject::prepare {subject model forwhat} {
proc cad_subject::prepare {subject model forwhat} {
proc ccd_subject::prepare {subject model forwhat} {
proc cad_ccd_subject::prepare {subject model forwhat} {
proc system_subject::prepare {subject model forwhat} {