home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Westmount Technology 1995
- #
- # File: @(#)platw95.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
- # Author: peku
- # Description: solve platform dependencies here
- # platform is Windows95 or Windows NT
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)platw95.tcl /main/hindenburg/5 13 Jun 1997 Copyright 1995 Westmount Technology
- global BITMAP_EXT
- set BITMAP_EXT .bmp
- global EXE_EXT
- set EXE_EXT .exe
- global win95
- set win95 1
- # Windows95 specific way to invoke help.
- #
- proc showHelp {url} {
- wmtkmessage "Starting Help Tool"
- uplevel #0 require helpkeys.tcl
- set helpFile [m4_path_name help objteam.hlp]
- global url2helpId
- WinHelp $helpFile CONTEXT $url2helpId($url)
- wmtkmessage ""
- }
- proc showHelpTopics {} {
- wmtkmessage "Starting Help Tool"
- set helpFile [m4_path_name help objteam.hlp]
- WinHelp $helpFile HELP_FINDER 0
- wmtkmessage ""
- }
- # Windows95 specific way to start xtool
- #
- proc startXTool {id cmd {dir ""}} {
- SystemUtilities::fork otk xtool "$id" $cmd $dir
- }
- # Windows specific way to start online doc
- #
- proc startOnlineDoc {} {
- # for DynaText 3.0:
- #if [catch {
- # set dynaDir [registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \
- # "EBT.Install\\dtextSA\\3.0\\Root" (Default)]
- #
- #}] {
- # resetErrorVars
- # wmtkerror "Failed to find Online Documention directory"
- # return
- #}
- #
- #forkOnlineDoc $dynaDir\\bin\\dtext.exe
- # DynaText 2.3:
- # does not write in registry; expect in PATH
- forkOnlineDoc dtextrw
- }