PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: %W%
# Author: <generated>
# File: @(#)pbgassocin.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGAssocInitializer : {Object OPAssocInitializer} {
method destructor
constructor PBGAssocInitializer {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGAssocInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
selfPromoter OPAssocInitializer {this} {
PBGAssocInitializer promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgattribi.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGAttribInitializer : {Object OPAttribInitializer} {
method destructor
constructor PBGAttribInitializer {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGAttribInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
selfPromoter OPAttribInitializer {this} {
PBGAttribInitializer promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgclass.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class PBGClass : {Object} {
method destructor
method promoter
method generate
method generateAsContainedClass
method getPBClassKind
method getSuperClass
method getBuiltinSuperClass
method getBuiltinSuperClassName
method hasEvent
method isGlobalType
method isAutoInstantiate
method getWindowType
method isBuiltin
method addContainedTypeName
method removeContainedTypeName
attribute pbClassKind
attribute superClass
attribute builtinSuperClass
attribute inhLoopDetect
attribute containLoopDetect
attribute containedTypeNameSet
constructor PBGClass {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this pbClassKind ""
$this superClass "_uninitialized_"
$this builtinSuperClass "_uninitialized_"
$this inhLoopDetect 0
$this containLoopDetect 0
$this containedTypeNameSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGClass::promoter {this} {
$this pbClassKind ""
$this superClass "_uninitialized_"
$this builtinSuperClass "_uninitialized_"
$this inhLoopDetect 0
$this containLoopDetect 0
$this containedTypeNameSet [List new]
method PBGClass::generate {this model} {
set kind [$this getPBClassKind]
if {$kind == ${PBClassKind::NotSupported}} {
return ""
set name [$this getName]
set superNm [[$this getSuperClass] getName]
set pbDefGen [PB${kind}Gen new $name $this \
-superNm $superNm \
-isGlobalType 1 \
-globalOoplClass $this \
-container "" \
-model $model]
return [$pbDefGen generate]
method PBGClass::generateAsContainedClass {this name globalOoplClass fromOoplClass container} {
set kind [$this getPBClassKind]
if {$kind == ${PBClassKind::NotSupported}} {
return ""
if [$this containLoopDetect] {
m4_error $E_GRCONTLOOP [$this getName]
return ""
if {[$this isBuiltin] || [$this isGlobalType]} {
set superNm [$this getName]
} else {
set superNm [[$this getSuperClass] getName]
if {$name == $superNm} {
m4_error $E_INVALIDLOCTYPE $name [$fromOoplClass getName] \
[$this getName] [$globalOoplClass getName]
set typeNames [$globalOoplClass containedTypeNameSet]
if {[$typeNames search $name] != -1 ||
$name == [$globalOoplClass getName]} {
m4_error $E_MULTDEFLOCTYPES $name [$fromOoplClass getName] \
[$this getName] [$globalOoplClass getName]
} else {
$typeNames append $name
set pbDefGen [PB${kind}Gen new $name $this \
-superNm $superNm \
-isGlobalType 0 \
-globalOoplClass $globalOoplClass \
-container $container \
-model ""]
$this containLoopDetect 1
set def [$pbDefGen generate]
$this containLoopDetect 0
return $def
method PBGClass::getPBClassKind {this} {
if {[$this pbClassKind] != ""} {
return [$this pbClassKind]
if {[$this getBuiltinSuperClass] == ""} {
$this pbClassKind ${PBClassKind::NotSupported}
return [$this pbClassKind]
set superClass [$this getSuperClass]
if {![$superClass isBuiltin] && ![$superClass isGlobalType]} {
m4_error $E_NONGLOBALSUPER [$this getName] [$superClass getName]
$this pbClassKind ${PBClassKind::NotSupported}
return [$this pbClassKind]
set builtinSuperNm [$this getBuiltinSuperClassName]
set classInfo [[PBBuiltinInfo::global] getBuiltinClass $builtinSuperNm]
if {$classInfo == ""} {
m4_error $E_INVALBUILTINSUPER [$this getName] $builtinSuperNm
$this pbClassKind ${PBClassKind::NotSupported}
} else {
$this pbClassKind [$classInfo kind]
return [$this pbClassKind]
method PBGClass::getSuperClass {this} {
if {[$this superClass] != "_uninitialized_"} {
return [$this superClass]
if {[string tolower [$this getName]] == "powerobject"} {
# this is THE root class
$this superClass ""
return ""
set genNodeSet [$this genNodeSet]
if {[llength $genNodeSet] == 0} {
m4_warning $W_NOSUPERCLASS [$this getName]
set superClass [[$this ooplModel] classByName "nonvisualobject"]
$this superClass $superClass
return $superClass
if {[llength $genNodeSet] > 1} {
m4_error $E_NOMULTINH [$this getName]
$this superClass [[lindex $genNodeSet 0] superClass]
return [$this superClass]
method PBGClass::getBuiltinSuperClass {this} {
if {[$this builtinSuperClass] != "_uninitialized_"} {
return [$this builtinSuperClass]
