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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)prep_db_fn.tcl 2.1
- # Author : edri
- # Original date : 11-10-94
- # Description : Prepare functions for "check", database dependent
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #
- # Prepare functions for db objects; should be in TDB dependent dir
- #
- proc db_class_prepare {class model forwhat} {
- if {$forwhat == "check"} {
- prepare_db_class $class $model
- }
- }
- proc db_class::prepare {class model forwhat} {
- class::prepare $class $model $forwhat
- db_class_prepare $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_link_class::prepare {class model forwhat} {
- link_class::prepare $class $model $forwhat
- db_class_prepare $class $model $forwhat
- }
- #
- # db_data_attrib
- #
- proc db_data_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set column [$attrib column]
- set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 r
- if {[$column getColumnType] == "field"} {
- set op [$class addOperation set$name ""]
- $op addParameter new$name $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 w
- }
- if [$column isNullable] {
- set op [$class addOperation "[uncap $name]IsNull" int]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 r
- set op [$class addOperation nullify$name ""]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 1 w
- }
- }
- #
- # db_assoc_attrib prepare functions
- #
- proc db_assoc_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- prepare_for_assoc $attrib $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::one_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation set$name int]
- $op addParameter new$name $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::one_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- if [$attrib isMandatory] {
- return
- }
- if {[set opp [$attrib opposite]] != "" &&
- [$opp get_obj_type] == "db_qual_assoc_attrib"} {
- return
- }
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation remove$name int]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType]]
- set setname [cap [set_name $name]]
- catch {$model addClass $settype}
- set op [$class addOperation get$setname int]
- $op addParameter $setname $settype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::many_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- if {[set opp [$attrib opposite]] != "" &&
- [$opp get_obj_type] == "db_qual_assoc_attrib"} {
- # Can't supply the key for a qualified assoc
- return
- }
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation add$name int]
- $op addParameter new$name $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- proc db_assoc_attrib::many_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- if {[set opp [$attrib opposite]] != "" &&
- [$opp get_obj_type] == "db_qual_assoc_attrib"} {
- return
- }
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation remove$name int]
- $op addParameter old$name $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- #
- # db_qual_assoc_attrib prepare functions
- #
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- prepare_for_assoc $attrib $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::any_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat prefix} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set op [$class addOperation $prefix$name int]
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- $op addParameter new$name $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set op [$class addOperation "get[cap $name]" $type]
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::one_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- db_qual_assoc_attrib::any_set_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat "set"
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::one_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set op [$class addOperation remove$name int]
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType]]
- set setname [cap [set_name $name]]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- catch {$model addClass $settype}
- set op [$class addOperation get$setname int]
- $op addParameter $setname $settype
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::many_set_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- db_qual_assoc_attrib::any_set_prepare $attrib $class $model $forwhat "add"
- }
- proc db_qual_assoc_attrib::many_remove_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set op [$class addOperation remove$name int]
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- $op addParameter toRemove $type
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 w
- }
- #
- # db_link_attrib prepare functions
- #
- proc db_link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap "${type}Of[cap [$attrib getName]]"]
- set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType]]
- set setname [cap [set_name $name]]
- set func_name get[cap [set_name "${type}Of[cap $name]"]]
- catch {$model addClass $settype}
- set op [$class addOperation $func_name int]
- $op addParameter $setname $settype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- #
- # db_qual_link_attrib prepare functions
- #
- proc db_qual_link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_qual_link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set func_name get[cap "${type}Of[cap $name]"]
- set op [$class addOperation $func_name $type]
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_qual_link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [$attrib getName]
- set settype [set_type_name [$attrib ooplType]]
- set setname [cap [set_name $name]]
- set keyname [[$attrib qualifier] getName]
- set keytype [[[$attrib qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set func_name get[cap [set_name "${type}Of[cap $name]"]]
- catch {$model addClass $settype}
- set op [$class addOperation $func_name int]
- $op addParameter $setname $settype
- $op addParameter $keyname $keytype
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- #
- # db_rv_link_attrib prepare functions
- #
- proc db_rv_link_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- prepare_for_link $attrib $class $model $forwhat
- }
- proc db_rv_link_attrib::one_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- set type [[$attrib ooplType] getName]
- set name [cap [$attrib getName]]
- set op [$class addOperation get$name $type]
- copy_access_mode $attrib $op 0 r
- }
- proc db_rv_link_attrib::many_get_prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {
- # should not occur...
- puts "ERROR: reverse link attribute '[$attrib getName]' with multiplicity \
- 'many' in class '[$class getName]'"
- }