if [$this inhLoopDetect] {
# error is already given by ooplModel ...
#m4_error $E_INHLOOP [$this getName]
$this builtinSuperClass ""
return ""
$this inhLoopDetect 1
if [$this isBuiltin] {
$this builtinSuperClass $this
return $this
set superClass [$this getSuperClass]
if {$superClass != ""} {
set builtinSuperClass [$superClass getBuiltinSuperClass]
$this builtinSuperClass $builtinSuperClass
return $builtinSuperClass
$this builtinSuperClass ""
return ""
method PBGClass::getBuiltinSuperClassName {this} {
set class [$this getBuiltinSuperClass]
if {$class == ""} {
return ""
return [$class getName]
method PBGClass::hasEvent {this name} {
set name [string tolower $name]
foreach oper [$this operationSet] {
if {[$oper isEvent] &&
[string tolower [$oper getName]] == $name} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGClass::isGlobalType {this} {
if {[$this getPropertyValue is_global_type] == "No"} {
return 0
if [$this isBuiltin] {
# The 'is_global_type' property does not apply to builtin
# classes, so they do not have the property set to 'No'.
# They must not be interpreted as global types however.
return 0
return 1
method PBGClass::isAutoInstantiate {this} {
if {[$this getPropertyValue is_autoinstantiate] == "1"} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGClass::getWindowType {this} {
set windowType [$this getPropertyValue window_type]
if {$windowType == ""} {
set windowType "Main"
return $windowType
method PBGClass::isBuiltin {this} {
if {[$this getPropertyValue is_builtin] == "1"} {
return 1
return 0
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGClassD : {PBGClass OPClass} {
selfPromoter OPClass {this} {
PBGClassD promote $this
method PBGClass::addContainedTypeName {this newContainedTypeName} {
[$this containedTypeNameSet] append $newContainedTypeName
method PBGClass::removeContainedTypeName {this oldContainedTypeName} {
[$this containedTypeNameSet] removeValue $oldContainedTypeName
# File: @(#)pbgfeature.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGFeature : {Object} {
method destructor
constructor PBGFeature {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGFeature::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGFeatureD : {PBGFeature OPFeature} {
selfPromoter OPFeature {this} {
PBGFeatureD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgparamet.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGParameter : {Object} {
method destructor
constructor PBGParameter {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGParameterD : {PBGParameter OPParameter} {
selfPromoter OPParameter {this} {
PBGParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgqualini.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGQualInitializer : {Object OPQualInitializer} {
method destructor
constructor PBGQualInitializer {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGQualInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
selfPromoter OPQualInitializer {this} {
PBGQualInitializer promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgsupercl.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGSuperClassInitializer : {Object OPSuperClassInitializer} {
method destructor
constructor PBGSuperClassInitializer {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGSuperClassInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
selfPromoter OPSuperClassInitializer {this} {
PBGSuperClassInitializer promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgtype.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBGType : {Object} {
method destructor
attribute arrayDesc
constructor PBGType {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this arrayDesc ""
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGTypeD : {PBGType OPType} {
selfPromoter OPType {this} {
PBGTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbbuiltinc.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class PBBuiltinClass : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method getMandatoryProp
method setMandatoryProp
method removeMandatoryProp
attribute name
attribute kind
attribute isControl
attribute isGrContainer
attribute hasCtorDtor
attribute initialOnCreateResidue
attribute initialOnDestroyResidue
attribute mandatoryProp
constructor PBBuiltinClass {class this i_name} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this isControl 0
$this isGrContainer 0
$this hasCtorDtor 0
$this name $i_name
$this mandatoryProp [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBBuiltinClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method PBBuiltinClass::getMandatoryProp {this name} {
return [[$this mandatoryProp] set $name]
method PBBuiltinClass::setMandatoryProp {this name newMandatoryProp} {
[$this mandatoryProp] set $name $newMandatoryProp
method PBBuiltinClass::removeMandatoryProp {this name} {
[$this mandatoryProp] unset $name
# File: @(#)pbbuiltini.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
# End user added include file section
Class PBBuiltinInfo : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method getBuiltinClass
method setBuiltinClass
method removeBuiltinClass
attribute builtinClass
global PBBuiltinInfo::instance
set PBBuiltinInfo::instance ""
constructor PBBuiltinInfo {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this builtinClass [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBBuiltinInfo::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
proc PBBuiltinInfo::global {} {
if {${PBBuiltinInfo::instance} != ""} {
return ${PBBuiltinInfo::instance}
set instance [PBBuiltinInfo new]
set PBBuiltinInfo::instance $instance
# Fill it ...
set class [PBBuiltinClass new checkbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass checkbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 77]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new commandbutton \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass commandbutton $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 109]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new connection \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass connection $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new datastore \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass datastore $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new datawindow \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass datawindow $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new dropdownlistbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass dropdownlistbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 229]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new dropdownpicturelistbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass dropdownpicturelistbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 229]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new dynamicdescriptionarea \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass dynamicdescriptionarea $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new dynamicstagingarea \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass dynamicstagingarea $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new editmask \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass editmask $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 101]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new error \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass error $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new graph \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass graph $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 988]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 721]
$class setMandatoryProp Title [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Title string \"(None)\"]
$class setMandatoryProp GraphType [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new GraphType grGraphType ColGraph!]
set sect [TextSection new]
$class initialOnCreateResidue $sect
expand_text $sect {
TitleDispAttr = create grDispAttr
LegendDispAttr = create grDispAttr
PieDispAttr = create grDispAttr
Series = create grAxis
Series.DispAttr = create grDispAttr
Series.LabelDispAttr = create grDispAttr
Category = create grAxis
Category.DispAttr = create grDispAttr
Category.LabelDispAttr = create grDispAttr
Values = create grAxis
Values.DispAttr = create grDispAttr
Values.LabelDispAttr = create grDispAttr
PieDispAttr.DisplayExpression="if(seriescount > 1,\
set sect [TextSection new]
$class initialOnDestroyResidue $sect
expand_text $sect {
destroy TitleDispAttr
destroy LegendDispAttr
destroy PieDispAttr
destroy Series.DispAttr
destroy Series.LabelDispAttr
destroy Series
destroy Category.DispAttr
destroy Category.LabelDispAttr
destroy Category
destroy Values.DispAttr
destroy Values.LabelDispAttr
destroy Values
set class [PBBuiltinClass new groupbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass groupbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new hscrollbar \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass hscrollbar $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 293]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 65]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new line \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass line $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new listbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass listbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new listview \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass listview $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new mailsession \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass mailsession $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new menu \
-kind ${PBClassKind::Menu} -isGrContainer 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass menu $class
# mandatory prop 'Text' is set in class PBMenuGen
set class [PBBuiltinClass new menucascade \
-kind ${PBClassKind::Menu} -isGrContainer 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass menucascade $class
# mandatory prop 'Text' is set in class PBMenuGen
set class [PBBuiltinClass new message \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass message $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new multilineedit \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass multilineedit $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new nonvisualobject \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CCUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass nonvisualobject $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new olecontrol \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass olecontrol $class
# mandatory props 'Width' & 'Height' set to 'a' default value
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new oleobject \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass oleobject $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new olestorage \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass olestorage $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new olestream \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass olestream $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new oval \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass oval $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 165]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 145]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new picture \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass picture $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 165]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 145]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new picturebutton \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass picturebutton $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 145]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new picturelistbox \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass picturelistbox $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new pipeline \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass pipeline $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new radiobutton \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass radiobutton $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 77]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new rectangle \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass rectangle $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 165]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 145]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new richtextedit \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass richtextedit $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new roundrectangle \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass roundrectangle $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 165]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 145]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new singlelineedit \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass singlelineedit $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 93]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new statictext \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass statictext $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 247]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 77]
$class setMandatoryProp Text [ \
PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \"none\"]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new structure \
-kind ${PBClassKind::Structure}]
$instance setBuiltinClass structure $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new tab \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 \
-isGrContainer 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass tab $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 1153]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 865]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new transaction \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass transaction $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new transport \
-kind ${PBClassKind::CSUserObject} -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass transport $class
set class [PBBuiltinClass new treeview \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass treeview $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 494]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 361]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new userobject \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VCUserObject} -isControl 1 \
-isGrContainer 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass userobject $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 2533]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [\
PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 1517]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new vscrollbar \
-kind ${PBClassKind::VSUserObject} -isControl 1 -hasCtorDtor 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass vscrollbar $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 74]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 257]
set class [PBBuiltinClass new window \
-kind ${PBClassKind::Window} -isGrContainer 1]
$instance setBuiltinClass window $class
$class setMandatoryProp Width [PBBuiltinProperty new Width int 2533]
$class setMandatoryProp Height [PBBuiltinProperty new Height int 1517]
return ${PBBuiltinInfo::instance}
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method PBBuiltinInfo::getBuiltinClass {this name} {
return [[$this builtinClass] set $name]
method PBBuiltinInfo::setBuiltinClass {this name newBuiltinClass} {
[$this builtinClass] set $name $newBuiltinClass
method PBBuiltinInfo::removeBuiltinClass {this name} {
[$this builtinClass] unset $name
# File: @(#)pbdefiniti.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class PBDefinitionGen : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method createPBDefinition
method genFeatures
method genDataAttrs
method genOperations
method genAssocAttrs
attribute name
attribute superNm
attribute builtinSuperNm
attribute isGlobalType
attribute container
attribute model
attribute ooplClass
attribute globalOoplClass
constructor PBDefinitionGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this name $i_name
$this ooplClass $ooplClass
# Start constructor user section
$this builtinSuperNm [[$this ooplClass] getBuiltinSuperClassName]
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBDefinitionGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBDefinitionGen::generate {this} {
set def [$this createPBDefinition]
$this genFeatures $def
return $def
method PBDefinitionGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set type [$this objType]
set kind [string range $type 0 [expr {[string length $type] - 4}]]
set def [$kind new [$this name] [$this ooplClass] \
[$this superNm] [$this builtinSuperNm] \
-isGlobalType [$this isGlobalType]]
if [$this isGlobalType] {
PBLibraryEntry new [$this model] $def
} else {
[$this container] addContainedClass $def
return $def
method PBDefinitionGen::genFeatures {this def} {
if {[[$this ooplClass] isBuiltin] ||
(![$this isGlobalType] && [[$this ooplClass] isGlobalType])} {
# Only a type definition (a local one) is generated, without
# variables, functions, user events and even scripts!
$this genDataAttrs $def
$this genOperations $def
$this genAssocAttrs $def
method PBDefinitionGen::genDataAttrs {this def} {
foreach attr [[$this ooplClass] dataAttrSet] {
$attr generate $def
method PBDefinitionGen::genOperations {this def} {
foreach oper [[$this ooplClass] operationSet] {
$oper generate $def
if {[[$this ooplClass] constructor] != ""} {
[[$this ooplClass] constructor] generate $def
method PBDefinitionGen::genAssocAttrs {this def} {
foreach assoc [[$this ooplClass] genAssocAttrSet] {
$assoc generate [$this globalOoplClass] $def
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbgclassen.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGClassEnum : {PBGClass} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGClassEnum {class this name} {
set this [PBGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGClassEnum::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGClassEnum::generate {this model} {
m4_error $E_NOENUMS
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGClassEnumD : {PBGClassEnum OPClassEnum} {
selfPromoter OPClassEnum {this} {
PBGClassEnumD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgclassge.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGClassGenericTypeDef : {PBGClass} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGClassGenericTypeDef {class this name} {
set this [PBGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGClassGenericTypeDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGClassGenericTypeDef::generate {this model} {
$this PBGClass::generate $model
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGClassGenericTypeDefD : {PBGClassGenericTypeDef OPClassGenericTypeDef} {
selfPromoter OPClassGenericTypeDef {this} {
PBGClassGenericTypeDefD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgclasstd.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGClassTDef : {PBGClass} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGClassTDef {class this name} {
set this [PBGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGClassTDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGClassTDef::generate {this model} {
$this PBGClass::generate $model
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGClassTDefD : {PBGClassTDef OPClassTDef} {
selfPromoter OPClassTDef {this} {
PBGClassTDefD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbglinkcla.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGLinkClass : {PBGClass} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGLinkClass {class this name} {
set this [PBGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGLinkClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGLinkClass::generate {this model} {
$this PBGClass::generate $model
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGLinkClassD : {PBGLinkClass OPLinkClass} {
selfPromoter OPLinkClass {this} {
PBGLinkClassD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgattribu.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGAttribute : {PBGFeature} {
method destructor
constructor PBGAttribute {class this name} {
set this [PBGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGAttribute::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGAttributeD : {PBGAttribute OPAttribute} {
selfPromoter OPAttribute {this} {
PBGAttributeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgconstru.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGConstructor : {PBGFeature} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGConstructor {class this name} {
set this [PBGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGConstructor::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGConstructor::generate {this class} {
return ""
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGConstructorD : {PBGConstructor OPConstructor} {
selfPromoter OPConstructor {this} {
PBGConstructorD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgoperati.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class PBGOperation : {PBGFeature} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateFunction
method generateAccess
method generateEvent
method isEvent
method isUserEvent
constructor PBGOperation {class this name} {
set this [PBGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGOperation::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGOperation::generate {this class} {
if [$this isEvent] {
set oper [$this generateEvent $class]
} else {
set oper [$this generateFunction $class]
return $oper
method PBGOperation::generateFunction {this class} {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set access [$this generateAccess]
set func [PBFunction new [$this getName] $type $access]
foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
$param generate $func
$class addObjectFunction $func
return $func
method PBGOperation::generateAccess {this} {
set access [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue "method_access"]]
if {$access == "" } {
set access "public"
return [PBAccess new $access]
method PBGOperation::generateEvent {this class} {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set name [$this getName]
if {$name == "constructor"} {
set event [PBConstructor new $name $type]
} elseif {$name == "destructor"} {
set event [PBDestructor new $name $type]
} else {
set event [PBEvent new $name $type]
set firstParam 1
foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
# special case when type of first parameter is "eventid";
# in this case, prevent mapping of standard type "eventid"
# onto language type "string"
if $firstParam {
set firstParam 0
set pbParam [$param generate $event]
if {[[$param ooplType] getName] == "eventid"} {
[$pbParam type] name "eventid"
} else {
$param generate $event
if {[$this isUserEvent]} {
$class addUserEvent $event
} else {
$class addScript $event
return $event
method PBGOperation::isEvent {this} {
if {[$this getPropertyValue is_event] == "1"} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGOperation::isUserEvent {this} {
set superClass [[$this ooplClass] getSuperClass]
while {$superClass != ""} {
if [$superClass hasEvent [$this getName]] {
return 0
set superClass [$superClass getSuperClass]
return 1
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGOperationD : {PBGOperation OPOperation} {
selfPromoter OPOperation {this} {
PBGOperationD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgctorpar.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGCtorParameter : {PBGParameter} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGCtorParameter {class this name} {
set this [PBGParameter::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGCtorParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGCtorParameter::generate {this oper} {
# !! Implement this function !!
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGCtorParameterD : {PBGCtorParameter OPCtorParameter} {
selfPromoter OPCtorParameter {this} {
PBGCtorParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgoperpar.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBGOperParameter : {PBGParameter} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateModifier
constructor PBGOperParameter {class this name} {
set this [PBGParameter::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGOperParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGOperParameter::generate {this oper} {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [$this generateModifier]
set param [PBParameter new [$this getName] $type $modifier \
-arrayDesc [[$this ooplType] arrayDesc]]
$oper addParameter $param
return $param
method PBGOperParameter::generateModifier {this} {
set modifier [$this getPropertyValue "pass_by"]
if {$modifier == "Reference"} {
set modifier "ref"
} elseif {$modifier == "ReadOnly"} {
set modifier "readonly"
} else {
set modifier ""
return [PBModifier new $modifier]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGOperParameterD : {PBGOperParameter OPOperParameter} {
selfPromoter OPOperParameter {this} {
PBGOperParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgbasetyp.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBGBaseType : {PBGType} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGBaseType {class this name} {
set this [PBGType::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGBaseType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGBaseType::generate {this} {
set type [$this getType3GL]
set arrayDesc ""
regexp {\[.*\]$} $type arrayDesc
$this arrayDesc $arrayDesc
regsub {\[.*\]$} $type "" type
return [PBType new $type]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGBaseTypeD : {PBGBaseType OPBaseType} {
selfPromoter OPBaseType {this} {
PBGBaseTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgclassty.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGClassType : {PBGType} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGClassType {class this name} {
set this [PBGType::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGClassType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGClassType::generate {this} {
return [PBType new [$this getName]]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGClassTypeD : {PBGClassType OPClassType} {
selfPromoter OPClassType {this} {
PBGClassTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgenumtyp.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGEnumType : {PBGType} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGEnumType {class this name} {
set this [PBGType::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGEnumType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGEnumType::generate {this} {
return [PBType new [$this getName]]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGEnumTypeD : {PBGEnumType OPEnumType} {
selfPromoter OPEnumType {this} {
PBGEnumTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgtypedef.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBGTypeDefType : {PBGType} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGTypeDefType {class this name} {
set this [PBGType::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGTypeDefType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGTypeDefType::generate {this} {
return [PBType new [$this getName]]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGTypeDefTypeD : {PBGTypeDefType OPTypeDefType} {
selfPromoter OPTypeDefType {this} {
PBGTypeDefTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbclasscus.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBClassCustomUserObjectGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
method createPBDefinition
constructor PBClassCustomUserObjectGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBClassCustomUserObjectGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
method PBClassCustomUserObjectGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set def [$this PBDefinitionGen::createPBDefinition]
$def isAutoInstantiate [[$this ooplClass] isAutoInstantiate]
return $def
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbclasssta.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBClassStandardUserObjectGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
constructor PBClassStandardUserObjectGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBClassStandardUserObjectGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbmenugen.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class PBMenuGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
method createPBDefinition
method genAssocAttrs
constructor PBMenuGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBMenuGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
method PBMenuGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set def [$this PBDefinitionGen::createPBDefinition]
# set default for (mandatory) builtin property 'Text'
$def setBuiltinProperty Text [PBBuiltinProperty new Text string \
\"[$this name]\" -where ${PBBuiltinProperty::InOnCreate}]
return $def
method PBMenuGen::genAssocAttrs {this def} {
foreach assoc [[$this ooplClass] genAssocAttrSet] {
set oppClass [$assoc getOppositeClass]
if {$oppClass == ""} {
# error is already given
if {[$oppClass getPBClassKind] == ${PBClassKind::Window}} {
m4_warning $W_IGNMENUWINAGGR [$assoc getName] \
[$this name] [$oppClass getName]
$assoc generate [$this globalOoplClass] $def
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbstructur.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBStructureGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
method createPBDefinition
method genFeatures
constructor PBStructureGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBStructureGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
method PBStructureGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set def [PBStructure new [$this name] [$this ooplClass] \
-isGlobalType [$this isGlobalType]]
if [$this isGlobalType] {
PBLibraryEntry new [$this model] $def
} else {
[$this container] addObjectStructure $def
return $def
method PBStructureGen::genFeatures {this def} {
foreach attr [[$this ooplClass] dataAttrSet] {
set type [[$attr ooplType] generate]
set field [PBNameType new [$attr getName] $type \
-arrayDesc [[$attr ooplType] arrayDesc]]
$def addField $field
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbvisualcu.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBVisualCustomUserObjectGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
method createPBDefinition
constructor PBVisualCustomUserObjectGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBVisualCustomUserObjectGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
method PBVisualCustomUserObjectGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set def [$this PBDefinitionGen::createPBDefinition]
$def isAutoInstantiate [[$this ooplClass] isAutoInstantiate]
return $def
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbvisualst.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class PBVisualStandardUserObjectGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
constructor PBVisualStandardUserObjectGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBVisualStandardUserObjectGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbwindowge.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class PBWindowGen : {PBDefinitionGen} {
method destructor
method createPBDefinition
method genAssocAttrs
constructor PBWindowGen {class this i_name ooplClass} {
set this [PBDefinitionGen::constructor $class $this $i_name $ooplClass]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBWindowGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this PBDefinitionGen::destructor
method PBWindowGen::createPBDefinition {this} {
set def [$this PBDefinitionGen::createPBDefinition]
set windowType [[$this ooplClass] getWindowType]
if {$windowType == "MDI" || $windowType == "MDIHelp"} {
set mdiclient [PBVisual new "mdi_1" "" "mdiclient" "mdiclient" \
-isGlobalType 0]
$def addContainedClass $mdiclient
set windowType "[string tolower $windowType]!"
$def setBuiltinProperty WindowType [PBBuiltinProperty \
new WindowType WindowType $windowType \
-where ${PBBuiltinProperty::InTypeDef}]
return $def
method PBWindowGen::genAssocAttrs {this def} {
foreach assoc [[$this ooplClass] genAssocAttrSet] {
set oppClass [$assoc getOppositeClass]
if {$oppClass == ""} {
# error is already given
if {[$oppClass getPBClassKind] == ${PBClassKind::Menu}} {
set menuName [$oppClass getName]
$def setBuiltinProperty MenuName [PBBuiltinProperty \
new MenuName string \"${menuName}\" \
-where ${PBBuiltinProperty::InTypeDef}]
$def menuName $menuName
$assoc generate [$this globalOoplClass] $def
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)pbgdataatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class PBGDataAttr : {PBGAttribute} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateAccess
method isConstant
method isShared
constructor PBGDataAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGDataAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGDataAttr::generate {this class} {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set access [$this generateAccess]
set attr [PBVariable new [$this getName] $type $access \
-arrayDesc [[$this ooplType] arrayDesc]]
set defVal [$this getInitialValue]
if {$defVal != ""} {
$attr defaultValue $defVal
if {[$this isConstant]} {
if {$defVal != ""} {
$attr isConstant 1
} else {
m4_warning $W_CONST_IGNORED [$this getName] \
[$class name]
$attr isShared [$this isShared]
if {[$this isShared]} {
$class addSharedVar $attr
} else {
$class addInstanceVar $attr
return $attr
method PBGDataAttr::generateAccess {this} {
set accessList [$this getPropertyValue "attrib_access"]
switch -exact -- $accessList {
{return [PBVarAccess new "" "" ""]}
{return [PBVarAccess new "" "" "protectedwrite"]}
{return [PBVarAccess new "" "" "privatewrite"]}
Protected-Public -
{return [PBVarAccess new "protected" "" ""]}
{return [PBVarAccess new "protected" "" "privatewrite"]}
Private-Public -
Private-Protected -
{return [PBVarAccess new "private" "" ""]}
{return [PBVarAccess new "" "" ""]}
method PBGDataAttr::isConstant {this} {
if {[$this getPropertyValue is_const_attrib] == "1"} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGDataAttr::isShared {this} {
return [$this isClassFeature]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGDataAttrD : {PBGDataAttr OPDataAttr} {
selfPromoter OPDataAttr {this} {
PBGDataAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbggenasso.tcl /main/hindenburg/10
Class PBGGenAssocAttr : {PBGAttribute} {
method destructor
method promoter
method getThisClass
method getOppositeClass
method isValidAssociation
method genAddAccessor
method genGetAccessor
method genGetManyAccessor
method genRemoveOneAccessor
method genRemoveAccessor
method genSetAccessor
method genAssocVariable
method getAssocIdentifier
method getAssocVariable
method getAccessorAccess
method genCtor
method genDtor
method extendAssoc
method reduceAssoc
method setAssoc
attribute oppClass
constructor PBGGenAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
$this oppClass "_uninitialized_"
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGGenAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGGenAssocAttr::promoter {this} {
$this oppClass "_uninitialized_"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::getThisClass {this} {
return [$this ooplClass]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::getOppositeClass {this} {
if {[$this oppClass] != "_uninitialized_"} {
return [$this oppClass]
set type [$this ooplType]
set ooplClass ""
if [$type isA OPBaseType] {
m4_error $E_ASSWITHBASETYPE [$this getName] \
[[$this getThisClass] getName] [$type getName]
} elseif [$type isA OPEnumType] {
m4_error $E_ASSWITHENUMTYPE [$this getName] \
[[$this getThisClass] getName] [$type getName]
} else {
set ooplClass [$type ooplClass]
if {$ooplClass == ""} {
m4_error $E_ASSCLASSNONAME [$this getName] \
[[$this getThisClass] getName]
$this oppClass $ooplClass
return $ooplClass
method PBGGenAssocAttr::isValidAssociation {this} {
set thisClass [$this getThisClass]
set oppClass [$this getOppositeClass]
if {$oppClass == ""} {
# error is already given
return 0
if {![$thisClass isGlobalType] || ![$oppClass isGlobalType]} {
m4_error $E_ASSGLOBTYPES [$this getName] \
[$thisClass getName] [$oppClass getName]
return 0
if {[$oppClass getPBClassKind] == ${PBClassKind::Structure}} {
m4_error $E_ASSWITHSTRUCT [$this getName] \
[$thisClass getName] [$oppClass getName]
return 0
if {[$thisClass getBuiltinSuperClass] == ""} {
# error is already given
return 0
set classInfo [[PBBuiltinInfo::global] getBuiltinClass \
[$thisClass getBuiltinSuperClassName]]
if ![$classInfo hasCtorDtor] {
m4_error $E_ASSCTORDTOR [$this getName] [$thisClass getName] \
[$oppClass getName] [$thisClass getName]
return 0
if {[$oppClass getBuiltinSuperClass] == ""} {
# error is already given
return 0
set oppClassInfo [[PBBuiltinInfo::global] getBuiltinClass \
[$oppClass getBuiltinSuperClassName]]
if {[$this opposite] != "" && ![$oppClassInfo hasCtorDtor]} {
m4_error $E_ASSCTORDTOR [$this getName] [$thisClass getName] \
[$oppClass getName] [$oppClass getName]
return 0
return 1
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genAddAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess w]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "add[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
if [$this isQualified] {
set qualifier [$this qualifier]
} elseif {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
} else {
set qualifier ""
if {$qualifier != ""} {
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set qualTypeName [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]
set type [PBType new $qualTypeName]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
set paramId "new[cap $ident]"
set paramType [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $paramId $paramType $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
$sect append "if isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "return\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
if {[$opposite getMultiplicity] == "one" &&
![$opposite isQualified] && ![$this isQualified]} {
$sect append [$opposite setAssoc $paramId]
$sect append [$opposite extendAssoc $paramId]
if {[$this isQualified]} {
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
$sect append "classset theSet\n"
$sect append "theSet = $varName.get($qualId)\n"
$sect append "if isNull(theSet) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "theSet = create classset\n"
$sect append "$varName.set($qualId, theSet)\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append "theSet.add($paramId)\n"
} else {
$sect append [$this extendAssoc "" $paramId]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genGetAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess r]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
set name "get[cap $varName]"
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
$sect append "return $varName\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genGetManyAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess r]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
set name "get[cap $varName]"
set type [PBType new "classset"]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
$sect append "return $varName\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genRemoveOneAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess w]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "remove[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set qualTypeName [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]
set type [PBType new $qualTypeName]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
$sect append "if not isNull($ident) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append [$opposite reduceAssoc $ident]
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append "setNull($ident)\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genRemoveAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess w]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "remove[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set qualTypeName [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]
set type [PBType new $qualTypeName]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
set paramId "old[cap $ident]"
set paramType [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $paramId $paramType $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
$sect append "if isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "return\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
$sect append [$opposite reduceAssoc $paramId]
$sect append [$this reduceAssoc "" $paramId]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genSetAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess w]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "set[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set qualTypeName [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]
set type [PBType new $qualTypeName]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
set paramId "new[cap $ident]"
set paramType [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $paramId $paramType $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
if {[$opposite isQualified]} {
$sect append "if not isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append [$opposite extendAssoc $paramId]
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
} else {
$sect append "if not isNull($ident) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append [$opposite reduceAssoc $ident]
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
if {[$opposite getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$sect append "if not isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append [$opposite setAssoc $paramId]
$sect append [$opposite extendAssoc $paramId]
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
} else {
$sect append "if not isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append [$opposite extendAssoc $paramId]
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append "$ident = $paramId\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genAssocVariable {this class} {
if [$this isQualified] {
set type [PBType new "classdict"]
} elseif {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
set type [PBType new "classset"]
} else {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
if {[$this opposite] != ""} {
set access [PBVarAccess new "public" "" ""]
} else {
set access [PBVarAccess new "private" "" ""]
set name [$this getAssocVariable]
set var [PBVariable new $name $type $access]
$class addAssocInstanceVar $var
method PBGGenAssocAttr::getAssocIdentifier {this} {
if {[$this isLinkAttr]} {
return [uncap [[$this ooplType] getName]Of[cap [$this getName]]]
return [$this getName]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::getAssocVariable {this} {
set name [$this getAssocIdentifier]
if {[$this isQualified]} {
set name "${name}Dict"
} elseif {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
set name "${name}Set"
return [uncap $name]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::getAccessorAccess {this mode} {
set accessList [split [$this getPropertyValue assoc_access] -]
if {$mode == "r"} {
set accessStr [lindex $accessList 0]
} else {
set accessStr [lindex $accessList 1]
if {$accessStr == ""} {
set accessStr "public"
return [string tolower $accessStr]
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genCtor {this class} {
set ctor [$class findEvent "constructor"]
if {$ctor == ""} {
set ctor [PBConstructor new "constructor" [PBType new ""]]
$class addScript $ctor
if {[$ctor preBody] == ""} {
$ctor preBody [TextSection new]
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
if {[$this isQualified]} {
set initStr "$varName = create classdict"
} elseif {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
set initStr "$varName = create classset"
} else {
set initStr "setNull($varName)"
[$ctor preBody] append "${initStr}\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::genDtor {this class} {
set dtor [$class findEvent "destructor"]
if {$dtor == ""} {
set dtor [PBDestructor new "destructor" [PBType new ""]]
$class addScript $dtor
if {[$dtor postBody] == ""} {
$dtor postBody [TextSection new]
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
if {[$this isQualified] || [$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
[$dtor postBody] append "destroy($varName)\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::extendAssoc {this {prefix ""} {element this}} {
if {$prefix != ""} {
set prefix "${prefix}."
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
if {[$this isQualified]} {
set qualId [[$this qualifier] getName]
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return "$prefix$varName.set($qualId, $element)\n"
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
return "${prefix}add[cap $ident]($qualId, $element)\n"
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return "$prefix$varName = $element\n"
return "$prefix$varName.add($element)\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::reduceAssoc {this {prefix ""} {element this}} {
if {$prefix != ""} {
set prefix "${prefix}."
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
if {[$this isQualified]} {
set qualId [[$this qualifier] getName]
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return "$prefix$varName.remove($qualId)\n"
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
return "${prefix}remove[cap $ident]($qualId, $element)\n"
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return "setNull($prefix$varName)\n"
return "$prefix$varName.remove($element)\n"
method PBGGenAssocAttr::setAssoc {this {prefix ""} {element ""}} {
if {$prefix != ""} {
set prefix "${prefix}."
set retStr ""
if {$element == ""} {
set retStr "[[$this ooplType] getName] nullRef\n"
set retStr "${retStr}setNull(nullRef)\n"
set element "nullRef"
set retStr "${retStr}${prefix}set[\
cap [$this getAssocIdentifier]]($element)\n"
return $retStr
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGGenAssocAttrD : {PBGGenAssocAttr OPGenAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPGenAssocAttr {this} {
PBGGenAssocAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgassocat.tcl /main/hindenburg/11
Class PBGAssocAttr : {PBGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method isAggregation
method isContainmentAggregation
method generate
constructor PBGAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGAssocAttr::isAggregation {this} {
set compType [[[$this smConnector] getConnector] type]
if {$compType == "aggregation"} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGAssocAttr::isContainmentAggregation {this class} {
if ![$this isAggregation] {
return 0
if [$this isAggregate] {
set fromClass [$this getThisClass]
set toClass [$this getOppositeClass]
} elseif {[$this opposite] != ""} {
set fromClass [$this getOppositeClass]
set toClass [$this getThisClass]
} else {
return 0
set containerType [$fromClass getBuiltinSuperClassName]
set containeeType [$toClass getBuiltinSuperClassName]
# Is it graphical containment, i.e. is it:
# - a userobject or window containing a control, or
# - a tab containing a userobject?
if {$containerType == "userobject" || $containerType == "window"} {
set classInfo [[PBBuiltinInfo::global] \
getBuiltinClass $containeeType]
if {$classInfo != "" && [$classInfo isControl]} {
return 1
if {$containerType == "tab" && $containeeType == "userobject"} {
return 1
# Is it a menu containing other menus ?
if {($containerType == "menu" || $containerType == "menucascade") &&
($containeeType == "menu" || $containeeType == "menucascade")} {
return 1
# Is it a (global) class having an 'object structure' ?
if {[$class isGlobalType] && $containeeType == "structure"} {
return 1
return 0
method PBGAssocAttr::generate {this globalOoplClass class} {
set oppClass [$this getOppositeClass]
if {$oppClass == ""} {
# error is already given
if [$this isContainmentAggregation $class] {
if [$this isAggregate] {
[$this getOppositeClass] generateAsContainedClass \
[$this getName] $globalOoplClass \
[$this getThisClass] $class
} else {
m4_error $E_NOREVAGGR [$this getName] \
[[$this getThisClass] getName] \
[[$this getOppositeClass] getName]
if [$this isAggregate] {
# This is an aggregate, but it does not represent a valid
# containment aggregation
m4_warning $W_AGGRASASSOC [$this getName] \
[[$this getThisClass] getName] \
[[$this getOppositeClass] getName]
# 'normal' association generation ...
if ![$this isValidAssociation] {
# error is already given
$this genAssocVariable $class
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this genRemoveOneAccessor $class
$this genSetAccessor $class
$this genGetAccessor $class
} else {
$this genAddAccessor $class
$this genRemoveAccessor $class
$this genGetManyAccessor $class
$this genCtor $class
$this genDtor $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGAssocAttrD : {PBGAssocAttr OPAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPAssocAttr {this} {
PBGAssocAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbglinkatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class PBGLinkAttr : {PBGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGLinkAttr::generate {this globalOoplClass class} {
if ![$this isValidAssociation] {
$this genAssocVariable $class
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this genGetAccessor $class
} else {
$this genGetManyAccessor $class
$this genCtor $class
$this genDtor $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGLinkAttrD : {PBGLinkAttr OPLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPLinkAttr {this} {
PBGLinkAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgqualatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/6
Class PBGQualAttr : {PBGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method generate
method genGetQualifiedAccessor
method genRemoveQualifiedAccessor
method genSetQualifiedAccessor
constructor PBGQualAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGQualAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGQualAttr::generate {this globalOoplClass class} {
if ![$this isValidAssociation] {
$this genAssocVariable $class
$this genGetQualifiedAccessor $class
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this genSetQualifiedAccessor $class
} else {
$this genAddAccessor $class
$this genRemoveQualifiedAccessor $class
$this genCtor $class
$this genDtor $class
method PBGQualAttr::genGetQualifiedAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess r]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
set name "get[cap $varName]"
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
set type [PBType new "classset"]
} else {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
set qualifier [$this qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set type [[$qualifier ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# The type of a qualifier must be derived from powerobject ...
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
# note: no cast in powerbuilder
$sect append "return $varName.get($qualId)\n"
method PBGQualAttr::genRemoveQualifiedAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess r]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "remove[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
set qualifier [$this qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set type [[$qualifier ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
set paramId "old[cap $ident]"
set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$sect append "powerobject object\n"
$sect append "object = $varName.get($qualId)\n"
$sect append "if isNull(object) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "return\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append [$this reduceAssoc]
if {$opposite != ""} {
set typeName [[$this ooplType] getName]
$sect append "$typeName $paramId\n"
# note: no cast in powerbuilder
$sect append "$paramId = object\n"
} else {
set type [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $paramId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
$sect append "if isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "return\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append "classset theSet\n"
# note: no cast in powerbuilder
$sect append "theSet = $varName.get($qualId)\n"
$sect append "if not isNull(theSet) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "theSet.remove($paramId)\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
$sect append [$opposite reduceAssoc $paramId]
method PBGQualAttr::genSetQualifiedAccessor {this class} {
set opposite [$this opposite]
if {$opposite == ""} {
set accessStr [$this getAccessorAccess w]
} else {
set accessStr "public"
if {$accessStr == "none"} {
set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
set name "set[cap $ident]"
set type [PBType new ""]
set access [PBAccess new $accessStr]
set accessor [PBFunction new $name $type $access]
$class addObjectFunction $accessor
set qualifier [$this qualifier]
set qualId [$qualifier getName]
set type [[$qualifier ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $qualId $type $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
set paramId "new[cap $ident]"
set paramType [[$this ooplType] generate]
set modifier [PBModifier new ""]
set param [PBParameter new $paramId $paramType $modifier]
$accessor addParameter $param
# Generate body
set sect [TextSection new]
$accessor body $sect
$sect append "${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}\n"
$sect append "if isNull($paramId) then\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "return\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "end if\n"
$sect append "[$this getAssocVariable].set($qualId, $paramId)\n"
if {$opposite != ""} {
$sect append [$opposite extendAssoc $paramId]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGQualAttrD : {PBGQualAttr OPQualAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualAttr {this} {
PBGQualAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgreverse.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class PBGReverseLinkAttr : {PBGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor PBGReverseLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGReverseLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method PBGReverseLinkAttr::generate {this globalOoplClass class} {
if ![$this isValidAssociation] {
$this genAssocVariable $class
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this genGetAccessor $class
} else {
$this genGetManyAccessor $class
$this genCtor $class
$this genDtor $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGReverseLinkAttrD : {PBGReverseLinkAttr OPReverseLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPReverseLinkAttr {this} {
PBGReverseLinkAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgqualass.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBGQualAssocAttr : {PBGQualAttr} {
method destructor
constructor PBGQualAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGQualAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGQualAssocAttrD : {PBGQualAssocAttr OPQualAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualAssocAttr {this} {
PBGQualAssocAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)pbgquallin.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class PBGQualLinkAttr : {PBGQualAttr} {
method destructor
constructor PBGQualLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [PBGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method PBGQualLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class PBGQualLinkAttrD : {PBGQualLinkAttr OPQualLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualLinkAttr {this} {
PBGQualLinkAttrD promote $this